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#76004 The soul doesn't exist

Neil degrasse Tyson claims

Appealing to authority is a logical fallacy. What does he know? Has he ever opened JoS or meditated for half an hour of his life? No, scrolling through social media he may have heard some ufologist from a mountain village who has a channel where he talks about the Loch Ness monster and thought about this Ufo thing.

He has no idea that the Grays are mainly in the astral plane and in fact cannot directly kill a Satanist physically and that the Jews do not have breakfast with the Reptilians, but communicate with them as we Satanists communicate spiritually with the third eyes with the Gods. Furthermore, the only concept he will ever have of the soul will certainly be the Christian cloud. For this reason the appeal to authority is also known as a logical fallacy...
and that aliens cannot be visiting earth because our satélites would see them

The satellites do see them. NASA already knows about them and is covering this up. I mean, they've cut off the ISS feed multiple times when UFOs appeared. They have been known for airbrushing and manipulating Moon and Mars photos which contained unusual things. The astronauts in the Apollo missions were using code words to describe UFO's, for example "Houston we have a Bogey at 10 o'clock high" (bogey is a code word for UFO) or "we came upon a Barbara" (Barbara must be either a UFO or an alien base). Several times when an astronaut tried to describe unusual things in common words, he was warned off by the operator, telling them to "go to KILO" (keep it less obvious) and then the astronaut started speaking in code.

Here are some conversations where they were speaking in code or told to "go to KILO":

aliens have extremely powerful and advanced machines, almost everyone could come here in the blink of an eye, they have no carts on tires like humans, moreover the arsenals they have are certainly more powerful than any human military arsenal .. if they don't come here it's because they have no motivation to come here, humans are many robots that aliens care about, at best they find someone to experiment ... while the most positive aliens will surely be in the worst places of this physical dimension to defend themselves from other hostile aliens with them.
I can't believe what he said

You believe what he said

No, we're not the same.
The problem with proving the soul is you need to cultivate the soul to experience the soul. This is the same guy that will talk about extra dimensions that we can't access. I don't think he is a bad guy just overrated. He is token black science man, so he is spammed everywhere. He explains everything the same way an average college grad would because he is an average level cosmologist.
He says and admits that there are places that can not be seen whos spectrums house that which we don't understand: than in the same breath says there is no "soul." Sounds like the enemy to me: full of nonsense even while admitting the truth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
