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12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

Feb 1, 2006
This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
Looking forward to it! There's a typo though, I don't normally point them out because my school teachers taught me it's rude (especially if it were them I was correcting) but I will here since it might confuse our non-native English speakers. In step 13, you wrote "white" instead of "while" ("in the ground white covering").

Hail Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
Great job brother,I cant wait to perform these.You have put a lot of thought effort into these rituals.Thanks! Hail Satan Brian  "I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 6:36 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

  This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
Thank you stren[/IMG]</var>
  Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

  Great job brother,I cant wait to perform these.You have put a lot of thought effort into these rituals.Thanks!   Hail Satan Brian  "I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 6:36 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

  This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
Thank you Strength, good job! I'll certainly be participating!

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
I claudius ademola lawal shall fight gallantly to destroy the jews and restore the gentile nations. In the name of the four Gods of hell .so be itSent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTNFrom: "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 12:46:53 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1
  Thank you Strength, good job! I'll certainly be participating!

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
Strength, I have an idea for October's and November's rituals.
October's could be done to incite the Love for Nature in Gentiles, and November's to grow an interest in Gentiles to find scientific explanations for the so-called supernatural.

What do you think?

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
AWESOME idea Vabzir!!!!!!!!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@... wrote:

Strength, I have an idea for October's and November's rituals.
October's could be done to incite the Love for Nature in Gentiles, and November's to grow an interest in Gentiles to find scientific explanations for the so-called supernatural.

What do you think?

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
Thank you to everyone who has responded with enthusiasm and interest in participating in this ritual. I know with our combined strength we can truly impact the years to come. I look forward to fighting along everyone's side this year as we end this year in the name of us Gentiles.

Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], claudiuslawal@... wrote:

I claudius ademola lawal shall fight gallantly to destroy the jews and restore the gentile nations. In the name of the four Gods of hell .so be it
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-----Original Message-----
From: "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 12:46:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

Thank you Strength, good job! I'll certainly be participating!

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
Yes, awsome idea indeed Vabzir. Trust me when I say I will HIGHLY consider your ideas. Thank You

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

AWESOME idea Vabzir!!!!!!!!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

Strength, I have an idea for October's and November's rituals.
October's could be done to incite the Love for Nature in Gentiles, and November's to grow an interest in Gentiles to find scientific explanations for the so-called supernatural.

What do you think?

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
You're welcome. :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Yes, awsome idea indeed Vabzir. Trust me when I say I will HIGHLY consider your ideas. Thank You

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

AWESOME idea Vabzir!!!!!!!!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

Strength, I have an idea for October's and November's rituals.
October's could be done to incite the Love for Nature in Gentiles, and November's to grow an interest in Gentiles to find scientific explanations for the so-called supernatural.

What do you think?

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
I for one strength,am looking forward to this Monday.You have put a great ritual series together ,and it is going to awaken,and make stronger our Gentile people,and I am glad to work along side you too my friend.  Hail Satan Brian  "I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:26 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

  Thank you to everyone who has responded with enthusiasm and interest in participating in this ritual. I know with our combined strength we can truly impact the years to come. I look forward to fighting along everyone's side this year as we end this year in the name of us Gentiles.

Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], claudiuslawal@... wrote:

I claudius ademola lawal shall fight gallantly to destroy the jews and restore the gentile nations. In the name of the four Gods of hell .so be it
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-----Original Message-----
From: "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 12:46:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

Thank you Strength, good job! I'll certainly be participating!

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
Thank You Brian, I know it will too.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I for one strength,am looking forward to this Monday.You have put a great ritual series together ,and it is going to awaken,and make stronger our Gentile people,and I am glad to work along side you too my friend. 
Hail Satan
"I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler

From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:26 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

Thank you to everyone who has responded with enthusiasm and interest in participating in this ritual. I know with our combined strength we can truly impact the years to come. I look forward to fighting along everyone's side this year as we end this year in the name of us Gentiles.

Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], claudiuslawal@ wrote:

I claudius ademola lawal shall fight gallantly to destroy the jews and restore the gentile nations. In the name of the four Gods of hell .so be it
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-----Original Message-----
From: "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 12:46:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

Thank you Strength, good job! I'll certainly be participating!

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races
to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to
Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone who participated in last nights ritual and hope evewryone's experience was rewarding as mine was. For those who could not do it yesterday at all I ask of you to not let this get in the way of you performing the ritual either today or at any other point. This ritual just like any other ritual is very important and very little matters on when you do it.

Once again thanks to all my brothers and sisters who did this ritual, it was an honor standing next to all of you yesterday fighting for our freedom.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@... wrote:

You're welcome. :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Yes, awsome idea indeed Vabzir. Trust me when I say I will HIGHLY consider your ideas. Thank You

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

AWESOME idea Vabzir!!!!!!!!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

Strength, I have an idea for October's and November's rituals.
October's could be done to incite the Love for Nature in Gentiles, and November's to grow an interest in Gentiles to find scientific explanations for the so-called supernatural.

What do you think?

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.
please also add ikoan tao to the list of rhp religions who are anti humanity and promote helplnessness and are a cult that advertises all mainstream religions...pathetic they do not like father satan at all.  In chicago they have a place called hun deh temple and also in n carolina and california.  They promote themselves as people who are helping people open third eye and see reality but really are workers of rhp religions.  Please all brothers and sisters of the lhp add them to the list of rhp against father satan and humanity.  They say " all religions are from the same source" and we should all become like children and not eat meat or have sex or question... they effected me in a bad way and I have been dedicated for 3 yrs to father satan.  Please in the name of humanity help me.  We have to teach them a lesson in the name of Father Satan!  
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 7:35 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

  I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone who participated in last nights ritual and hope evewryone's experience was rewarding as mine was. For those who could not do it yesterday at all I ask of you to not let this get in the way of you performing the ritual either today or at any other point. This ritual just like any other ritual is very important and very little matters on when you do it.

Once again thanks to all my brothers and sisters who did this ritual, it was an honor standing next to all of you yesterday fighting for our freedom.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@... wrote:

You're welcome. :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Yes, awsome idea indeed Vabzir. Trust me when I say I will HIGHLY consider your ideas. Thank You

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

AWESOME idea Vabzir!!!!!!!!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

Strength, I have an idea for October's and November's rituals.
October's could be done to incite the Love for Nature in Gentiles, and November's to grow an interest in Gentiles to find scientific explanations for the so-called supernatural.

What do you think?

Vabzir Teloch


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

This version is almost definite and will make small changes if any but still give plenty of notice


This ritual is the first of twelve that I will be posting all dealing with restoring order, balance and natural law to Gentiles and all life. The first four rituals including this one will deal with awakening Gentiles and bringing them back into living natural law lives and engaging in natural law ways. Because all Gentiles have suffered from the jew and all the crimes of the jew were unleashed against all Gentiles there is no Gentile race that deserves more attention and therefore the same ritual will be applied to each Gentile race. If you wish to do more for your own race fine but the group rituals will focus upon each race equally.

Speaking of the races when I first suggested these rituals and went to work I hit a hard wall for I did not think far enough ahead when it came to Gentile races. I wanted to make a group ritual for each race and thought 12 was enough. Well when it came down to my research I could not find any reliable sources. So I turned to a good friend here on the groups, someone who wished to remain nameless but who asked a favor of me to add something to the ritual which I will. This person helped me find a credible source located on the 666blacksun e-group files.

These three main races were (Caucasian, black and yellow). Since it was located in the 666blacksun group files I believe it to be accurate. I did some research of this and found that the yellow race refers to Mongolian which means "resemblance". Since we all know that racism does not mean hate against others but the study of I see no reason to see yellow as offensive. However if others disagree I do apologize and please bring your concerns to the groups and we could simply change it to Asian race. I would like insight on this for the person from what I found who coined these three main races was Christopher Meiners who from what I read spoke down to races that were not Caucasian. To go further on the race issue looking into other people from around the world like the middle east I found them to be a sub-race of the Caucasian race as others are classified as. The same goes for the black race and the yellow/Asian race. There are far to many sub-races to include them all in a separate ritual. Also by doing such a think if the individual performing the ritual knows not what separates the sub-races than how can they properly program their energy. This is why it is important to use these three races as it will refer to all sub-races that are a part of the main race.

Also my good friend suggested that since Gentiles have interbreed which created mixed race off spring that it is a good idea to refer to mixed-race as its own separate race of Gentiles. This is why the first four rituals were refer to the four main races

January- Caucasian race
February- Black race
March- Yellow/Asian race
April- Mixed Race

After this I am planning on making a ritual to separate Gentiles from the RHP. While the first four are meant to awaken Gentiles and bring them back to natural order this next ritual will connect with this idea by completing the process. Gentiles may very well be awakened to their errors in performing unnatural acts and may start obeying natural law but if they continue to follow the RHP religions than they will only fall into error again. This is not going to be a destruction ritual against the RHP but an awakening ritual for Gentiles. None of my twelve rituals will be a destruction ritual. These twelve rituals will be aimed at the Gentiles and restoring natural law and order

So the next ritual will be

May-Separation from the RHP

Next will be another set of four rituals. These will be aimed at the four corners of the earth. From those who read the JoS know that the four corners each represent something and hold separate qualities and control certain aspects of life. To properly restore order each corner must be healed. While the Earth is important these rituals are not particularly aimed at the earth but toward the Gentiles. Since natural order must be applied so Gentles can properly function again there must be equilibrium. For there to be equilibrium the four corners must function properly. So here are the next four rituals

(Months and corner could change)

June- North
July- East
August- South
September- West

Now here comes the embarrassing part. For the months of October and November I have yet to think of good ways to bring order so have no ideas yet for these two months. Again these rituals are supposed to be for all of us so if anyone wants to offer any ideas than I will consider them.

For December it will be just like my December 23rd ritual which was aimed at bringing Gentiles into a Satanic world. This ritual will be the prize of all twelve rituals for it will be the most involved and rewarding.

Energy does as it is told and no idea, no ritual, no desired outcome is out of question for anything is possible with the mind. This year belongs to us so lets take it.


This ritual is to be performed on Monday January 30th during the hours of the moon. The reason for this is because the moon will be in the sign of Taurus which will give our desired outcome the ability to become long lasting/permanent. For those who can do their ritual in the morning or afternoon hour of moon this will be great for this result from the moon being in Taurus is at its greatest within the first ten degrees. But if not no worries and perform it when you can. I chose Monday for it is the day of the moon for the moon is our emotions, feelings, intuition all of which can aid in this ritual. Also the moon represents the public, the memory, the unconscious also a lot that can aid in this ritual.

Ritual tools are not necessary if you do not have them as all you need is your will and mind

If you wish you can have flowers upon rituals as a representation of new life for all Gentiles

Runes Being Used:

Odhal- ancestry and heritage
Mannaz- enhance the memory and help one learn about the self more deeply
Sowilo- empowers other runes
Eihwaz- gain knowledge and insight from past lives (Pagan lives)
Uruz- in white magic brings freedom (from jewish ways/unnatural ways)

Ritual Sigil- This will be a swastika drawn by your own hand with the runes being used surrounding it. There should be NO circles anywhere on the ritual sigil.

Enochian Keys being used-

1. Second Enochian Key- this key represents Satan's design within us, his presence in us. This ritual will further help awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to what is truly within themselves, their true origin, who they truly are and where they truly belong. This enochian key represents the strength of the Gentiles and everything that is great about us.

I tried to make the best ritual prayer that I could to represent the situation if anyone has anything to add or thinks something should be deleted please speak up and let your voice be heard. I do not claim this or any of the rituals I post as my own and wish the rituals to connect with each and everyone of us. So again please speak up and do not hold back.

Runic Affirmation: The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways

Ritual Affirmation: The Caucasian Gentiles of the world are returning to order and natural law

Ritual Prayer

DISEASE! FAMINE! WAR! DEATH! LIES! DECEPTION! SLAVERY!. All of which the filthy KIKE! has unleashed upon the Gentiles of the world due to their greatest crime against the Gentiles :Attacking our Gentile Heritage, Our Gentile Identity, OUR GENTILE PAST". In the beginning our Gentile ancestors grew and advanced within their own racial groups remaining separate but united as Gentiles. As a result our great Gentile ancestors created strong, peaceful, advanced societies where the problems brought by the kikes were non existent. This all changed when the jew came along and promoted unnatural acts and ways that caused us to loose our racial identity and everything our great ancestors fought for and achieved.
Billions of our Gentile brothers and sisters fell at the hands of the monstrous jews while they clawed their way into power causing the link connecting our fellow Gentiles to their racial identity and Gentile past being severed. However despite every attempt made by the jews they have failed and failed again, the link may be severed but it will NEVER BE LOST. For through the blood of every Gentile runs Satan's strength wisdom and will; forever connecting us to him, to the earth, to each other to our race and most importantly to OURSELVES.

This year marks the end of the age of Pisces and therefore the beginning of the end of jewish rule. More and More Gentiles are awakening as we begin the transition into Aquarius. No longer shall Gentiles fall victim to the lies of the jew, no longer shall Gentiles be severed from their TRUE identity, No longer shall Gentiles engage in unnatural acts. As it has already begun Gentiles will reattach to their Gentile roots and begin to follow natural order. Just as our great Gentile ancestors, just as nature demands Gentiles will once again learn to create Great and Powerful societies, Gentiles will once again learn how to stay true to their race and help advance their OWN people and most importantly Gentiles will once again learn to stay true to THEMSELVES. I (state your full name) fight for Satan, fight for all of Hell, fight for all Gentiles, fight for my race and I fight for MYSELF for order and natural law is and will continuously be restored to Gentiles and all life from this day forward and I (state your full name) will see it done.

1. Clean your aura and chakras before starting the ritual. Along with this clean your ritual area with vibrant electric blue or white/gold energy.

2. Open your ritual according to the standard ritual or HP Vovim's opening ritual format

3. Read the ritual prayer with much passion and heart

4. Burn the ritual prayer and see in your minds eye and know that the energy is taking effect. If you can not burn something simply bury it following the same instructions as one will if they burn it.

5. Place the ritual sigil on your alter

6. Begin with the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Uruz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Uruz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

7. Proceed onto the Eihwaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Eihwaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Eihwaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

8. Proceed onto the Mannaz rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Mannaz are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Mannaz symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times, After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

9. Proceed onto the Odhal rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Odhal are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Odhal symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

10. Proceed to the Sowilo rune. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to completely and totally wake up all the Caucasian Gentiles of the world to their unnatural ways. Upon each exhale see all of the Sowilo symbols upon the ritual sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this nine times. After performing the working nine times repeat the ritual affirmation

11. Now write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and now take a minute or two and focus meditate for a minute or two seeing the desired outcome directing the energy raised into the ritual sigil seeing it glow in a bright white-gold

12. Now read the second enochian key with much passion so much that you can feel it within your heart. Do anything that you have to in order to raise strong energy, SHOUT if you must. What is important is raising strong vibrant energy. While reading the key see the sigil glowing so bright that it hurts your eyes to even look at it. This is the final touch for the ritual and what you do here will make your ritual all that much more powerful.

13. Now bury the sigil in the ground white covering it with dirt repeat the ritual affirmation nine times. See the entire ground glowing a bright white-gold energy. Visualize this energy so bright that it lights up the night sky (if doing it at night). See this energy stretching in all directions as far as you can see. Affirm that the energy within the sigil will leak into the ground making the desired outcome reality.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
