AskSatanOperator Well-known member Joined Dec 16, 2022 Messages 7,074 Location [email protected] Monday at 12:49 AM #1 Is the New World Order on the way ? Can we stop it ? Click to expand...
Hs666 Well-known member Joined Sep 28, 2017 Messages 2,108 Monday at 1:27 AM #2 AskSatanOperator said: Is the New World Order on the way ? Can we stop it ? Click to expand... Yes, the enemy's plan is ready to manifest, the background has been created, now they will try to bring it to light. But they have a problem. We do. The agenda is scheduled until about 2030, but it will fail. Click to expand...
AskSatanOperator said: Is the New World Order on the way ? Can we stop it ? Click to expand... Yes, the enemy's plan is ready to manifest, the background has been created, now they will try to bring it to light. But they have a problem. We do. The agenda is scheduled until about 2030, but it will fail.
Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN Well-known member Joined Feb 19, 2021 Messages 2,283 Website Monday at 3:45 AM #3 AskSatanOperator said: Is the New World Order on the way ? Can we stop it ? Click to expand... With the ritual schedules published by the High Priests. If you see they are working. Stick to the schedule, soldier! Click to expand...
AskSatanOperator said: Is the New World Order on the way ? Can we stop it ? Click to expand... With the ritual schedules published by the High Priests. If you see they are working. Stick to the schedule, soldier!
Seeker in the Dark Active member Joined Jul 8, 2024 Messages 609 Monday at 8:46 AM #4 You should listen to what the WEF has been saying since Trump won. They've basically already given up. Trump has screwed Agenda 2030 permanently. Click to expand...
You should listen to what the WEF has been saying since Trump won. They've basically already given up. Trump has screwed Agenda 2030 permanently.
Henu the Great Well-known member Joined Apr 14, 2020 Messages 9,648 Monday at 9:18 AM #5 The spiritual backbone for manifesting the NWO as the enemy wants it has been broken. Click to expand...