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2025 SS Calendars

ThomasSs [TG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 19, 2017
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, planetary squares, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.

Last edited:
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.

Perfect timing! Thank you brothers and sisters. ♥️♥️
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.

How can I help with translating this to Arabic?
Magnificent! The calendar continues to improve year by year, and now is better than ever.

Be Blessed dear Brother's and Sisters who worked tirelessly on the calendar this year!
There are not many words the community or I can say in regard to grand projects like this, which will help thousands of people all over the globe and are given for the sake of the improvement of the community.

We thank JG Thomass, HPS Lydia and every single translator who has helped make this wonderful project a reality for one more year.

Everyone can look with confidence and a map for the year ahead thanks to these SS who do this excellent work.

Tier 4 in the JoS Donor system, will have access to the Calendars for the next years in advance. That is to incentivize planning and give something to the general community, by helping everyone who does the utmost for this place to advance proceed with doing even greater works.

In the JoS Donors system there is going to be an update soon; certain things are going to happen and from these regarding a reward, and a lucky draw for translators to receive something relative to this [every person who did a translation will be part of the draw].

The contributors of the project, the head contributors, will receive a gift, and the Translators will be put in the lucky draw for another gift. A random person will be picked from the lucky draw to receive this gift when everything will be formalized and set forth. The draw itself will happen in online system, based on pure chance and will be live streamed with all their Names inside.

I will NOT be part of the draw as my purpose this year was only for any generalized inquiry, the Community has made it happen in a very professional way. Others deserve all the credit, since besides answering some questions and being available for clarifications, this is the spirit of Community manifested in front of everyone.

Let's keep making the Gods proud!
Great job as always, these calendars are a life saver for me and I am sure many other members of this community, and no doubt the Gods are very proud of everybody involved.

Thank you to everybody who helped bring about the calendars once again this year, you should all be proud of what you have done and how much you have helped your brothers and sisters grow and how much that growth accelerates our cause.

I know I wouldn't be able to keep up with Esbat's Holidays and Squares without it.
How can I help with translating this to Arabic?
YES!!!💪❤️ I, look forward to these new, calendars every year .
Thank youj!!! You guys do an amazing job. 🙂☕
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.

Thank you to all of our community and all the work everyone has put int!!
Thank you all so much for your efforts all these years doing the yearly calenders for our Satanic Family.

May you all receive abundant blessings from Father Satanas for everything.

Hail to all of you, thank you! ❤️
Thank you to all that has helped in creating the calendars for next year and the years to come, to ThomaSsS JG and all the translators, HP HDCobra666 and HPS Lydia and all those who were involved,

Thank you to everyone that made this happen, I have had a look, it is so beautifully made very interesting and useful and I can’t wait to use it, but I Would like to know on the calendar there is the Gods names and Demon’s name on particular days, could someone explain why their names are on those particular days?
Thank you most appreciated 🙏 💕
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your emaiHail father Stn

A big thanks to you all for the love and care for the SS family through all these years. May our Gods and Goddesses of Hell bless and keep you safe to do even more for the family as we advance. I am very grateful to you all our leaders.
Hail father Satan
Hail Mama Astarte
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of Hell forever
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email

I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.

We are forever grateful to you all our leaders and may our Gods and Goddesses of Hell bless and keep you all safe as you guide us advance through the directives of our Gods and Goddesses. On behalf of all dedicated SS members, I say may you all be blessed as you're a blessing to us.

Hail father Satan forever
Hail Mama Astarte forever
Hail all our Gods and Goddesses of Hell forever
Thank you all so much!!!
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.

How can I help with translating this to Arabic?
I wrote a post asking for translators and the instructions:

[...] I Would like to know on the calendar there is the Gods names and Demon’s name on particular days, could someone explain why their names are on those particular days?
Thank you most appreciated 🙏 💕
You can read the Calendar FAQ and Information, the link has always been in my signature. This goes for all other members who have questions, I believe I answered them all in the FAQ.

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Thank you to our amazing Brothers & Sisters who worked on this! I have been thinking about how Astrology is one of the most invaluable gifts given to us by Father Satan and the Gods and truly is a game changer for our spiritual and magical advancement. And having this calendar that maps it our for us and gives us the tools to really make use of this gift, is quite incredible. Nothing to be taken lightly. These calendars can literally be used to create our own road maps for our advancement and goals.

Hail Satan!!
Excellent work Brothers! This is great work! Thank you very much for the knowledge. May the God's bless you all!
I wrote a post asking for translators and the instructions:

I must’ve not seen it. Can I start translating it now?
I must’ve not seen it. Can I start translating it now?
Another translator had offered to translate it into Arabic, but he has not been heard from since. If he does not contact us back then you can translate it. You can DM JG Thomas and send him your email :)
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, planetary squares, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.

Where is the Michigan time zone ? Oh and thank for this lovely gift, truly appreciate it.
This has been such a fun and rewarding project. Over these 8 years we've done a lot, and refined it each year to make it better each year. I have definitely grown as a person from doing this work every year, seeing it happen from start to finish. Seeing a project going from taking so much time in the first years, to refining our methods so it takes a fraction of the time now, is really exciting.

I also wanted to say, and I know JG Thomas already did, a massive thank you to the translators. Each one of you has helped this project grow :)
Where is the Michigan time zone ? Oh and thank for this lovely gift, truly appreciate it.
To everyone else wondering this, you can use your preferred internet search engine to find your time zone :)
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.

Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!

  • High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, planetary squares, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
  • High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
  • Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
  • HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
  • Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 for the Bulgarian translations;
  • Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
  • BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
  • Lucas — for the Czech translations;
  • Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
  • Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
  • Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
  • Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
  • kajo — for the Finnish translations;
  • Sshivafr — for the French translations;
  • Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
  • Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
  • Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
  • Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
  • Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
  • Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
  • Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
  • Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
  • Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
  • WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
  • Elite — for the Turkish translations;
  • SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
  • Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;

In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.

Below you can find the link to the Calendars:

Enjoy! :)

PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.

Amazing thank you everyone for all this


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
