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Thank You HPHC for your great work

The True offspring of the lineage of the Gods are impossible to defeat
Let us receive the radiant bright lights of the Gods.

no matter what is happening and what will happen we will be victorious.
I loved this! As a welder who literally binds metal with fire I was practically jumping up and down reading about Hephaistos. I have always been drawn to him and his roman name Vulcan has come across me several times even in signs in waking life. As someone with Canaanite ancestry, knowing Lord Eshmun had a Cannanite mother hits close to home <3. He is now ubermensch!! I look forward to these rituals :)
Regarding Lord Asmodeus being a Teacher of Music and the modern Name Amadeus - this made me think of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the musical Genius. One of the pieces Mozart worked on (The Magic Flute) does pretty obviously refer to The Path of becoming a God, if one does know the hidden messages.
I knew that name was familiar somewhere! Thanks :)

The images you drew aren't showing, at least not for me.
Also worth noting, we will no longer be updating the Old JoS Rituals site (https://old.josrituals.org) as it has officially served its purpose. Please try using the new website and let me know if there are any speed or loading problems. The links on the old site's homepage will redirect to the new site going forward.
I am so excited about these new rituals.
Thank you HPHC, JG ApolloAbove and JG PowerOfJustice for your hard work. You are so precious to all of us
I am very happy to announce 4 more New Rituals about our Gods. Now, make sure to read the descriptions about them, as the rabbit hole goes deep with all of them. Below will be found the rectified identities of these Gods, outside of the Jewish context.

Names of Jewish origin [or slander titles] as I have mentioned before, will be removed in the Joy of Satan and have a secondary importance when the Demon's Section will be re-done. That is a long and lifelong task as I see it. Therefore, the Rituals will be up first and Rituals are the reference for the identities of these Gods.

I will wipe out every jewish reference, curse and abomination of the so called "Left Hand Path" on top of the Gods. That is necessary for us to move forward. However, for historical sake, the Joy of Satan will always retain in it the origins of the what the Jews have done to the Gods, while also I will simultaneously explain all the grand crimes and misappropriations the Jews have caused historically against them. Any jewish slander or any "Left hand path" nonsense will have a last of the least mention when it comes to any of the Gods going forward.

That is an extremely long task. These Rituals and researches you see here, took a very large amount of research. However, the task as a High Priest is to serve the Gods and my destiny is to reconnect you with Them in a very purified manner. I also want to thank JG ApolloAbove (Making into webpages) and JG PowerOfJustice (editing the Ritual)



Alastor: 28 - 30 of July
Mulciber: 31 - 2 of August
Asmodeus: 3 to 5 of August
Andrealphus: 6 to 7 of August


Fan art or generic art will be included with each God, to give an idea of their depictions based on how they appear.



God Mulciber: Is actually Hephaistos of the Ancient Greeks and Vulcan of the Romans. He was also Gobbanus and Goibniu (Irish & Gaul), and credited in this context as the Head Blacksmith of the Gods, (Tuatha De Danaan). To the Egyptians, He was Ptah, the Name Hephaistos comes from He-Patah of the Egyptians.

In the "Goetic" sources, He is called "Satan's Palace Designer" and also "Grand Architect". The same role, for Zeus and the Gods, was that of Hephaistus [He is the par excellence God of Architectural and Technology Engineers - Master Craftsman of the Gods, purported to make the "Weaponry of the Olympians" and other structures].

The word "Mulciber" that was used for description, is merely a Roman word meaning "To shape through fire", or someone who shapes metals and other materials through the use of fire. That is related to anvils, as Vulcan [Roman Pantheon] works upon the Anvil with "Molten Fire]. The two Irish and Gaulish Names Gobbanus and Goibniu, are correlated with the Ancient Greek "Κόπανος" (Κ is C in the above alphabets), a dual word used to indicate "Hitting", but also the sound created by hitting; in that context, the sound of hitting something on an anvil.

Hephaistos means "He of the Volcano" (Literally in Ancient Greek) and is credited with being one of the creators to Mankind. The statement that he is "Beelzebul's Second in Command", is because when Zeus created mankind, his Son, Hephaistus helped shape mankind further through what we know as Genetic...Engineering. Who is known as Mulciber in the "Goetia", is actually Hephaistos, Zeus's son. Hephaistos is a God of advance architecture and divine technology.

From Ancient sources, he also created robotics [What we could today refer to as AI Robots] and other impressive machines, which ended up being labelled as "Mythological" later. The so called "Fall of Hephaistus from the Mount Olympus", is a mystical code since Hephaistus rules the Earthly Realm [where creation of machines, robotics, weapons, and anything scientific] can take place. The mythological and impressive allegories of Hephaistos are too many to mention here [he has a most deep occult significance]. Due to very close significant relation with his Father Beelzebul/Zeus, the sigil of Beelzebul was conflated with that of Hephaistos/Mulciber.

The Sigil of Mulciber is a symbolic Anvil, as Hephaistos's symbol was the Anvil. The Anvil is a very important symbol, because it has to do with creation of ideas into material forms. More on this will be given into a seminar and future updates of the JoS Demon section.

Mulciber will be removed from the Joy of Satan and replaced by Hephaistus, as Mulciber is just a generic Roman word and nothing else.

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Here is the Ritual of Mulciber [Hephaistos]: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/mulciber-ptah-hephaistos-vulcan-power-ritual.html


Demon Alastor: Alastor is one of the direct rip-offs from Ancient Greek words. In Ancient Greece, Zeus also had an identity that was called "Ζευς Αλάστωρ". That is widely known, and one can click here to read more about Zeus Alastor or Alastoras.

Alastor in the "Goetia" which lacks complete information about him, simply writes "That he enforces down the Decrees of Satan".

In the context of the above, Zeus Alastor is the face Zeus takes when there is an absolute necessity to enforce decrees; to even out injustices, to annihilate tyrants, or to destroy extreme deviants or utmost criminals. Alastor is symbolic of this state of inescapable wrath, but not blind wrath, but wrath and unrelenting anger towards those who do the most deplorable crimes. Zeus sends the Demon Alastor to punish criminals and the impious for the sake of ultimate Justice.

Alastor is an independent Demon [whose sigil will be available and provided by Him directly, from now on], that works under Beelzebul/Zeus.

Alastor is most terrifying to the enemy, only comparable to a few other Demons. Alastor can torment without cessation both in this life and the next, those who do the most deplorable acts against the Gods, their Initiates or Disciples who are learning under Zeus. Alastor specializes also in punishing those who attack members of their own family [or their own race], or those who commit the highest penalizing errors of attacking brothers and sisters [as thus, Beelzebul "who handles the infighting between Satanists", also as a spiritual family]. Alastor can wipe out the whole "lot" of a person, if the amount of sacrilege is too great.

His Sister is Nemesis [another Goddess that will be introduced to the Joy of Satan, sister of Alastor]. Nemesis is a personification of divine retribution when Hybris is committed [high sacrilege against the Gods]. Jews branded all of these entities as "Entities of utmost evil", having habitually committing for themselves both the crime of Hybris and all the crimes punishable by Alastor.

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Here is the Ritual of Alastor [Alastoras]: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/alastor-power-ritual.html


King of Demons Asmodeus: Asmodeus was the God the Sidonian Canaaites who worshiped him as Eshmun [Esh-Mendai or Ashmedai later in Hebrew sources].

His other Name in the enemy's works is referred to as "Sidonai", which means "He of Sidon", indicating both a location, or a God worshipped or Sidon, or a being that came from Sidon. The City of Sidon in present day Lebanon, is one of the most Ancient Cities in the World.

The name of Asmodeus has also a code hidden in it; it comes from the Ancient Greek Asma [Song] and Deus [Zeus - God] and means "Song of God". At the same time, the modern name "Amadeus" comes from Asmodeus, and means "Love of God". The relation of "Songs" and Asmodeus, is because he is a Son of Apollo.

Asmodeus is on the Rank of Demon, and is one very beloved God among Spiritual Satanists. He can teach numerous sciences, music, magick, astrology and spirituality overall. He was a Mortal who ascended all the way up to the Demonic Rank.

On the enemy's side and claims, Asmodeus is among the most hated and most slandered Gods in the Jewish literature. He was also called "Ashmedai". An avid hater of Israel and Jews, Asmodeus has a prominent position in all the false literature of the enemy, who ranks him as a highest "Satan" [persecutor entity against Israel]. The jews, speaking in code, say that Asmodeus also attacked King Solomon (never existed, it's an allegorical tale) in more than one ways. This equates him to a legendary ranking of power, where few have reached in History.

There is no problem to call Him Asmodeus, but one can also call Him Eshmun. He can confer impressive powers, and many of these described of in "grimoires". Asmodeus is the King of Demons, meaning he is on the top rank where the Demonic Hierarchy is concerned, exactly below the higher ranks. Therefore, his power is impressive.

As the Name is of Ancient Greek roots, it does not need any change. The slander and false correlation of the root "Ashmu or Eshma" to relate to emotions of rage, lust and related lower emotions [as in traditional grimoires] comes from a mish-mash of Judaism and late Zoroastrianism, likely related to the term Aeshmadev. Since the Jews were enslaved by the Zoroastrians for a long time, they didn't lose the chance to promote gross misrepresentations of Asmodeus. As an oppressive force for the Jews, he has humiliated Israel in all it's history.

Under Asmodeus there were many small Ancient Schools of Spirituality all over Arabia, but that information cannot be disclosed and it's directly from him. He taught people directly for centuries, unaffected by the slander of the enemy. He also mentioned "Turkey and Anatolia". Hidden sects who were parading on the front as "Islamic", were internally in league with Asmodeus and learning how to ascend to the Godhead.

Inadvertedly, he became really famous through the Islamic hoaxes slander accounts to the Arabic world, and many interested occultists and people who needed knowledge, did go to him for knowledge and instruction. "He of Sidon" has never abandoned his ancestral continent.

This is where the twist happens historically and Asmodeus ends up being called all of the endless slanderous names. Even this did not hold much water in it. Regardless, the fact that he is wrathful against Jews and a blessed one for the followers of the Gods, is a well known fact.

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Here is the Ritual of Asmodeus [Eshmun]: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/asmodeus-eshmun-power-ritual.html


God Adramelech: Originally the Sun-God and River God, He was presiding over the town of Sippur in Akkad (Older Sumeria). Originally a Babylonian God, also worshiped largely in Ancient Syria. The jews coined all these regions as "Sepharvaim", something which would be a combined word for the "Those of Sippar". His Assyrian Name was Adar.

Due to the almost complete lack of information about this God, the enemy has liberally dictated the lowest slander against him also; the usual abominations they constantly write about all the Gentile Pagan Gods. His association with Peacocks is due to the fact that the Peacock is a symbol of splendor, power and spiritual rectification; also related to the Rivers around which peacocks reside.

He has two Names, one that corresponds to the Sun [Adramalekh] and one that corresponds to the Moon [Annamalekh]. The Ancient people's listed in the Bible as yet another "enemy of Israel", worshiped Adramelech. In the grimoire works of the Jews, he is regarded as a most fearsome entity, that is "Very close to Lucifer" and "Most Loyal to Lucifer".

Andrealphus and Adramelech are the same being; Adra-Melech and Adre-Alphus are two names for the same being. Another name of Andramelech from Ancient Greek origin, is Alpheus. Alpheus was a God of Rivers. Adramelech and Alpheus are very valid Names to use. Both in the Ancient Greek lore, and in the Babylonian lore, he is symbolic of the power of Rivers.

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Here is the Ritual of Andramalekh [Alpheus]: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/adramalech-alpheus-power-ritual.html
Thank you Master Cobra, I will try my best to do these rituals in the middle of the tremendous turmoil we are having right now here in Venezuela. People are being killed in the streets and I can hear the shootings from my home. I pray the Gods to protect me and my sister (who is my only family, besides the JoS) in this terrible time.
His Sister is Nemesis [another Goddess that will be introduced to the Joy of Satan, sister of Alastor]. Nemesis is a personification of divine retribution when Hybris is committed [high sacrilege against the Gods]. Jews branded all of these entities as "Entities of utmost evil", having habitually committing for themselves both the crime of Hybris and all the crimes punishable by Alastor.

What is the relation between Alastor and Maat? Do they both govern the principles of order and justice? I had also come across some information on the forums which led me to believe that Nemesis is Maat, but are they in fact two different Goddesses?

Another question, is it possible to perform Alastor's ritual to honor him and punish unjust treatment by individuals in our personal lives? I recently endured some injustice and hope the other party gets what they deserve, hard.

Thank you always for the wonderful rituals.
Such muscles cannot be pumped without steroids:cry::cry::cry:
False. That's all lies created by the enemy to keep people in a lower state of mind.

While I don't personally advocate against muscle volume, it is all possible. Even testosterone production can be increased naturally through your diet, specific training regimes and also through specific spiritual practice. For example, Mars energy and certain runes allow that.

The main issue with people nowadays is that they don't get enough deep, restorative sleep. This is due to lifestyles that have been made popular and "normal" by the enemy when they aren't popular at all. Testosterone production (like fat loss) happens while you're asleep and specifically in deep sleep. Alcohol and other lifestyle factors nowadays impair the ability to sleep properly. It's quality and quality. Not quality over quantity, and not quantity over quality either. You need sleep deeply, well, and long enough.

This is like another myth that you cannot spot-reduce fat. False. Even just simple self-hypnosis, and also raising energy and programming it for the purpose will do that. These are lies that keep humanity at a lower state of existence: the self-defeated, resigned one.

After every body training session, you can vibrate one or a couple of runes 10+30 times each, affirm what they are doing, and strongly visualise the result.

You can have a beautiful, healthy body, mind and soul. Connect to the Gods and they will show you how.
False. That's all lies created by the enemy to keep people in a lower state of mind.

While I don't personally advocate against muscle volume, it is all possible. Even testosterone production can be increased naturally through your diet, specific training regimes and also through specific spiritual practice. For example, Mars energy and certain runes allow that.

The main issue with people nowadays is that they don't get enough deep, restorative sleep. This is due to lifestyles that have been made popular and "normal" by the enemy when they aren't popular at all. Testosterone production (like fat loss) happens while you're asleep and specifically in deep sleep. Alcohol and other lifestyle factors nowadays impair the ability to sleep properly. It's quality and quality. Not quality over quantity, and not quantity over quality either. You need sleep deeply, well, and long enough.

This is like another myth that you cannot spot-reduce fat. False. Even just simple self-hypnosis, and also raising energy and programming it for the purpose will do that. These are lies that keep humanity at a lower state of existence: the self-defeated, resigned one.

After every body training session, you can vibrate one or a couple of runes 10+30 times each, affirm what they are doing, and strongly visualise the result.

You can have a beautiful, healthy body, mind and soul. Connect to the Gods and they will show you how.
You have no personal example and no priestly approval. Satan doesn't have big muscles because he doesn't use steroids, it's simple. Perhaps the gods also use other high-tech steroids.

It is impossible to sleep peacefully when there is a spiritual war, the importance of sleep is exaggerated, I have hardly slept all my life and have high results in any sport, I have a strong body, but my muscles are more average, but not so large. I'm sure to have big muscles, you need to use steroids, and to have strong muscles, you need to use advanced steroids, which are available to the gods,

To burn fat, you don't need sleep or a special type of nutrition, all you need is a workout for 2000+ kilocalories per day. A person has homeostasis and nutritional deficiency cannot affect him, you can relieve edema, but you will not be able to lose fat on a diet, everything you lose will be remembered and replenished, but when you burn 2000+ kilocalories per workout per day, your homeostasis will change forever.

Point fat burning is a myth, the only thing that you remove is swelling by affecting a specific area.

Of course, you can use some procedures to speed up the loss of fat in a particular area a little, but physics will not allow you to have an uneven distribution of fat, unless you change your magnetic field in relation to the ground in these specific areas where there is fat.
You have no personal example and no priestly approval. Satan doesn't have big muscles because he doesn't use steroids, it's simple. Perhaps the gods also use other high-tech steroids.

It is impossible to sleep peacefully when there is a spiritual war, the importance of sleep is exaggerated, I have hardly slept all my life and have high results in any sport, I have a strong body, but my muscles are more average, but not so large. I'm sure to have big muscles, you need to use steroids, and to have strong muscles, you need to use advanced steroids, which are available to the gods,

To burn fat, you don't need sleep or a special type of nutrition, all you need is a workout for 2000+ kilocalories per day. A person has homeostasis and nutritional deficiency cannot affect him, you can relieve edema, but you will not be able to lose fat on a diet, everything you lose will be remembered and replenished, but when you burn 2000+ kilocalories per workout per day, your homeostasis will change forever.

Point fat burning is a myth, the only thing that you remove is swelling by affecting a specific area.

Of course, you can use some procedures to speed up the loss of fat in a particular area a little, but physics will not allow you to have an uneven distribution of fat, unless you change your magnetic field in relation to the ground in these specific areas where there is fat.

What Stormblood said was correct though. Please get some good sleep, it is necessary for you to think clearly. It is not a badge of honor to declare how little sleep you get. Do you maybe have insomnia maybe and you need help resolving it? Try to aim for at least 7 hours of good sleep each night, as your body needs this to reset and repair itself.

The Gods have access to advanced steroids? What are you even talking about? Why would a divine being in another dimension need to rely on the human concept of steroids?

You can lose weight by using magic and performing workings, so the rules can be bent here to make your body more efficient. Try a Rune working or attempt the blue color magic HPS Maxine wrote about on JoS.
Thank you Master Cobra, I will try my best to do these rituals in the middle of the tremendous turmoil we are having right now here in Venezuela. People are being killed in the streets and I can hear the shootings from my home. I pray the Gods to protect me and my sister (who is my only family, besides the JoS) in this terrible time.
May the Gods bless you.
I knew that name was familiar somewhere! Thanks :)

The images you drew aren't showing, at least not for me.
Mozart was a very interesting person, it is very much worth to look up his life story if one is a SS and has the "Satanic Eye"

I posted the images in a link as I cannot include images directly into the post anymore. 🤔

Maybe the post limit was raised to be able to do this? I assume, as I am also not able to do profile posts anymore or react to the profile post by other members other than "like".
Your work and guidance are priceless, dear HP.
High Priest, what do these Gods Rituals do in our life? In what area of our lives do they help?
In short, they re-establish the energies and spiritual presence of the Gods on Earth. Thousands of years of enemy blasphemy and lack of contact with the Gods, caused them to have little spiritual power over the Earth, but the world has become much better and advanced ever since Pagan/Satanic figures like the Founding Fathers and the National Socialists appeared. The Joy of Satan is the Thule/Vril Society of our times, and we have already manifested great change in the world.

As for personal value, the God rituals are a great source of energy and confidence, especially when you mediate on the sigil after the ritual. They reconnect you with the Gods and destroy the meekness and lack of direction in your life.
I'm so blessed being here. I'm so blessed to participate, I'm so blessed for the opportunity to be responsible here. On to Hesphaitos ritual
You have no personal example and no priestly approval. Satan doesn't have big muscles because he doesn't use steroids, it's simple. Perhaps the gods also use other high-tech steroids.

It is impossible to sleep peacefully when there is a spiritual war, the importance of sleep is exaggerated, I have hardly slept all my life and have high results in any sport, I have a strong body, but my muscles are more average, but not so large. I'm sure to have big muscles, you need to use steroids, and to have strong muscles, you need to use advanced steroids, which are available to the gods,

To burn fat, you don't need sleep or a special type of nutrition, all you need is a workout for 2000+ kilocalories per day. A person has homeostasis and nutritional deficiency cannot affect him, you can relieve edema, but you will not be able to lose fat on a diet, everything you lose will be remembered and replenished, but when you burn 2000+ kilocalories per workout per day, your homeostasis will change forever.

Point fat burning is a myth, the only thing that you remove is swelling by affecting a specific area.

Of course, you can use some procedures to speed up the loss of fat in a particular area a little, but physics will not allow you to have an uneven distribution of fat, unless you change your magnetic field in relation to the ground in these specific areas where there is fat.
No priestly approval, no personal example. Said the person who hasn't contributed enough to even earn a blue badge 😂

Tell me, what experience do you have of applying spirituality correctly to muscle growth and fat loss?

I'm glad you have a good physical routine but you can't simply banish other people's experience and aptitude for witchcraft when you don't have any experience of using witchcraft in that way. I have spot-reduced fat before for myself after a depressive period when I lost all will to exercise or do anything. Also applied it to muscle growth, and have gained an intimate understanding of the potential of this branch of witchcraft.

The Gods have much higher level of testosterone than any human naturally. They are masters at managing all kinds of energies, including those related to muscle growth. If they want to be that big, they can. I personally prefer a gymnast body, prioritising high density over high volume. So I will never go that far but it's possible.

Please stop talking about biophysics when even top scientists specialised in it don't even understand 10% of it.

Go and research sleep science and study how it affect testosterone production and weight loss, because you're clearly uneducated on the topic.

I'm not as patient as JG ApolloAbove or others.

If you want to discuss this topic, let's do it in a new thread, not under the Gods' rituals.
High Priest, what do these Gods Rituals do in our life? In what area of our lives do they help?

The Ritual of Hephaistos is primarily focused to open up your consciousness and mind, in the material domain. This one is extremely in-depth.

The Ritual of Alastor, deals with defense and the ability to defend one's self and exact justice if needed.

The Ritual of Asmodeus, has many uses, for knowledge, gaining personal skills and charm.

The Ritual for Alpheus, has to do with Ritual purity and reaching higher states of enlightenment.

These are also just surface basic ways of benefit. They also bond everyone to the Gods. There are more than one benefits in every Ritual.


PS: It appears all these Rituals have everyone hyped up and rightfully so. How are the Rituals going until now? Make sure to post feedback. It will motivate us all.
That would be cool

Just help the Joy of Satan and assist our mission, and I am fine, no worries. I thank you very much for your kindness and thoughts. Maybe in the future something of this nature could be done, but I do not seek any praise. Thanks everyone for sending me positive thoughts and feedback, it means a lot.

If the community is fine then I am fine.

Who agrees to dedicate a day to bless HPHC with the rituals it has brought us?

For all the work and effort he does and has done, and for the honor of participating in Gods business, he deserves all our love and support.

I am here to serve the Gods and our people, and to do what is indicated of me, but also connect the community with the Gods for the benefit of us as a whole. I would not request such a thing but the thought warms the heart regardless. I take this as very positive testament that everyone is benefiting.

Thanks for everything, may all of us in the JoS be blessed eternally.
It appears all these Rituals have everyone hyped up and rightfully so. How are the Rituals going until now? Make sure to post feedback. It will motivate us all.
I am really enjoying the new pace being put out with these rituals, the sort of base format you have designed makes it super easy to get a strong energy signal from the God/Demon in question with relatively speaking very little effort compared to the more traditional methods of summoning and ect.

However, I have to say that I am most excited for the updated Demon section! Honestly I am also very curious to hear more about the "other" Demonic species such as those of Pazuzu and how they fit into the greater Satanic Pantheon.
The Ritual of Hephaistos is primarily focused to open up your consciousness and mind, in the material domain. This one is extremely in-depth.

The Ritual of Alastor, deals with defense and the ability to defend one's self and exact justice if needed.

The Ritual of Asmodeus, has many uses, for knowledge, gaining personal skills and charm.

The Ritual for Alpheus, has to do with Ritual purity and reaching higher states of enlightenment.

These are also just surface basic ways of benefit. They also bond everyone to the Gods. There are more than one benefits in every Ritual.


PS: It appears all these Rituals have everyone hyped up and rightfully so. How are the Rituals going until now? Make sure to post feedback. It will motivate us all.
They are amazing. I also love that there are more and more rituals incoming for Gods and Goddesses we don’t hear much on the forum.
We get more insight about each Gods and how they really are.
I think when Bastet’s Ritual is going to be out I’m going to lose my mind (in a funny way😂).
Just help the Joy of Satan and assist our mission, and I am fine, no worries. I thank you very much for your kindness and thoughts. Maybe in the future something of this nature could be done, but I do not seek any praise. Thanks everyone for sending me positive thoughts and feedback, it means a lot.

If the community is fine then I am fine.

I am here to serve the Gods and our people, and to do what is indicated of me, but also connect the community with the Gods for the benefit of us as a whole. I would not request such a thing but the thought warms the heart regardless. I take this as very positive testament that everyone is benefiting.

Thanks for everything, may all of us in the JoS be blessed eternally.
If you created a ritual for us to send you blessings wouldn't that give you more time to focus on advancing the cause? Humility is a fantastic virtue but you are our leader on the material plane and all ancient cultures practiced empowerment of their leadership as it was mutually beneficial as a stronger leader creates a stronger whole or at least I know the Egyptians did, although it would rightfully help you it would also help us much like the Gods rituals except instead of us being spiritually blessed in return it would enhance your ability to discern Satya and strengthen the JoS as a whole.

Its definitely worth considering, for instance how did the great leaders of the ancient world find time to power meditate + rule + live their own lives + perform great acts, I reckon they probably didn't have time for all of the above and instead it was likely common practice for the people to bless their leaders so they could better focus on the material realm while also advancing their souls, I have long suspected such practices was how people like Alexander the Great who must have been supremely busy managed to achieve the status of hero, the sheer spiritual power of his peoples support deifying literally deified him.

If the JoS collectively did rituals to empower you, surely we would all benefit massively in the long term? Its just good sense IMO.

But ofc you do know best just my thoughts on the topic.
Or even Sekhmet, oh my Gods.
They are amazing. I also love that there are more and more rituals incoming for Gods and Goddesses we don’t hear much on the forum.
We get more insight about each Gods and how they really are.
I think when Bastet’s Ritual is going to be out I’m going to lose my mind (in a funny way😂).
PS: It appears all these Rituals have everyone hyped up and rightfully so. How are the Rituals going until now? Make sure to post feedback. It will motivate us all.
Alastor's ritual helped me get through a hard period I was facing lately, it was a burst of energy and confidence that I really needed. Thank you for the rituals, I'm excited to do Mulciber's.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
