I used it on someone and it was great at first but I think it was a bad idea. There was some decent compatibility so I thought it'd be okay, but our life goals/values are different.
I'd like to undo the spell, but I don't want to hurt them, just for things to fizzle out organically.
To counteract or prevent someone from developing feelings for you, or to remove any negative ties with anyone, you essentially would do the opposite of the method described in the '
Love Spell' site. Instead of inciting love, you would aim to repel emotional or energetic connections rather than strengthening them.
This is ideal to do during a waning Moon in the signs of Aquarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, or Pisces, avoiding the Void of Course Moon.
Enter a '
trance state' through Power Breaths to raise your energies, or use whatever method that works best for you. Now, visualize their aura, light body, or chakras, and visualize any energetic cords connecting you to this person and astrally cut them. You can imagine scissors, a sword, or electric-blue fire severing the link, while imagining them feeling indifferent or even uninterested in you, while stating the affirmation 9 times with intent:
- "[Name] feels no longer any romantic or sexual attraction toward me."
- "[Name] sees me as just another person, with no special interest."
- You can adjust the affirmation as you see fit if the above is not satisfactory.
- If using above affirmation(s), you may want to add 'in a very positive and happy way for me' at the end.
If the ties run too deep or unknowingly in a chakra or chakras, you can do the following version of Freeing the Soul:
This working is highly effective but may need to be repeated depending on the severity of your situation and the strength of your soul. The impact of this working will also depend on its duration.
It is essential to perform this during a Waning Moon under the signs of Aquarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, or Pisces, avoiding the Void of Course Moon. This should be done for 9, 18, or 40 consecutive days. You can work with one or more runes, but using just one is efficient, especially if you are short on time or new to these types of workings. Starting small and gradually building up to higher repetitions is advisable as you gain experience and can handle more energy.
Use the runes Uruz and/or Ansuz. Choose a number of repetitions you wish to vibrate each day. The chosen number should be repeated daily for the duration of your consecutive days in this working:
Vibrate Uruz x9 or x18 times.
Vibrate Ansuz: x9 or 18 times.
Breathe in powerful electric-blue energy into your chakra, and on the exhale, vibrate the selected rune while imagining or visualizing this powerful electric-blue energy filling your entire chakra until it radiates like a miniature sun. Repeat this with each breath and vibration in all of the chakras.
After completing one rune, affirm something along the lines of such as the above examples, or something along the lines of, "I am always totally and completely free from any negativity, hindrance, and obstacle preventing me from a satisfactory and fulfilling life." Adjust the affirmation as you see fit. You may affirm it after completing each chakra individually, or wait until you've completed this process in all chakras.