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This question is related to the user's family.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I am currently living in the United States with my dad and my step-mom , but my biological mother is living in Russia. I haven't seen her in person in 6 or 7 years and I have gotten her to answer my calls very rarely (this year 0 times, last year once, before last year twice). The reason why is because she has paranoid schizophrenia. She has no family left alive in Russia and no friends that I know of that help her; I have no idea where she is and what is going on with her. I am currently 17 but will be turning 18 soon in the summer so I was planning to visit her in Russia. My risks if I go to Russia once I'm 18 are mandatory military service for a year (or even worse if the war doesn't stop), that is why I don't know if I should go at that time. I am not worried about the 1 year, I am worried about being dragged into the war during my military service. I really want to see my mother, help her with treating schizophrenia, and get to know her more, I also really want to visit Russia. Please advise me, or direct me in the right direction for what I should do in order to achieve these two goals: seeing and helping my mother and visiting Russia.
This problem has pained me in life for far too long. I am so grateful that I found the path of truth.
Have a good day.

I am currently living in the United States with my dad and my step-mom , but my biological mother is living in Russia. I haven't seen her in person in 6 or 7 years and I have gotten her to answer my calls very rarely (this year 0 times, last year once, before last year twice). The reason why is because she has paranoid schizophrenia. She has no family left alive in Russia and no friends that I know of that help her; I have no idea where she is and what is going on with her. I am currently 17 but will be turning 18 soon in the summer so I was planning to visit her in Russia. My risks if I go to Russia once I'm 18 are mandatory military service for a year (or even worse if the war doesn't stop), that is why I don't know if I should go at that time. I am not worried about the 1 year, I am worried about being dragged into the war during my military service. I really want to see my mother, help her with treating schizophrenia, and get to know her more, I also really want to visit Russia. Please advise me, or direct me in the right direction for what I should do in order to achieve these two goals: seeing and helping my mother and visiting Russia.
This problem has pained me in life for far too long. I am so grateful that I found the path of truth.
Have a good day.


Why is your mother there? Does she have some kind of American citizenship anyway that can protect her in the eyes of the state so that you can go to the appropriate U.S. agencies? I don't know how it works in America, because I'm not an American, but does your mother have any kind of connection to the Americas so that you can turn to any kind of state legal force to take her with you?
This is a sensitive topic, so please keep in mind that what I say are only things for you to think about, not suggestions for action. Do ask the Gods, and I hope you find a proper solution.

First of all, I have firsthand experience with people who have schizophrenia. If you're the only person trying to help, with no other support, this can bring ruin to yourself.

This is very dependent on her case and how severe it is. You mentioned there is no contact and no other family members or friends who know of her? Not even one that you could contact?

Your desire to help is admirable. Do you have a proper plan? Keep in mind that you will need quite a bit of money to help her and yourself. Are you prepared financially? She might be involved in dangerous situations, have other health issues, or even be in debt.

As you said the military service is mandatory, not sure exactly how the system works there, but do you think after that 1 year they will let you go? Isn't the war ongoing, hence they need people? Will you be able to still help her after that 1 year of service? Is this realistic? War-like conditions are not like movies, no Zevist should go and die pointlessly.

Do you plan to go alone? Will there be help from your father or other family members? These are things you need to discuss with your extended family to get their support.

Maybe the safest way is to keep calling her, and when she responds, suggest that she can come to the U.S and get the necessary help and support... of course, if this is accepted by your family or if you plan to help with her expenses and living.

Spiritual-wise you can do a prayer to the Gods asking to keep her safe and out of harm until you can manage more responsibilities. Keep up with your aura cleaning and aura of protection.
If you're an American citizen and only in Russia on visit, then you probably won't be forced to attend military service. You can contact a lawyer for legal clarification on the matter.

Realistically, there might not be a lot you can do for her. If you thought about bringing her to America for better mental health care, she might not be able to make the flight anyway.

You can do a working so she gets better care. At the least, program her aura (after you clean her aura with white-gold light) and affirm that she is always safe, protected, healthy, and all her needs are taken care of. If you can't find her, ask your Guardian Demon for help locating her.

We have the ability to help our loved ones, but there is only so much that can be done in regards to other people's mental health and fate, until we are on a much higher level overall. I do wish you the best though.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
