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5G And Co-Vid

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As I have stated, yes, the virus does exist. You cannot lock down 2 billions people or more as time goes over absolutely nothing, nor just out of the window crash an economy, nor fool all the high IQ people like doctors worldwide, and all academics and research institutions [who are by the millions are looking into the situation], with something totally non existent, all out of the blue. At least a percent like 10% would all have went out and ballistic about it's non existence.

The existence of it is nowhere close to justify any measures and other things happening, media chaos, 24/7 fearmorgering, however, and no, it's not like the types currently residing in power suddenly got really caring all of a sudden for the people and wanted to save them from what they have effectively allowed to spread down to the last minute in most cases. Or purposefully due to exercised carelessness in others such as in the case of China.

Lots of meaningful posts and replies by many have been written before so those who may want to know more, do some reading around the forums.

The virus however is only a general situation allowing on other possibilities to emerge, these can be seen, the issue are more and where it's going, more complex. This is not merely about locking people in, it's a mass experiment, a test drive, a time through which numerous things are implemented, and all of these it is, at the same time. This has opened the gates for positive and negative things in the future, one of the negatives be, haphazard installation of 5G without any checking.

One thing in regards to 5G, this allows "behind the back and no protests" implementation. By the time people are out, many governments will have installed the major props of 5G without people even having the ability to accept or reject any of this. When people will be out it will already be a 5G world, with all the lacks of check in place.

People observed all sorts of things from 5G weeks in as it was installed, like killing bugs, birds, small animals, and causing all sorts of bad incidents. Israel will be going for a safer type of implementation, but Western Nations are going to implement "Quickly" and with zero fucks given because of the policy of "We gotta do it cause of China and cause we need fast global surveillance Network like the kikes told us is necessary, getting told by the greys", type of stupid stuff.

A lot of people in Wuhan were probably affected by this, but the issues of 5G and the virus appear to be two ongoing problems in their own way.

5G in the long term will be worse than the virus because it will slowly and with cloaked issues cause, by itself, all sorts of weird complications, both for privacy, and for many other things. By the time the virus situation will have subsided, 5G will be just taking the baby steps into the experiments and implementations that are to happen with it.

If Governments followed the 5G implementations on a low scale, we would be in no danger. But they certainly will not. This is what this virus situation proves. They will not hesitate to probably weaponize this thing either, nor they will hesitate to use the 5G to install facial recognition cameras and make the world worse than China.

This is also to replace fundamental freedoms such as the ability to go where you want without being in a state of permanent surveillance, with forced implementation of self driving cars etc. All of the nine yards is promoted as "Cool, futuristic", or even as a "future that would come anyway and that's just the way it is", but in the reality of things, this is only an alien and reptilian concoction that is made to appear this way and marketed like this to the masses, because the reality of how they will exist under this system will be far more severe.

People get a taste of this now, with the currently issued global quarantines. Only, in the future, this will be nothing compared to this. In the future, maybe the "system" will lock you inside your house for your own safety. If you have been a bad goyim [or even if someone in an IT room wants to have a laugh at you, even if you were the perfect goyim all your life, who knows], maybe your fridge will lock and you will not eat, and if your social rating drops too low, maybe you will not be able to be sold any food. If someone is given food by someone, the 5G grid will be able to in real time locate where the food transaction took place. The day after, the person that gave the food to the "rebel" and "evil dissident" may just have their own social rating down, or they may just disappear in some drone shoot-out.

People think the above sounds a lot like a movie, but why? Because indeed, these have been predictive programming done in novels and movies for decades now. China is only one step away from implementing the above in full severity. In the West, we are now preparing to enter this circle where things will be really serious.

5G in itself is not necessarily the devil, it is a technology of general purpose, its about it's implementation, use, and at what frequency and power it will be worked on. But on the hands of the enemy this will definitely be used nefariously and be one step further into the general "turn them into sick borgs and try to profit" greater scheme of affairs.

On another level the 5G constitutes other dangers, as it's unclear what will be built further and in the future ON TOP of the 5G grid. The global "realtime" surveillance network and potential mind control network is not a conspiracy theory, this can be achieved through 5G or technologies which already exist but could be easily and secretly be implemented on top of the abilities the 5G can provide.

This opens the way for more systems like the Chinese system, such as internet control, digital currency system, "social ranking system" that runs in real time, finding targets in real time, deploying small scale AI to break down freedoms, mass bots, fast information absorption for AI to function for some intended purpose, and the plan to unite all appliances in the "Internet of things", for reasons primarily of privacy invasion and mass control. Even fridges now have cameras. As if a fucking fridge now needed a 'camera' and to be connected to Facebook. That is also only the very tip of the iceberg with where this situation will go.

Clearly it's of no military or otherwise any major importance for a fridge to literally listen to you, and if you want google, and one is so bored and dumb that they want to vocally give the command for their machine to make pop corn, there are other ways to do this, and certainly so without any internet connectivity whatsoever.

But internet connectivity is required as part of the largest plan of the powers that be, which are influenced by the greys, in implementing that structure for things that only if they understand their ends, they would be scared themselves and stop their implementation today. The greys have a large scale plan for this, that most people wouldn't currently imagine. Turning the world into a "grid" is necessary for them for mass implants that are controlled in real time, without the possibility of human escape. This has also nothing to do with "connected"-ness or anything like that, that the stupid masses are told it has to do with.

If we were so afraid of the military part vs China, the 5G could only be implemented in the military structures, as with civilians, most are perfectly fine with the internet speeds already attained as is [these can be doubled or tripled without any implementation of 5G if desired, and 5G is not the only forced way to do this, fiber optic has insane capabilities and this can be easily combined with already existing WIFI technology], even if this has to do with nonsensical things such as "Virtual reality".

Virtual reality for the greys is necessary so that human beings will eventually give out and forsake any actual spiritual practice, in essence, driving them to an insignificant digital world, not different from the movie "The Matrix", in which the AI or the powers that be exercise infinite power over subjects 24/7 in a case where they do not possess any free will, but live in sloppy digital landscape.

The spiritual level is something that has an existence and is valid everywhere, people larping in a video game doesn't affect the reality of the cosmos in anyway, just 1 and 0 in a server somewhere. This isn't also for kids to be able to play fun games, making the case of making pop corn easier and vocal with Internet devices, it's about other and deeper goals certain circles have in mind.

An oligarchy [and after stage an alien oligarchy] requires these means in order to completely control over the masses without any ability of the masses to ever break out. Hunger games and related movies are then to ensue, if not worse things. The rest is just advertising and byproducts to get people to accept this or sit back and let this unfold.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
People in England burning down 5G towers:


Burn them all down, I say. Say no to global cyber dystopia.
It's not hard to see things unfolding this way. What are the steps we can take to ensure this is stopped?
Larissa666 said:
People in England burning down 5G towers:


Burn them all down, I say. Say no to global cyber dystopia.

This and more is bound to happen, because of how the enemy operates. I wouldn't condone it and the rest of it, but things are going to get heated. The things that those jew power are doing are major atrocities.

All of these alien implementations will be met with endless hate and a lot of violence. I doubt people will sit down and take this idly forever.

If they wanted no violence then they would stop, but the greys will not allow these lizards to do that. So they have to continue reaping what they will sow in this war against humanity.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
People in England burning down 5G towers:


Burn them all down, I say. Say no to global cyber dystopia.

This and more is bound to happen, because of how the enemy operates. I wouldn't condone it and the rest of it, but things are going to get heated. The things that those jew power are doing are major atrocities.

All of these alien implementations will be met with endless hate and a lot of violence. I doubt people will sit down and take this idly forever.

If they wanted no violence then they would stop, but the greys will not allow these lizards to do that. So they have to continue reaping what they will sow in this war against humanity.

That's actually pretty good news then. Most infrastructure is pretty visible too, so 5G and associated equipment will have nowhere to hide.
Last year they started with the commercials about Giganet.
And the year before that T-mobile was already promoting the use of streaming everywhere and being able to do anything and everything you want anywhere and everywhere.

T-mobile, like Vodafone is a company that sells mobile phonenumbers. Basicly they're the company where you can have the plan for what to pay on how to use your phone.

I wanted to share this video:

Ziggo and Vodafone tend to work together. The above commercial has been airing at least the past 6 months. "Through giganet I update in no-time games, I can stream series everywhere, and later my car will be connected to the fridge." He asks 'is that necessary?' and then it goes back to things from the past which in the end stuck around and were further developed.

Also it automaticly send me to a 6s vid in which it said that they're already implementing the technology in Utrecht and that they want to bring it to the rest of NL.
It does not say weather or not these are 5g towers though.
Also Ziggo is an internet provider, also provides television and phone connections for the household, if Im correct. These tend to come in a package together.

The 6s vid:
If all of this Internet, 5G stuff establishes a "connection' between people and the powers that be,, maybe there are ways to work Curses, and Spells that can travel across that connection.
All of this electronic material, weaponry is energy, like our brains, and ,, the brains of the people on the other side of that electronic connection.
Like throwing curses over TV and the phone,, Radio even.
The connection is there. Sympathetic magic uses as well.
Best o keep one's actual activities ( curses and such ) a secret.
I am just showing the connections.
Very honestly, can this insane shit be stopped at all? Because it seems we need an extreme intervention as soon as possible, before it's too late...
Don't misunderstand me, I am also doing the spiritual warfare of course, but seeing these things, what's happening now in the world makes me feel as if we were doomed for sure.
Sorry for saying this. It's shit because I have always been an optimistic person...
There's already talk about 6G. And there have been vans with no identity markings on them out working on and installing these 5G networks during this lockdown.

The lockdown prevents dissidence as no one can congregate or protest.

I can see a picture of how all of this virus malarkey comes together to form their digital interconnected grid.

They crash the economy which would fail anyway because their fiat currency is coming to the end of its life span.

Then they come up with their solution their digital currency which only works with the chip. And the chip is in the vaccine.

So they force the chip because life becomes impossible to make financial transactions without their chip. It would then be a cashless society because cash is dirty and carries germs.

The government has already announced the ban on gasoline powered cars in the future. So we have no choice all cars will be electric only in the future by governments forced mandate.

Also people have never been exposed to so much microwave radiation before. We are not supposed to be subjected to so much microwave radiation. It penetrates into the body causing brain cancers etc. I for one feel fried and exhausted and have had nose bleeds from this 5G radiation.

And with the heavy metals in the vaccine. Like aluminium the nano particles will lodge in your heart and brain. That can act as a kill switch if the powers that be decide to focus a higher microwave frequency on a specific individual.
Wait a sec, I'm a bit confused. The way you talk sounds like the lizards and grays don't get along on the plan they're unfolding. Am I missing something big here? Always thought they both hated humanity and worked together..
I don't know if this is to be labelled good that people attack these things, I'd say, not all that good, as this gives incentives to the government to push harder. But this was going to get forced through without asking anyone, anyway.

What is for sure is that the more all of this is pushed, it will be come really blatant that this isn't happening for any person nor the people in anyway. How all of this has been maintained is through the claim that this was "for the public good".

When these justifications will run out, as they are, people will think the matter in reverse. Buzzfeed today has posted something about how all of this situation has given extreme power to "Conspiracy Theories", and yes, how could it not do that?

All this deal reeks from all sides and just screams even some of the wildest of these "Theories" have at least some remote plausibility.

Soon it's the people who don't believe in "Conspiracy theories" that will be the minority among the populace, if not, closely nobody.

Poweredbythesun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:


don't forget how 5g might sterilize people or even might dumb them down.

Everyone must look this rollout world map, this is very important. (the entire south korea is covered! just think how 5g might affect them!):
They are for the most part. But they are not told the truth of where this ends, as even these jew lizards have a self preservation instinct.

They would never tell them where this jewtopia ends as the final chapter is when even the enemy is just equally turned into a grey and that's it. Any form of self preservation instinct may stop even them from doing this to themselves.

This is why many jews tend to backstab their own. They remain jews, but the issue with their own agenda, forces them to try to avoid the worst.

Communists Jews killed half of the other Communist Jews despite of being on board with their so called "Agenda". This is because they were in the know and due to fear of what was going to get heaped upon some of them, some reacted and tried to save their ass.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Wait a sec, I'm a bit confused. The way you talk sounds like the lizards and grays don't get along on the plan they're unfolding. Am I missing something big here? Always thought they both hated humanity and worked together..
They simply want to force the masses to accept their systems of control and slavery. Their main plan was through a third world war with nuclear bombs and involving all nations. Once they razed them to the ground, they would lend them money and put communism everywhere and continue with the implementation of the chip gradually. We stopped this plan and it is obvious that now they are going with plan B. They have been successful with the virus because the medicine of the Gentiles is currently on a low level. And by dropping the economy things will be much worse, even if people are on a low level of development and existence, people want to live. Hunger will work much more than the virus for the implementation of their systems. People will accept anything for a piece of bread.
In Italy the 5G is being build by Huawei, thanks to the leftist government. I was watching a video of a right-wing politicians talking about this the other day and he said that this will create many security proplems because China could Spy on us.

I do not remember the exact words but he said something along the lines of how in the Huawei there is someone Who is being paid to litteraly give all informations to the Chinese government. This means that in Italy we could be spied quite easily by the Chines.

This is bad but honestly there is worse, they are trying to take down Italy economy and try to buy it low and to do what they did to Greece. Hopefully this won't happen but it's really scarry... :(
Virtual reality for the greys is necessary so that human beings will eventually give out and forsake any actual spiritual practice, in essence, driving them to an insignificant digital world, not different from the movie "The Matrix", in which the AI or the powers that be exercise infinite power over subjects 24/7 in a case where they do not possess any free will, but live in sloppy digital landscape.

Seems like the band Amaranthe predict this in his song Digital World
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People observed all sorts of things from 5G weeks in as it was installed, like killing bugs, birds, small animals, and causing all sorts of bad incidents

The public must know this information, Before we see people collapse in streets (Cohencedence)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Things sound even more fucked up then I thought to be honest. Any chance there's some hidden advantage of the "my enemy's enemy" kind we could somehow exploit in this war? From what I understand the RTR will deal with jews but grays are another player entirely, are they not?
danewpath said:

don't forget how 5g might sterilize people or even might dumb them down.

Everyone must look this rollout world map, this is very important. (the entire south korea is covered! just think how 5g might affect them!):
Numbers in USA are looking preety dense as well, not mentioning Switzerland. Not gonna lie thats a pellucid looking map providing useful informations about numbers, its a great map better than jewish google ( this smooth is just impressing and these accuracy of geographical titles). If there are that many in USA already then its obvious in Europe this number will be even larger.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Things sound even more fucked up then I thought to be honest. Any chance there's some hidden advantage of the "my enemy's enemy" kind we could somehow exploit in this war? From what I understand the RTR will deal with jews but grays are another player entirely, are they not?

Often I wonder if our priests and priestesses know other weapons as effective as RTR but specially designed for the greys and reptilians. Fuck them!
All of these higher ups and other idiots seem to forget what ends up always happening in those stories of total AI control. In the end it ALWAYS fails. Like the Matrix the system crashes and crashes hard. What we need to do is keep helping that crash before the system can be fully online. more RTRs. We know we can get through this and back on the good road, but we have to keep fighting. Yea the whole thing is scifi scary but we have the knowledge to get the job done alone with the power and motivation. This is for the world, we have to keep fighting.

Hail Satan.
wariorSS said:
Often I wonder if our priests and priestesses know other weapons as effective as RTR but specially designed for the greys and reptilians. Fuck them!

Not to sound too 'extreme', but I do think very highly of those who sense 5G towers are a fraction of the danger they are and destroy them in any way they can. I think we could do a lot more, doing the RTR only feels almost like we're waiting for the enemy to make another move. I just don't know what else we could do without exposing ourselves in an obvious way.
sahasrarabliss said:
Meanwhile in UK


It seems like this lady reached very deep to this guy. He seems a little bit guilty for what he is doing.

I see this as a positive sign. Finally people are not acting like absolute sheep.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
wariorSS said:
Often I wonder if our priests and priestesses know other weapons as effective as RTR but specially designed for the greys and reptilians. Fuck them!

Not to sound too 'extreme', but I do think very highly of those who sense 5G towers are a fraction of the danger they are and destroy them in any way they can. I think we could do a lot more, doing the RTR only feels almost like we're waiting for the enemy to make another move. I just don't know what else we could do without exposing ourselves in an obvious way.
The Final Rtr is the only strong thing we can do right now, like any magick it takes time to manifest but the God's said we won if we keep going like now, of course the enemy will not sit and try everything they can until the last moment but we know they can only do so much damages but we will win. It's a matter of some years and the jews will be exposed to the world. Even right know the ammount of exposing they are getting is huge. Have trust in the Rtr and what the God's said.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
doing the RTR only feels almost like we're waiting for the enemy to make another move. .

The Final Rtr is a Tsar bomb on their soul. If you want to feel energy do the final rtr consecutively until you feel it...and then repeat the next day.

I don't know why all of the sudden people aren't satisfied by the Rtr ...
The Jew knows and cares

Rudold Steiner 1922

“In times when there were no electrical currents, when the air was not swarming with electrical influences, it was easier to be human. . . . For this reason, in order to be human at all today, it is necessary to expend much stronger spiritual capacities than was necessary a century ago.

“But it does not occur to me to be reactionary and say something like: Well then, we must banish all these modern achievements! That’s not the objective. Modern human beings need the access to the spirit that spiritual science provides, so that through this strong experience of the spirit they can also become stronger in relation to the forces that accompany modern culture, the forces that harden our physical body and take it away from us.”
I heard they are planning on putting up 6 million 5G towers in the USA. I’m dead serious. They can’t even hide it :lol:
GorgousPick said:
danewpath said:

don't forget how 5g might sterilize people or even might dumb them down.

Everyone must look this rollout world map, this is very important. (the entire south korea is covered! just think how 5g might affect them!):
Numbers in USA are looking preety dense as well, not mentioning Switzerland. Not gonna lie thats a pellucid looking map providing useful informations about numbers, its a great map better than jewish google ( this smooth is just impressing and these accuracy of geographical titles). If there are that many in USA already then its obvious in Europe this number will be even larger.

Yeah it's insane. The only 2 states that don't have any 5G are Nebraska (Omaha doesn't count) and Alaska o_O

It even shows where these installations are, and it's a bit concerning knowing there's a 5G antenna in my town now X(
Also just to get a glimpse, Nikola Tesla long back mentioned about we being able to create another Sun as a source of energy.
So this is the kind of power spirituality collectively can manifest.
5G in every way is pointless and just a means of controlling the masses.
If the 5G is operated within the accepted frequency, ie, a bit higher than already existing networks and WIFI, we will not turn to octapuses or anything. The problem lies in potential misuse, and is the same deal as with many other potentially dangerous technologies, unless misused.

I wanted to highlight the capabilities of potential misuse and what certain bad apples could do with this, to raise awareness.

A lot on the internet is quite stupid theories about it, as with usual, with Muslims and Xians who have cellphones on them all the time, eat microwaved food, and go get X-Rays every month because of whatever suspicion of illness, then they go complain that the 5G is the end of the world. In reality, it is not.

Even with all of the above, it still required a good 10 years before we implemented it, of testing and scientists to be over it. And not to be launched like this, deceitfully and for the most part during a time where people cannot even pose questions or protest. So, the governments are going to have a problem here because of deceitful means and forced implementations.

danewpath said:

don't forget how 5g might sterilize people or even might dumb them down.

Everyone must look this rollout world map, this is very important. (the entire south korea is covered! just think how 5g might affect them!):
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Things sound even more fucked up then I thought to be honest. Any chance there's some hidden advantage of the "my enemy's enemy" kind we could somehow exploit in this war? From what I understand the RTR will deal with jews but grays are another player entirely, are they not?

You are right that RTR is specific to the Hebrew letters, which I assume only targets Jews, however, my understanding of the situation is that the gods told us to focus on the F-RTR, so it should be the best course of action. If they desire us to do another ritual, they would surely let the clergy know.
Blitzkreig said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

Things sound even more fucked up then I thought to be honest. Any chance there's some hidden advantage of the "my enemy's enemy" kind we could somehow exploit in this war? From what I understand the RTR will deal with jews but grays are another player entirely, are they not?

You are right that RTR is specific to the Hebrew letters, which I assume only targets Jews, however, my understanding of the situation is that the gods told us to focus on the F-RTR, so it should be the best course of action. If they desire us to do another ritual, they would surely let the clergy know.
It target everything even xianity and islam. The Final Rtr destroy the Jews and everything they have created, spells or physical things. On top of this we have all the old rituals (both the old Rtr's and the old and new Rituals) that still are on the Astral and are made stronger the more we destroy their protection and everything with the F-Rtr.

The God's too are helping us and the more the jewish spells are destroyed the more they can help this world. It's really complicate and i understand if some do not fully get it but it's working and it's the most powerful thing we could do.

I have hope because if Hitler without the Rtr's just with normal group spells almost won by a inch then us with the Rtr's we are 100% going to win.
Blitzkreig said:
ou are right that RTR is specific to the Hebrew letters, which I assume only targets Jews, however, my understanding of the situation is that the gods told us to focus on the F-RTR, so it should be the best course of action. If they desire us to do another ritual, they would surely let the clergy know.

Looking at it this way, I'm guessing while the Final RTR is the perfect weapon against everything the jews built, grays don't really require this kind of effort. I'm thinking evolving ourselves will be enough to fight them off, that they have no power unless one is weak and gives in to fear, making the grays more of an 'astral' enemy while the RTR has an effect that's physically observable as the downfall of the jews step by step.

PS. I got my hands on a great video that explains precisely the 5G dangers and its connection with Coronavirus, managed to save it off facebook (didn't know there was a possibility to do so until today) and tried to post it for more people to see on jewtube. The upload didn't even finish that the video was already banned and "violated term" displayed. I managed to share it once and post it again on facebook for as many people as possible to see, but the moment someone posts it it's already labeled as "false information" and flagged as such. Tagged as many people as I could, even strangers, as I believe if they get even slightly the idea in the back of their minds, even if they're idiotic news believers, when the shit truly gets sprayed off the fan they'll suddenly realize that knowledge wasn't so false and maybe they'll choose to react.
Point is: information is being banned in a lot of ways, a lot of people are awake and ready to say no but another half is made up with sheeple.

I'll do my third RTR for today now. I've been sleeping badly lately. But, on the other hand, I've never been more determined to utterly destroy the jews as I am now, pushing my limits much beyond the comfort zone. Do at least 3 RTRs a day, people. Let's end them.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

Improve sleep by getting daytime sun exposure, as the eyes can turn UVA into melatonin, dopamine, and serotonin. Additionally, block blue light at night to protect the release of said melatonin. Use software blockers on devices or blue blocking glasses. Some exposure from dimmer lights is ok, but staring at a screen before bed will hurt you.

If you think your sleep is harmed by some sort of stress or anxiety, try taking Ashwaganda, it is pretty great stress adaptogen. Taking some prior to sleep will reduce cortisol and allow you to fall asleep easier.

Insulin can hamper the release of melatonin as well, so try not to eat right before bed, maybe last meal like 3 hours if possible.

Hope any of these tips help.
Blitzkreig said:
...which I assume only targets Jews...

This is kind of a misunderstanding. Yes your right it does go after the "root issue" but because Farsi/Islam is connected it goes after it as well. Farsi has letters found in Hebrew. Also funny thing when looking at it from a certain historical perspective because certain Amerindian tribes in the "New World" spoke and wrote in some Hebriac amalgamation. I wouldn't be surprised if the F-RTR attacks the language of Amerindians. It's sound silly to state no one speaks those except researchers and maybe some off-the cuff tribes. But think for a moment IF the letter and speech is from Hebrew; as it's been stated there were Jews in the so-called "New World" beforehand. The imprint of magick is still in those places and temples pumping it out. So I would not be surprised, speculating of course, that the F-RTR hits those places as well.

In the sermon from Maxine communicating with Azazel. He mentioned at this point in time Islam will collapse on it's own. So that means we don't have to waste our time performing RKR/RQR(Revere K/Quran Rituals).

Also it should be pointed out that while it is true the Jews in the past made the bible in Koine, common Greek and potentially even Ancient Greek as that was around those eras. The ORIGINAL were most likely translated from Paleo Hebrew, Aramaic, and Ancient/Modern Hebrew. In other words the ones worked on to create it and later translate it probably had been in the original Jewish tongue to give it more power.

So simply being F-RTR K.O.s everything. It just hits everything. Sure Western Xtianity might not speak the language of the Jews but non the less the connection between both is very apparent and the F-RTR splashes EVERYTHING.
Coronavirus: YouTube tightens rules after David Icke 5G interview ||

"YouTube has banned all conspiracy theory videos falsely linking coronavirus symptoms to 5G networks."
txg said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

the name 5g is deceptive because we already have 5g internet.

home internet in the 5 gigahertz frequency
"5G" means "fifth generation".

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
ou are right that RTR is specific to the Hebrew letters, which I assume only targets Jews, however, my understanding of the situation is that the gods told us to focus on the F-RTR, so it should be the best course of action. If they desire us to do another ritual, they would surely let the clergy know.

Looking at it this way, I'm guessing while the Final RTR is the perfect weapon against everything the jews built, grays don't really require this kind of effort. I'm thinking evolving ourselves will be enough to fight them off, that they have no power unless one is weak and gives in to fear, making the grays more of an 'astral' enemy while the RTR has an effect that's physically observable as the downfall of the jews step by step.

PS. I got my hands on a great video that explains precisely the 5G dangers and its connection with Coronavirus, managed to save it off facebook (didn't know there was a possibility to do so until today) and tried to post it for more people to see on jewtube. The upload didn't even finish that the video was already banned and "violated term" displayed. I managed to share it once and post it again on facebook for as many people as possible to see, but the moment someone posts it it's already labeled as "false information" and flagged as such. Tagged as many people as I could, even strangers, as I believe if they get even slightly the idea in the back of their minds, even if they're idiotic news believers, when the shit truly gets sprayed off the fan they'll suddenly realize that knowledge wasn't so false and maybe they'll choose to react.
Point is: information is being banned in a lot of ways, a lot of people are awake and ready to say no but another half is made up with sheeple.

I'll do my third RTR for today now. I've been sleeping badly lately. But, on the other hand, I've never been more determined to utterly destroy the jews as I am now, pushing my limits much beyond the comfort zone. Do at least 3 RTRs a day, people. Let's end them.
Upload it to sites such as Dropbox, Mega, and these -


and please share the links with us.
David Icke speaks for two and a half hours on covid 19, erasure of rights, destruction of economy and 5G:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
