I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
I think my brother meant that here as a topic is a dead thing.
We have evolved, we don't care so much about them right now as we are rediscovering the ancient Gods, our ancient cultures and the ancient peoples that we come from
Yes. I am VERY sure. It is not a purely statistical issue. But a question of the power behind things. My mother calls herself a Christian. If you ask her, she believes in that asshole Jesus Christ. But she always offends Jesus Christ by comparing him to different kinds of animals like pigs and dogs (this has a precise name in Italian, but it is untranslatable). If you ask her about her family, she will say that we are all Christians including me because in a Christian family. I serve Satan wholeheartedly and would give every minute of my time for him “since I am really a good Christian” (lol). People define themselves by the few definable things they have come to know over time. That is why now we are no longer named Joy of Satan, but we are the Temple of Zeus. Because the thing that has really always defined us is our True Identity in our Gods.
We are not full time haters but we'll obviously not let our ancient past be destroyed and replaced with emptiness.
If you actually want to learn about this topic you can here: https://exposingchristianity.info/