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The Gods #76736 How could I know Satan/Zeus is God?

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
How could I truly know Satan or Zeus is God? What if the Christians are right and you’re all just being tricked by a fallen angel who pretends to and wants to be God as the bible claims?

Did an experience or knowledge convince you that he was indeed God? What was it and why?
Yes, there is a so-called "God" who demands your obedience, threatening you with eternal torture if you refuse to submit.

If you think logically, you’ll see that the death programmings like Christianity, Islam, and similar religions relies on fear to keep people enslaved.

The more you research, the clearer it becomes that Christianity is a distorted version of ancient religions, built on stolen knowledge.

If you sincerely pray to Zeus, you will experience his presence. Keep researching with an open mind and do your best, free from prejudice.

Temple of Zeus
Christian Evil Exposed
How could I truly know Satan or Zeus is God? What if the Christians are right and you’re all just being tricked by a fallen angel who pretends to and wants to be God as the bible claims?

Did an experience or knowledge convince you that he was indeed God? What was it and why?

Study www.templeofzeus.org and it explains this. Meditate on what you read, and also study yourself and you will understand

You can also pray to him and ask him directly to guide you towards this understanding
What if the Christians are right and you’re all just being tricked by a fallen angel who pretends to and wants to be God as the bible claims?

The phrase "fallen angel" is mentioned zero times in that shitty book.

Nor does the bible mention any example where Satan deceived anyone, but there is plenty of passages where their god deceives people.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned

1 Kings 22:23
“So now the Lord has put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours. The Lord has decreed disaster for you.”

So even their bible shows that Satan is the good guy. Imagine that!
Would you believe the answers? Maybe everyone on this forum is a liar.....
You have so many avenues in front of you to find information and see for yourself, and you are again looking for someone else's opinion (as in the case of the bible). Find out for yourself and make a decision.
For 40 thousands of years people all around the world believed in the same Gods and you are trembled by some rabbi that magically came into existence 2000 years ago? No inscriptions and reports about him either. Dr. Rabbi Paul had a nightmare and decided to write a legend of it. This is the Christian God. Nothing else. A fiction.

But of course you can dismiss the 40 thousand year old human culture and the probably thousands of testimonials from members that was written on this forum, and believe this godly figure that no one ever interacted with or anything.
How could I truly know Satan or Zeus is God?

He is, I could receive a clear sign from him yesterday on this. In general I also wondered how I could have been so stupid not to have understood about Satan = Zeus before it was explained by HP HoodedCobra666. I felt like when you see Sherlock Holmes solving the murder and you wonder "it was clear! How did I not think of that?"

What if the Christians are right and you’re all just being tricked by a fallen angel who pretends to and wants to be God as the bible claims?

There is not a probability that this is true. Study history of religions (christian). Christianity (and also Islam) arose in small word-of-mouth contexts among Jews that influenced the views of non-Jews. In fact it developed as a set of subversive movements to destroy the original pagan system (of the Roman empire) in favor of a weak slave doctrine of love of suffering and 0 spirituality/meditation/power.

Did an experience or knowledge convince you that he was indeed God?

Yes, and just see that before the very recent Christ spread with the Inquisition and 0% free will decision-making, all peoples were followers of Zeus/Jupiter and Satan concepts (Satya, a very profound Sanskrit concept). No non-Jew ever saw what the Israelite people worshiped as a pretext between genocide against neighboring non-Jewish peoples, thinking "these Jews are right. The Torah is reliable." Jews themselves have no concept of the Christian faith. Yahweh promised land, women and riches of gold and cattle to the Abrahamic patriarchs. He did not promise them a place in heaven.

What was it and why?

I was doing a translation and I was wondering how important this concept of Satan actually being Zeus all along was. As I was hoping for a clear sign from him, I got it.
You have started to have questions and you have started to look for answers. That's good.

That's why it's time visit the page for all new members and start studying the JoS Literature. It will give you answers to many questions. Also read info about Exposing Christianity.

Start learning ToZ Knowledge. The answer to your question is very deep and very complex. But it has already been laid out. All you have to do is start reading. Without prejudice. You will learn everything.
How could I truly know Satan or Zeus is God? What if the Christians are right and you’re all just being tricked by a fallen angel who pretends to and wants to be God as the bible claims?

Did an experience or knowledge convince you that he was indeed God? What was it and why?
There are too many proofs that Satan is God and there is not even one proof that christian god exists. https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/SATAN_Full_PDF_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
