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Meditations #76897 Anxiety and negative thoughts towards the Gods

This question is related to meditation.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Now that my energy has gotten stronger, when I do cleaning my negative thoughts have increased. But they are irrational and not coming from me. It's not my brain, I can tell, but it at the same time seems like it is.

It says meditation is stupid, or doing rituals to Gods is pointless, and insults the Gods which is very unsettling, and makes me feel strong anxiety that this path is not my destiny and other dumb shit

I know its just the curses, but how can I stop it? It's very unsettling
I suffer from a similar problem. I'm not sure exactly. Intrusive thoughts that aren't really yours. The more you don't want them to happen, the more they come at you. The enemy has something to do with it most likely but I think it's mainly part of a worrying personality/soul that also has an uncontrolled imaginative mind that starts conjuring all sorts of nonsense scenarios or blasphemous thoughts to then make you feel that you don't deserve to be with the Gods or that you're a bad person.

Not sure if returning curses would work, since it'll return to some grey if the enemy had something to do with it. But if it's just you or mainly you, then I'm not sure honestly. Some input from a fellow Zevist who found a way to deal with all of this would be appreciated.
Yeah its annoying when that happens, honestly I am not sure what causes it, we used to think it was the enemy but at this point I think there is something more intrinsic to human nature at play.
Either way the Gods understand and forgive you for such things, as to how to fix it, I personally think it relates to the lunar energies of one soul, try a Shreem/Shrim working.
Now that my energy has gotten stronger, when I do cleaning my negative thoughts have increased. But they are irrational and not coming from me. It's not my brain, I can tell, but it at the same time seems like it is.

It says meditation is stupid, or doing rituals to Gods is pointless, and insults the Gods which is very unsettling, and makes me feel strong anxiety that this path is not my destiny and other dumb shit

I know its just the curses, but how can I stop it? It's very unsettling
What you're describing is very similar to an enemy's psychic attack (I'm talking about enemy entities).

I recommend that you thoroughly cleanse your chakras and your general astral body, as well as your house, apartment, and room.

When cleaning the house, you can visualize a bright white light as fire, as a flame that burns all enemy entities, I also recommend using the appropriate affirmation.
Now that my energy has gotten stronger, when I do cleaning my negative thoughts have increased. But they are irrational and not coming from me.

I know its just the curses, but how can I stop it? It's very unsettling
See, you already have the answer. These are intrusive thoughts, coming from negative emotions that are brought to surface by cleaning.
Maybe if you affirm this to yourself when you notice it happening, it will help you feel better.

But other than that, there's nothing you "need to do". Acting like there's something that needs to be fixed will just make the issue bigger in your mind and potentially give it energy.
Simply accept and experience what you are experiencing, and let it pass.

Eventually, it will stop happening.
Now that my energy has gotten stronger, when I do cleaning my negative thoughts have increased. But they are irrational and not coming from me. It's not my brain, I can tell, but it at the same time seems like it is.

It says meditation is stupid, or doing rituals to Gods is pointless, and insults the Gods which is very unsettling, and makes me feel strong anxiety that this path is not my destiny and other dumb shit

I know its just the curses, but how can I stop it? It's very unsettling

Cleansing and Protection together with void meditation with black energy, perhaps including positive affirmations, could remove problems and calm the mind.
It can indeed be the Influence of Enemy Beings, which can Influence the Mental Processes and provoke various Psycho-emotional Reactions, thus feeding on the Energy from your Soul to continue their Existence. In such a case it is necessary to banish the Entity, you can do it through your GD.

But since you are doing Power Meditations, I am still inclined to believe that you are Releasing repressed Emotions and Feelings from the Chakras. This is also especially noticeable with Enhanced Runic Cleanings, because Runes are able to dispel the Spiritual Filth.

Here is a very important Sermon on the subjectMeditation: Cleaning Repressed Emotions.

Here's some much useful info from the Sermon:
Due to the low levels of introspection of most people [closely none at all happened in one's life] one has to really start learning how to be self aware. Certain emotions that arise from meditation, be these dread, fear, worry or anxiety, an incessant need to stop meditating, or other depressive tendencies, must be observed and followed on their roots, and addressed.

After the cleaning and rectification period is over, then one will feel at peace and stronger than ever. Certain things might need to be vented out; the forums allow this [anonymously or otherwise] and that can be very cathartic. Other things might require inner reconciliation, revenge, or changes in one's mindset. All of these, will lead to inner healing - but before the healing, there might be a form of suffering involved.

It's very important for any human being to address these issues when one is "here" and "alive", because these get carried away with the soul, and unresolved issues can make you feel boggled down. One must not proceed in the cleaning procedures with shame, guilt and fear, but they should encounter them with a certain given happiness over the fact one can do this.

Unacceptable, foolish and in many other types of akward emotions will certainly arise. Emotional language is here to let you know where certain issues lie. For example, if you are improving your power via Chakra work, you might notice you do not want to do this, or that your mind constantly tries to find excuses to stop it, or you might experience feelings of wanting to stop it.

Some of you have told me, especially newer members, that you meditate and sometimes when you get angry you might hear thoughts of blasphemy towards the Gods. Psychologically, that's because the back of your mind might still have negative latent beliefs about them. This goes away with time. A lifetime of programming can go into this and cause these results.

Repressed anger towards "God" can also come into play, as for the first time in your life you are moving towards the Godly things in life; ie, meditating and so on. So the lesser part of the mind just reacts. None of this really affects your relation with the Gods and none of this is unnatural [that's a reaction to inner sickness] and shouldn't bother someone. One just should proceed and continue healing the soul.
In addition to all very good advices others gave here, I van add this problem may be deeper than expected - in some cases.
It normally comes from mind programming, the enemy, etc.

In some less frequent cases, the mind may have underwent a trauma in childhood, causing the mind to split and store a "part" of personality, namely an inner self separate from the main self, containing negative memories and emotions about the trauma. Sometimes it happens this buried self contains also memories and experience before the trauma, so if you have received heavy xian education and programming, it may contain unwanted hate/fear about the Gods.
Should it be your case, a bit more reprogramming may be needed. Inner dialogue, like talking to yourself while in trance, may reveal if you have some hidden/buried self who is constantly screaming against the Gods. You may sense it from time to time, as intrusive thoughts. It is not always the enemy directly attacking you.
A few months ago, I posted a thread in which I ask if while cleaning with Surya, was it normal that I hear xian praises, memories, songs in my mind, i was given an answer that it is just a normal process of cleaning. After a while it did not past or go away, i hear those days and nights, deliriously in every waking moments, i am better now but just typing this it try to play those again in my mind. It was as you described : you know it’s not your thoughts, and suprisingly in a sense not an attack either. This is because at the time I went berserk doing vinasa, Andras, Abrasax and others Gods’ Rituals to help dealing with a attacker and… no effect. Though maybe not devoting a bit of time for a “proper void meditation” may play a role? I don’t know i think i do void meditation by concentrating in doing stuff?

Anyway, it was a confusing time not knowing what happened. And for a while longer and the frequency of happening did reduce but never go away fully. I think it transform to other things to torment me instead by taking the information of everyday and play them back to me just like with the xian’s thing, with the biggest offender was it use of musics. At this point in time when i was not not sleeping I was being tormented nearly 24/7, focusing on doing stuff just to realize that it was constantly playing, reminding, shuffling throught musics in the back of my mind while my real thoughts actively being focus on. I think that i have to endure it for months, only when i think the mind was getting better, everything was silent. Behold, xian’s music returned to keep me on my toes.

Well it did get better and become less intrusive and more silent now, only after months of enduring through. Yet, it did not go away. I notice it in every real thoughts of mine, accompanied by challenges to the thoughts, independence? of my own’s. Some being doubts, challenges the Gods, sometimes remind me of xianity, and… play music in my head when i don’t want to,… many more things. I don’t know if i truly overtime “clean it out” or i simply become numb to its’ effects.

Anyway, I have been trying to “silence” this for a while now. Maybe my unconscious just go haywire and that’s why one needs to control it? Still i guess it good to realize im not going crazy, whatever it is i would want to uproot it permanently, would then a healing spell work or will a remove working be necessary. I do not really know.
Now that my energy has gotten stronger, when I do cleaning my negative thoughts have increased. But they are irrational and not coming from me. It's not my brain, I can tell, but it at the same time seems like it is.

It says meditation is stupid, or doing rituals to Gods is pointless, and insults the Gods which is very unsettling, and makes me feel strong anxiety that this path is not my destiny and other dumb shit

I know its just the curses, but how can I stop it? It's very unsettling
Do void meditation and also Aura of Protection. Try to do banishment ritual in your room (visualize intense blue fire in your room for few minutes).
This is very typical, I myself have similar problems and it is clearly not the usual “doubts” in what I do, I have not once been convinced of the reality of the Gods, and these thoughts are still as if received as a radio receiver in the video of my brain, I tried everything, of course aura protection and cleaning I have daily, rune is for calming the mind.

Some result gave visualization of myself in ultraviolet light, but I can not imagine myself in it forever)
This is very typical, I myself have similar problems and it is clearly not the usual “doubts” in what I do, I have not once been convinced of the reality of the Gods, and these thoughts are still as if received as a radio receiver in the video of my brain, I tried everything, of course aura protection and cleaning I have daily, rune is for calming the mind.

Some result gave visualization of myself in ultraviolet light, but I can not imagine myself in it forever)
"Not once" Not
I have not once been convinced of the reality
Stupid translator
I agree that this is a very typical thing that you get more resilient to over time. Sounds like spiritual attacks or some other kind of unconscious thing attached to/trying to attach to your aura that you are meant to clear. I came to say that it helps to start viewing those thoughts as tests. Every time you gain power there will be new tests. If you’re being tested, it must mean you’re progressing. If you’re progressing, it must mean you’re going to be tested.
It happens to me too, sometimes when I dedicate myself to power rituals, or to some meditations, the old xian songs and the horrible prayers towards the enemy echo in my head, moreover I think I also have a good memory, in catechism I was the first to learn many things by heart and now I bitterly regret all the crap they put in our heads, however meditation in the void I know helps to cut out unwanted thoughts, they are simply like psychic "boredom", not stopping could be the solution, it is equivalent to changing the frequency of a radio and not tuning in, the same is equivalent to seeing negative enemy alien entities like the grays.
It happens to me too, sometimes when I dedicate myself to power rituals, or to some meditations, the old xian songs and the horrible prayers towards the enemy echo in my head, moreover I think I also have a good memory, in catechism I was the first to learn many things by heart and now I bitterly regret all the crap they put in our heads, however meditation in the void I know helps to cut out unwanted thoughts, they are simply like psychic "boredom", not stopping could be the solution, it is equivalent to changing the frequency of a radio and not tuning in, the same is equivalent to seeing negative enemy alien entities like the grays.
This boils down to deprogramming and reprogramming the mind from christian influence. Due to the severity of this in your cases, it might require several self-hypnosis sessions, at the very least.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
