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Workings #76014 can love spell improve mediocre compatibility


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
like if the synastry is good/decent, but not epic passionate romance.

can love spell be used to exacerbate the good stuff, so it is more passionate.

i am not talking about partners who are incompatible, but where it is just "okay enough" to make it passion filled.

Sorry, I hadn't even opened that question, I apologize. I'm not an expert in relationship astrology, but I'll at least give you my opinion.

Yes, if your goal is to develop love, attraction, etc. you can do it with magic. But if you have more specific things like "the synastry says that partner A acts in a particular way in the presence of partner B" then it might be unrealistic to change this tendency with Runes, etc. you can try to clarify with your partner now that you know this thing with astrology and tell him: "this attitude of yours makes me unhappy", but yes, if your desire is love, communication, romantic sexual desire, etc. you can still do the spell.
Sorry, I hadn't even opened that question, I apologize. I'm not an expert in relationship astrology, but I'll at least give you my opinion.

Yes, if your goal is to develop love, attraction, etc. you can do it with magic. But if you have more specific things like "the synastry says that partner A acts in a particular way in the presence of partner B" then it might be unrealistic to change this tendency with Runes, etc. you can try to clarify with your partner now that you know this thing with astrology and tell him: "this attitude of yours makes me unhappy", but yes, if your desire is love, communication, romantic sexual desire, etc. you can still do the spell.
There is only one major thing which is bad that I am worried about, which is my Venus is Square her Saturn... but there is also helpful stuff, which is my Venus Trine her Saturn.

Everything else in the chart is good, or minor conflicts. LOTS of sexual attraction, as well as emotional, mental, and good communication. However this one aspect worries me.

her Mars conjunct my AC.
her Mars conjunct my Sun.
My sun conjunct her moon.
My moon conjunct her moon.
^ all in my 1st House.
Our mercuries are conjunct.
My Pluto conjunct her sun.
Her Venus conjunct my IC.
Both sun's square each other's venus (idk if this is good or bad)
My jupiter opposite her moon (online they say this is bad???)
And a lot of Neptune trines.
And some other stuff I don't remember right now but that's the more pronounced good aspects.

I think maybe the other stuff will be enough to overpower this one aspect as it is? But I read it is an aspect of her rejecting my love.

And I have had a tendency before, why I put people off who were even more attracted to me than her, cos I don't know how to love properly. Like some other girl had like her whole chart basically in my 8th house and good moon/mars aspects which i still managed to fuck up before thing's got off the ground for like 2 yrs of cat and mouse.

I'm so retarded when it comes to romance, I don't want to fucj tb
his up again. She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen, literally angelic, and has an even better personality. I always fucking act with romantic autism.

Her Venus is also square my AC,but thats bcoz its conjunct my IC. But In the context of the other stuff, idk if this is bad. Like she will get the "ick" is how one person described it lol.
There is only one major thing which is bad that I am worried about, which is my Venus is Square her Saturn... but there is also helpful stuff, which is my Venus Trine her Saturn.

Everything else in the chart is good, or minor conflicts. LOTS of sexual attraction, as well as emotional, mental, and good communication. However this one aspect worries me.

her Mars conjunct my AC.
her Mars conjunct my Sun.
My sun conjunct her moon.
My moon conjunct her moon.
^ all in my 1st House.
Our mercuries are conjunct.
My Pluto conjunct her sun.
Her Venus conjunct my IC.
Both sun's square each other's venus (idk if this is good or bad)
My jupiter opposite her moon (online they say this is bad???)
And a lot of Neptune trines.
And some other stuff I don't remember right now but that's the more pronounced good aspects.

I think maybe the other stuff will be enough to overpower this one aspect as it is? But I read it is an aspect of her rejecting my love.

And I have had a tendency before, why I put people off who were even more attracted to me than her, cos I don't know how to love properly. Like some other girl had like her whole chart basically in my 8th house and good moon/mars aspects which i still managed to fuck up before thing's got off the ground for like 2 yrs of cat and mouse.

I'm so retarded when it comes to romance, I don't want to fucj tb
his up again. She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen, literally angelic, and has an even better personality. I always fucking act with romantic autism.

Her Venus is also square my AC,but thats bcoz its conjunct my IC. But In the context of the other stuff, idk if this is bad. Like she will get the "ick" is how one person described it lol.
you must also see what aspects your rulers have, however Saturn trine Venus does not mean that you are rejected that is the case when transiting Saturn touches your natal Venus. In any case, saturn is more prone to be cold towards venus.

the mars/asc and mars/sun aspects are aspects that can create arguments, especially from mars but at the same time it gives great physical attraction and passion

I would worry about the "many" trigons with neptune as this can cause deception in the relationship.

in any case there are good aspects.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
