Can I be a spiritualist when I live in an Arab country
Yes, just keep your privacy, no one needs to know you are a Satanist
where there are no satanic groups
This forum is the only group you need. Your relationship with the Gods of Hell is personal, the others (we) can only be supportive (family-like).
I can't get some of the tools used in the rituals
True Satanism is practiced with your mind, your body, your soul. You are not playing with bells and candles, we work with spirituality (meditation and magic). Objects are just unnecessary tools (they are used to get into the formal mood in some situations, but they are irrelevant, if you really need them you can use the Astral Temple, you will find out what it is in time). The only truly important Ritual is the Dedication of the soul, if you have a pen, a candle even a birthday candle, a sheet of paper, and a sewing needle (sterilized, hot water), you have everything you need to dedicate your soul to Satan.
I don't have books to read and learn
"I lead to the straight path without a revealed book" - Satan to Sheik Adi (from the Al Jilwah)
Is there any way you can help me?
Of course, ma advice is: try to understand real Satanism:
I can't find the full Bible of Satan to read
The "one and only" real Satanism:
Enjoy the reading
There are actually many online translators that will make you understand if not all the words, at least the meaning of the sentences you read on the site. Some of these translators (like Google Translate) are even incorporated into the same pages opened by search engines and it is enough to click on "Translate Page". And anyway we live in the Age of Artificial Intelligence that has many applications in online translations. So do not be discouraged.