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4/September/2017: Playing "God"

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Given the natural disasters that have been occurring around the world, I want to make a statement regarding this.

The enemy always plays upon human ignorance, unknowing.

By claiming responsibility for these (their so-called "God" is behind it...wrath, other excuses and so forth), this frightens many traumatized and programmed people into believing their lies. It also makes them appear powerful.

Again, given in depth and extensive research, the Jews have appointed themselves as "God" after usurping spiritual knowledge and power. They are an alien soul with insatiable greed.

Anything that has to do with the occult, the afterlife, the catastrophe weather, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING where humanity lacks understanding and knowledge, the Jews exploit this and claim it to be of so-called "God." Unfortunately, this works as millions of Christian and Muslim idiots fall for this crap.

All this is, is the destruction of knowledge, mainly spiritual knowledge and of course the dire warnings to stay away from astrology, and other occult disciplines that can expose the enemy for what they are.

This latest eclipse was very powerful. Just sitting in my back yard while it was taking place, there was a very noticeable drop in the temperature. This DOES affect the weather and this is one of the reasons why the ancients feared eclipses.

In closing, I want to add, with extensive research and studying, "God" in Jewish writings is a code word for the Jewish people, Israel. Most of you are already aware how the Jews infiltrate and either take full control, OR destroy what they cannot control.

I have discovered, what is being done here on our planet, has already been done on other planets. Planets that do not knuckle under to the Jews and their alien lords over them are destroyed. This is in their writings on how "God" destroys worlds.

Every act of destruction, nearly every war, desecration of the environment, mass murder, and related, has always had Jews at the forefront, but hidden in plain sight...the invisible Jewish empire. This article below is a blatant example:

A Jewish Gift to Humanity: The Nuclear Nightmare

Below is only a partial list. The total number of the Jews involved is staggering and shocking and the list below is incomplete, due to time restrictions. The list below contains the most noted Jewish scientists who worked directly on the Manhattan Project. Nearly all of the individuals on the list below were hard-core Communists; many more were spies, who gave the formula for the atom bomb to the Soviets. Upon researching, I was appalled at how the authors [mostly Jews], who wrote articles and biographies of the individuals below, portrayed these mass-murderers in a very positive light, exalting many to a hero status. Feel free to do your own research given the information contained on this website.

Below is a partial list of Jews who were directly involved in the Manhattan Project. There were many more Jews involved at all levels of researching, constructing, and advocating the use of the atomic bomb than can be listed here.

J. Robert Oppenheimer [American Jew] - Scientific Director - Project "Y"

Frank Oppenheimer [American Jew] - Brother of and Assistant to J. Robert Oppenheimer

Albert Einstein [German born Jew] - Consultant to the project

Niels Bohr [Danish born Jew] - Consultant to the Project

Leó Szilárd [Hungarian born Jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory

Nicholas Kürti [Hungarian born Jew] - Worked with Franz Eugen Simon [German born Jew] and developed a method of separating uranium 235 from raw uranium ore

David Bohm [American Jew] - Performed theoretical calculations for the Calutrons at the Y-12 facility in Oak Ridge, used to electromagnetically enrich uranium for use in the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945

Rudolf Peierls [German born Jew] - British Mission

Felix Bloch [Swiss born Jew] - Worked under Hans Albrecht Bethe, performing nuclear fission research

Eugene [Paul] Wigner [Hungarian born Jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory

James Chadwick [British born Jew] - Chief - British Mission

James Franck [German born Jew] - Director - Chemistry Group

Otto Frisch [German born Jew] - British Mission

Edward Teller [Hungarian born Jew] - Thermonuclear Research

Emilio Gino Segrè [Italian born Jew] - Group Leader

Hans Albrecht Bethe [German born Jew] - Chief - Theoretical Division

Klaus Fuchs [German born Jew] - Theoretical Division [Communist Spy]

Richard Phillips Feynman [American Jew] - Group Leader - Theoretical Division

Morris Kolodney [American Jew] - Manager - DP Site

Louis Rosen [American Jew] - The "Father" of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center

Louis Slotin [Canadian born Jew] - Critical Testing - resulted in his accidental death

Jacob Beser [American Jew] - Weapons firing and fusing

Theodore Alvin Hall [American Jew] - Youngest Scientist at Los Alamos

Samuel T. Cohen [American Jew] - Worked in the Efficiency Group

Samuel Goudsmit - [Danish born Jew] - Scientific Head of the Alsos Mission

George Placzek - [Moravian born Jew] - British Mission

Eugene Rabinowitch - [Russian born Jew] - Metallurgical Laboratory

Joseph Rotblat - [Polish born Jew] - Worked with James Chadwick [Communist Spy]

Gregory Breit - [Russian born Jew] - Predecessor of J. Robert Oppenheimer

David Greenglass [American Jew] - Manhattan Project Infiltration [Communist Spy]

George Abramovich Koval [American Jew] - Special Engineer Detachment [Communist Spy]

Victor Weisskopf [Austrian born Jew] - Theoretical Division

Alvin Martin Weinberg [American Jew] - Theoretical Physics under Eugene [Paul] Wigner

Isidor Isaac Rabi [Polish born Jew] - Consultant to the Project

Stan Frankel [American Jew] - Theoretical Division

Enrico Fermi [Italian born Gentile] was married to a Jewess - Group Leader - Theoretical Division

The first atomic bomb was designed and constructed in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The top-secret code name given to this working was "The Manhattan Project." The reason for the name was that Bernard Baruch [Jew], lived in Manhattan New York, as did many of the other top officials. The chief scientist of the Los Alamos Laboratory from 1943 to 1945 was J. Robert Oppenheimer, another prominent Jew.

Oppenheimer's brother Frank, a card-carrying communist, was also a leading atomic scientist working at Los Alamos.

"One of the central figures in not only laying the theoretical ground work but also persuading President Roosevelt to launch the whole atomic bomb program was Albert Einstein, a foreign-born Jew with 16 communist front affiliations."

"The first commissioner of the Atomic Energy Commission was David E. Lilienthal, a Jew, who belonged to at least two communist fronts. He remained in that position for a considerable length of time." 1

Niels Bohr [Danish born Jew], given the Nobel Prize in 1922, escaped Denmark in 1943. "In September 1943, reliable word reached Bohr about his imminent arrest by the German police; the Danish resistance quickly managed to help Bohr and his wife escape by sea to Sweden. Soon after, Bohr was flown in a military aircraft to Britain. There he was introduced to the then-secret atomic bomb project. Eventually he was directed to the project's principal location in the United States of America. Bohr worked on the Manhattan Project at the top-secret Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico, where he was known by the name of Nicholas Baker for security reasons."2

Leó Szilárd [Hungarian born Jew] born in Budapest, assisted Enrico Fermi in conducting the first controlled nuclear chain reaction.

Nicholas Kürti [Hungarian born Jew: Kürti Miklós] and Franz Eugen Simon [German born Jew who fled to Britain after Hitler came to power] discovered how to separate uranium-235 from uranium ore, which was necessary for the construction of an atomic bomb.3

"It is of utmost significance to point out that both atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb were in large measure a Jewish production. But basically the atom bomb and its further proliferation, is a Jewish idea. One of the central figures in not only laying the theoretical groundwork but also persuading President Roosevelt to launch the whole atomic bomb program was Albert Einstein, a foreign-born Jew with 16 communist front affiliations."

"It was at this time that most of the Atomic secrets were stolen and passed on to the Soviets. When it comes to listing the spies and traitors involved, it almost reads like a Jewish Who's Who. The most notorious were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were tried and executed for treason, the only traitors in modern U.S. history to have suffered this fate. Further involved in this spy network were Harry Gold, Abraham Brothman, David Greenglass, [Ethel Rosenberg's brother], Israel Weinbaum, Miriam Moscowitz, Sidney Weinbaum, Morton Sobell. All these were Jews, and all were convicted of treason. It is also significant in the further development of the hydrogen bomb, again Jews were in the forefront, such as J. Robert Oppenheimer, Steve Nelson [real name Joseph W. Weinberg] and Edward Teller."
"To get on with the crux of our dissertation, namely the commercial and industrial proliferation of nuclear wastes in the United States, which more than any other issue hangs as an ominous pall over our heads. It threatens to bring death, cancer, leukemia, and birth defects to the mass of the population, and, in fact, exterminate humanity itself."
"It is of utmost significance to point out that the Jewish network, has kept close control of the development and proliferation of this most devastating of all technical achievements – nuclear fission and nuclear fusion." 4

1 Ben Klassen, Racial Loyality issue 27, Creativity Movement

2 Wikipedia article on Niels Bohr

3 International Council for Science (ICSU) Committee on Data for Science and Technology CODATA Newsletter Number 79 March 1999

4 Ben Klassen, Racial Loyalty issue 27, Creativity Movement


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
To sum it up
I let the proper Teachers do the teaching.
I spread the word.
I do the work on myself ( power meditation )
Strike 3 (things)
Okay,,,, I think I am done.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
