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I wonder why gods put different races in earth, its clear that eventually these races will mix one way or another. Why not putting one race per planet? Jews already are big problem.
I wonder why gods put different races in earth, its clear that eventually these races will mix one way or another. Why not putting one race per planet? Jews already are big problem.
I wonder why gods put different races in earth, its clear that eventually these races will mix one way or another. Why not putting one race per planet? Jews already are big problem.
It really doesn't make any sense.I wonder why gods put different races in earth, its clear that eventually these races will mix one way or another. Why not putting one race per planet? Jews already are big problem.
Я даже предполагаю, что у каждой расы (направления света, компаса) есть свой демон-покровитель, соответственно, каждая раса может унаследовать черты определенных богов в каком-то роде, смешение — это не вина богов, а вина людей, это их ложный выбор, навязанный искажениями.Интересно, почему боги поместили разные расы на землю, ведь ясно, что в конечном итоге эти расы так или иначе смешаются. Почему бы не поместить по одной расе на планету? Евреи уже большая проблема.
So in your opinion. Your limited understanding. You think the God's made a mistake?It really doesn't make any sense.
I think that if the Gods really did create races other than the white race
then they made a very bad mistake
It was obvious and very clear what would happen.
And not even the clairvoyance of the Gods could foresee it?
It's just too complicated.
It really doesn't make any sense.
I think that if the Gods really did create races other than the white race
then they made a very bad mistake
It was obvious and very clear what would happen.
And not even the clairvoyance of the Gods could foresee it?
It's just too complicated.
Good evening, BlietzkreigLet's avoid a situation where, due to difference in opinion or understanding, we start excessively devaluing the other party.
Any creation has an elemental balance and specific nature, as shown by astrology. This applies to races, and over the course of proper evolution (not what has previously happened on earth), each race would develop and "bloom" into their own specialties and purpose.
Blacks exhibit aspects of fire and earth, but to curses by the enemy and lack of development, this manifests negatively into crime or excessive materialism. We can see an opposite situation occur in asian races, who exhibit aspects of air and water. In asian societies, although they have a strong communal bond (Cancer) and intelligence (Air), they are still plagued by a lack of sex and childbirth.
Each race has their own specialization which is distinct from their current place "dimensionally" or energetically. General advancement will lead to each race improving on their problems, but it would still not mean one could fully substitute for the other, hence why the original differentiation. Each will serve Satan in their own way.
Where can I learn more about the elemental/astrological traits of races? Is it in the JOS or another site?Let's avoid a situation where, due to difference in opinion or understanding, we start excessively devaluing the other party.
Any creation has an elemental balance and specific nature, as shown by astrology. This applies to races, and over the course of proper evolution (not what has previously happened on earth), each race would develop and "bloom" into their own specialties and purpose.
Blacks exhibit aspects of fire and earth, but to curses by the enemy and lack of development, this manifests negatively into crime or excessive materialism. We can see an opposite situation occur in asian races, who exhibit aspects of air and water. In asian societies, although they have a strong communal bond (Cancer) and intelligence (Air), they are still plagued by a lack of sex and childbirth.
Each race has their own specialization which is distinct from their current place "dimensionally" or energetically. General advancement will lead to each race improving on their problems, but it would still not mean one could fully substitute for the other, hence why the original differentiation. Each will serve Satan in their own way.
Good evening, Blietzkreig
Could you also answer the question you didn't allow?
I think it was a very good answer.
What I said was that it doesn't make sense to tell me to build a relationship with Satan when it comes to understanding these things.
Because even the people who are telling me that, who have theoretically built a relationship with him, cannot explain why the Gods would create three extremely sexual races with a desire for territorial expansion on the same planet.
I appreciate your answer that you just sent here.
It is informative.
Where can I learn more about the elemental/astrological traits of races? Is it in the JOS or another site?
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