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Sexuality #75832 Is being demisexual healthy and normal?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I had a suspicion that I might be demisexual for a little while now, and I would like to ask if it is a healthy and normal thing or not. Demisexuality is oftentimes compared to asexuality, and the topic of the latter has been discussed time and time again on here, with the conclusion of asexuality being unhealthy and a direct result of ongoing psychological problems. Is this the case when it comes to demisexuality as well?

As for me, I have an avarage level of libido, and I haven't received any type of religious upbringing when I was a child. Sexuality and the way our bodies work as a topic in general wasn't treated as a taboo growing up, and I don't feel guilt, shame or any other negative emotions when partaking in sexual acts. I wouldn't really call myself a prude or a shy person in particular either. The only thing that makes me feel weird and even disgusted is consuming porn, though I have stopped watching it a long time ago for this very same reason. Therefore, I believe that I don't have as many sexual hangups as most people do, but I could be mistaken on this part.

The thing is, that despite having an avarage level of libido I don't feel sexual attraction or have any desires towards other people, it happens only after I get to know them on a personal level and develop an actual connection and feelings towards them. But never before that. What is more, that I get instantly turned off and lose all kinds of interest the moment someone brings up sexual topics or makes agressively flirty comments early on. It is completely fine if it happens after we got to know each other in a more deeper level, but if the relationship is shallow, superficial and barely there the overly agressive advances make me lose all interest. If anything, it slightly disgusts me how someone I only knew for a short time tries to get in my pants, or tries to get me to get in theirs. I just never felt sexual attraction or had any desires towards strangers, regardless of their looks. I can tell when someone is sexually attractive and hot of course, but I will not have thoughts or desires like "I wanna bang that girl/guy" when seeing someone like that out in public. My attraction and desires towards other people is practically non-existent until I develop a connection, basically. I think this is the reason why demisexuality oftentimes gets compared to asexuality, but from a spiritual and SS point of view, is this truly the case? Is demisexuality normal, or is a result of sexual hangups?
The thing is, that despite having an avarage level of libido I don't feel sexual attraction or have any desires towards other people, it happens only after I get to know them on a personal level and develop an actual connection and feelings towards them. But never before that. What is more, that I get instantly turned off and lose all kinds of interest the moment someone brings up sexual topics or makes agressively flirty comments early on. It is completely fine if it happens after we got to know each other in a more deeper level, but if the relationship is shallow, superficial and barely there the overly agressive advances make me lose all interest. If anything, it slightly disgusts me how someone I only knew for a short time tries to get in my pants, or tries to get me to get in theirs. I just never felt sexual attraction or had any desires towards strangers, regardless of their looks. I can tell when someone is sexually attractive and hot of course, but I will not have thoughts or desires like "I wanna bang that girl/guy" when seeing someone like that out in public. My attraction and desires towards other people is practically non-existent until I develop a connection, basically. I think this is the reason why demisexuality oftentimes gets compared to asexuality, but from a spiritual and SS point of view, is this truly the case? Is demisexuality normal, or is a result of sexual hangups?

I'm like that too, I don't call it "demisexuality", I just call it "I'm not a (male) whore". I've never been a fan of having sex with anything that breathes trying to get in my pants, and I know plenty of breathing girls who try to get in there.

I don't know why the only idea of sex is "is there a person whose hair reaches at least halfway down their neck? You need to have sex with them." No, people have a lot inside and refusing to know their vast inner universe is a huge loss. At least that's how I see it.

So I am a straight guy and I like to discover these inner universes, Gentile girls (and boys) have a lot to offer when they are not 100% corrupted by Jewish andrapodic mentalities. It is truly a sin to deny such a thing... refusing to explore it makes no sense.
Yes, demisexuality is completely normal and healthy. We are all unique; not everyone is attracted to or aroused by the same things or in the same way.

This is strongly reflected in astrology for one, where Venus' placement in different signs influences people’s unique preferences, desires, and the things they find appealing. Then the rest of the natal chart further shapes what is important to you and what you seek in a relationship or connection with another person.

Your experiences do not indicate any sexual hangups or psychological issues. Having average libido, a non-repressive upbringing, and no negative emotions associated with sexuality further reinforce that your feelings are natural for you.

Sexuality is diverse, and as long as your orientation and preferences feel authentic to you, involve consent, and do not cause distress or harm, they are perfectly healthy.
What I am about to say, it might not all apply to you specifically. I try to say things generally in a way which can help all people who read it. Actually most of what I say has nothing to do with what you have said and it is not really a direct reply, but it could possibly help you. Just to give you something to consider.

The trend of naming 10,000,000 different "sexualities" or 10,000,000 different "genders" to explain every possible small personality trait or every possible small interest or opinion is not healthy. This trend of giving a million names and permanent labels to every miniscule interest or opinion is related to the other trend of giving names and permanent labels to every possible mental disorder, when in most cases there is nothing physically or permenently different or bad about the person's brain or mind and really it is just describing habit, or personality traits which are inspired by both astrological forces and past life karmic influences.

You don't need to put permanent labels onto yourself based on every different thought that you have. This way of thinking just causes more worrying and more nervousness, and can eventually develop into an OCD style of habitual thoughts. And in using the term OCD, I am not putting this label onto any person because there is no person who is permenently determined to be that way. I'm using it to describe a pattern of habitual thoughts, which is commonly understood. But this pattern or habit can be unlearned and removed with time and practice, and it is not a permanent or incurable diagnosis. Which is a good example of why these labels are often so harmful, because people who have a permanent label put onto them believe that this is a permanent or incurable thing that can never possibly be changed, and this defeated mindset inspires them to fall further into these habits and make them worse over time by never making an attempt to improve.

Don't worry about labels and titles, and just simply try to live your life in the best way. Do what you can every day to help yourself and to make an improvement in your own life, and to make improvements in the world around you. And if there is a problem that comes up, know that this can be solved and repaired, and it is not a permanent state.
What you are describing is the perfectly normal and healthy way to be. This is just having a regular monogamous personality and inclination, which is common for most people. Recognizing that someone is very attractive does not have to include wanting everybody to be your sexual partner, or wanting to cheat on your partner if you are in a relationship. This is basically not interested in being a whore. Which I use the term whore for both men and women because this is an action that both men and women sometimes do.

There is also nothing wrong with people who do have sexual thoughts more often, or who imagine something for a moment when seeing attractive people. These thoughts are also normal and nothing to be worried about. But as our souls and minds become stronger, it does become more important to be increasingly in control of our thoughts and intentions to avoid any accidental magical energetic influences. It is important to remember that there is a difference between a thought and a magical working. Having a thought that appears for a few moments is not the same thing as actually pouring energy and intention into something like in a working. This is something we grow to have more control of and learn to keep these seperated as we improve and have more practice.
What you're experiencing is perfectly normal and part of monogamy. I'm the same way.

I can't imagine being intimate with people I cannot connect to and I see it as something special that should be done with a person I love.

Modern society and the fast dating scene has taught people to seek out instant gratification, unfortunately. Many people only look at others based on sexual attraction and can't separate it from their day-to-day life.

I do notice numerous attractive men around, yes - but I see it mainly as an aesthetically pleasing thing and not wanting to be sexual with them. That does not apply to most people nowadays to get their brain turned on sex the moment they see an attractive person.

See: the comments a lot of people make on videos or pictures of women with big breasts that aren't even remotely sexual, just them minding their life or doing something normal. It is completely disgusting that this is the only thing people focus on. I have seen the opposite too of women saying sexual things about attractive men, but it's not as openly accepted or discussed.

You're NOT abnormal. People will try to call you abnormal because they cannot comprehend seeing a hot person and not wanting to fuck them. Your body and mind are behaving perfectly normally for a monogamous person and there is no shame to be found in that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
