Taking care of oneself does not require 4 hours a day every day. A meditation program can take even a few minutes if in extreme cases you do not have time. Typically "I don't have time" is very often an excuse. I used to use this as paranoia.
I used to ask myself "what if one day I don't have time to meditate? What if it all blows up? Maybe I start an empowering path, but then I don't have time to complete it, what's the point of starting it then?" Etc. But the truth is that no one doesn't have time. Everyone can do something like save themselves at least 15 extra minutes or carve out a minimum of up to 25 minutes in a standard day. l
Take a few minutes from various activities. Set your alarm 8 minutes earlier, look at the ceiling 2 minutes less, stay on your cell phone another 2 minutes less, listen to music 3 minutes less. Already this gives you 15 minutes to meditate.