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Other #76157 Can jews benefit from meditations?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Can jews benefit from the meditations in the JoS? I know that their souls are different from ours and I think they will be affected differently, but when they do meditations, for example the Aura of Protection as instructed in JoS, what effects can that give them or would this work on them? How is this works?
Can jews benefit from the meditations in the JoS? I know that their souls are different from ours and I think they will be affected differently, but when they do meditations, for example the Aura of Protection as instructed in JoS, what effects can that give them or would this work on them? How is this works?

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Shroud the word play as you want, but what I see is this simple meme bullshit question: Can one clean jewish elements through meditation?

Being jew is a state of being and one IS a jew, it's not a question of a jewish 'element' within somebody.

Despite of the complicated way of saying the usual pseduspiritual shittery, no, you can't. If you are a jew, then you are a jew.

Sorry mate the situation is it can only alter the DNA you already have. If you are a jew, then you are a jew, you can't do SATANAMA to change this, you can't do "Alchemy" to clean jewish genes one is a jew, and that's it.

Many are refusing reality about gender, race, whatever you have. It is still there. It is irrefutable.

I wonder why people keep making up excuses about this subject. You do not have to worry about this as non jews, but you seem for whatever reason, believe that jews can be 'cleaned'. This belief would be a necessity only to jews, who try to cover for their own asses.

The thing that was said that "SATANAMA" is only a "Gentile" thing is incorrect. Another one of these big fucking lies. You see jews chanting this in Yoga DVD's all the time. Maybe they will fall apart after a point, but all of these speculations are lies and absurdities. They clearly are using "Gentile" things, including Sanskrit, and many other things. They take a toll on them, but they do not die the next day.

In the same way a Gentile can practice Kabbalistic magick and get fucked later and with subtler ways, but does not really change to become a full jew in their totality, so do the jews who dabble with "Paganism" can get up to a point, but eventually nowhere in the end. As a Gentile cannot become a Cohen, so is a jew incapable of going to the end of this path.

Any malforming or change that occurs from "Changing religions", is only superficial, and if one is a jew, or if one is a Gentile, even imposing a different system to them, can only alter them, and not change them. One does not fundamentally change.

So no, not everyone that sounds "SATANAMA", despite of what anyone says, is a Gentile, let alone this is a free pass for anyone to claim they are a Gentile.

Sorry guys, jews CAN Larp as Pagans, and also they can LARP as meditators, and also "priests" and "chilren of the Gods". You will know them only by learning to spot them, and not by trying to see how they appear. They can't Larp forever, but they can do anything insofar to deceive the Goyim to accept them and ruin them from within. They cannot however fool the Gods.

Asking if a jew can change by spirituality is as asking if you put fragrance in a dirty toilet it's going to transform it from being a toilet.

Things in this world are as they are, and at their core are unchangeable. Here is some actual spiritual law for you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
