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Workings #76260 Questions about curses


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I hope I will not be treated as stupid for these questions, because I really hope to better understand this mechanism, so my own Magick would become much more effective. Please note that I do not intend to curse anyone. Or at least won't do so without real justification that would make someone deserve such a curse, and the justification I would try to get guidance from Father Satan and my Guardian Demon. It is the opposite actually. By better understanding this mechanism, I will be able to make sure my Magick is even more directed, used wisely, and I hope this would help other people as well. Of course, this would depend also on the quality of answers the same way that quality of answers depends on the quality of my own questions.

I have a couple of questions about curses, some of them are related to xianity.

1. Let me start with a simple question. Is xian prayer technically a curse? From the Goddess Maxine writings, I have made an impression that at least part of the xian prayers is indeed the curse.

2. If xian prayer technically is a curse, does it mean that during Mars retrograde xians themselves are messed up with their prayers? If not, then technically this is not a curse, but something else instead, isn't it? There is something more to that. But what exactly?

3. And now the generic question. What is technically a curse? A prayer that some harm would befall on your enemy? Programming an unhappy fate/ending for someone else? If this is about prayer and intention, then I can easily interpret this intention into something good. For instance, I can interpret that so-called "death curse" is no curse at all, but an act of justice to someone else with an opportunity to rest from physical life until the next reincarnation which would give an opportunity to think properly about fuck ups and injustices done in life. So-called liberation from "inability to properly live a physical life". But would it actually work? Somehow, I find this interpretation idiotic, but maybe there is something related to it. Or to make it more explicit maybe. How does Mars "decide" that some wish will be bounced back during its retrograde, and another wish will not?

4. And finally. Is there any way I can perform a safe experiment to observe such nuances and differences in real life? Obviously, without messing myself or anyone else.

Thank you very much for your answers. If you have material from clergy I can read and study deeper, this would also be very appreciated. And I apologize in case this was already discussed somewhere, but I did not read it, and someone needs to repeat this here again.
Is xian prayer technically a curse?

Jewish Curses are actual Curses. When a Jew recites the Shema prayer he is cursing humanity. But if a Christian prays to Jesus, in most cases he is not exactly cursing himself; what he is doing is empowering Jesus Christ (think for example of Christians joining hands in prayer. That is a mudra stolen from Satanism that is used to send energy, who receives that psychic energy? Jesus Christ, the thought form that Jews use to curse humanity). Also when you empower something you connect your soul to that thing. Think about when we bless the Gods with the Rituals of the Gods: we connect to the God's energies and thus feel them stronger.

during Mars retrograde xians themselves are messed up with their prayers?

Curses addressed by Jews to humanity do not work properly. Jews have no power to carry out Curses at this time. But pre-existing Curses do not disappear.

What is technically a curse?

It is negative energy raised, programmed and directed toward a purpose. A negative purpose precisely that is, related to destruction. Basically it is this.

A prayer that some harm would befall on your enemy?

Protecting someone can be white magic if you want to heal them, purify them, increase their protective energies, etc., or it can be black magic if you destroy their enemies. Black or white is not related to ethics, but to the outcome. If someone attacks your child and you throw a punch at the attacker to protect your child, you will have harmed him. If you throw a punch at a bystander for no reason you will still have harmed him. Regardless of the reason, someone has been hurt.

Is there any way I can perform a safe experiment to observe such nuances and differences in real life?

You can see it every day. How many times do fervent Christians start out very enthusiastic to follow the Curse of Jesus Christ and when they connect to Jesus Christ after a few years they lose themselves and become spiritually dirty, mentally degenerate, extremely unfortunate, etc.? My father is in this condition and it is exactly a very visible thing.
1. Let me start with a simple question. Is xian prayer technically a curse? From the Goddess Maxine writings, I have made an impression that at least part of the xian prayers is indeed the curse.

2. If xian prayer technically is a curse, does it mean that during Mars retrograde xians themselves are messed up with their prayers? If not, then technically this is not a curse, but something else instead, isn't it? There is something more to that. But what exactly?

A curse, in a literal sense is a spell where you target an enemy with negatively in order to cause them harm.

HP Maxine called xian prayer a curse because it causes negative effects to us, but it's not a curse by the literal definition because there isn't an intention to harm by the xian using it. So the Mars retrograde thing doesn't apply. The negative energy in xian prayers isn't caused by their intention, but the enemy thoughtforms they're calling upon. Their intention may be good, but they are calling upon negatve enemy thoughtforms and that's why it causes problems.

3. And now the generic question. What is technically a curse? A prayer that some harm would befall on your enemy? Programming an unhappy fate/ending for someone else? If this is about prayer and intention, then I can easily interpret this intention into something good.

I think you overcomplicating and overthinking the entire thing. It doesn't matter how you interpret it, if you are are trying to harm that person (by the objective definition of harm, not your own) it's a curse. Mars doesn't decide anything, as it's just natural law, much like if you put your hand in the fire and get burned and you ask "well, what if I interpret the fire as cooling and ice and pretend it's not fire?". Don't laugh, that's how silly your question sounds, because you are unnecessarily overcomplicating things that are obvious.

4. And finally. Is there any way I can perform a safe experiment to observe such nuances and differences in real life? Obviously, without messing myself or anyone else.

Not really. These things are best understood by intuition, not experiments. As you open yourself spiritually and unlock your higher senses, you will be able to tune into these situations and realize what is best to do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
