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#76585 Use of Zeus

I don't recall Zeus being mentioned a lot. How is it we use that name for Satan now?
Actually the name Zeus is very important here, just go to the Temple of Zeus site. Also Zeus is part of the four crowned Princes of Hell: Satanas, Zeus, Astarte and Azazel or Apollo
Read all of these Sermons to make it clear:
And yeah, as Brother Egon above pointed out, check out this extremely important material, it's very informative: Official Live AMA Video from ToZ.
I will also give you some quick answers from HPHC, but which still complement the information above very well, so that you can have the full picture, so that you definitely don't have any more questions.
Why Zeus and not Odin or some other name from Pantheon/Mythology:

Because of the following reasons:

1. Odin is a weak adaptation, with lacking information. The Norse have left almost nothing besides a few poems. A culture cannot proceed solely on the basis of this.

2. The Ancient Greek Gods and realization of them and re-discovery of them, led to the European awakening of the 15th century onward, and the Gods were restored.

3. Ancient Egypt, Greece and Vedic India, have the most powerful knowledge. Other cultures have only remnants.

4. All information about Odin that exists, is also incorporated.

5. Ancient Hellenism spread far more powerfully over the whole Earth. The later Romans, did not even change anything because the culture had reached a state of perfection that was on a supreme high level. It absorbed Egyptian and all the meaningful elements.

6. There are endless surviving texts to expand upon from the Ancient Hellenic Civilization.

7. The Ancient Hellenic Civilization approved of everyone Gentile to join them. Other Pagan cultures were rather limited, especially due to geographical reasons.

8. Ancient Hellenism did not reject the followers of Odin, Hindus, Ancient Egyptians or Sumerians, or even going back to the Atlanteans. Many modern or older "followers of X" Pagan God, are just little and not that relevant regional tribalists of a very ordinary nature, compared to let's say, Aristotle.

9. Everyone can easily understand this root of Hellenism which is why the Romans also kept it and didn't touch it at all. They found a perfected system with predominant power which dwarfed their own "Roman" system or even Latin. All the Romans for all the duration of their empire, became Hellenists in order to expand their knowledge to a maximum level. When they arrived to Ancient Greece they understood what hardcore spiritual knowledge was. The same occurred when they visited Egypt.

10. Others also who for example follow "Odin" have to gain from this [It's our God anyway], but we have nothing to gain from their context. I can't be hearing about axes and boats, these won't save the planet. I say this in awareness of all the extolling statements of the Ancient Hellenes about Thule as well; but where is Thule today? Not a single document is left besides 3 documents which do not even provide the strong foundation needed on their own. Incorporated in ourselves, they can help.

It's about future and foundations to last. All other foundations are rather loose to say the least. The future of aeons cannot stand on top of them. Nobody woke up because they found a wooden figurine somewhere, they woke up after they engaged Hellenism or about Vedic India.

That's why every restoration of consciousness, goes back to these two. The last restoration of the Ancient European spirit, . Others are helpful, but not sufficient or full. These by the way, are the last and most prominent surviving cultures. Both exist powerfully still.

What's up with the name Satan/Satanas now and how to feel about it:
Even the Names the enemy used in many cases, are not blasphemous or wrong to the Gods, but they are falsely perceived that way by the mindwashed folk.

Satan or Satanas is nothing bad of a Name, it has other origins; but the question is that the people have been strongly embed and instructed to not see it that way.

As they first encounter the real Gods and then they understand this was the nasty work of the Jews [in that order] they will see it more openly like we have seen it here ourselves.

Then it starts making far more direct sense, than let's say, starting from the Jewish standpoint and deconstructing it.

We want to bring people in with clarity and the full truth, not to hide anything.
As we clear all the enemy's curses and power, the beings that have been underneath them [Satan/Zeus/Baal - all our Gods, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian, Hindu and what-not] are bound to re-emerge in their actual identities.

The enemy's context is no longer valid or existing. Adoption of a false and dead context in anyway, is simply dwelling in the past.

The enemy knows better than anyone what I am doing here, they cannot stop it either.

We are actually bringing back the Gods in pure form; not in anyway as the enemy wanted this to be. The enemy wanted us to be in their context, for of course, their usual lies, deception and control.


Yes, the entity we call Satan or Satanas is many things; for one, he is the incarnation of the Truth. Past that, He is an entity, but above all, he is also an essence of Truth itself. The name Satan has it's source in the Satanama and Satya mantra; the literalization of this was called before Zeus or Dheus Pater, or simply Truth.

Jews took this out of context and made it into some evil character in the Bible, who nevertheless, they reveal was the Head God of the Romans, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and basically everyone else predating them.

Behind the general code-word for the essence, there are many things. There is nothing abnormal with any of these distinctions. The general concept of Sa or Sat [Truth] divides itself in many ways. The concept of Sa and Sat [existing in Ancient Egypt & Sanskrit very evidently] does divide into many things later on.

This is like saying Bob is a father to someone, but Bob is also a construction worker, Bob is also a tax payer, and Bob is also wearing clothes; all of these things are real in the same time. It's still Bob or Truth in that case, simultaneously fulfilling many tasks and roles.

JoS and ToZ โ€” the Experience and Mission of the High Priests (Maxine and HPHC), and about Zeus as an Aspect of Satan:
You can ask anything you want and you are not a heretic.

HPS Maxine had a very specific mission which was to engage in the enemy context and bring the Gods out from that context, and rebuild a truthful and strong basis for this. She openly told us about the Gods extending to the Ancient Past and how they always existed before the advent of the enemy, which was pivotal in the restoration of the Gods in the modern era.

She knew a tremendous amount of information about the Gods, but her primary domain was to get into what was referred to as "Satanism" and clear it all out. The enemy manufactured Satanism in the 1960's, in order to misguide people that would later seek the Gods and create an anti-thesis to the awakening of the Ancient Gods.

HPS Maxine stopped this and created Original Satanism with the Original Gods, to save humanity from this secondary impeding attack which was meant to control the tide and stop the awakening to the Ancient Gods by the enemy. She succeeded into this and her work was furthered.

My task was to promote this process and to complete it with full restoration with the Gods, leaving the plot of the enemy behind. The Gods led me to Spiritual Satanism because it was and always has been the only true, unadultered and pure faith there is, because HPS Maxine discovered it truly and with full integrity.

About Zeus specifically, HPS Maxine has been American in her present incarnation. I had another input and destiny to take it from there. We operated as two pieces in the same larger machine.

When I saw these things transcendentally and in the light of new knowledge, I also went through many phases of concurrent realization of this. The Gods just told me to "keep going". If they didn't tell me to keep going and just told me the facts straight up, I would have not discovered true consciousness in order to see it for myself. This does not mean they didn't want us to know, but they want us to develop and to understand. When we understand, we see on our own.

After we conversed and I kept sharing both experiences, knowledge and deeper subsets of what I was put here to share, she understood a lot of this and gave me the "Go ahead" order. However, time is required for this to happen as not only others were advancing, I was also. This had to reach an accumulation for me, to happen and to be put in context. Certain questions took me 10 years or more to understand. The HPS Maxine I knew 13 years ago was on the same I knew 10 years later from this, she advanced a tremendous and mind boggling extent.

It's not simple as saying "Satan is Zeus" (The enemy knows this as well) but it's important to understand how things operate in the deeper levels totally. Only then one can speak and to explain fully.

Zeus separates into Dias (Divider) and Zeus (Connector) as well. These are two Names of Zeus. Another one is Zinas (which means the God who gave Life, ie the creator of God and Man). These are all aspects of Satan and Beelzebul.

Satan further, is also except of the Ultimate Being, the concept of Eternal Truth. The Truth or the Universe, is the far most important thing in all of existence and creation. Zeus in a sense is the manifestation of the Truth, yet since the Truth is essence and pure Being, Zeus or who was equated with Beelzebul is related as the gateway or the worldly authority in the manifested creation.

That's why they are referred to as "Brothers" - brothers are supposed to be "equal" and they are supposed to be essential to one another (there are epics of the Middle Ages where it is stated Beelzebul rules Hell and Satan rules it, like two hands in a body). These are all codes. The hand is right and left, but primarily, they are part of the same body and brain that operates them. The enemy is also aware of this so they cut no corners, they just call them both Devil and Satan without giving care to which hand is "in operation" at the time.

Satan = Unmanifest pure existence, the Truth
Beelzebul = Manifest pure existence, stemming from Truth, who is also the Truth by direct extension

It's the above that is of value, not to just say "Satan is Zeus". The enemy knows Satan/Devil/Lucifer is Zeus in their writings, the don't even hide it. But saying this alone is not advancing us. It's what is behind it and all the knowledge that can advance us.

In Luke 10:18, the jews say "I saw Satan fall like a thunderbolt from heaven" - A subconscious message on how Zeus (leader of the Thunderbolt or Lightning) "fell" from his Throne in Heaven.

On Revelations 2:13 they say "Satan whose throne in Pergamum dwelt" - The Throne of Zeus was in Pergamum. All of these are subconscious to show the "fall" of Satan/Lucifer from grace, and from being the Head God, into "falling".

Refer to my response above and you will understand. Satan is the Ultimate God, as thus the correlation with Satya or Truth. This however, is approached through the manifest order of orders, which is Beelzebul in the names we knew before.

Zeus and Satya are not by coincidence the choices here. Zeus is God, but Satya is the Essence of God itself.

Give it time. You will see and when people see, all things will click and permanently be on their place. This is the top of the top conception of our path. It takes time for it to sink in, and move all the way from basic understanding to ultimate.
HPS Maxine grew up around the 1960's which was the time of the first resurgence of defiance in popular culture, known as Satanism. Refer to the article by JG Alchemist and you will understand the flow of history around this.

This was her mission, to establish a proper course from that wave of new spiritual knowledge that arrived in the West and restore the basis of it. Her experiences were strongly correlated with the uprising in Satanism (first by LaVey and onward to Spiritual Satanism, which was the perfected form of Spiritual Satanism). She saved us from kosher "Satanism" and re-affirmed the roots of our Gods. Then, I have to take this one step further now.

After this, we have to move on, as currently this wave has ended and another one begins now, which will last for centuries to come. We no longer need to be reactionaries to the Jewish context. It will be defeated and removed completely through restoration of the full spectrum of the Gods.

I believe the information above will be enough for you, but anyway here is another super helpful thread from our Brother Egon: Q&A: Temple of Zeus, by HP HC.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
