I know that maybe it's not a big deal but I'm terribly scared of the idea that maybe I'll suffer from not having access to the information again, it's the biggest fear.
I think you simply lived a traumatic event in your childhood.
Being deprived of freedom for an extended amount of time, may cause the mind to react as you describe. Living with a permanent block to your internet, and any access to the knowledge from the Gods, may have left a scar in your mind. You may not consciously feel that, but your subconscious may have literally felt like in prison for a while, as it was deprived of "fresh air", namely the Truth from the Gods.
When the error pops up in your screen, this is called a "trigger", or an event that may turn on fears, or other emotional reactions, because it is very similar to a past event that caused this trauma and the mind wrongly believes you are back in the past. Amigdala gland then reacts and enact emotional defenses, like feeling anxious in the attempt of finding an immediate solution, or the such.
Healing a trauma can be done in many ways. The most basic is inner dialogue, by literally explaining to your subconscious, when the "error" pops up in your screen, that you are not prevented access to JoS/ToZ by anyone now. Also, getting connected safely, will further erase this fear - provided you keep sending this information to your mind, as the mind may "freeze" to the event of not being connected, and omit to perceive the subsequent events, like being connected.
In addition you may use Munka to remove traumatic fears, in 40 days sessions - or longer. I believe also the rune Wunjo can be used for healing, vibrating into the affected chakra (I think it can be hearth or throat chakra, but you only know that).