Country by itself is mostly a social construct. Yes, there can be some genetic markers between nationalities, but nationality is not a biological construct as race is as these markers are not enough to separate subspecies into separate branches of living organisms.
This means you are not obligated to worship your country just because you were born in it. Even SATANAS does not force Himself to worship Him, but instead gives us a glorious, meaningful and the most Divine path to discover Him. So if even SATANAS does not require this, why would it be expected for some random country to be worshipped? A country that has a high likelihood to disappear from maps in a couple of hundreds of years.
Of course, if you feel bad about it that you do not worship your country, then this might be worthy of working the issue out as feeling bad for such tiny things should not be any concern of your life. Actually, I would try to look a bit deeper in Portuguese history as you should know that Portuguese history is a hugely jewified scam in lots of cases. There should have been great moments worthy of praise regarding your ancestors. No one can deny that Portugal had an army of ingenious poets, artists, musicians, composers, etc. This proves that Portugal, when it is dominated by White culture, is an absolutely glorious and self-sustaining nation.
Still, what is most important here is your race. This is a biological and spiritual reality. To be born White is both an honour and obligation. You were born White, since you have seeds of nobility, and your soul has the highest potential for this Aryan nobility to flourish.
As for children, you should rethink your position in a more balanced way. Maybe you do not need them, maybe you do, but you can not come to such an important decision based only on what you see around and perceive as degenerate. In reality, if you are White and would have children and fight against this degeneracy with all power, you basically would create such an enormous positive karma. One should understand that fighting for his own race's survival, to stop this insane genocide of the White race is one of the greatest and most glorious things that one can do. In the future, people who have White children, educate and nurture them racially nowadays will become Heroes as these people have chosen the hardest path imaginable. In the midst of White genocide, they decided to reject it and fight for hundreds of millions of future White people. To fight for potentially billions, even trillions of souls right to reincarnate here again and bring the Golden Age, the Satya Yuga once more to Earth and humanity.