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6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

The proper way to frame that question is. "How meany jews died in World War 2?" Because they are not special, the events they claimed happened were fiction, and the second world war was a global event. The real number is something like 10,000 since they mostly fled to America and are known to be cowards.

However, Holocaust in hebrew translates to "Burn offering" So I believe the jews did conduct massive human sacrifices of their and our children to curse Germany. I'd have no clue as to what the scale of that would be but I'm sure it did happen.

Have you ever heard jewish feminist abortion activists claim that abortion is a sacred jewish rite? They're not just saying that to invoke freedom of religion it is actually a thing. rabbis found a loophole to make child sacrifice legal. A late term abortion counts as a sacrifice with their "god" but does not count as a murder. I don't know if this was part of their Holocaust or if they killed their kids the old-fashioned way.
The proper way to frame that question is. "How meany jews died in World War 2?" Because they are not special, the events they claimed happened were fiction, and the second world war was a global event. The real number is something like 10,000 since they mostly fled to America and are known to be cowards.

However, Holocaust in hebrew translates to "Burn offering" So I believe the jews did conduct massive human sacrifices of their and our children to curse Germany. I'd have no clue as to what the scale of that would be but I'm sure it did happen.

Have you ever heard jewish feminist abortion activists claim that abortion is a sacred jewish rite? They're not just saying that to invoke freedom of religion it is actually a thing. rabbis found a loophole to make child sacrifice legal. A late term abortion counts as a sacrifice with their "god" but does not count as a murder. I don't know if this was part of their Holocaust or if they killed their kids the old-fashioned way.
That makes sense. According to all of the dead bodies that were laying all over Germany in certain areas and also around the concentration camps and such.
MUCH LESS. Highly recommend reading through Satan's Library since there is some great resources there. It is physically impossible for 6 million jews to have been cremated in the time frame given. Its highly likely that the majority of jews that died in the camps died from typhus or from supplies being cut off to Germany. The quote on quote gas chambers in Auschwitz had a wooden door.
There are 6 million lies from them at least, with the Holy Holocaust of 6 million Jews being one.

Then also shrunken heads, soap made from Jews, pools of boiling blood, cages with bears and Eagles ripping apart Jews - and its fake news all of it.

The amount of more lies on the list are at the level of not being able to list here without breaking the server and fingers and my mind.
There are 6 million lies from them at least, with the Holy Holocaust of 6 million Jews being one.

Then also shrunken heads, soap made from Jews, pools of boiling blood, cages with bears and Eagles ripping apart Jews - and its fake news all of it.

The amount of more lies on the list are at the level of not being able to list here without breaking the server and fingers and my mind.
This might seem intrusive or strange, but please don't talk negatively of your body that way, even if its a joke or metaphor. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference. I have noticed you lately saying how you want to smash your brains in and break your fingers... don't talk about your body like that too often.
It's also worth mentioning that the supposed German atrocities at Nordhausen (and most probably other camps too), were in fact caused by allied bombing, allied aircraft strafing inmates, etc...

It was reportedly due to false/outdated intelligence, as the camp was previously a factory, and the allies thought they were bombing Germans. But of course, they have the audacity to claim that it was again the Germans who did it, rather than admit they screwed up. Yes, of course... The Germans "genocided" the jews in the camp so hard that all the surrounding buildings were spontaneously blown to pieces. Makes perfect sense...

Anyway, there weren't even 6 million jews in Germany at the time. Most of them had fled, and they were actually a minority in the camps. The overall death toll across all camps, caused by natural circumstances, wartime circumstances, typhus and other diseases, etc., was around 271, 000, if I remember correctly.
Holocaust is a Jewish practice to begin with, and there was never an organized mass murdering of Jews under Hitler. There was, however, mass exportation of them. Most of these camps were used to separate insane people from sane people, basically an asylum or prison. There was also places to separate Jews from Humans and than export them if possible.
Lets start with a well known meme:

Okay memes aside, and although there are already most points mentioned I just add what hit me about 10 years ago.

The red cross data was the smoking gun for all this.
When I remember correctly it was once a browsable database/sheetcollection where populations of european nations by "religion" were listed. And it has been on the red cross website itself which was around that time pretty popular in Germany among thinking beings.
Unfortunately I do not find these collection. Only the red cross report which mentions the number MarsUltor666 already mentioned you can chexk
Sorry missclicked...

Additionally some questionable stuff from newspapers:
This might seem intrusive or strange, but please don't talk negatively of your body that way, even if its a joke or metaphor. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference. I have noticed you lately saying how you want to smash your brains in and break your fingers... don't talk about your body like that too often.
Me wanting to smash my brains in?

Islam is about smashing brains in is what I wrote. Islam (I-slam get it?) and that is not my religion.
Me wanting to smash my brains in?

Islam is about smashing brains in is what I wrote. Islam (I-slam get it?) and that is not my religion.
Oh then I guess I didnt read it properly. Still, whatever the case, we should always talk positively about our bodies. I myself also sometimes use very brief glamor magic to both feel good and enhance my looks for the day in front of the mirror. I use whichever color suits me that day for the purposes I am following that day. When it comes to our own physical bodies, only positive energy must always be directed.👁️
Oh then I guess I didnt read it properly.
Nothing was read properly to be honest.

I am well aware of the power of thoughts and affirmations.

Talking negatively to oneself is causing negative feelings about oneself, yes, and I sure did Not talk about me wanting to destroy myself. Rather the complete opposite.

If I wanted my brain slammed in with Islam
(I slam) I sure would not be here.

Neither do I want my fingers or mind breaked by listing the complete collection of Jewish lies, which was quite clearly stated before.

Read properly next time :)
Nothing was read properly to be honest.

I am well aware of the power of thoughts and affirmations.

Talking negatively to oneself is causing negative feelings about oneself, yes, and I sure did Not talk about me wanting to destroy myself. Rather the complete opposite.

If I wanted my brain slammed in with Islam
(I slam) I sure would not be here.

Neither do I want my fingers or mind breaked by listing the complete collection of Jewish lies, which was quite clearly stated before.

Read properly next time :)
"The amount of more lies on the list are at the level of not being able to list here without breaking the server and fingers and my mind."

Exactly what you said. Mind your attitude next time, when someone is trying to be nice to you. 🙂
The "concentration camps" were at most used as labour camps to aid the war effort, such as manifacturing munitions. Most jew's don't like to work, and this was a way of putting them to use in the meanwhile they awaited to be expunged from Germany.

Why would they kill their own workers, when they were losing and desperate to win the war?
"The amount of more lies on the list are at the level of not being able to list here without breaking the server and fingers and my mind."

Exactly what you said. Mind your attitude next time, when someone is trying to be nice to you. 🙂
Exactly what I said yes.

If you still interpret that as me Wanting to break myself, then it's not my attitude being the problem, it's the way you interpret text.
Exactly what I said yes.

If you still interpret that as me Wanting to break myself, then it's not my attitude being the problem, it's the way you interpret text.
What I meant flew way over your head. Nevermind.
It did not fly at all since you misunderstood me like you even admitted yourself, but its ok we all make mistakes. Cheers
No mistakes on my part, except caring about people with no manners, which seems to be a theme here.
No mistakes on my part, except caring about people with no manners, which seems to be a theme here.
I disagree though, respectfully.

Your 2 mistakes:

1: Interpreting my posts as me wanting to smash my brains and fingers.

2: Interpreting me as having no manners when pointing out mistake nr 1

There is no name-calling or bad language against you on my part.
Only some mistakes on your part, which I'm free to point out, and you are free to disagree with. Now its enough off topic I think so peace out
I disagree though, respectfully.

Your 2 mistakes:

1: Interpreting my posts as me wanting to smash my brains and fingers.

2: Interpreting me as having no manners when pointing out mistake nr 1

There is no name-calling or bad language against you on my part.
Only some mistakes on your part, which I'm free to point out, and you are free to disagree with. Now its enough off topic I think so peace out
My real mistake was actually giving a damn about your posts. Imagine being so full of yourself that you talk like this to people who are trying to be helpful to you and telling them they can't read and should go learn to read better🤣 do whatever you want, man. If you can't understand how your previous post was at least rude, then that traces back to your own upbringing, none of my business.
My real mistake was actually giving a damn about your posts. Imagine being so full of yourself that you talk like this to people who are trying to be helpful to you and telling them they can't read and should go learn to read better🤣 do whatever you want, man. If you can't understand how your previous post was at least rude, then that traces back to your own upbringing, none of my business.
Ok. Seriously, I am sorry if something I wrote came out wrong somehow. Feel free to tell me exactly what it was, as it would help.

What you wrote initially to me though; (that I have written I want to smash myself?) was really not truthful, I hope you understand that. I never wrote that and I never will.
Me strongly pointing this out - means me having no manners? C'mon here.
How many Jews actually died in the holoco$t since 6 million is a lie? Was it much less??
I have done some research on this matter a few years ago and based on the information I could find, the total number of jews that died in WW2 is in the range of tens of thousands, I don't recall seeing any credible figure over 100.000, but somewhere in the range 40.000 - 65.000 if I remember correctly. Yes I've seen a plate saying 4 million jews died at Auschwitz which was removed and replaced with a plate that said 1.5 million, these are not credible figures and sources.

Obviously most of them died in Germany. The irony here is that most if not all of them did not die because of any German policy or extermination plans (which is a massive lie to create an evil image of the Third Reich), but they died simply because of war-related reasons including incessant bombings from USSR, US, UK, France, war-caused famine and spread of diseases because the bombings made it impossible for the government to deliver medical equipment and food to the places where the jews were residing (the government send them to work for the German industries and treated them like human beings, giving them everything a human being needs to live a normal life at the time).

For further documentation beside the very valuable JoS sites recommended above, I would also recommend CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) and IHR (Institute for Historical Review).
I have done some research on this matter a few years ago and based on the information I could find, the total number of jews that died in WW2 is in the range of tens of thousands, I don't recall seeing any credible figure over 100.000, but somewhere in the range 40.000 - 65.000 if I remember correctly. Yes I've seen a plate saying 4 million jews died at Auschwitz which was removed and replaced with a plate that said 1.5 million, these are not credible figures and sources.

Obviously most of them died in Germany. The irony here is that most if not all of them did not die because of any German policy or extermination plans (which is a massive lie to create an evil image of the Third Reich), but they died simply because of war-related reasons including incessant bombings from USSR, US, UK, France, war-caused famine and spread of diseases because the bombings made it impossible for the government to deliver medical equipment and food to the places where the jews were residing (the government send them to work for the German industries and treated them like human beings, giving them everything a human being needs to live a normal life at the time).

For further documentation beside the very valuable JoS sites recommended above, I would also recommend CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) and IHR (Institute for Historical Review).
But they include the Killings from the Einsatzgruppen Death squads against the Russian Partisan Jews which they claim is around 2 million. And there is no real way to actually know how many of these jews were killed by the Nazis or if many of them were killed at all. It could be the case that they emigrated or there is some confusion as to where they got these numbers. I can't find the articles but i remember reading something about wrong methods of counting and other fabrications.
But they include the Killings from the Einsatzgruppen Death squads against the Russian Partisan Jews which they claim is around 2 million. And there is no real way to actually know how many of these jews were killed by the Nazis or if many of them were killed at all. It could be the case that they emigrated or there is some confusion as to where they got these numbers. I can't find the articles but i remember reading something about wrong methods of counting and other fabrications.
I consider based on the information I came across over the years, most of the "holocaust evidence" with executions and all of that was made up in the following years after the war, because US, USSR, UK and France occupied Germany and therefore they had all the freedom to do whatever they wanted.

But clearly there is mathematical, scientific and chemical evidence that shows many of the claims are pure nonsense and exaggeration, especially regarding the most notorious "concentration camps". There are whole books about this but purged from any place you would be able to find them unless you know about their existence.
And let's not forget the evidence that came out recently showing the secret Soviet Cheka later KGB who wore SS uniforms and killed the rural Ukrainians in order to create an aversion of the local population against the Germans. This was Stalin's tactic and order, so most of the crimes believed to have been committed by the so called Einsatzgruppen in the Eastern steppes go to the account of the Checka later KGB i.e. Stalin's secret police, who at the top were all Jews.
There are 6 million lies from them at least, with the Holy Holocaust of 6 million Jews being one.

Then also shrunken heads, soap made from Jews, pools of boiling blood, cages with bears and Eagles ripping apart Jews - and its fake news all of it.

The amount of more lies on the list are at the level of not being able to list here without breaking the server and fingers and my mind.
Haha I know a person who knows jews, another of their lies is how shoes made from Jewish skin!! It like they want that sympathy as they look you in the eyes and tell you how bad it was
Haha I know a person who knows jews, another of their lies is how shoes made from Jewish skin!! It like they want that sympathy as they look you in the eyes and tell you how bad it was
I've heard of lampshades, but Shoes? :LOL:

Now I kind of understand better why they so often are in the comedy business.
Even if it was true, nobody wants to have some damn Jew shoes.
Oh, yes. Don't forget the soap bars! :ROFLMAO:

Also, that swimming pool in Auschwitz? Nah, it wasn't a pool at all. It was just a cistern for the fire hydrants, shaped and disguised as a swimming pool. Oy vey.

And the display cabinets showing the shoes? No, that's not a wooden board that's been tilted up underneath to make it seem like there's a whole pile of them or anything, despite the fact you can clearly see the gaps at the sides.

I read somewhere as well, that the jews claimed the Germans were locking them up inside churches and gassing them, during the first world war. They had to apologize in the British parliament afterwards, because the people realized it was a lie. I remember seeing a newspaper cutting of this story somewhere.
Oh, yes. Don't forget the soap bars! :ROFLMAO:

Also, that swimming pool in Auschwitz? Nah, it wasn't a pool at all. It was just a cistern for the fire hydrants, shaped and disguised as a swimming pool. Oy vey.

And the display cabinets showing the shoes? No, that's not a wooden board that's been tilted up underneath to make it seem like there's a whole pile of them or anything, despite the fact you can clearly see the gaps at the sides.

I read somewhere as well, that the jews claimed the Germans were locking them up inside churches and gassing them, during the first world war. They had to apologize in the British parliament afterwards, because the people realized it was a lie. I remember seeing a newspaper cutting of this story somewhere.
I once interviewed the Jew Jordan Maxwell (stage name, and now dead).
He said that Jews were claiming 6 million Jews died in world war 1,
touring around the world saying this. Had never heard that before.

If it was the same level of Holocaust lie back then - any info about that historical thing must have been extremely suppressed.
Talk about cencoring power.

Good thing WWW is uncencorable. It's the reason for even being here.
I read somewhere as well, that the jews claimed the Germans were locking them up inside churches and gassing them, during the first world war. They had to apologize in the British parliament afterwards, because the people realized it was a lie. I remember seeing a newspaper cutting of this story somewhere.
It'd details like this that would shake the world if the world knew about them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
