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14Alex88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
14Alex88 said:

The problem is you just joined yesterday, have read none of the material provided, and you essentially ask questions based on your own disinformation about what you assume what we believe, based on a couple comments.

Nobody can close all the gaps by answering you. For example, we believe there are three CORE races, from there on, others developed with time. Such as Mexican which clearly appears to be part Asiatic.

Another example, you are not personally "required" to contribute to help any other "Race", in anyway, shape or form, nor you are forcibly obligated to do this. The same goes for other Gentiles who may not want to do anything at all for Whites, which is a pretty basic inclination.

As the mind opens up and enlightens, one may choose to do so willingly on specific people who advance the general values of self development for their people, ultimately all of it ending on a better planet and a halting of this expanding decay. This becomes extremely difficult to see under the current circumstances of the White Race as we are severely threatened, and you don't need to follow down this line at all.

We fight for our race but also our planet to free it from the enemy, and to re-instate the eternal religious laws that are universal for all, such as for example, to not racemix, to practice eugenics within one's own race, have life focused values, making one's race into the Godhead etc.

One more example, we do not believe that we will convince every mudshark to not mudshark, and every black thug to stop being a biohazard to his own people and Whites. You would know this if you studied.

We believe in a spiritual hierarchy and whomever wants to take part in this will do this. This hierarchy is part of an eugenic and developmental process. In this regard there is a common ground for those who want to join in the upwards striving and there is a common ground for other races to also join. And they have been for a very long time such as the Asian people.

Denying that the jew has a part in the desecration and failure of everyone else racially also as is the case with Whites is stupid, given one already understands that the jews cause the downfall of our own race. Whatever may have been a negative inclination in any race, they have accelerated.

Wingnats achieve nothing by just shouting at Black people this bullshit has been ongoing for around 200 years. Hitler didn't spend his time writing speeches about the inferiority of everyone else and attacking other races, he just put his energy into developing his own.

The invention of petty "Racism" in the form of aggression all while allowing mass invasions from other races [Due to the benefits of the Capitalist system already accepted there], accepts to be ruled by jews, while all one does is shout how inferior is everyone else and in the end of the day does achieve zero, is a type of "Racism" that got created in the United States. The jews instructed all Gentiles with this kind of racism that only leads to a stalemate. Where is the "Racism" about the jewish program of xianity, which is a blatant jewish operation? Nowhere.

The situation is more complex than just raising one's finger up and saying how much others suck. That's an understandable reaction but this doesn't solve shit. As it should be obvious in the United States, this sort of "Racism" has failed, and has benefited the jews tremendously in strangulating every form of racial expression and existence.

What actually solves shit is to remove the jews, the jewish programs, and have the spiritual and natural values in place for beings to advance and understand on their own what is correct laws of life such as the value of one's race and one's people.

Without the enemy on our feet all of this would at 5% of our problems not 95% as it is today.
Yes, the person doesnt understand the nature of the Jews, I believe he thinks that the Jews are just another race here and isn't quite clear and why they are and what they have done to all of us. This is the same on places like the xian daily stormer.

These types know of the Jew, and how they have destroyed the white race, but for some reason can't seem to grasp that the Jews have also done to the same to all other gentiles and their own homelands.

I think if this 14Alex88 did'nt know, he should understand a bit now. That's the beauty of the forums here, a vast wealth of information.
HPS Shannon said:
Yes, the person doesnt understand the nature of the Jews, I believe he thinks that the Jews are just another race here and isn't quite clear and why they are and what they have done to all of us. This is the same on places like the xian daily stormer.

These types know of the Jew, and how they have destroyed the white race, but for some reason can't seem to grasp that the Jews have also done to the same to all other gentiles and their own homelands.

I think if this 14Alex88 did'nt know, he should understand a bit now. That's the beauty of the forums here, a vast wealth of information.
Best site to know more about the jews: https://www.kabbalahexposed.com/
14Alex88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Sure, I can agree with most of what you said but problems exist outside of Jews also. Of course the Jews are the masterminds behind all of this but my point was that just getting rid of the Jews does not solve all problems. It will allow us to solve the other problems, but they will still be there. Of course any intelligent person would agree that getting rid of the Jews would allow us the ability to probably solve any other issue we have globally.

Also, if there are only 3 core racists, what do you consider Arabs? Negros? Asians? They clearly are neither and are semites. Not to split hairs but they are distinctly neither a chinaman or a negro and they’re clearly not white also.

I’ll read the literature since at least according to your response, Satanism isn’t another race-denialist religion like Christianity.

According to the high priestess ne***, this is all mental. Is that your opinion as well? What makes this any different than new age philosophies or “success story” type books that basically tell you to visualize constantly and make plans in achieving your goals?

Is there a supernatural element to all of this? Or something that could truly be considered extraordinary? I ask in good faith, because if this is all mental, then that’s exactly what it is.

If you are in good faith then no need to be insulting. This gains nothing for any party and is just a pointless waste of time. Refer to my other post wrote on Hate, a perfectly viable and normal emotion, and consider that the jew is mostly the enemy.

Nobody ever said that you will solve all problems. But the striking majority will indeed be solved in an instant. Without a mind behind it a general plot will not work. As thus what constitutes great problems of hate and malfunction today, will be reduced to a great extent after the enemy is displaced.

This may go upwards to like a 9 out of 10 problems will be solved. As for the rest, they will continue existing and they will be liable to their own solutions by the people who have them and the responsible unions [such as civilizations] to fix them. Problems will still emerge and still exist. But not this kind.

HPS Shannon did not tell you it's all mental, so there is no need to insult her. What she explained to you is that most of the parts of what we call present day problems, be these behavioral or all sorts, can be helped to even out with regular development and spiritual advancement. A large part of what it means to be human is a spiritual and mental aspect.

Clearly not all problems pertaining the races will be solved, but we will be on our way for systematic eradication of these problems. Eugenics is where the last gap is filled of developing humans in themselves, aside spiritual and mental practices, to develop and move away from lingering problems that have plagued us before. This was systematic and normal in Ancient Times, but this is not the case any-more.

Sure, some people and even the general baseline or some races may "suck", but progressively, this can be evened out and the situation made constantly better. Not all species have the same starting point. Every race goes through the same process in their stride for development. There is the superior aspect and the lower aspect.

In regards to natural irregularities or negative things in races, sure, these exist as part of natural structure. Other people are more advanced and others less, this is reflected within the greater whole we call a race.

These come coupled with being a living being, one's environment, one's genetic predispositions, long story short, nature. A lot of things which are natural we do not morally approve nor it means that they are good things for us. For example, a horny mudshark may mix, or an angry black person may kill over some food another of his own people.

When you meditate progressively and activate your own "developmental" or creative energy, you will understand that this is like literally missing a total limb after a point. The reduction a species experiences from this is equal to not having the ability to read or eyeballs. So despite of the general level of where each race is at this point, restoring this will make things better, and lessen the problems for all.

This is not mentalism at all, this is spirituality, but this difference between the two you will understand only in practice. Satanism and development in Satanism is not intellectual loops and developing a mental approach to things only, this will not work to advance you if you do not spiritually meditate to do Satanic Power Meditation to empower the Soul.
14Alex88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


First of all, you can address me as HP Shannon or Shannon. You dont need to be a smart ass, coming on these forums..like less than 2 days ago and expect not to adhere to a certain guideline and level or respect. Like how on the yahoo groups 2 days agos you pretty much said death to all non white gentiles. That kind of language is not tolerated here, and if you dont know, you'll get the picture soon enough. You will get banned or your posts wont be approved.


And where did I say that everything is all mental here?You misunderstood me in my other post to you. Either you werent paying attention or just didnt comprehend.
HPS Shannon said:
14Alex88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


First of all, you can address me as HP Shannon or Shannon. You dont need to be a smart ass, coming on these forums..like less than 2 days ago and expect not to adhere to a certain guideline and level or respect. Like how on the yahoo groups 2 days agos you pretty much said death to all non white gentiles. That kind of language is not tolerated here, and if you dont know, you'll get the picture soon enough. You will get banned or your posts wont be approved.


And where did I say that everything is all mental here?You misunderstood me in my other post to you. Either you werent paying attention or just didnt comprehend.

You didn't say anything like this, this is why I also answered. In this case I believe the person has lack of fundamentals in spirituality, let's hope that they will study and fill in these gaps with real Satanic knowledge.

It's really sad the New Age also has made a lot of harm to the very notions of what it is to have a Soul and so forth, so explaining these things like that can make people who have not studied assume that one is just doing bullshit to them like the book "The Secret" or other stuff like this.

Like they tell these people shit like "Oh all your problems in life are because you aren't visualizing" or some shit. Then people rightfully consider this bullshit because it is. Then somehow the mind closes down completely to everything spiritual.

The situation is complex, I am glad you answered and I answered too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
14Alex88 said:

First of all, you can address me as HP Shannon or Shannon. You dont need to be a smart ass, coming on these forums..like less than 2 days ago and expect not to adhere to a certain guideline and level or respect. Like how on the yahoo groups 2 days agos you pretty much said death to all non white gentiles. That kind of language is not tolerated here, and if you dont know, you'll get the picture soon enough. You will get banned or your posts wont be approved.


And where did I say that everything is all mental here?You misunderstood me in my other post to you. Either you werent paying attention or just didnt comprehend.

You didn't say anything like this, this is why I also answered. In this case I believe the person has lack of fundamentals in spirituality, let's hope that they will study and fill in these gaps with real Satanic knowledge.

It's really sad the New Age also has made a lot of harm to the very notions of what it is to have a Soul and so forth, so explaining these things like that can make people who have not studied assume that one is just doing bullshit to them like the book "The Secret" or other stuff like this.

Like they tell these people shit like "Oh all your problems in life are because you aren't visualizing" or some shit. Then people rightfully consider this bullshit because it is. Then somehow the mind closes down completely to everything spiritual.

The situation is complex, I am glad you answered and I answered too.

This Alex person was referring to my other post to him on the newbie section where they ask questions. I was just answering questions on that section and answered it accordingly, which I probably should have just skipped his questions as a whole.

But anyway, thank you for keeping the forums "clean" HP HC. Of course this ex daily stormer fellow will listen to you without running his mouth or being disrepectful, because you are white. Understandable but I'm not going to take being disrepected when all I try to do is be polite and neutral.
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
First of all, you can address me as HP Shannon or Shannon. You dont need to be a smart ass, coming on these forums..like less than 2 days ago and expect not to adhere to a certain guideline and level or respect. Like how on the yahoo groups 2 days agos you pretty much said death to all non white gentiles. That kind of language is not tolerated here, and if you dont know, you'll get the picture soon enough. You will get banned or your posts wont be approved.


And where did I say that everything is all mental here?You misunderstood me in my other post to you. Either you werent paying attention or just didnt comprehend.

You didn't say anything like this, this is why I also answered. In this case I believe the person has lack of fundamentals in spirituality, let's hope that they will study and fill in these gaps with real Satanic knowledge.

It's really sad the New Age also has made a lot of harm to the very notions of what it is to have a Soul and so forth, so explaining these things like that can make people who have not studied assume that one is just doing bullshit to them like the book "The Secret" or other stuff like this.

Like they tell these people shit like "Oh all your problems in life are because you aren't visualizing" or some shit. Then people rightfully consider this bullshit because it is. Then somehow the mind closes down completely to everything spiritual.

The situation is complex, I am glad you answered and I answered too.

This Alex person was referring to my other post to him on the newbie section where they ask questions. I was just answering questions on that section and answered it accordingly, which I probably should have just skipped his questions as a whole.

But anyway, thank you for keeping the forums "clean" HP HC. Of course this ex daily stormer fellow will listen to you without running his mouth or being disrepectful, because you are white. Understandable but I'm not going to take being disrepected when all I try to do is be polite and neutral.

He should probably have a look in the mirror or look at what our kin is doing in Scandinavian countries with invaders, drugs, justice and so on.
14Alex88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
First of all, you can address me as HP Shannon or Shannon. You dont need to be a smart ass, coming on these forums..like less than 2 days ago and expect not to adhere to a certain guideline and level or respect. Like how on the yahoo groups 2 days agos you pretty much said death to all non white gentiles. That kind of language is not tolerated here, and if you dont know, you'll get the picture soon enough. You will get banned or your posts wont be approved.


And where did I say that everything is all mental here?You misunderstood me in my other post to you. Either you werent paying attention or just didnt comprehend.

You didn't say anything like this, this is why I also answered. In this case I believe the person has lack of fundamentals in spirituality, let's hope that they will study and fill in these gaps with real Satanic knowledge.

It's really sad the New Age also has made a lot of harm to the very notions of what it is to have a Soul and so forth, so explaining these things like that can make people who have not studied assume that one is just doing bullshit to them like the book "The Secret" or other stuff like this.

Like they tell these people shit like "Oh all your problems in life are because you aren't visualizing" or some shit. Then people rightfully consider this bullshit because it is. Then somehow the mind closes down completely to everything spiritual.

The situation is complex, I am glad you answered and I answered too.

She did and I quoted it in my previous comment.

Meditation and visualization is a tenant of many “spiritualities” that don’t involve anything supernatural.

She vaguely mentioned things “manifesting” but didn’t elaborate.

So what objective evidence have you seen in your practice that shows there is a supernatural or extra element to your religion?

I would like elaboration or at least a convincing example where something happened that could only be attributed to your religious practice and/or something supernatural.

Why don’t you lift your lazy ass and actually try meditating?
14Alex88 said:
Aquarius said:
14Alex88 said:
She did and I quoted it in my previous comment.

Meditation and visualization is a tenant of many “spiritualities” that don’t involve anything supernatural.

She vaguely mentioned things “manifesting” but didn’t elaborate.

So what objective evidence have you seen in your practice that shows there is a supernatural or extra element to your religion?

I would like elaboration or at least a convincing example where something happened that could only be attributed to your religious practice and/or something supernatural.

Why don’t you lift your lazy ass and actually try meditating?

My lazy ass deadlifts over 650 lbs. I’ve medicated before and my whole point was that parts of this sounded no different than “laws of attraction” new age nonsense. I will continue to research this satanic stuff but didn’t want to waste my time if it was the equivalent to evangelical “believe to see” bullshit.
So strong!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
