ThomasSs [TG]
Joy of Satan Guardian
I am very excited to announce the 2025 Calendars, more so since I can do this already in November! Given the sheer amount of work that used to go in this project, such was simply not possible even just one year ago. However, after having invested time and energy in building the necessary infrastructure, what in the past used to take weeks and months, can now be accomplished within seconds and minutes.
Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!
Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!
In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.
Below you can find the link to the Calendars:
PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.
Another good news, is that the Calendars are now available in three additional languages: Chinese, Croatian and Farsi. And if all goes well, soon also in Arabic. This means a total of 26 different languages!
Many thanks to everyone who participated in this project, for yet another year. These are members who dedicate time and energy of their own, so that our community can enjoy and benefit from such tools. May the Gods bless every single one of them with eternal blessings!
- High Priestess Lydia — for the DFMW's, monthly texts, ingresses and retrogrades, planetary squares, and for her endless support in a hundred different ways and at every stage of the development process of these Calendars. The Calendars would not exist without her;
- High Priest HoodedCobra666 — for supervising the project and being always available for any inquiry;
- Forores — for reviewing the calendar, and for translating it into Romanian;
- HiddenWarriror — for managing everything related to the IT part;
- Aesc666 and OccultAffinity666 — for the Bulgarian translations;
- Ngandkk — for the Chinese translations;
- BlueWizard — for the Croatian translations;
- Lucas — for the Czech translations;
- Shadowcat — for the Dutch translations;
- Apprentice — for the Estonian translations;
- Nustifer — for the Farsi translations;
- Voimir — for the Filipino translations;
- kajo — for the Finnish translations;
- Sshivafr — for the French translations;
- Νίκος — for the Greek translations;
- Lybium666 — for the Hungarian translations;
- Aquarius — for the Italian translations;
- Nagaraja — for the Japanese translations;
- Draconi666 — for the Lithuanian translations;
- Donovandal — for the Polish translations;
- Dypet Rod — for the Portuguese translations;
- Edward Lonsa — for the Russian translations;
- Sonapanic — for the Slovakian translations;
- WotanWarrior — for the Spanish translations;
- Elite — for the Turkish translations;
- SunlitClover — for the Ukrainian translations;
- Vader In — for the Vietnamese translations;
In addition to the above, High Priest HoodedCobra666 has decided that there's going to be an extra gift for everyone in Tier 4 and above: in the coming days, they will get access to the full 2026 and 2027 Calendars, which can be used for advanced planning.
Below you can find the link to the Calendars:
PS. if your language is not included in the list, please check your email.
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