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High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time. Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in some of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is you will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY reverses aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and have not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are very involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work with you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced enough. Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do not let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there are no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic. One post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity [xian = christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even many people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening programs that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's very existence.

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy, every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so that they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth onto the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at their most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away, but later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in by this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive machine of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really do help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is for show.

It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result of a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and promote. They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that poverty and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last bit of self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that they must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies gets imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts lifetimes, and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies, exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed for their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not 'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals walk free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly bragging and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few years back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I am posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY is.

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND MOST FORMIDABLE THREAT TO THE ENEMY AND *WILL* DEAL WITH THEM. THEY KNOW THIS.


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli jetliner in Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured. Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (a Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that day was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that his was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue as confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright, the powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and there is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of Jewish Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone who brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so. That’s all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people. We have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and their families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist countries have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the entire world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter. It will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY MEDIA of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL MATERIALS…could MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking they will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine…appearance being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become addicted to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here in the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving you the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s stupidity. Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has become our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING their own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and economics. The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY to build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into our CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we CONTROL through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
We upll said maxine keep the good work
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 10:05:08 AM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11


There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time. Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in some of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is you will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY reverses aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and have not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are very involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work with you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced enough. Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do not let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there are no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic. One post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity [xian = christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even many people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening programs that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's very existence.

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy, every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so that they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth onto the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at their most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away, but later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in by this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive machine of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really do help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is for show.

It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result of a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and promote. They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that poverty and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last bit of self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that they must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies gets imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts lifetimes, and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies, exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed for their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not 'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals walk free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly bragging and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few years back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I am posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY is.

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND MOST FORMIDABLE THREAT TO THE ENEMY AND *WILL* DEAL WITH THEM. THEY KNOW THIS.


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli jetliner in Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured. Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (a Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that day was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that his was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue as confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright, the powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and there is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of Jewish Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone who brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so. That’s all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people. We have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and their families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist countries have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the entire world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter. It will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY MEDIA of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL MATERIALS…could MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking they will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine…appearance being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become addicted to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here in the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving you the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s stupidity. Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has become our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING their own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and economics. The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY to build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into our CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we CONTROL through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I increase my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and stalking me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to "latch on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright verbally abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers and their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it also had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same time.  People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.   I find stupid Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you don't mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11


There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time. Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in some of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is you will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY reverses aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and have not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are very involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work with you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced enough. Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do not let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there are no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic. One post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity [xian = christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even many people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening programs that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's very existence.

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy, every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so that they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth onto the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at their most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away, but later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in by this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive machine of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really do help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is for show.

It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result of a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and promote. They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that poverty and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last bit of self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that they must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies gets imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts lifetimes, and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies, exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed for their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not 'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals walk free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly bragging and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few years back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I am posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY is.

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND MOST FORMIDABLE THREAT TO THE ENEMY AND *WILL* DEAL WITH THEM. THEY KNOW THIS.


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli jetliner in Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured. Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (a Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that day was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that his was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue as confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright, the powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and there is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of Jewish Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone who brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so. That’s all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people. We have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and their families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist countries have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the entire world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter. It will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY MEDIA of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL MATERIALS…could MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking they will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine…appearance being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become addicted to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here in the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving you the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s stupidity. Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has become our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING their own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and economics. The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY to build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into our CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we CONTROL through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths flock to a flame"
This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down the street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another incident was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a road but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking where some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the asshole, "no thank you." 
But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell he came from.
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

  I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I increase my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and stalking me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to "latch on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright verbally abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers and their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it also had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same time.  People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.   I find stupid Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you don't mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11


There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time. Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in some of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is you will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY reverses aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and have not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are very involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work with you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced enough. Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do not let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there are no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic. One post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity [xian = christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even many people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening programs that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's very existence.

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy, every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so that they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth onto the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at their most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away, but later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in by this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive machine of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really do help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is for show.

It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result of a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and promote. They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that poverty and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last bit of self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that they must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies gets imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts lifetimes, and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies, exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed for their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not 'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals walk free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly bragging and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few years back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I am posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY is.

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND MOST FORMIDABLE THREAT TO THE ENEMY AND *WILL* DEAL WITH THEM. THEY KNOW THIS.


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli jetliner in Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured. Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (a Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that day was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that his was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue as confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright, the powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and there is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of Jewish Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone who brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so. That’s all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people. We have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and their families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist countries have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the entire world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter. It will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY MEDIA of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL MATERIALS…could MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking they will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine…appearance being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become addicted to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here in the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving you the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s stupidity. Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has become our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING their own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and economics. The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY to build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into our CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we CONTROL through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Yes seriously weird shit.  At some point it made me wonder if there was a coordinated stalking effort.  But I then began to realize it really wasn't the people themselves, even though they maintain memory.  Remember, we have our bodies.. we have our souls... and then we all have a Spirit.  Everyone has a spirit as it is sort of like the personality program.  The thing is that Xianity basically replaces peoples original spirit and that is what you get.. a hive mind.   Some spirits are more intelligent than others, just like creating a Tulpa is nothing more than drawing in spiritual energy, and the amount of energy and type of energy you give it will determine whether it is "free,"  or whether it is "bound," as well as whether it is Living or just a dead construct  (Chi/Life Force vs Psychic energy).

This is how it works... basically spirits feed off energy.  They need it because it helps them experience this life.. if you want to think of it that way.  A program or Servitor/Tulpa needs a power source to stay alive.  The Angels are those thought (spirit) constructs that make your hive mind weird shit happen.  So this is really what you are dealing with.  I have given some serious thought to this and this is part of what I came up with.  When you draw in massive amount of power, it makes spirits controlling people gravitate towards you. 

The pattern of energy you invoke likewise also determines the reaction you get from the people around you.  So an example is.... if you invoke any of the 4 elements you'll get a different reaction.  Likewise... calling different demons.. each of their energy will likewise call out a different reaction from those around you.

You want to do real Spiritual Warfare?   Attack the Angels that directly inhabit peoples souls.  This is what the Catholic church does to people basically.. they perform an exorcism (attacking or evicting the persons original spirit),  and then they insert their own thoughtform.  So the people go back to church again and again reinforcing that basically.  There are 3 different levels of thoughtforms actually.  You have the spirit inhabiting the persons body (found in the 8th chakra).. that spirit is connected to a sort of Overlord spirit that slave drives a number of people, and then this overlord then sends the energy to a much bigger entity outside of this general realm.  This is the Trinity you fight against.  One could say that the Priest is like a head overlord spirit at church that takes all the peoples energy and channels it out of the Masonic church monument to the thoughtform.

 Knock those things out, and give people their true spirit back.. or at least a Satanic one.  To name another of my weird experiences, I am working on another one of my friends.  He is unintentionally Xian as he was simply raised on the crap.  He changed my google background page when I wasn't looking, and of all things he changed it to some nude girls.  Ok, not a problem with that.  What really irked me is that I checked the name of the image file and it said "Gods Girls."  I have been trying to give him knowledge and help him out but it seems that won't work and he really is infected... so looks like I'm going to have to get my scissors...Snip Snip Snip... cut those thoughtform cords =)

Hail Satan!!!

From: Mac Friday <macfriday@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

  "I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths flock to a flame"
This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down the street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another incident was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a road but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking where some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the asshole, "no thank you." 
But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell he came from.
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

  I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I increase my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and stalking me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to "latch on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright verbally abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers and their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it also had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same time.  People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.   I find stupid Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you don't mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11


There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time. Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in some of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is you will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY reverses aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and have not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are very involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work with you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced enough. Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do not let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there are no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic. One post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity [xian = christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even many people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening programs that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's very existence.

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy, every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so that they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth onto the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at their most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away, but later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in by this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive machine of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really do help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is for show.

It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result of a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and promote. They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that poverty and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last bit of self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that they must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies gets imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts lifetimes, and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies, exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed for their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not 'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals walk free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly bragging and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few years back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I am posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY is.

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND MOST FORMIDABLE THREAT TO THE ENEMY AND *WILL* DEAL WITH THEM. THEY KNOW THIS.


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli jetliner in Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured. Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (a Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that day was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that his was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue as confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright, the powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and there is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of Jewish Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone who brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so. That’s all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people. We have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and their families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist countries have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the entire world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter. It will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY MEDIA of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL MATERIALS…could MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking they will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine…appearance being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become addicted to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here in the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving you the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s stupidity. Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has become our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING their own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and economics. The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY to build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into our CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we CONTROL through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Lol, hey not everyone is all open ears. With others it goes through one ear and out the other. It a shame you couldn't get him to wake up. I say eventually he will, maybe later on down the line. for most people it do take time, while in the meantime they run around talking and professing about shit they don't even have a clue about.
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:39:55 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

  Yes seriously weird shit.  At some point it made me wonder if there was a coordinated stalking effort.  But I then began to realize it really wasn't the people themselves, even though they maintain memory.  Remember, we have our bodies.. we have our souls... and then we all have a Spirit.  Everyone has a spirit as it is sort of like the personality program.  The thing is that Xianity basically replaces peoples original spirit and that is what you get.. a hive mind.   Some spirits are more intelligent than others, just like creating a Tulpa is nothing more than drawing in spiritual energy, and the amount of energy and type of energy you give it will determine whether it is "free,"  or whether it is "bound," as well as whether it is Living or just a dead construct  (Chi/Life Force vs Psychic energy).

This is how it works... basically spirits feed off energy.  They need it because it helps them experience this life.. if you want to think of it that way.  A program or Servitor/Tulpa needs a power source to stay alive.  The Angels are those thought (spirit) constructs that make your hive mind weird shit happen.  So this is really what you are dealing with.  I have given some serious thought to this and this is part of what I came up with.  When you draw in massive amount of power, it makes spirits controlling people gravitate towards you. 

The pattern of energy you invoke likewise also determines the reaction you get from the people around you.  So an example is.... if you invoke any of the 4 elements you'll get a different reaction.  Likewise... calling different demons.. each of their energy will likewise call out a different reaction from those around you.

You want to do real Spiritual Warfare?   Attack the Angels that directly inhabit peoples souls.  This is what the Catholic church does to people basically.. they perform an exorcism (attacking or evicting the persons original spirit),  and then they insert their own thoughtform.  So the people go back to church again and again reinforcing that basically.  There are 3 different levels of thoughtforms actually.  You have the spirit inhabiting the persons body (found in the 8th chakra).. that spirit is connected to a sort of Overlord spirit that slave drives a number of people, and then this overlord then sends the energy to a much bigger entity outside of this general realm.  This is the Trinity you fight against.  One could say that the Priest is like a head overlord spirit at church that takes all the peoples energy and channels it out of the Masonic church monument to the thoughtform.

 Knock those things out, and give people their true spirit back.. or at least a Satanic one.  To name another of my weird experiences, I am working on another one of my friends.  He is unintentionally Xian as he was simply raised on the crap.  He changed my google background page when I wasn't looking, and of all things he changed it to some nude girls.  Ok, not a problem with that.  What really irked me is that I checked the name of the image file and it said "Gods Girls."  I have been trying to give him knowledge and help him out but it seems that won't work and he really is infected... so looks like I'm going to have to get my scissors...Snip Snip Snip... cut those thoughtform cords =)

Hail Satan!!!

From: Mac Friday <macfriday@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

  "I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths flock to a flame"
This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down the street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another incident was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a road but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking where some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the asshole, "no thank you." 
But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell he came from.
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

  I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I increase my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and stalking me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to "latch on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright verbally abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers and their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it also had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same time.  People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.   I find stupid Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you don't mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11


There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time. Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in some of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is you will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY reverses aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and have not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are very involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work with you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced enough. Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do not let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there are no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic. One post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity [xian = christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even many people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening programs that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's very existence.

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy, every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so that they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth onto the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at their most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away, but later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in by this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive machine of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really do help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is for show.

It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result of a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and promote. They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that poverty and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last bit of self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that they must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies gets imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts lifetimes, and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies, exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed for their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not 'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals walk free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly bragging and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few years back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I am posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY is.

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND MOST FORMIDABLE THREAT TO THE ENEMY AND *WILL* DEAL WITH THEM. THEY KNOW THIS.


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli jetliner in Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured. Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (a Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that day was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that his was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue as confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright, the powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and there is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of Jewish Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone who brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so. That’s all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people. We have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and their families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist countries have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the entire world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter. It will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY MEDIA of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL MATERIALS…could MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking they will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine…appearance being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become addicted to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here in the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving you the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s stupidity. Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has become our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING their own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and economics. The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY to build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into our CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we CONTROL through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Thus far the jews and their xian lap dogs, are the perfect adversairys. They are all encompassing, since its pretty impossible to go anywhere they dont have a finger in. even the glory that was the 3rd reich got gangbanged by the world protecting the jews, and to keep the german occult knowledge down. Who really wants a weak, feeble easily toppled enemy? what honor is in that?
Also no one ever mentions islam. They are of the same weak minded right handed abrahamic tradition, why are they not painted in the same terms as their brothers. Islam can be quite dangerous when ethnic identity and extremist ideas are merged. there are some factions of the nation of islam that want to create an black emrirate in several southern states
Oooh, that sounds fun! I'll have to try that replacing spirit thing.
Do these thoughtform spirit things look like anything in particular,
or is it just a formless mass of energy?

On 3/17/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
Lol, hey not everyone is all open ears. With others it goes through one ear
out the other. It a shame you couldn't get him to wake up. I say eventually
will, maybe later on down the line. for most people it do take time, while
the meantime they run around talking and professing about shit they don't
have a clue about.
Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:39:55 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

Yes seriously weird shit. At some point it made me wonder if there was a
coordinated stalking effort. But I then began to realize it really wasn't
people themselves, even though they maintain memory. Remember, we have our
bodies.. we have our souls... and then we all have a Spirit. Everyone has a
spirit as it is sort of like the personality program. The thing is that
basically replaces peoples original spirit and that is what you get.. a hive
mind. Some spirits are more intelligent than others, just like creating a
Tulpa is nothing more than drawing in spiritual energy, and the amount of
and type of energy you give it will determine whether it is "free," or
it is "bound," as well as whether it is Living or just a dead construct
(Chi/Life Force vs Psychic energy).

This is how it works... basically spirits feed off energy. They need it
it helps them experience this life.. if you want to think of it that way. A
program or Servitor/Tulpa needs a power source to stay alive. The Angels
those thought (spirit) constructs that make your hive mind weird shit
So this is really what you are dealing with. I have given some serious
to this and this is part of what I came up with. When you draw in massive
amount of power, it makes spirits controlling people gravitate towards you.

The pattern of energy you invoke likewise also determines the reaction you
from the people around you. So an example is.... if you invoke any of the 4
elements you'll get a different reaction. Likewise... calling different
demons.. each of their energy will likewise call out a different reaction
those around you.

You want to do real Spiritual Warfare? Attack the Angels that directly
peoples souls. This is what the Catholic church does to people basically..
perform an exorcism (attacking or evicting the persons original spirit),
then they insert their own thoughtform. So the people go back to church
and again reinforcing that basically. There are 3 different levels of
thoughtforms actually. You have the spirit inhabiting the persons body
in the 8th chakra).. that spirit is connected to a sort of Overlord spirit
slave drives a number of people, and then this overlord then sends the
energy to
a much bigger entity outside of this general realm. This is the Trinity you
fight against. One could say that the Priest is like a head overlord spirit
church that takes all the peoples energy and channels it out of the Masonic
church monument to the thoughtform.

Knock those things out, and give people their true spirit back.. or at
least a
Satanic one. To name another of my weird experiences, I am working on
one of my friends. He is unintentionally Xian as he was simply raised on
crap. He changed my google background page when I wasn't looking, and of
things he changed it to some nude girls. Ok, not a problem with that. What
really irked me is that I checked the name of the image file and it said
Girls." I have been trying to give him knowledge and help him out but it
that won't work and he really is infected... so looks like I'm going to have
get my scissors...Snip Snip Snip... cut those thoughtform cords =)

Hail Satan!!!

From: Mac Friday <macfriday@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell
came from.
Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this. I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are
many jews and xians and you been here before. I've noticed anytime I
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and
me (men and women). Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame. Just to be a little comical. I've noticed at times it
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this. I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying. I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner. AND out of curiousity if you
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus? Are there certain things to
take into consideration before actually doing it? You have a reason for not
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic.
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity
[xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy,
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away,
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last
bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli
jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured.
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K.
Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that
was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright,
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart
enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so.
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people.
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter.
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed
Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of
every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were
able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special,
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
That must have been weird, Mac. I've not had very many problems with
being harassed, but then I'm not that powerful yet. Guess I've got
stuff to look forward to. Lol. I can brush up on my diplomatic skills,
though it's very hard not to strangle some of those people. They're
just so bloody annoying; I live in a small town though, so maybe it
won't be too bad once I reach a more powerful stage. We shall see.
Hail Father Satan!

On 3/17/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell
came from.
Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this. I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are
many jews and xians and you been here before. I've noticed anytime I
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and
me (men and women). Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame. Just to be a little comical. I've noticed at times it
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this. I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying. I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner. AND out of curiousity if you
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus? Are there certain things to
take into consideration before actually doing it? You have a reason for not
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic.
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity
[xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy,
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away,
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last
bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli
jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured.
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K.
Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that
was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright,
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart
enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so.
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people.
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter.
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed
Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of
every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were
able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special,
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Things are also dependent on the area you live in and the type of relationships you foster.  I live in the city, so I run across alot of people.  This amounts to having more chances for any sort of circumstances... and of course the ones closest to me or the ones who know me will not be as reactive as a stranger, simply because they've already established a certain perception about me.  Though they may feel "off" and a bit nervous, sexual, fearful or a combination or whatever.

I mentioned it in another email to Dante about energetic resonance when calling a demon.. so when you have a vast amount of energy in you, it will likewise cause those around you to resonate and bring up their own unconscious gargage... which if you think about it is similar to what some have said about Kundalini cleaning out the garbage.  I know for a fact that there will be slight differences between where you live and where I live.  I used to live in Portland and now live up in Seattle in the big city.  Big difference between city and country folk, and so your reactions may be different =)

- Angelo

Hail Satan!

From: Allison P <apocalypseofjon@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:18:46 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

That must have been weird, Mac. I've not had very many problems with
being harassed, but then I'm not that powerful yet. Guess I've got
stuff to look forward to. Lol. I can brush up on my diplomatic skills,
though it's very hard not to strangle some of those people. They're
just so bloody annoying; I live in a small town though, so maybe it
won't be too bad once I reach a more powerful stage. We shall see.
Hail Father Satan!

On 3/17/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell
came from.
  Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are
many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and
me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal  effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.  I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to
take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic.
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity
[xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy,
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away,
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last
bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli
jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured.
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K.
Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that
was not from random bullets that killed the others.  Evidence indicates that
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932.  Roosevelt
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.  We have put
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene.  We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.  The
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible.  Most of them are not too bright,
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart
enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so.
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people.
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter.
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters.  We CONTROL EVERY
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music!  We
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES.  The people are only stupid pigs
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies.  There is no silent
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry.  We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION.  Its manhood exists only in combination with a
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed
Christian theological seminaries.  We are amazed by the Christian’s
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of
every Christian Church in America.  Through our propaganda the church has
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were
able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special,
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


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That was one of the first things I noticed about growing in my spirituality. The stronger, the powerful, and the more knowledgeable I got, the more duplicitous certain attacks got. Like I have said in previous post, the more powerful we get don't mean attacks will stop. They will slow down, but they find other sneaky ways to get you and half the time it's something major.
When I started noticing this, I kind of almost backed out because I thought I wasn't ready. But to think like that is to say that I didn't trust Father Satan. I then quickly realized that Satan did not make me a quitter by any stretch. So everyday I ward off enemy attacks as they come and try my best to shield the negative energy being directed towards me on a daily basis.
Being an very publicly open satanist, im sure there are a lot of individuals who go home and try to pray for me. And I can feel it, I can feel each attack they send to me. I dont go out bragging about how wonderful Satan and the Gods are. I could and he very well deserves it for everything he has done for us humans. While we sit back and do nothing for him, yet always with our hands out waiting for the next blessing. But when people bring up religion, then I dissect their bullshit information and enlightened them as much as possible.
I remember debating for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour almost everyday with complete strangers. And can you believe that on lady actually had the nerve to ask me if this is what I teach my daughter. I looked at her like, "are you serious." If this is what I know to be the truth and it's good enough for me, why would I not teach my daughter. Im not going to sit around and let you parasite take the opportunity to cease the moment and brainwash my child. She is 5 and knows jewsus is fake and I like it that way.
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Allison P <apocalypseofjon@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:18:46 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

That must have been weird, Mac. I've not had very many problems with
being harassed, but then I'm not that powerful yet. Guess I've got
stuff to look forward to. Lol. I can brush up on my diplomatic skills,
though it's very hard not to strangle some of those people. They're
just so bloody annoying; I live in a small town though, so maybe it
won't be too bad once I reach a more powerful stage. We shall see.
Hail Father Satan!

On 3/17/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell
came from.
  Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are
many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and
me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal  effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.  I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to
take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic.
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity
[xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy,
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away,
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last
bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli
jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured.
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K.
Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that
was not from random bullets that killed the others.  Evidence indicates that
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932.  Roosevelt
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.  We have put
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene.  We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.  The
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible.  Most of them are not too bright,
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart
enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so.
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people.
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter.
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters.  We CONTROL EVERY
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music!  We
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES.  The people are only stupid pigs
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies.  There is no silent
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry.  We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION.  Its manhood exists only in combination with a
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed
Christian theological seminaries.  We are amazed by the Christian’s
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of
every Christian Church in America.  Through our propaganda the church has
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were
able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special,
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Yahoo! Groups Links

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True, true. I live in a pretty small town on the coast, about as
country as you can get, so it probably won't be as bad. Ave Satanas!

On 3/18/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
That was one of the first things I noticed about growing in my spirituality.
stronger, the powerful, and the more knowledgeable I got, the more
certain attacks got. Like I have said in previous post, the more powerful we
don't mean attacks will stop. They will slow down, but they find other
ways to get you and half the time it's something major.

When I started noticing this, I kind of almost backed out because I thought
wasn't ready. But to think like that is to say that I didn't trust Father
I then quickly realized that Satan did not make me a quitter by any stretch.
everyday I ward off enemy attacks as they come and try my best to shield the
negative energy being directed towards me on a daily basis.

Being an very publicly open satanist, im sure there are a lot of individuals
go home and try to pray for me. And I can feel it, I can feel each attack
send to me. I dont go out bragging about how wonderful Satan and the Gods
are. I
could and he very well deserves it for everything he has done for us humans.
While we sit back and do nothing for him, yet always with our hands out
for the next blessing. But when people bring up religion, then I dissect
bullshit information and enlightened them as much as possible.

I remember debating for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour almost everyday
complete strangers. And can you believe that on lady actually had the nerve
ask me if this is what I teach my daughter. I looked at her like, "are you
serious." If this is what I know to be the truth and it's good enough for
why would I not teach my daughter. Im not going to sit around and let you
parasite take the opportunity to cease the moment and brainwash my child.
She is
5 and knows jewsus is fake and I like it that way.
Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

From: Allison P <apocalypseofjon@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:18:46 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

That must have been weird, Mac. I've not had very many problems with
being harassed, but then I'm not that powerful yet. Guess I've got
stuff to look forward to. Lol. I can brush up on my diplomatic skills,
though it's very hard not to strangle some of those people. They're
just so bloody annoying; I live in a small town though, so maybe it
won't be too bad once I reach a more powerful stage. We shall see.
Hail Father Satan!

On 3/17/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell
came from.
Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this. I remember you telling me that where I'm from there
many jews and xians and you been here before. I've noticed anytime I
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and
me (men and women). Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame. Just to be a little comical. I've noticed at times it
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this. I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying. I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner. AND out of curiousity if you
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus? Are there certain things
take into consideration before actually doing it? You have a reason for
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember,
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity
[xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10%


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last
bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli
jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K.
Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder
was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932.
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright,
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart
enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so.
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS –
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music!
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in
Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine
every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were
able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special,
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Yahoo! Groups Links
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down the
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another incident
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a road
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking where
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the asshole,
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell he
came from.
Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

From: Angelo Giancana <angelo.giancana@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this. I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are
many jews and xians and you been here before. I've noticed anytime I increase
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and stalking
me (men and women). Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to "latch
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright verbally
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers and
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like moths
flock to a flame. Just to be a little comical. I've noticed at times it also
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same time.
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this. I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying. I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner. AND out of curiousity if you don't
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus? Are there certain things to
take into consideration before actually doing it? You have a reason for not
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in some
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is you
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY reverses
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and have
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are very
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work with
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced enough.
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do not
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there are
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic. One
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity [xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even many
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening programs
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's very

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy,
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so that
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth onto
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at their
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away, but
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in by
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive machine
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really do
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is for


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result of
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and promote.
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that poverty
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that they
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies gets
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts lifetimes,
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed for
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals walk
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly bragging
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few years
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I am
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY is.

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND MOST


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title â€"

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured.
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that day
was not from random bullets that killed the others. Evidence indicates that his
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. We have put issue
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue as
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene. We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse. The blood
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible. Most of them are not too bright, the
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and there
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the United
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of Jewish
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING.
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone who
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so. That’s
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people. We
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all members
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and their
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS â€" one
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist countries
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free countries.
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the entire
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter. It
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters. We CONTROL EVERY MEDIA
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music! We
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL MATERIALS…could
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES. The people are only stupid pigs that
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies. There is no silent
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking they
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry. We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine…appearance
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become addicted
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here in
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving you
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed
Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christian’s stupidity.
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of
every Christian Church in America. Through our propaganda the church has become
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING their
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and economics.
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY to
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into our
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we CONTROL
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I Recently Did a Meditation on The Black Sun Yey Gods everyone was looking at me weird after I was done all I did was envision it lighting up the color it is brighter and brighter . I wonder what the rest of you have to say Just Curious.
<td val[/IMG]I like what you had to say Mac,especially about your daughter.I too am very open about my Satanic beliefs,and would choose to have it no other way.I have worked in a major retail chain for over eleven years now,so I deal with over a hundred customers a day.I have to deal with xtian bullshit everyday,from both customers and the associates that I work with.At the end of my power meditations in the morning,I empower my aura to protect me,and I ask Father Satan to open an opportunity to share His truth with someone.Everyday He gives me the chance to share with someone.I am pretty sure I too have a lot of xtians praying to the enemy for me also.But I will not stop publicly standing up for Father till I die.I fully understand that this is not an easy road to walk,and the more powerful I become,the more attacks I can expect.But Father gives us the tools to deal with that too.
Hail Satan!

--- On Fri, 3/18/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
From: Mac Friday <macfriday@...
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 2:57 PM

  That was one of the first things I noticed about growing in my spirituality. The stronger, the powerful, and the more knowledgeable I got, the more duplicitous certain attacks got. Like I have said in previous post, the more powerful we get don't mean attacks will stop. They will slow down, but they find other sneaky ways to get you and half the time it's something major.
When I started noticing this, I kind of almost backed out because I thought I wasn't ready. But to think like that is to say that I didn't trust Father Satan. I then quickly realized that Satan did not make me a quitter by any stretch. So everyday I ward off enemy attacks as they come and try my best to shield the negative energy being directed towards me on a daily basis.
Being an very publicly open satanist, im sure there are a lot of individuals who go home and try to pray for me. And I can feel it, I can feel each attack they send to me. I dont go out bragging about how wonderful Satan and the Gods are. I could and he very well deserves it for everything he has done for us humans. While we sit back and do nothing for him, yet always with our hands out waiting for the next blessing. But when people bring up religion, then I dissect their bullshit information and enlightened them as much as possible.
I remember debating for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour almost everyday with complete strangers. And can you believe that on lady actually had the nerve to ask me if this is what I teach my daughter. I looked at her like, "are you serious." If this is what I know to be the truth and it's good enough for me, why would I not teach my daughter. Im not going to sit around and let you parasite take the opportunity to cease the moment and brainwash my child. She is 5 and knows jewsus is fake and I like it that way.
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Allison P <apocalypseofjon@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:18:46 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

That must have been weird, Mac. I've not had very many problems with
being harassed, but then I'm not that powerful yet. Guess I've got
stuff to look forward to. Lol. I can brush up on my diplomatic skills,
though it's very hard not to strangle some of those people. They're
just so bloody annoying; I live in a small town though, so maybe it
won't be too bad once I reach a more powerful stage. We shall see.
Hail Father Satan!

On 3/17/11, [/IMG]macfriday@... wrote:
"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell
came from.
  Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are
many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and
me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal  effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.  I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to
take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <<a rel="nofollow" >maxine.dietrich@...
To: <a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[email protected]; <a rel="nofollow" >[email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic.
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity
[xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy,
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away,
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last
bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli
jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured.
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K.
Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that
was not from random bullets that killed the others.  Evidence indicates that
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932.  Roosevelt
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.  We have put
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene.  We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.  The
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible.  Most of them are not too bright,
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart
enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so.
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people.
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter.
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters.  We CONTROL EVERY
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music!  We
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES.  The people are only stupid pigs
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies.  There is no silent
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry.  We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION.  Its manhood exists only in combination with a
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed
Christian theological seminaries.  We are amazed by the Christian’s
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of
every Christian Church in America.  Through our propaganda the church has
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were
able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special,
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


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It gets better, believe it or not but things have happen just from me speaking it into existence. Okay, I am a pretty mellow kind of guy. But my anger when it comes it comes and I have seen some of my hatred manifest itself into reality before. This is why I tell people who start to advance in power. You must be careful with the type of thoughts you keep. Especially negative ones that can harm you like worrying to much or dwelling on fears and misfortunes. These can and at times will manifest itself.
But you see where you work, something like that would be awesome. Do you ever fuck with them and send as much nasty energy you can raise up?
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 7:15:38 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

<td val[/IMG]I like what you had to say Mac,especially about your daughter.I too am very open about my Satanic beliefs,and would choose to have it no other way.I have worked in a major retail chain for over eleven years now,so I deal with over a hundred customers a day.I have to deal with xtian bullshit everyday,from both customers and the associates that I work with.At the end of my power meditations in the morning,I empower my aura to protect me,and I ask Father Satan to open an opportunity to share His truth with someone.Everyday He gives me the chance to share with someone.I am pretty sure I too have a lot of xtians praying to the enemy for me also.But I will not stop publicly standing up for Father till I die.I fully understand that this is not an easy road to walk,and the more powerful I become,the more attacks I can expect.But Father gives us the tools to deal with that too.
Hail Satan!

--- On Fri, 3/18/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
From: Mac Friday <macfriday@...
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 2:57 PM

  That was one of the first things I noticed about growing in my spirituality. The stronger, the powerful, and the more knowledgeable I got, the more duplicitous certain attacks got. Like I have said in previous post, the more powerful we get don't mean attacks will stop. They will slow down, but they find other sneaky ways to get you and half the time it's something major.
When I started noticing this, I kind of almost backed out because I thought I wasn't ready. But to think like that is to say that I didn't trust Father Satan. I then quickly realized that Satan did not make me a quitter by any stretch. So everyday I ward off enemy attacks as they come and try my best to shield the negative energy being directed towards me on a daily basis.
Being an very publicly open satanist, im sure there are a lot of individuals who go home and try to pray for me. And I can feel it, I can feel each attack they send to me. I dont go out bragging about how wonderful Satan and the Gods are. I could and he very well deserves it for everything he has done for us humans. While we sit back and do nothing for him, yet always with our hands out waiting for the next blessing. But when people bring up religion, then I dissect their bullshit information and enlightened them as much as possible.
I remember debating for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour almost everyday with complete strangers. And can you believe that on lady actually had the nerve to ask me if this is what I teach my daughter. I looked at her like, "are you serious." If this is what I know to be the truth and it's good enough for me, why would I not teach my daughter. Im not going to sit around and let you parasite take the opportunity to cease the moment and brainwash my child. She is 5 and knows jewsus is fake and I like it that way.
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Allison P <apocalypseofjon@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:18:46 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

That must have been weird, Mac. I've not had very many problems with
being harassed, but then I'm not that powerful yet. Guess I've got
stuff to look forward to. Lol. I can brush up on my diplomatic skills,
though it's very hard not to strangle some of those people. They're
just so bloody annoying; I live in a small town though, so maybe it
won't be too bad once I reach a more powerful stage. We shall see.
Hail Father Satan!

On 3/17/11, [/IMG]macfriday@... wrote:
"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell
came from.
  Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are
many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and
me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal  effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.  I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to
take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]; <a rel="nofollow" >[email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic.
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity
[xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy,
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away,
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last
bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli
jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured.
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K.
Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that
was not from random bullets that killed the others.  Evidence indicates that
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932.  Roosevelt
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.  We have put
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene.  We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.  The
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible.  Most of them are not too bright,
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart
enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so.
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people.
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter.
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters.  We CONTROL EVERY
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music!  We
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES.  The people are only stupid pigs
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies.  There is no silent
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry.  We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION.  Its manhood exists only in combination with a
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed
Christian theological seminaries.  We are amazed by the Christian’s
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of
every Christian Church in America.  Through our propaganda the church has
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were
able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special,
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


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<td val[/IMG]Yes Mac I fuck with them all the time.I work for the big W(sorry we are not suppose say the name online but that gives you a big hint,like you needed it) LOL,and just like Maxine said happen to her,and her family,I have to put up with the shit all the time.But now that Father has given me a lot more confidence,I stand my ground with them.I just want to put in 11 more years there,and on the day I retire,I will tell them all the truth about what I think of there nazerine pig,and that despicable program.I would like to tell them the good news.They can sleep in tomorrow.they don't have to waist their time going to a building,and bowing down to a god that is not real,and you can save your money too.That's the real GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hail Satan!

--- On Sat, 3/19/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
From: Mac Friday <macfriday@...
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 10:24 PM

  It gets better, believe it or not but things have happen just from me speaking it into existence. Okay, I am a pretty mellow kind of guy. But my anger when it comes it comes and I have seen some of my hatred manifest itself into reality before. This is why I tell people who start to advance in power. You must be careful with the type of thoughts you keep. Especially negative ones that can harm you like worrying to much or dwelling on fears and misfortunes. These can and at times will manifest itself.
But you see where you work, something like that would be awesome. Do you ever fuck with them and send as much nasty energy you can raise up?
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 7:15:38 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

<td style="font:[/IMG]I like what you had to say Mac,especially about your daughter.I too am very open about my Satanic beliefs,and would choose to have it no other way.I have worked in a major retail chain for over eleven years now,so I deal with over a hundred customers a day.I have to deal with xtian bullshit everyday,from both customers and the associates that I work with.At the end of my power meditations in the morning,I empower my aura to protect me,and I ask Father Satan to open an opportunity to share His truth with someone.Everyday He gives me the chance to share with someone.I am pretty sure I too have a lot of xtians praying to the enemy for me also.But I will not stop publicly standing up for Father till I die.I fully understand that this is not an easy road to walk,and the more powerful I become,the more attacks I can expect.But Father gives us the tools to deal with that too.
Hail Satan!

--- On Fri, 3/18/11, Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote:
From: Mac Friday <macfriday@...
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 2:57 PM

  That was one of the first things I noticed about growing in my spirituality. The stronger, the powerful, and the more knowledgeable I got, the more duplicitous certain attacks got. Like I have said in previous post, the more powerful we get don't mean attacks will stop. They will slow down, but they find other sneaky ways to get you and half the time it's something major.
When I started noticing this, I kind of almost backed out because I thought I wasn't ready. But to think like that is to say that I didn't trust Father Satan. I then quickly realized that Satan did not make me a quitter by any stretch. So everyday I ward off enemy attacks as they come and try my best to shield the negative energy being directed towards me on a daily basis.
Being an very publicly open satanist, im sure there are a lot of individuals who go home and try to pray for me. And I can feel it, I can feel each attack they send to me. I dont go out bragging about how wonderful Satan and the Gods are. I could and he very well deserves it for everything he has done for us humans. While we sit back and do nothing for him, yet always with our hands out waiting for the next blessing. But when people bring up religion, then I dissect their bullshit information and enlightened them as much as possible.
I remember debating for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour almost everyday with complete strangers. And can you believe that on lady actually had the nerve to ask me if this is what I teach my daughter. I looked at her like, "are you serious." If this is what I know to be the truth and it's good enough for me, why would I not teach my daughter. Im not going to sit around and let you parasite take the opportunity to cease the moment and brainwash my child. She is 5 and knows jewsus is fake and I like it that way.
 Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Mac Friday

From: Allison P <apocalypseofjon@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:18:46 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

That must have been weird, Mac. I've not had very many problems with
being harassed, but then I'm not that powerful yet. Guess I've got
stuff to look forward to. Lol. I can brush up on my diplomatic skills,
though it's very hard not to strangle some of those people. They're
just so bloody annoying; I live in a small town though, so maybe it
won't be too bad once I reach a more powerful stage. We shall see.
Hail Father Satan!

On 3/17/11, [/IMG]macfriday@... wrote:
"I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power
will have the amazingly magickal effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame"

This is true because when I came to Satan some 10-13 years ago, I noticed an
increase of xian harassment. Just wierd shit like random people driving down
street yelling at me, "god love you," and blah blah blah. Also another
was when I was walking through this gravel type road. Which wasn't really a
but it was big enough for cars to drive through. But anyways, I was walking
through there, a big empty fucking space mind you. And out of no fucking
some mexican guy called out to me and I turned around to see this individual
trying to hand me one of those watchtower magazines. I simply told the
"no thank you."

But the whole freaking time I kept trying to figure out where and the hell
came from.
  Rege, Satanas!*Rege, Azazel!*Rege, Amdusias
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Al Jiwah
I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide
those who follow my instructions. If anyone obey me and conform to my
commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.


Mac Friday

To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 11:38:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

I hear you on this.  I remember you telling me that where I'm from there are
many jews and xians and you been here before.  I've noticed anytime I
my power that really weird things happen like people gawking at me and
me (men and women).  Even some of the local shops I buy black candles at are
manned by "the jews," and everytime I walk into those shops they try to
on," to suck power... and I recall a few times when I was experimenting with
different styles of shields that it made some of these jews outright
abusive... to which I had the fun part about talking about "Jewish Bankers
their false lie" and that pissed them off =D

I should also mention that increasing your power levels in power meditations
will have the amazingly magickal  effect of making Xians flock to you like
flock to a flame.  Just to be a little comical.  I've noticed at times it
had the effect of making some even frightened and attracted at the same
People are really strange.

But I'm just letting you know I'm not passive in all this.  I find stupid
Wiccans and Jews and RHP'ers trying to dabble in LHP wannabe-ism extremely
annoying.  I am fighting my part in my own way =) you just won't see me
screaming Hail Satan around every corner.  AND out of curiousity if you
mind, why aren't you ready for the Magnum Opus?  Are there certain things to
take into consideration before actually doing it?  You have a reason for not
doing it.

- Angelo

Hail Satan!!!

To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]; <a rel="nofollow" >[email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected]
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 7:05:08 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] 3/16/11

There are a few things I need to address here all at once, to save time.
Numerous questions concerning the Magnum Opus have been posted of late in
of the groups. I repeat- the working makes one immortal. What this means is
will NOT die- not physically or in any other way. It also PHYSICALLY
aging. No, I myself do not yet have the formula for this working yet, and
not had the time for the studying, which it reqiures. Those of you who are
involved in this- ask for answers from the Powers of Hell. They will work
you personally. Look for answers on your own- provided you have advanced
Personally, no I am not ready to begin this working, by my own choice. Do
let this hold any of you back who are very serious about it. Remember, there
no mediators in Satanism.

The earthquake in Japan and the ensuing catastrophes there are very tragic.
post I already replied to in the old JoS e-group concerning xian charity
[xian =
christian, for new people here], was seriously deluded. Most people, even
people in these groups who have been members for some time do not really see
xianity and its ilk for what it is. Many here are too tolerant and disregard
xianity and islam as only annoyances. These are the most threatening
that are designed to enslave and destroy humanity. They threaten everyone's

Like their jewish masters, xians exploit everything they can, every tragedy,
every catastrophe, misfortune and anything else- xians are right there, so
they can use these to force feed and jam their doctrines of lies and filth
the victims, when many are injured, traumatized, frightened, lost, and at
most vulnerable. The small amount of help that comes from these nefarious
institutions comes with being coerced into accepting jewsus. Not right away,
later on, this keeps their pews filled with people who have been sucked in
this crap; paying out the ass, and keeps this degenerate and destructive
of lies going.

The Red Cross and other non-religious organizations are the ones who really
help the victims. Xian charity is a crock of shit with only some 10% or less
given to victims on the condition that they accept 'christ' and this 10% is


It is also more than just a racket, as the needy and the poor are the result
a lack of spiritual knowledge on how to get out of this cycle and help
themselves. It is an endless cycle that the xian churches exploit and
They work to indoctrinate their victims into such lethal beliefs that
and suffering are virtues. They work to strip their victims of every last
bit of
self-esteem by jamming down their throats that they are 'sinners' and that
must 'repent' and the endless stream of self-destructive and anti-life lies
imbedded in the subconsious and acts accordingly, much of this lasts
and creates another cycle of generational victims to keep this lies,
exploitations and crimes against humanity thriving. The victims are blamed
their own fate or told that it is because they are 'sinners' and have not
'accpeted jesus' no different from the jew run court system where criminals
free and victims are punished.

I also want to add- someone sent me this article. A jew who was openly
and knew all about the xian program, revealed plenty- this was quite a few
back. He was assassinated, more than likely by the mossad [Israeli KGB]. I
posting it here, as people really need to wake up as to what xianity REALLY

The ONLY way out of these lies is through Satan. 'SATAN' means 'TRUTH' in
Sanskrit. The enemy knows this. Satan IS Truth. SATAN IS THE BIGGEST AND


This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title –

American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders

On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli
jetliner in
Istanbul, Turkey, in which four people were killed and some thirty injured.
Aboard was the administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K.
Javits (a
Jew) of New York, 29 year-old Harold W. Rosenthal (a Jew), whose murder that
was not from random bullets that killed the others.  Evidence indicates that
was pre-planned, making one wonder if it was due to his lengthy, boastful
interview with American Christian editor Walter White:

“We continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have
into our hands, naïve Americans we have TAUGHT them to SUBMIT to our every
demand. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932.  Roosevelt
our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.  We have put
upon issue to the American people. Then we PROMOTE BOTH SIDES of the issue
confusion reigns.

“With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is BEHIND EVERY
scene.  We toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.  The
of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of WORLD victory. The naïve
politicians in WASHINGTON are gullible.  Most of them are not too bright,
powerful lobbyists influenced years ago (federal funds to aid Israel) and
is no one strong enough to stop it some of that money is returned to the
States and spent on Zionist propaganda through B’nai Brith Conference of
Organizations, World Jewish Congress, tax free so long as we are smart
enough to
get away with it.

“ANTI-SEMITISM does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH
It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD used to brand anyone
brings criticism against (us). We use it against HATE-mongers (we) do so.
all there is to it.

“I’d say more than 90% (of us) know what is really happening to our people.
have COMMUNICATION unequalled. It is an established rule to destroy all
of pre-existing government, the Police, State Police, Army officers and
families and relatives. In Russia, there are TWO distinct GOVERNMENTS – one
visible and the other invisible. The INVISIBLE rulers in the communist
have a world CONTROL over the propaganda and the governments in free
The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the
world. MONEY is more important than morality.

“We can accomplish anything with money. Israel can now win in any encounter.
will also be the base for World Government Headquarters.  We CONTROL EVERY
of expression, newspaper, magazines, radio, television even your music!  We
CENSOR before long we will have COMPLETE CONTROL of your thinking.

“The richest plum (we) took over the publication of ALL SCHOOL
MOLD public opinion to suit OUR PURPOSES.  The people are only stupid pigs
grunt and squeal the chants we give them truth or lies.  There is no silent
majority, only thing that exists is an UNTHINKING majority and unthinking
will remain their ESCAPE from our rigorous service is the opiate of our
ENTERTAINMENT industry.  We have castrated society through FEAR and
INTIMIDATION.  Its manhood exists only in combination with a
being so neutered, the populace has become DOCILE and EASILY RULED, their
thoughts…only with the present toil and the next meal. You have become
to our MEDICINE through which we have become your absolute masters.

“We pretty much CONTROL the U.N. There will be a forced class warfare here
the United States and many will be liquidated, I’m not boasting, I’m giving
the facts!

“Religion, our CONTROL of the textbook industry, news media; able to hold
ourselves up as AUTHORITIES, our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed
Christian theological seminaries.  We are amazed by the Christian’s
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of
every Christian Church in America.  Through our propaganda the church has
our most avid supporter, their believing in the lie that we are the ‘chosen
people’ and they, the gentiles.”

“These deluded children of the church defend us to the point of DESTROYING
own culture. The ignorant Christians attack the crusaders even if they are
members of their own families. Through our influence of religion we were
able to
involve the ignorant Christians in WARS against themselves, which always
impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest.

“Through religion we have gained CONTROL of society, government and
The gullible clergy instruct their parishioners that we are a special,
people. These PULPIT PARROTS extol our goodness for loaning them the MONEY
build their temples, pay our exorbitant INTEREST they have led society into
CONTROL through the same practice.

“Politically, they hail the blessings of DEMOCRACY and never understand that
through DEMOCRACY we have gained CONTROL. DEMOCRACY is mob-rule which we
through their churches, our news media and economic institutions. These
RELIGIOUS PUPPET’S stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they
ruled easily.”


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
