Well-known member
I am currently living in the United States with my dad and my step-mom , but my biological mother is living in Russia. I haven't seen her in person in 6 or 7 years and I have gotten her to answer my calls very rarely (this year 0 times, last year once, before last year twice). The reason why is because she has paranoid schizophrenia. She has no family left alive in Russia and no friends that I know of that help her; I have no idea where she is and what is going on with her. I am currently 17 but will be turning 18 soon in the summer so I was planning to visit her in Russia. My risks if I go to Russia once I'm 18 are mandatory military service for a year (or even worse if the war doesn't stop), that is why I don't know if I should go at that time. I am not worried about the 1 year, I am worried about being dragged into the war during my military service. I really want to see my mother, help her with treating schizophrenia, and get to know her more, I also really want to visit Russia. Please advise me, or direct me in the right direction for what I should do in order to achieve these two goals: seeing and helping my mother and visiting Russia.
This problem has pained me in life for far too long. I am so grateful that I found the path of truth.
Have a good day.
This problem has pained me in life for far too long. I am so grateful that I found the path of truth.
Have a good day.