Greetings, Brother / Sister!
You have it on cusp of 7 so you will have much influence of this on both of your houses. Cusp intensifies the conjunct planet’s influence to the extent it works “as if” it were in that house too.
High octave Neptune in 6th might give you extreme vast amount of wish and ability to learn and fully understand Ancient Pagan medicine and medical alchemy, such as TCM, Ayurveda, all Taoist and Tibetan medical and alchemical texts. 6th house is of study (Virgo/Mercury staff) and mostly of healing / yoga / physical health practices. Also strongly of veterinary topic (with Neptune there being also spiritual). Neptune is of mystical comprehending of everything through feelings and astral senses, especially if it is not in Capricorn, Capricorn Neptune being more logical / “left-brained”.
This, especially for Yellow Race peoples, is a very strong aspect for shamanism / shamanic Ancient healing practices that were their ten thousand years original type of medicine.
As for 7th house, according to its sign and other aspects in chart, whether well positioned and aspected or debilitated, Neptune will either give very Neptunian relationship with this world – mostly bringing you to whatever spirituality-related societies, or seeking such societies. I saw this aspect in very religious ecstatic xians only seeking their own xian societies. When debilitated and less romantic and beautiful it might be drowned in illusions that are located between the person and the world. Because DC represents our relationship with the world and the environment. Rosy spectacles, jew age cults etc.
If you seek partners in your life this might mean a partner somehow related to Neptunian topics: creation / art / astral love etc., worst octaves being all kinds of illusionists, frauds, cultists, the insane and all kind of substance-dependent partners such as drug and alcohol abusers.
Best advice would be instead seeking relationships with Gods and their beautiful society to sublimate Neptune in its highest octaves where its highest ways belong, and making sure you keep yourself relating and hanging out (if at all) only in the best non-xian non-cultist environments – those of highest Neptune’s octaves such as classic art, not lowest or drunkard ones.