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The Gods #76671 We worship Zeus now?

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
And Satan is also Beelzebub, who is Zeus? A decade ago the story was Beelzebub (Enlil) was Satan's brother, and was initially wrathful towards humanity for turning against the gods. This is a contradiction and a change I am finding very hard to process.
And Satan is also Beelzebub, who is Zeus? A decade ago the story was Beelzebub (Enlil) was Satan's brother, and was initially wrathful towards humanity for turning against the gods. This is a contradiction and a change I am finding very hard to process.
Here you go! You will find your answers here.
We haven't changed god or anything like that. We are evolving, and so we decided to change our name both to go back to our roots but also because by now Satan's name was too corrupt. You will find everything there. I recommend you also watch the YouTube videos of the High Priests.
Thread 'Official Live AMA Video from ToZ' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/official-live-ama-video-from-toz.298584/
And Satan is also Beelzebub, who is Zeus? A decade ago the story was Beelzebub (Enlil) was Satan's brother, and was initially wrathful towards humanity for turning against the gods. This is a contradiction and a change I am finding very hard to process.

Simply they are two essences of Zeus and Zeus divides into two essences and what is Satan and Baal-Zevulon are actually the same divine unit: Zeus himself. It is useless to connect the Gods to what we humans can understand. If you could conceive Zeus you would be equal to Zeus.
Zeus is Satan and Baalzebul, and vice versa. The connection between Zeus, Satan, and Baalzebul, involves different essences and layers of spiritual allegories, mythological interpretations, and esoteric symbolism. This is to help us understand and grasp higher realities, which enable growth and advancement of the mind and soul.

In older traditions, for example, Baalzebul (Enlil) was seen as a separate entity from Satan, sometimes depicted as his rival, brother, or half-brother. The idea of "brotherhood" in mythology is often metaphorical rather than literal, much like in Chinese allegories where "the three brothers meet" signifies a geographical location or philosophical concept, rather than an actual family relationship.

In essence, the apparent contradiction you perceive stem from evolving interpretations on your own behalf, rather than an actual change in fundamental meaning. Different essences and allegories emphasize different aspects, which do lead to variations in storytelling and spiritual teachings.
Yes, Satan is Zeus. And he goes by many other names.
He is one with this God's and his demons the same. That's why it's important to focus on him. Because he is all of that.โšก๏ธ๐Ÿ’ชโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘น
Yes, Satan is literally Zeus, they are not different Beings. But the same Being in Mythology symbolizes and manifests something unique. It is ciphered in Allegories. One Being, representing in different Emanations (hypostases), expresses somewhat different Forces of the Universe. This is the reason why one Being can have many names. This is not a contradiction, but an unfolding of the Mystery of Deity.

If you really want to go deeper into this subject, you should familiarize yourself with it even more deeply than you are familiar with it now. I've compiled all the relevant information in this thread (click). Of course, this will be coming out with new material from the Clergy, so stay tuned and delve into the new material.
They are "brothers" because they are God of the 2 face of the universe, the manifested and unmanifested.
In reality, there is no 2 God governing this two aspect, but one. Satan. Or however you call him.
I am very mentally limited in this moment, so I also struggle with that.
What I am doing, is giving me time to "gear in" with the change.

The only fact I have being able to understand - correct me please if I am wrong - is that Satan is seen as "distant" on Orion/Duat when we think of Him. Zeus indeed seems much more "here" on Earth, at least to me, just sitting on His throne here, not "there".
I guess this will bring the Powers of Hell to our planet, even more?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
