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Workings #76101 want to power

Here you go:

Here you go:

ready to sell my soul

So look, I'll even give you some good news. I think you will also be pleased to know that indeed. You can achieve these things through your constant work and magical efforts, WITHOUT NEEDING to sell your soul or lose it. On the contrary! Instead of throwing your soul away, you would be better off dedicating it to Father Satan's loving care, so instead of losing it, you can cultivate it and make it more and more divine with time. Are you happy? :)

Read this please:
There is no such thing as selling one's soul.
This is a meaningless concept in the actual order of things.
In Spiritual Satanism, we look at the actual order of things, because here there is TRUTH.
Your desires of money and power are natural ones, actually very ethical to achieve. Others already answered you very well about this. Study. You can achieve great power, and you can earn the amount of money you desire, and yes, this is truth here.
But you must work. You sell your time, to your desires; so you can afford them. The price of great power and money is your illusions, limitations, some parts of your identity, and your time.
Are you ready to pay the price?
I will take this question as two things:
1: You're trolling
2:You got to be very desperate

If it's the second option then I will say this to you: Regardless of how desperate you are , you have to understand that the most precious thing in this universe is your own very soul! Why would you be willing to give it away for literal paper? You're better then that! Everyone is!

Us, as Spiritual Satanists [SS] we are working towards onto improving each area of our lives including our own very life , empowering ourselves trough the meditations provided on the website/forum , meditations which came directly from the True Gods of Humanity , of the most superior beings in the entire Universe. If you want power you can have it but in order to have it you have to empower your soul not to give it away for paper.

If you're not a dedicated SS then I suggest you to read the Site and the Forum , learn what it means and what it is and decide if it's the right thing for you , then you can dedicate and ask the Gods for help , they are very helpful especially for the new comers , in time you will develop your own powers and strengths and you will be able to get money by yourself which is the whole purpose of what SS stands for , being independent and by himself trough the divine guidance of the Gods one becomes able to have control on his fate and achieve anything that he desires so I welcome you to the path of enlightenment , knowledge and power.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
