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The Gods #76896 About God's and other beings

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I'm a bit skeptical but let me see if I understood your description of this matter, so seraphim made the grays that made humanoid species and the jews as well and the gods refined the humanoids? Are the gods and the enemy seraphim related?

And what about yaweh, is it like an egregore made by the jews through prayer and rituals to control all Abraham followers. Is yaweh a sentient being like akin to a Lovecraftian horror?
I'm a bit skeptical but let me see if I understood your description of this matter, so seraphim made the grays that made humanoid species and the jews as well and the gods refined the humanoids? Are the gods and the enemy seraphim related?
No. There is a lot of confusion here, I suggest you read the ToZ.

And what about yaweh, is it like an egregore made by the jews through prayer and rituals to control all Abraham followers. Is yaweh a sentient being like akin to a Lovecraftian horror?
YHWH is an entity that resides in other planes of existence where he maintains a controlling/commanding role, through agreement made, with the direct descendants of Abraham, as written in their books.
I'm a bit skeptical but let me see if I understood your description of this matter, so seraphim made the grays that made humanoid species and the jews as well and the gods refined the humanoids? Are the gods and the enemy seraphim related?

And what about yaweh, is it like an egregore made by the jews through prayer and rituals to control all Abraham followers. Is yaweh a sentient being like akin to a Lovecraftian horror?

"Seraphs" (reptile-like physical non-organic entities that have evolved in a different direction than we did) turn regular organic species into "greys", lifeless bodies controlled by a hivemind (the "Seraphs" themselves are also essentially a hivemind).
The hominids that existed here on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago naturally evolved (potentially after an extinction event of a previous human-like race, as the Earth did have cycles before and our understanding of its creation and history is only partially correct, but this is not too relevant), and while this evolution is guided by the Gods through their Universal powers that they hold within higher dimensions, the actual extraterrestrial avatars of the Gods did not get involved in this.
After a certain point, the Gods' Avatars did visit our planet, and evolved our species by modifying our DNA to be more like theirs (in the case of the "white" race, they used their own DNA), with spiritual potential for Godhead and miraculous powers as we evolve.

They eventually left, for reasons we do not know (I assume, so we learn independence), and eventually, some random desert tribe was in a necessary state (low caste, narcissistic, bitter, and at the brink of extinction) to be exposed to, "helped by" (modified spiritually in a much more Faustian way), and serve the aforementioned "Seraphs" and greys. This desert tribe being the jews.
Other indigenous tribes did likely worship these "lizards", and certain ancient religions were influenced by them to a degree, but those religions didn't catch on, and those indigenous tribes died out. The jews were the only ones able to be relatively successful for a couple millennia in corrupting the planet with enemy lies and establishing a dominion they didn't deserve.

YHWH is a dead thoughtform/egregore, yes. We deactivated all of these cheap tricks over time with our RTRs, rendering jewish magick damn near obsolete on an astral level, with any future efforts on their part being much more easy to extinguish with little effort in the future.
If you're skeptical, you'll find it easier to read detailed Articles about it, rather than being simplistically presented with information that is available in full and required reading.

About Jews:
These Sermons from HPHC have absolutely all the information on the Origins of the Jews, we can say «from and to», at least what we need to know, it will really be enough to understand, read ALL the answers from HPHC, not just the Sermons:

About YHVH, Jesus and the Enemy:

Such words as «Seraphim», «Cherubim», «Angels» and, obviously, «Demons» or «Theurgy» and others — they are not of Jewish origin and do not go back to the Jews at all. They have nothing of their own, they have no Rights to the Matter. All these words used by the Jews for their filthy and manipulative purposes have been distorted. Remember this. Many of our Demons and Gods have the Rank of Seraphim or Cherubim (you can see for yourself if you read the section on the Pantheon of Hell, which also describes the Experience of Lady Maxine Dietrich).

About «Seraphims»:
All of the words "Seraphim, Cherubim" and all of these, have to do with the rank of an entity, not a species. The "Seraph" has to do with fiery serpents, often-times related to the Gods as they are called "The Blazing ones".

Some of the Gods are actually on this rank that is called the "Seraphim", and others are the "Cheruvim".

Cherubim is actually from Keruv which goes back to Akkadian, related to the word of the "Blessing". Generally all of these terms are actually Mesopotamian, but the jews have perverted these to no end. These do not have to do with reptilians, just spiritual rank.

People who had no clue called them "Reptilians" as the Seraphim have to do with Blazing Serpents and they call anything that is called a Serpent a "Reptilian". That is not so. Many of our Gods are on the highest ranks. These titles for these rankings do go back into Akkad and Sumeria, but they have been ruined now with enemy meaning.

To avoid confusion I will upload a new section that is clear from jewish shit on the site, to clarify these and give a better overview on how this goes.

You can read about that more here (also about «Seraphims»): The Hierarchy and Orders of Demons.

Well, read the ToZ Library and use joswiki for easy keyword navigation. A lot of Knowledge has already been published.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
