I feel very excluded here in a way, I've tried chatting and something like that but I always see that the friendship "groups" are already made...
There are many here who are also very defensive or think they are Gods and can treat others however they want...
It's not an attack on anyone in particular, that's what I realized... it's recommending that we be a family and participate, but what if we don't feel like we're part of it and are just here to make our own way in silence?
The first thing you need to realize that it is very easy to get attacked by someone saying a dumb thing with a lot of confidence.
Being SS doesn't make one perfect, or advanced, or any more knowledgeable than they were previously — because it still takes time to advance.
Even people with a known presence on the forums can say something based on their own preference or hangups that will be grating to you (Gods know I saw quite a few say incredibly misogynistic stuff, but you learn how to not take things personally).
First, you need to be aware that such situations will happen. But that, ultimately, it doesn't matter what another SS' opinion is regarding your own life, as long as you follow our ethics. Be it sex, relationships, having children, not having children, etc.
I'm putting that on the front because I saw a LOT of fights or resentment building in such situations over the time I have spent lurking on the forums.
Someone can give their opinion, yes, but ultimately it is your life and Father Satan wants us to follow our own nature and maintain our individualism while still being part of the greater good that is our community.
In regard to the aspect of not fitting in, that's not the case. Obviously, people will be more open to those that they already know or have seen often on the forums. It's the normal attitude you will see in ANY community.
There is also the added risk of infiltrators or someone acting normal before doing a 180 degree and starting to spew the biggest bullshit possible. It takes time to build your role in a community. And it's definitely made worse by the fact that our communications should be limited to these forums and the live chat, as it can be easy to potentially put yourself in a bad position by getting close to the wrong person.
Just communicate and engage in discussions and that feeling will disappear after a while.