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Health #76554 Veganism under Satan


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello JoS. I am a vegan, not because of some thing about disliking the flavor of meat but because I just cannot bring myself to support the evils of factory farming!

How does satan feel about this? I know it says satan doesnt think it's wrong to kill an animal to eat but how does he feel about factory farming, which leaves the animals to suffer his entire life, before he is skinned, sometimes alive?
I don't think its wrong to kill an animal for his meat either but factory farming is 100% CRUEL!
I just cannot bring myself to support the evils of factory farming!

I will tell you simply. Long ago when people followed Satan, animals were treated with the MOST respect despite being used to feed people sometimes if needed. Today Jews have no problem with intensive livestock farms. They would be willing to completely extinguish cows to make a few more shekels in a McDonald's crate. But it's not about supporting that. You won't do a Jew any harm if you stop eating meat from your local butcher. In fact, the Jew will be even happier to see you die undernourished. Sorry to be blunt.
You will die from veganism.

Myelin surrounds all of your nerves, exactly the same as the plastic insulation on a wire. And this is formed only from animal fat. Your brain is also made from this. Over time, the myelin will be degraded and will not be able to repair itself and you will end up having serous nerve problems.

Another problem is Vitamin B, which is impossible to find in a vegan diet. The vegan excuse is there are a couple rare kinds of bacteria that live in dirt and produce vitamin B, so eating dirt on unwashed vegetables will give vitamin B. Don't eat dirt, it would give you parasites and it would not give any vitamin B. Vitamin B is used in the mitochondria in your cells in producing ATP which is the source of energy for every cell in your body. Without vitamin B, this system shuts down and your cells are unable to generate or use any energy and this eventually kills people. Taking vitamin B pills does not work because like all other vitamins that come in a pill, they are not the real thing. These vitamin pills are synthetic chemicals made in a lab which are similar to the actual vitamin, but they are incomplete and they are lacking a lot of other parts that the real natural form contains. With any synthetic vitamin pill, it is best to consume it together with a real natural source of the same vitamin. Like taking a vitamin C pill with some orange juice. Because the synthetic vitamin that is only one small piece requires other parts from the natural source for it to work. If you take vitamin B pills when you have a severe vitamin B deficiency, it will not work because you do not have any of the other parts of the real natural vitamin B for it to use. So what happens is eventually people start getting vitamin B injections from a hospital, and this helps for some time. But even this is not the natural form and after some time the injections also stop helping. Severe vitamin B deficiency does lead to death.

Another thing is calcium. Vegans say that some dark grean leaves contain calcium. This is true, but the molecule that the calcium is contained in is a form that we are not able to break down or digest. So the calcium in those leaves just passes through digestion without ever being absorbed.

I agree with you about factory farming. So get food from a place that does not do factory farming. Grass fed beef, not the factory farmed sick cows eating corn that they can't digest. Or if you don't eat beef, eat other things. Eat fish, eat eggs, eat cheese and drink milk. There are sources of all of the animal nutrients that you require that don't involve any factory farming or cruelty. There is no reason not to eat eggs and fishes and milk, and these will have the nutrients that you need.

You are allowed to make any choice you want. But you are required to learn and be informed to know what you are really choosing. The Gods do not want you to starve yourself, so you will be educated why it is a bad idea.

Kike Industrial farming exist to do several things:

1) Make sure kikes can introduce any and all types of poison, GMO, horrific hybridization of animals that harm human who eat them and create other very harmful for human health consequence, including using melanin instead of milk and plastic meat en mass etc.

Right now with the development of 3D printer technologies Israel made "meat" on 3D printer:

So just beautiful cows photo on the advertisement of your local kike industrial farm does not mean they do not use 3D printer to produce their "meat" in tons to make money on poisoning Gentiles.

2) They really and deliberately torture animals. They themselves make videos of how (((their rivals from that another farm))) do it so that your heart lead you to not consume meat at all, of course silencing up that your local individual small business make their farmer milk in their village very natural way and their animals are very happy and healthy, and live paradise life. To force you into veganism.

3) They create unbearable laws for individual family farming business to not let it exist. I am not in America please those who are comment here, but I heard that while in the Eastern 2,5-3rd world country such as Azerbaijan you can just have a farm of your own and exist almost free of taxes, in America you almost have no this right at all. Even if you have a farm you can't grass feed your animals you are forced to buy industrial kike corporation's food which is all GMO and poisoned for your animals and other monstrous lawsuits against freedom and against constitution that generate a direct attack on family farming. All this I heard from people who migrated from my country to America to farm there and were very disappointed with the laws. Please Americans correct me if I was misinformed or if this depends upon the state. From what I heard family farming is under extreme economic and juridical attack in White 1st world countries which is VERY sad to say the least because this just means that these countries themselves are under extreme economic attack by their own governments, because family farming is base of any healthy food supply.

So if your goal is to save animals your decision is not veganism obviously because this is exactly what kikes want you to do to wipe all your country's animal farming flat. Your answer is supporting family farming in your country and buying only their meat and milk, which will also benefit your health. Animals there live in paradise, they are loved, cared and have no responsibilities only freedoms and a lot of love. If you stop eating meat you betray these animals and actually invest into 3D and other poisoning of the world. Humanity eating bugs will be death of all domestic animals of those sorts because kike industrial farms will "have no more time, money and space" for them as long as they are not profitable, while government will have official reason to prohibit any and all family farming at all as "cruel carnivorism". I guess all industrial farming cruelty videos will be used against family farming to attack them. Veganism and consumer indifference will ensure full domestic animal genocide.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
