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The Gods #76046 Our child

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
How do we dedicate our newborn child to Lord Satan until he dedicates himself ? Just to protect him from mudslim magic or alien enemies of Father Satan ?

There are some other problems we’ve been facing recently, the child is feeding mothers milk every 10-20 mins and doesn’t sleep whole night until morning.

Sometimes it happens during day time as well.
But recently it’s been constant during nights such as drinking a lot of milk every 10-15 mins until morning.

Is he possessed as we have some mortal idiotic enemies who are extremely jealous of us having a child.

And, this little child is biting on nipple , it should be stopped as the child has been feeding on breast milk for 2 weeks now. But child hasn’t stopped biting during feeding.

Does it mean the child hasn’t learnt yet to feed on breast ?
But it’s been more than 2 weeks now.

Why doesn’t he sleep at night ?

My wife is really stressful and in pain , :(
How do we dedicate our newborn child to Lord Satan until he dedicates himself ?

You CANNOT dedicate the child to Satan for him. Only he can do it WHEN HE IS OF THE RIGHT AGE to know what he is doing on his own without anyone influencing his free choices. Just ask Satan if he could watch over your child.

Just to protect him from mudslim magic or alien enemies of Father Satan ?

Here you go:

Is he possessed as we have some mortal idiotic enemies who are extremely jealous of us having a child.

HE IS NOT POSSESSED and calling a child possessed is dangerous. Think of Christians who believe their children are possessed. At first it seems that these people are harmless with a funny mental illness that makes them think their child is possessed, but if they accept this idea in their head, it takes root and how often do you read bad news stories because a Christian thought he was helping the child in some way by freeing him from the evil that "possesses" him? Your child is not possessed, but you know, even if he was there is no problem, do this ritual and ask Orobas for help (he protects from the spirits of the Enemy), you will realize for yourself if it was the case or not:

There are some other problems we’ve been facing recently, the child is feeding mothers milk every 10-20 mins and doesn’t sleep whole night until morning.

In this case it might be necessary to consult a doctor, I am not really an expert in breastfeeding, but for problems of this kind there are medical figures. Some are expensive (important doctors), but giving up something material to help your child who is suffering is worth it. If the girl I love was sick and I did not have 2000 dollars for a visit to a specialist doctor, I would sell my computer. Luxury is important in life, etc. but life is even more important in life.
How do we dedicate our newborn child to Lord Satan until he dedicates himself ? Just to protect him from mudslim magic or alien enemies of Father Satan ?

There are some other problems we’ve been facing recently, the child is feeding mothers milk every 10-20 mins and doesn’t sleep whole night until morning.

Sometimes it happens during day time as well.
But recently it’s been constant during nights such as drinking a lot of milk every 10-15 mins until morning.

Is he possessed as we have some mortal idiotic enemies who are extremely jealous of us having a child.

And, this little child is biting on nipple , it should be stopped as the child has been feeding on breast milk for 2 weeks now. But child hasn’t stopped biting during feeding.

Does it mean the child hasn’t learnt yet to feed on breast ?
But it’s been more than 2 weeks now.

Why doesn’t he sleep at night ?

My wife is really stressful and in pain , :(

Unfortunately, children are fussy. And breastfeeding can be quite painful for some women, based on how the baby feeds.

You said it's been two weeks - it does take a few week generally for the mother's body to adjust when it comes to milk production. There might still be some issues with the flow that's caught your baby to bite/tug on the nipples.

I should know, given that I terrorised my family and grandmother (who raised several babies and yet I managed to bring her to her wit's end) by refusing to sleep properly for a year.

Perhaps you can do a working to keep your child protected and help them settle a bit. And as previously mentioned, ask Father Satan for to watch over your baby.

I feel very bad for your wife though. That sounds very painful.
Regarding protection, you can do this. You can do Aura of Protection for your baby. Just adjust affirmation to make it sure the intention is clear to protect your child. Also, if you are Spiritual Satanist, it is probably the case that Gods would take extra measures to protect your baby. But if you are afraid your baby is not protected enough, you can always put a powerful AoP with clear intention that everyone who tries to harm your baby will get very tragic consequences. Also, it might work for your own improvements. When you take care not just for yourself, but also for other people, this makes you a greater being. As Spiritual Satanists, we are expected to grow. And one of the ways to grow is to actually help and protect those who really need this from us objectively. I think children fit into this category quite well. And you can definitely ask for help from Gods. Even if you can protect your own children with spiritual measures, I would believe there are some things we are not fully aware yet and Gods know these much better and can handle them for us. Or lead us to this knowledge. There was also a topic about protecting babies and there were already quite nice answers: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/baby-protection.295001/ . I think you should read it to get some ideas for protection.

As for breastfeeding, I am not an expert in this and I can not be an expert here, but I can definitely share with you the stuff I have seen and what my wife has experienced. Baby biting your wife and not breastfeeding properly for 2 weeks does not seem normal. It seems that after your wife gave birth to a baby no one from the doctors was qualified enough to teach her proper breastfeeding which is a must immediately after birth for the well-being of both mother and baby. Solution? You can either wait, find someone who can teach proper breastfeeding or take formula for a baby. Formula is quite an expensive solution, also you would need to adjust the brand, because babies react differently to different brands, even if these formula brands are highly regulated in most countries.

AskSatanOperator said:
Is he possessed as we have some mortal idiotic enemies who are extremely jealous of us having a child.
This is not a nice way to talk about your own baby. He is not posessed. You need to get rid of this abrahamist posession bullshit.

AskSatanOperator said:
Why doesn’t he sleep at night ?

My wife is really stressful and in pain , :(
Babies feel the pain of their own parents, especially mothers. This also might affect the sleep of a baby. Since your baby is just two weeks old, you should really check on your wife, especially regarding postpartum depression, psychosis, etc. These are serious conditions and you need to help her ASAP in case of such conditions. If medical doctors were too retarded to teach her proper breastfeeding, her experiences might have been not the best. One of the behaviors women do under such conditions is that they exaggerate their negative experiences. For signs of such conditions there are tests on the internet your wife can take (or you can take for her based on your own observations). If there are conditions, then going to the medical professional specializing in such conditions would be useful to go. These things are serious, not funny, and in modern times when families got so fragmented, small, and people alienated among themselves, women get into such conditions much more often.
How do we dedicate our newborn child to Lord Satan until he dedicates himself ? Just to protect him from mudslim magic or alien enemies of Father Satan ?

There are some other problems we’ve been facing recently, the child is feeding mothers milk every 10-20 mins and doesn’t sleep whole night until morning.

Sometimes it happens during day time as well.
But recently it’s been constant during nights such as drinking a lot of milk every 10-15 mins until morning.

Is he possessed as we have some mortal idiotic enemies who are extremely jealous of us having a child.

And, this little child is biting on nipple , it should be stopped as the child has been feeding on breast milk for 2 weeks now. But child hasn’t stopped biting during feeding.

Does it mean the child hasn’t learnt yet to feed on breast ?
But it’s been more than 2 weeks now.

Why doesn’t he sleep at night ?

My wife is really stressful and in pain , :(
Stay strong, it's not easy with a newborn, I've been through it all.

You can do AC and AoP for your baby.

No, your baby is not possesed. First 10-14 days (as every baby is individual days also can vary) is time when milk is being produced, that's why your baby needs to breastfeed frequently as many times as baby wants. It's how he/she boosts milk production until it normalises. If it's painful to breastfeed then your wife can use breast pump and feed with a syringe without needle (don't use bottle to feed your baby if your wife want to breastfeed further, cause baby can get used to the bottle and it will be difficult to wean her/him off the bottle) or use nipple shields (for healing sore nipples she can use silver nipple cups or special cream) also contact your breastfeeding specialist that she could teach correct breastfeeding and would take a look at your wife's nipple form cause that could be a reason or ask your paediatrician to look at baby's tongue and lip tie cause that can have an impact on your baby's ability to breastfeed/bottle feed and, later on, with eating and speaking.
If it's really hard maybe consider to use baby formula.

Also don't forget that there are growth spurts (spurts can occur at other times) which most likely to occur around the following ages :
•7-10 days;
• 2-3 weeks;
• 4-8 weeks;
• 3 month;
• 6 month;
• 9 month.

The signs listed above are likely to indicate a growth spurt:

• increased appetite;
• altered sleep rhythm;
• irritability.

Also colic... Episodes of colic usually peak when an infant is about 6 weeks old and decline significantly after 3 to 4 months of age. While the excessive crying will resolve with time, managing colic adds significant stress to caring for your newborn.

I recommend to use every help which you can (grandparents, friends, nanny) that your wife can get enough sleep and won't reach postpartum depression stage.

Hope this will help, if you'll need more info, just ask. Take care. 🙂

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
