We have been in a recession for years already. Biden put us into a recession then he literally got the FED to change the official definition of the word "recession" so that they could say that we were not in one. All they ever talk about is saying "Oh my god, Trump is the president and look how expensive eggs are!" When one of the last things Biden did was to order for 100 Million chickens to be killed and incinerated because they were worried about bird flu spreading. Who guessed that if you kill 100 Million chickens, there will be less eggs available. You will be happy to learn that right now the egg price has been lowered and it is now lower than it was when Trump took office. And you will be happy to learn that the inflation is officially decreasing now, and we are steadily climbing our way out of Biden's recession. The Stagflation is decreasing and being removed and repaired. Trump's first term was the greatest economy in all od America's entire history, with the absolute lowest levels of unemployment ever seen across any demographic of people and the highest average income. Trump already created the greatest economy in American history, and possibly even the greatest economy in world history. He can do the same thing a second time.
Elon did not do a Roman salute sign. He grabbed at his heart, then he threw it towards the crowd while literally saying "I throw my heart to you." He didn't even put the hand straight up, he threw it toward the side. Stupid hoax by lying jews. At least watch the actual video before just blindly listening to lying criminal jews on television.
The Panama Canal is the single most important port in the entire world. And it was Americans who built it. This was the most expensive construction project in the history of America, one of the most expensive projects in world history. In modern money value, it cost us more than a Trillion dollars to build this, and also the lives of around 40,000 American men. The fact that Jimmy Carter sold a canal worth more than a Trillion dollars to build and worth Trillions of dollars of global trade, and sold all of this for just $1 is an absolute disgrace. The deal was that America and Panama would work together and share this canal, and the deal would be that none of our enemies should ever have any control over this. If Panama wants to run the canal, that is fine. But they can not give it to China to control. And that is exactly what happened. Through China's "Belt and Road Initiative" China has given loans of billions of dollars to countries all over the world, mostly in Africa and South America. China has given money, workers, and materials to build infrastructure in these countries like bridges, hydroelectric dams, and other large projects. And in return, China now owns parts of these countries and is allowed to take valuable natural resources from them and also can stage military equipment in these countries. Similar to how Nato stages military equipment in all member countries so any of these countries may be used as military bases. Panama owed a lot of money to China for Belt and Road Initiative projects, and in return, control of the canal was given to China. Our most dangerous military and economic enemy gaining control of the most valuable port in the world is absolutely unacceptable.
You could say the other most valuable port in the world is the one from the Mediterranean through the Arabian gulf to the Indian ocean. This port has been attacked by houthi terrorists for years. They highjack boats, hold the crews hostage, murder crew members, steal items, destroy and sink the boats, and just in every way act as terrorists. You see this weekend Trump taking action against the houthis to make this port safe to protect Global trade and allow all other countries to send their boats through there safely. Trump working to protect the 2 most important ports on Earth and protect trillions of dollars of global trade is absolutely a good thing.
It isn't about taking over Greenland if they don't want it. It is about forming a partnership with them and working together with them. Which the extreme majority of the Greenland population actually agrees to and wants this to happen. They all want their independence from Denmark. Greenland is important for several reasons. It is important as a strategic military location, as it is actually north from Canada and is in between Russia and North America. So it is an important location in any possible conflict with Russia, for the protection of North America. By forming a partnership with them, we will be able to build defensive military bases there. There also is an important trade route between North America and Europe which goes past Greenland. This trade route has not been used much in the last hundred years because the ice has gotten so thick, but it used to be used all the time. And with the ice now melting, it looks like this trade route will become very active again in the near future, which is another reason why it is extremely strategically important for America to maintain control over this and not allow any of our enemies like Russia to take it. And the 3rd reason is that one of the largest sources of oil in the entire world (actually the largest if I remember correctly) has recently been found in Greenland. America has the money to be able to fund the creation of the infrastructure for harvesting this oil, then the profits will be shared between Greenland and America. Which is enough to make every single person in Greenland a Billionaire. It is a partnership which will have the greatest benefits to both sides.
Canada has been taking advantage of us for decades through unfair trade arrangements. We pay Canada hundreds of billions of dollars every year. And why? What do they do for us? We don't need anything that they have. Giving that much money to a foreign government is unjustifiable. They need to start working together with us in a more fair way and start to buy more things from us, to lessen the trade deficit. Tariffs are a tool to open a negotiation, to get them to come to the table to talk about a fair agreement. They have tariffs against us that far exceed our tariffs against them. Maybe the deal will be that they end up decreasing their tariffs against us and we both decrease the tariffs. Or maybe they join us, as it will then become justified to give them hundreds of billions of dollars of aid money if they are part of our country. It doesn't matter what the specific outcome is as long as it is something that will be more fair and beneficial to the American people. If Canada is unable to exist on its own without having the majority of its economy subsidized by America, then why should it? America and Canada are like the nurse on Southpark with the conjoined twin stuck to her face. Stupid comparison, but it is true.
The federal government is the most wasteful organization in the history of this planet. They literally waste trillions of dollars every year. And every year, America's debt goes up by trillions of dollars. The numbers are so large that it can't even be imagined. Major changes are needed to remove as much wasted money as possible or else America will not survive. This debt is absolutely unsustainable any longer. Just look at all of the money laundering found in USAID which is the US Agency for International Development. It is not US "Aid" that is not what it is called and not what it does. Literally hundreds of billions of dollars stolen every year from American tax payers and funneled into criminal schemes, corruption, and money laundering all over the world. Most of that money finds its way being paid back to the criminal corrupt politicians who authorized it. Billions of dollars from USAID were laundered through fake NGOs before being sent directly back to Act Blue as "donations" which is the fundraising platform of the democrat party. If you don't care about hundreds of billions of tax payer's dollars being stolen by lying corrupt criminals every year, then you are free to go take all the money out of your accounts and set it all on fire. But the thieves have been caught red handed and it is finally being put to an end which is a good thing.