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28/March/2019: Message from Azazel

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I'm reiterating that we've totally won. Azazel told me to let everyone know there will be many very frightening and catastrophic events coming, especially regarding climate change and extreme weather. There will be serious and fiercely destructive storms, floods, earthquakes, fires and related.

Azazel told me for those of us here who are with Satan, we will all be protected through this. He stated we must not be frightened or worry.

As for the state of the earth, it is so far gone, humanity will need help. The Gods are coming back, but this won't happen yet for another 20 some years or so. Our Antichrist will be coming back with them.

Azazel told me their technology is so far advanced; our best and most modern up to the date technology is archaic JUNK in comparison.

As for the Jews, as I wrote before, Satan stated "Their fate has been sealed." He showed me and it is hideous to say the least. I never saw such grotesque energy. All of their so-called "karma" and much more is coming back on them all.

For those of you who are knowledgeable about astrology, transiting Pluto will be entering Aquarius in 2025. In addition, transiting Neptune will enter Aries. Both planets will be in these signs for 14 years, with Pluto in Aquarius through 2044.

This combination wreaks death, destruction and havoc for the Jews. Pluto has always been in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), when some of the worst pogroms and related occurred. The combination of Neptune in Aries is particularly lethal, as both their Temples of Solomon were destroyed when Pluto occupied a fixed sign with Neptune in Aries. The first was destroyed in 587 BCE, and the second one in 70 CE.

The expulsion from Spain, 1492, which was another disaster for the Jews, again, Pluto occupied a fixed sign, Scorpio.

Those who are without will suffer. Try to reach as many as possible and wake them up regarding the hoax of Christianity. Everyone should be working on their aura of protection daily.

As for Islam, Azazel told me, the RTRs made so much impact, Islam will more than likely collapse on its own. There will be seriously frightening and terrifying times coming. Know that those of us who agree with Satan and are dedicated to Him will have His protection.

The website still needs a lot of work.

To clean your aura, it is best to raise your energies first.

Visualize a brilliant white-gold light from the top of your head, scanning your entire aura and soul, pushing dark dross down through your feet 3 times. Push it through the floor.

Those of us who have been active in spiritual warfare will more than likely need help from a Demon.

After cleaning, affirm 3 times, visualizing and feeling your aura:
"My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energy, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, destructive energy and thought forms directed at me and is immediately returning them to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
So... What? Does this mean that the War will take still about 20 years? I thought we were VEEERY close to our victory. Like 5 years remaining victory :roll:
Aquarius said:
Also, what does “the earth is far gone” mean? Is it critically damaged in someway?

The environment for the major one. This earth is completely trashed. There's even plastic deep in the Mariana Trench, which is 6 miles deep.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
To clean your aura, it is best to raise your energies first.

Visualize a brilliant white-gold light from the top of your head, scanning your entire aura and soul, pushing dark dross down through your feet 3 times. Push it through the floor.

Those of us who have been active in spiritual warfare will more than likely need help from a Demon.

After cleaning, affirm 3 times, visualizing and feeling your aura:
"My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energy, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, destructive energy and thought forms directed at me and is immediately returning them to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Thank you for the info, High Priestess. To be sure, this is the same as the exercise in Returning Curses Part 1, right? Do you mean to say we should replace our cleaning and do this from now on, or do this as an extra from time to time?

Have a great day!
Do people and souls who pray aka channel psychic energy 24/7 for all of humans to die and get plague on them for "Disobedience" to ((("god"))) seem like beings who will not suffer? Is this not what they have been sowing for CENTURIES and CENTURIES? The majority of suffering of humanity is jew inflicted, and self-inflicted.

They are digging their own hole. Those of them who are deep in with the enemy tried to damn all of humanity. It's only sensible many of them will get damned. Those who awake and change ways will save themselves from this fate.

All humanity has been doing such as billions of Muslims and millions of retarded mentally ill xians who 24/7, all they do is pray on a rock for the 'final days' and feed a thoughform of death. Does that sound about like it's gonna go good for them when what they created falls on their head?

We are already "Helping" them even if it is undeserved. As for those who want to jump into the volcano, then they SHOULD. All the mass destruction they have been feeding for close to 20 centuries, let it just fall upon them, so that things can clear up.

For any species which is serious about surviving, such misuse of mental, spiritual, and life force is deadly and absurd. The Christians want hurricanes, destruction, the "Final Days". They have been programmed like cattle to attract this reality. This harms and destroys or kills innocents all the time. This is dangerous misuse of spiritual energy.

The only reason we aren't all flattened as a planet is because of the Gods in the first place, and their assistance. The earth has been going fast forward into Borg state collapse.

With that being said, "Humanity" cannot be shitting on their potty until eternity, and them cleaning our diapers. They have been cleaning enough diapers. It is time for 'humanity' to take responsibility or just get ruined.

For about 15 to 20 centuries, humanity has been following sick, deadly programs. We are lucky to not have died. This happened because of interventions of the Gods through our history. When the truth is revealed, as it does, people will be left with a choice, either change or just reap what you sowed.

People who misuse and want to destroy this planet will by default and by their own hand be destroyed. Is this hard for people to ingest? For the enemy it doesn't appear to be hard at all to pray 24/7 for universal suffering. How much energy has been raised by so many only to destroy this earth?

One is bound to suffer if they self create it. The Gods aren't gonna scoop all of their crap, they will have to experience it for themselves.

We have nothing to do with this.
I have reason to believe that these catastrophes and possibly a war within the next two years are going to be the result of the enemy pulling their last stops and attempting to destroy a great many on Earth before our Gods can return. There will be more plagues and death due to them. The enemy can no longer destroy whole planets as the Gods defeated them in space long ago, but they will attempt to do all that they can do destroy humanity. Those without a strong AoP and the protection of Satan have nothing to protect them from what the enemy might (or will) try to do soon.

But they are completely finished at this point, the enemy's accursed prophecies and world domination will never manifest, save for when they prophesied that Satan will reverse the Torah and destroy the Jews, as has already been done. I hope the damage to the global population will not be too bad, and that the enemy's attempts to destroy most of mankind again can be mitigated somehow.

I think it is especially important now to work on empowering and advancing ourselves spiritually while continuing to work toward manifesting Satan's kingdom. I vow personally to never again procrastinate on meditations or important workings, every moment spent advancing yourself is precious at this point.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Orion forever!
Artanis said:
So... What? Does this mean that the War will take still about 20 years? I thought we were VEEERY close to our victory. Like 5 years remaining victory :roll:

Joy of Satan took close to 20 years to reach Satan's goal. Amdusias told the JoS ministry back in 2003, we had "certain goals to reach." This was the same time He stated about how we and the enemy's people could not see each other, but they will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of OUR (Satan's) cause.

A lot is going to happen before our Gods come back physically. Our Antichrist and His wife have completed the Magnum Opus and will accompany our Gods. Both are physically with our Gods right now.

20 or so years is not a long time historically.

I also want to add, the repeated use of the phrase "The end of time," has (like nearly everything else, been twisted by the enemy). What is time? Time, for the most part specifies beginnings, endings and sequences of events. End of time for one; there will be no more death.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Artanis said:
So... What? Does this mean that the War will take still about 20 years? I thought we were VEEERY close to our victory. Like 5 years remaining victory :roll:

Joy of Satan took close to 20 years to reach Satan's goal. Amdusias told the JoS ministry back in 2003, we had "certain goals to reach." This was the same time He stated about how we and the enemy's people could not see each other, but they will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of OUR (Satan's) cause.

A lot is going to happen before our Gods come back physically. Our Antichrist and His wife have completed the Magnum Opus and will accompany our Gods. Both are physically with our Gods right now.

20 or so years is not a long time historically.

I also want to add, the repeated use of the phrase "The end of time," has (like nearly everything else, been twisted by the enemy). What is time? Time, for the most part specifies beginnings, endings and sequences of events. End of time for one; there will be no more death.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

´A lot will happen`... Could it also include the Enemies destruction? Could the Enemy be done before the God´s return?
As i think that it has been said before that even when the Enemy is 100% gone, it doesnt mean that the World would be 100% Satanic. That we have still stuff to do after the Enemy is gone.
Artanis said:
So... What? Does this mean that the War will take still about 20 years? I thought we were VEEERY close to our victory. Like 5 years remaining victory :roll:

Considering that 5-10 years ago it was estimated by other members to be 150+ years before the Gods would return, this is very encouraging news, and shows how much impact we have made in only a few years of RTR's.

Congrats to everyone who has been doing RTR's. Just a while longer, until we are finally, totally, and completely rid of the jewish plague.

Hail Satan!
Heil Hitler!
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Aquarius said:
Also, what does “the earth is far gone” mean? Is it critically damaged in someway?

The environment for the major one. This earth is completely trashed. There's even plastic deep in the Mariana Trench, which is 6 miles deep.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Ok I understand, thank you.
Lydia said:
Artanis said:
So... What? Does this mean that the War will take still about 20 years? I thought we were VEEERY close to our victory. Like 5 years remaining victory :roll:

Considering that 5-10 years ago it was estimated by other members to be 150+ years before the Gods would return, this is very encouraging news, and shows how much impact we have made in only a few years of RTR's.

Congrats to everyone who has been doing RTR's. Just a while longer, until we are finally, totally, and completely rid of the jewish plague.

Hail Satan!
Heil Hitler!

Well... Yeah it ACTUALLY is :lol: :lol: :lol:

I myself am actually going to do as much RTRs as i can(somewhat 4-8 hours :lol: :cool: ), so that the 20 years WILL be even sooner :cool: :cool: (as the Clergy said, we COULD win this War in a matter of MONTHS if we ALL would do as MUCH Spiritual Warfare as we can. And as it has been said, Future is NOT set in stone. Meaning, that even if the Gods say that they will not be coming back in about 20 years or so, DOES NOT MEAN the War will last that long. It falls to US, to ´decide`, HOW much this war is going to rage on still...... Yeah... I JUST answered my OWN question :lol: :?
EasternFireLion666 said:
Important question for all of us: what happens with our lovers and family that are without?

And what is triggering those events? The jws, the rtr, both?

Our protection will extend to them, but if they are a million percent brainwashed infested nuts, they may get consumed in their own shit.

If someone takes a knife and stabs themselves there are limited things you can do.

The mass mind has fed a lot of these events. The RTR is deconstructing this. Regardless, there is energy put into them. The more RTR's are done, this will help with the drawbacks.

The enemy will also not likely sit by and get totally run over. They may try Samson option etc. The less power and energy they have, the more effortless their removal.

The future is something that is being shaped actively. Aka, everyone must do RTR's and advance now, to be on the settled, regardless of what is going to happen.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Important question for all of us: what happens with our lovers and family that are without?

And what is triggering those events? The jws, the rtr, both?

Our protection will extend to them, but if they are a million percent brainwashed infested nuts, they may get consumed in their own shit.

If someone takes a knife and stabs themselves there are limited things you can do.

The mass mind has fed a lot of these events. The RTR is deconstructing this. Regardless, there is energy put into them. The more RTR's are done, this will help with the drawbacks.

The enemy will also not likely sit by and get totally run over. They may try Samson option etc. The less power and energy they have, the more effortless their removal.

The future is something that is being shaped actively. Aka, everyone must do RTR's and advance now, to be on the settled, regardless of what is going to happen.

I see. Thanks a lot for answering!
Artanis said:
Well... Yeah it ACTUALLY is :lol: :lol: :lol:

I myself am actually going to do as much RTRs as i can(somewhat 4-8 hours :lol: :cool: ), so that the 20 years WILL be even sooner :cool: :cool: (as the Clergy said, we COULD win this War in a matter of MONTHS if we ALL would do as MUCH Spiritual Warfare as we can. And as it has been said, Future is NOT set in stone. Meaning, that even if the Gods say that they will not be coming back in about 20 years or so, DOES NOT MEAN the War will last that long. It falls to US, to ´decide`, HOW much this war is going to rage on still...... Yeah... I JUST answered my OWN question :lol: :?
We will need to keep doing the RTRs until the last Jew is gone forever. Keep going steadily as you have at your own pace, but make sure also you put in as much time for personal spiritual advancement and meditation as you can. In the meantime the Jews sail surely into utter annihilation. The Gods are essentially giving us 20 years time to accomplish complete mastery over our meditations and raising our Serpents, as they have much in store for us once they return.
Scion of Atlantis said:
Artanis said:
The Gods are essentially giving us 20 years time to accomplish complete mastery over our meditations and raising our Serpents, as they have much in store for us once they return.

The timeline is not "FIXED" so extremely. It's within this space time. Our efforts accelerate things.

In general, please do not put things in their mouth as to what they expect/want/will do/expect from us. This later creates memes. HPS Maxine has talked on this. They do not 'demand' anyone here to do anything within a time spectrum.

Please do not create memes over these things.

Just keep going everything as normal, but take the good news for what they are.

This changes nothing on the fundamental level of how we are to live, progress, work, do RTR's, and finish off the enemy spiritually as per usual etc.

I also wanted to write that jews (I cannot quote them as they may take the information down) have also on their own end knowing they are fucked for a few years now. Rabbis have been telling jews that things are gonna "Get hard" and that they need to advance NOW. This was back around in 2012.

Some jews also are trying to seek forgiveness from the Gods, whom they call fallen angels. After waging war on them for 20 centuries, they have lost. They are moving towards destruction now.

They are trying to now create a 'blend' of how the "Fallen Angels" are actually "Good" and try to "Help humanity" to kiss their ass. They have just lost and they are trying to reduce what will come to them. Typical of them to always do the same shit after they try to extinct someone, their legacy, etc, and they fail. The more radicals will keep it to the end, but both will have the same fate. Nobody can be fooled, but jews be jewing, this is what they do.

They are past any saving this time around. Keep up the RTR's.
It’s late as fuck where I am but I couldn’t care less, when I saw this post I couldn’t stop grinning :D :D :D I’m excited at the fact the gods will be here in as little as 20 years, maybe even sooner! I knew our work was being effective but damn, I didn’t know it was so much that we went from 150+ years to only 20. Just imagine how terrified the enemy is. More RTRs it is :twisted:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

Great news HP Maxine.
But I have a doubt, I only do Final RTR. I never did aura protection or any meditation, because of my eJEWcation and parents. Is Father Satan going to help me? I know this kind of looks selfish but honestly, my life actually became great after I came to JOS but I don't know if Father Satan or his Demons even know me. I do feel protected sometimes but again spiritually I'm at the same level as other people who know nothing about Father Satan. All I do is the Final RTR every night. I already have plans to empower myself after my eJEWcation, which will be over in 4 months.

Hail Satan!!
Nikois666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

Great news HP Maxine.
But I have a doubt, I only do Final RTR. I never did aura protection or any meditation, because of my eJEWcation and parents. Is Father Satan going to help me? I know this kind of looks selfish but honestly, my life actually became great after I came to JOS but I don't know if Father Satan or his Demons even know me. I do feel protected sometimes but again spiritually I'm at the same level as other people who know nothing about Father Satan. All I do is the Final RTR every night. I already have plans to empower myself after my eJEWcation, which will be over in 4 months.

Hail Satan!!

So you do not have 5 minutes a day to imagine some light around you and program it. But you do Final RTR.

We are supposed to also believe this?

Bad troll 2/10.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Artanis said:
The Gods are essentially giving us 20 years time to accomplish complete mastery over our meditations and raising our Serpents, as they have much in store for us once they return.

The timeline is not "FIXED". Do not put things in their mouth as to what they expect/want/will do. They do not 'demand' anyone here to do anything within a time spectrum.

Please do not create memes over these things.

Just keep going everything as normal, but take the good news for what they are.

This changes nothing on the fundamental level of how we are to live, progress, work, do RTR's, and finish off the enemy spiritually as per usual etc.
Thank you for clarifying that. News of this magnitude can get one easily worked up or willing to jump to quick conclusions, hence any hasty assumptions made. I certainly do not will anyone to make vicarious life decisions over my posts, though I believe personally, in my case, that it is good to be just a little more diligent about meditations and RTRs each day than in the past.
Nikois666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

Great news HP Maxine.
But I have a doubt, I only do Final RTR. I never did aura protection or any meditation, because of my eJEWcation and parents. Is Father Satan going to help me? I know this kind of looks selfish but honestly, my life actually became great after I came to JOS but I don't know if Father Satan or his Demons even know me. I do feel protected sometimes but again spiritually I'm at the same level as other people who know nothing about Father Satan. All I do is the Final RTR every night. I already have plans to empower myself after my eJEWcation, which will be over in 4 months.

Hail Satan!!

Or, you could just start doing meditations right now. *EVERY. SINGLE. ONE* who come to JOS, does **NOT** come by an ´accident`. ALL have been lead here by the Gods.

Regarding the need of time and place to do meditations, you can ALWAYS ask Father Satan and the Gods to give that to you. The meaning of life ´better yourself and the Universe`, is the ONLY and ULTIMATE thing our Gods want for Us.
Some of the things mentioned in this thread have appeared In the j/news recently -
Everyone should take a good look at this thread on /pol/:

They are in absolute fucking revolt against the Christshits. Same thing with TDS; goyim knowing has reached unsustainable levels.
Well this is extremely exciting to say the least. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I want to be at my utmost best when the Gods and of course our Antichrist do return - this means constant power meditation in the mean time! :D
This is very important message, maybe one of the most important since JoS was created, thank you very much.

So, we need to keep spamming the RTRs, clean our aura daily, and prepare for rough times ahead?

Once again, thank you Maxine, and thanks to Lord Azazel and Father Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

Great news HP Maxine.
But I have a doubt, I only do Final RTR. I never did aura protection or any meditation, because of my eJEWcation and parents. Is Father Satan going to help me? I know this kind of looks selfish but honestly, my life actually became great after I came to JOS but I don't know if Father Satan or his Demons even know me. I do feel protected sometimes but again spiritually I'm at the same level as other people who know nothing about Father Satan. All I do is the Final RTR every night. I already have plans to empower myself after my eJEWcation, which will be over in 4 months.

Hail Satan!!

So you do not have 5 minutes a day to imagine some light around you and program it. But you do Final RTR.

We are supposed to also believe this?

Bad troll 2/10.
HP. Hoodedcobra
I am not good at this, I am trying to become good but I get confused like you said "So you do not have 5 minutes a day to imagine some light around you and program it" Now I don't know what you mean by program it. I am not that good in english. And to be honest I am sometimes lazy, but I am trying to overcome it. Reading at night is not easy for me but I still try. I am also trying to improve my English first so that I don't make some big mistake by doing the meditations in wrong way. First way of contributing was to do RTR's, not only to contribute but I also want the enemy to lose.
But anyways HP Hoodedcobra, I think I found my answer :)
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I'm reiterating that we've totally won. Azazel told me to let everyone know there will be many very frightening and catastrophic events coming, especially regarding climate change and extreme weather. There will be serious and fiercely destructive storms, floods, earthquakes, fires and related.

Azazel told me for those of us here who are with Satan, we will all be protected through this. He stated we must not be frightened or worry.

As for the state of the earth, it is so far gone, humanity will need help. The Gods are coming back, but this won't happen yet for another 20 some years or so. Our Antichrist will be coming back with them.

Azazel told me their technology is so far advanced; our best and most modern up to the date technology is archaic JUNK in comparison.

As for the Jews, as I wrote before, Satan stated "Their fate has been sealed." He showed me and it is hideous to say the least. I never saw such grotesque energy. All of their so-called "karma" and much more is coming back on them all.

For those of you who are knowledgeable about astrology, transiting Pluto will be entering Aquarius in 2025. In addition, transiting Neptune will enter Aries. Both planets will be in these signs for 14 years, with Pluto in Aquarius through 2044.

This combination wreaks death, destruction and havoc for the Jews. Pluto has always been in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), when some of the worst pogroms and related occurred. The combination of Neptune in Aries is particularly lethal, as both their Temples of Solomon were destroyed when Pluto occupied a fixed sign with Neptune in Aries. The first was destroyed in 587 BCE, and the second one in 70 CE.

The expulsion from Spain, 1492, which was another disaster for the Jews, again, Pluto occupied a fixed sign, Scorpio.

Those who are without will suffer. Try to reach as many as possible and wake them up regarding the hoax of Christianity. Everyone should be working on their aura of protection daily.

As for Islam, Azazel told me, the RTRs made so much impact, Islam will more than likely collapse on its own. There will be seriously frightening and terrifying times coming. Know that those of us who agree with Satan and are dedicated to Him will have His protection.

The website still needs a lot of work.

To clean your aura, it is best to raise your energies first.

Visualize a brilliant white-gold light from the top of your head, scanning your entire aura and soul, pushing dark dross down through your feet 3 times. Push it through the floor.

Those of us who have been active in spiritual warfare will more than likely need help from a Demon.

After cleaning, affirm 3 times, visualizing and feeling your aura:
"My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energy, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, destructive energy and thought forms directed at me and is immediately returning them to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Soo... Does this aura cleaning(+protection(The affirmation part)) replace The "old" AC And AOP meditations?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

Great news HP Maxine.
But I have a doubt, I only do Final RTR. I never did aura protection or any meditation, because of my eJEWcation and parents. Is Father Satan going to help me? I know this kind of looks selfish but honestly, my life actually became great after I came to JOS but I don't know if Father Satan or his Demons even know me. I do feel protected sometimes but again spiritually I'm at the same level as other people who know nothing about Father Satan. All I do is the Final RTR every night. I already have plans to empower myself after my eJEWcation, which will be over in 4 months.

Hail Satan!!

So you do not have 5 minutes a day to imagine some light around you and program it. But you do Final RTR.

We are supposed to also believe this?

Bad troll 2/10.

Ohhh yeah... :lol: :lol:

He does FINAL RTRs, which takes at least 10 mins And needs to Be done OUT LOUD, BUT dont have Time And place to do any meditations :lol: :lol:

Id say 0/10 of a troll :lol:
RoyBatty91 said:
Everyone should take a good look at this thread on /pol/:

They are in absolute fucking revolt against the Christshits. Same thing with TDS; goyim knowing has reached unsustainable levels.

Give it some time and Jew Christ will go on the pike completely same as the race that has conceived this.
I actualy feel bad that i have not been of any use to the rtr's and such.

its been a year since i have come to satan, i came to satan when i was at the worst point in my life (extreem depression - burnout). only recently i started learning about things i have been lied to for all of my life like for one the second world war. its only recently that i can see much clearer than before, it didnt help that i stopped meditations and such multiple times in the past year. i havent even opened up all of my chackra's yet its only recently that i started opening them, besides the dedication ritual i have never even tried to communicate with the gods because in my eyes i am not worty of their time i will be working on this tough.

I will do my best to spiritualy get stronger because i am done being at the side line, i want to be of use to myself, the ss community and satan and his demons. any doubts i had about ss have finaly vannished so very soon its my time to help out in the war.

Hail satan!
This is by far the most thrilling announcements. Roughly 20 years? Essentially all of us Satanists will live to see that day, irregardless of whether or not we reach immortality before that time.

The collective work of all us pouring energy into reversing the curses and doing the RTR is obliterating the enemy's last remaining stronghold; the astral energy of all Abrahamic programs. Anyone who is participating in the RTRs; you are literally writing history - your ancestors venerate you and your brothers and sisters will forever commemorate you. Do not slow down now, instead - advance more than you ever did. The enemy has no leg to stand upon. They are wavering and shaking, so let's push them over the edge and end this long overdue nightmare once and for all. This opportunity we have now is unheard of before in history. We are finally bringing an end to what so many have given their lives for in trying. Thousands of years of suffering are now coming to a halt.

Hundreds of generations of your ancestors struggling to survive, protecting their legacy of society and genetics, so that you could be born and come to live this very day. So: do what you were born to do and end the destruction of what they sacrificed themselves for; your race, your culture, your livelihood. It's your duty, as it was theirs

Deal the killing blow to the enemy and give them as much mercy as they would give you; none.
Nikois666 said:
But I have a doubt, I only do Final RTR. I never did aura protection or any meditation, because of my eJEWcation and parents.

Make sure to clean your aura and chakras, and do an aura of protection, at least once every day. These only take a few minutes.

Basic cleaning and protecting:
Clean: http://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html
Protect: http://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Protection.html

Additional cleaning and protecting:
This is good news, especially in that in the soon to be future, we can start cleaning up and restoring the earth. It is very worrying at how the Jews have destroyed our ecosystem...
A couple of years ago, there was allegations of anti semitic sentiment running havoc in the german special forces.
And by definition itself soldiers of a high rank are some of the most woke people on the planet and they have seen stuff like what the arabs do in the Middle east on a daily basis.

It is the military that Will begin the pogroms 100%
I wouldn't think about the timeline that Maxine gave us but on how we are doing a good job and should keep working hard on the RTRs as well as focus on protecting ourselves. I know I could do a better job on the later. I just really want to end this jewish plague so that is where most of my efforts were placed. I am starting a sun square on the 7th and I think others should too.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

This is excellent news, thank you maxine. if I had to wait 50 years, this would be nothing. 20 years is nothing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
