Due to the low levels of introspection of most people [closely none at all happened in one's life] one has to really start learning how to be self aware. Certain emotions that arise from meditation, be these dread, fear, worry or anxiety, an incessant need to stop meditating, or other depressive tendencies, must be observed and followed on their roots, and addressed.
After the cleaning and rectification period is over, then one will feel at peace and stronger than ever. Certain things might need to be vented out; the forums allow this [anonymously or otherwise] and that can be very cathartic. Other things might require inner reconciliation, revenge, or changes in one's mindset. All of these, will lead to inner healing - but before the healing, there might be a form of suffering involved.
It's very important for any human being to address these issues when one is "here" and "alive", because these get carried away with the soul, and unresolved issues can make you feel boggled down. One must not proceed in the cleaning procedures with shame, guilt and fear, but they should encounter them with a certain given happiness over the fact one can do this.
Unacceptable, foolish and in many other types of akward emotions will certainly arise. Emotional language is here to let you know where certain issues lie. For example, if you are improving your power via Chakra work, you might notice you do not want to do this, or that your mind constantly tries to find excuses to stop it, or you might experience feelings of wanting to stop it.
Some of you have told me, especially newer members, that you meditate and sometimes when you get angry you might hear thoughts of blasphemy towards the Gods. Psychologically, that's because the back of your mind might still have negative latent beliefs about them. This goes away with time. A lifetime of programming can go into this and cause these results.
Repressed anger towards "God" can also come into play, as for the first time in your life you are moving towards the Godly things in life; ie, meditating and so on. So the lesser part of the mind just reacts. None of this really affects your relation with the Gods and none of this is unnatural [that's a reaction to inner sickness] and shouldn't bother someone. One just should proceed and continue healing the soul.