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♡ SS Book List ♡

Academic Scholar

Active member
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
UPDATE 11/12/2020

The Handbook of Jewish Knowledge by Nathan Ausubel ©1964 (JoS sermon where this is cited: https://archive.is/judfd)
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism by Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis (JoS sermon where this is cited: https://archive.is/KnYSb)
Papyrus of Ani
Papyrus of Hunefer
Papyrus of Enhai
Maxims of George Washington by A.A. Appleton & Co.
Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman (JoS sermon where this is cited: https://archive.is/UTKr1)
The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert
Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by William Koenig (WARNING: Author is Christian)
The Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft by Mike Nichols
The Pagan Book of Days by Nigel Pennick
The Religion Of Babylonia and Assyria by Morris Jastrow, Jr., PH.D., 1898
The Subtle Body by Cyndi Dale
How Long Do You Choose To Live? by Ragnar, Peter
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
The Vedic Literature of Ancient India and and its many secrets by David Frawley
V. Di Cesare and A. Forgione “Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess”
Magick: The Power to Change Your World by J. H. Brennan © 1998
Teutonic Magic, the Magical and Spiritual Practices of the Germanic People by Kveldulf Gundarsson ©1990
The Secret King: Karl Maria Wiligut: Himmler's Lord of the Runes by Karl Maria Wiligut; translated edition by Stephen E Flowers; Michael Moynihan
The Secret of the Runes by Guido Von List; translated edition by Stephen E Flowers
Futhark, a Handbook of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson ©1984
The Illustrated Egyptian Book of the Dead: a New Translation with Commentary
by Ramses Seleem, 2001
Elizabeth Donnan, 4 Volumes, 'Documents Illustrative of the History of
the Slave Trade to America' Washington, D.C. 1930, 1935 Carnegie Institute of
Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Cruel and Usual Punishment by Nonie Darwish
Lammas, Celebrating the fruits of the Harvest by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason © 2001
The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob © 2001 Alchemy: The Secret Art by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola © 1973
Power of Mantra and Yantra by P. Khurrana
Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney (JoS sermon where this is cited: https://archive.is/sih91)
Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Guiley, 1989
Witchcraft Ancient and Modern by Raymond Buckland
Genesis, The First Book of Revelations by David Wood © 1985
Egyptian Mythology by Veronica Ions
Brady's Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
Outer Space by Jobes
The Goebbels Diaries, edited and translated by Louis P. Lochner © 1971 by Universal-Award House, Inc.; 1948 by Doubleday & Company; Garden City NY.
Sex and Society in Nazi Germany by Hans Peter Bleuel © 1972, 1973
Translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn ‘Das saubere Reich’
Published in England under the title ‘Strength through Joy’ November 1973
Himmler by Peter Padfield © 1991
[This book contains a lot of slander]
Himmler's Crusade: The Nazi Expedition to Find the Origins of the Aryan Race by Christopher Hale © 2003; 2006 edition [This book contains a lot of slander]
Heinrich Himmler's Camelot: The Wewelsburg Ideological Center of the SS, 1934-1945 © 1999
Westfalia Landeszeitung, January 9, 1938, Dr. Wolff Heinrichsdorff
SS Family Celebrations [Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres– und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie] by Fritz Weitzel
The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership by Joachim C. Fest © 1970; Translated from the German by Michael Bullock
The Killing of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich by Callum Macdonald
The Third Reich in Power by Richard J. Evans © 2005
Ben Klassen, Racial Loyality issue 27, Creativity Movement
The White Man's Bible by Ben Klassen
Building A Whiter And Brighter World by Ben Klassen
Natures Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen
East of the Sun, The Epic Conquest and Tragic History of Siberia by Benson Bobrick © 1992
Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps, by Robert Conquest © 1979
Institute for Historical Review Article: Was Hiroshima Necessary? Why the Atomic Bombings Could Have Been Avoided by Mark Weber
Commissar: The Life and Death of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria by Thaddeus Wittlin © 1972
The Eddas: The Keys to the Mysteries of the North by James Allen Chisholm (JoS sermon where this book is recommended to read: https://archive.is/lyalq)
Pagan Resurrection by Richard Rudgley (JoS sermon where this book is recommended to read: https://archive.is/lyalq)


This is NOT an official SS book list by any means, only a random compilation of books cited by the JoS clergy. Feel free to add on.

Taken from: https://pastebin.com/50gwFmQ2
Archived version: http://archive.fo/GvveU


*DISCLAIMER: Many of these books contain a large amount of disinformation that has been distilled and cleared out by the JoS Clergy.

This is a compilation of the books used by the JoS Clergy in their sermons, the books referenced on the JoS site and/or books recommended by the JoS clergy. Some of these books can be found for free on http://satanslibrary.org.

Zechariah Stitchin was a racial Jew and had ties to the Vatican, his work is filled with lies and is inaccurate.
JoS Sermon on Stitchins Lies and the Actual Truth:

JoS Sermon on the Bhagavad Gita (skip to page 64): https://www.dropbox.com/s/unz1gpjpjq4qt82/MAGESON%20COLLECTED%20WRITTINGS%20vol%202.pdf?dl=0

JoS Sermon on Aleister Crowley (for those confused about why Crowley isn't on this list):

JoS Sermons on the Necronomicon:

"Xian" means "Christian"

Joy of Satan Yahoo Groups Thread: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoyofSatan666/conversations/topics/186719

The Holy Science, by Swami Sri Yukteswar
Genesis of the Grail Kings, Laurence Gardner
Blue Apples, William Henry
Guardians of the Holy Grail, Mark Pinkham
Inner Tantra Yoga, David Frawley
Kundalini Yoga Upanishad
The Coming Gnostic Civilization by M.A.Pinkham
Christ In Egypt The Horus-Jesus Connection, D.M Murdock
The Realm Of The Ring Lord, Laurence Gardner
Gnosis The Secret Of Solomon's Temple Revealed, Philip Gardiner
Tattwa Shuddhi Swami Satyasangananda
While The Gods Play - Danielou
Secrets of the Serpent - Gardener
The Serpent The Eagle The Lion and The Disk by B. Parker
Starwalkers - William Henry
Suns of God by D.M. Murdock
The texts of the Agamas Irish Origins of Civilisation by Tsarion
The Doctrine of the Awaking - Evola
Did Moses Exist - D.M Murdock
Gods Of Love And Ecstasy, Danielou
Underworld, Graham Hancock
The Lost Civilization Of Lemuria, Frank Joseph
The Hermetic Doctrine, Julius Evola
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, The Chakra's
Siva And Serpent Worship, Hyde Clark
Introduction Into Magic, Julius Evola
The Hindu Temple, Alain Danielou
Swami Nityananda Giri
Revolt Against The Modern World, Evola
The Greek Kabala, Barry
The Eastern Mysteries, Hulse
The Serpent Grail, Gardiner, Osborn
Northern Mysteries And Magic, Aswynn
The Open Secret of India, Israel And Mexico. By researcher and author Gene D. Matlock.
Revolt Against The Modern World by Julius Evola.
The Stellar Man by John Baines
The Shining Ones by P. Gardiner and G.Osborn
The Mystery of the Grail by J.Evola
Merging with Siva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Isis Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom by Mark Pinkham
Who Was ABRAHAM? Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.
How Almighty God was born by John Kaminsky
The Enlightenment of Vairocana. Wayman, Taijma
The Gnostics And Their Remains', King
The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon, Hogan
The Western Mysteries, Hulse
Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga and Kriya Yoga, Swami Sivananda
Sons Of God, Acharya S.
The Magician’s Companion, Whitcomb
Myths And Gods Of India, Alain Danielou
The Kemetic Tree Of Life, Ashby
Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power: A Simple Guide to the Yoga of Awareness as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.
Lucifer's Court by Otto Rahn
Blood Sacrifices: Violent Non-State Actors and Dark Magico-Religious Activities by Robert Bunker
(exposes blood sacrifice in Islam, blood sacrifices are not condoned in SS)
The Cosmic War by Farrell
The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975
Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook 1927
Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition by Philip G. Kreyenbroek 1995
The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by J.S. Guest 1987
Peacock Angel by E.S. Drower 1941
The Astral Body and Other Phenomena by Lieut. Colonel Arthur E. Powell © 1927
A History of the Devil by Gerald Messadié
The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S
Cambridge illustrated History of Religions, edited by John Bowker
Mesopotamia by Pamela F. Service
The Ancient Near East, Volume I, edited by James B. Pritchard © 1958
Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories From the Ancient Near East by Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin© 1991
The Atlantis Blueprint by Colin Wilson ©2002
The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects" by Barbara G. Walker
The Goebbels Diaries, Edited and translated by Louis P. Lochner © 1971
The Coming Gnostic Civilization by M.A.Pinkham
Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends, The Diabolical History of the Society of Jesus Including: Its Second Thirty Years' War [1914-1945], its Cold War [1945-1990], and Its Assassination of America's First Roman Catholic President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy [1963] by Eric Jon Phelps, © 2001
The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris; translated from the French, © 1975
A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery by Lyndy Abraham © 1998
The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob © 2001
Alchemy: The Secret Art by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola © 1973
Le Mystère des Cathédrales by Fulcanelli © 1964
Myths of the Bible by Gary Greenburg © 2000
Bible Myths And Their Parallels in Other Religions By T. W. Doane © 1882
Popular Dictionary of Assyrian and Babylonian Terminology by F. C. Norton © 2003
The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry, Edited by William Kelly Simpson © 1972
Religions of the Ancient Near East Sumero-Akkadian Religious Texts and Ugaritic Epics, Edited by Isaac Mendelsohn © 1955
The Ancient Near East Volume I, An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, Edited by James Pritchard © 1958
Frabato the Magician by Franz Bardon
Jim Marrs, Rule By Secrecy
Hans-Gunther Seraphim, Das politische Tagebuch Alfred Rosenbergs 1934-1935 und 1939-1940 (Gottingen, 1956)
Gerhard Reitlinger, Die SS-Tragodie einer Deutschen Epoche (Munich, 1977)
Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin
Heinrich Himmler's Camelot: The Wewelsburg Ideological Center of the SS, 1934-1945 © 1999
Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda
© 2002
The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft, 5th Printing, © 1988
Magic: History, Theory and Practice by Dr. Ernst Schertel
Ark of the Christos by William Henry [CD-ROM]
The Morning of the Magicians: Secret Societies, Conspiracies, and Vanished Civilizations by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
Hitler: the Black Magician by Gerald Suster
Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Cult of the Superman by Abir Taha
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey
Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist by Christopher Bjerknes
Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Sea brook 1927
The Biography of Satan by Kersey Graves
Satan Wants You by Arthur Lyons
Kundalini Yoga: Guidelines for Sadhana (Daily Practice) by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa
Anacalypsis by Godfrey Higgins (2 volumes)
The Complete Idiots' Guide To Alchemy by Dennis Hauck
The Alchemical Body by David White
Associated works of Pinkham
The Yezidi "Devil Worshippers” by Dr. Ron Leito
Cataclysm! Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. by D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair
The Numerical Discourse Of The Buddha: A translation of the Anguttara Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Universal Meaning Of The Kabbalah by Leo Schaya
The Tree Of Souls The Mythology Of Judaism by Howard Schwartz
The Encyclopedia Of Jewish Myth, Magic And Mysticism by Geoffrey W. Dennis
The Grid Of The Gods by Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart
Revelations of Antichrist Concerning Christ and Christianity by J.P Mendum
The Serpent Power, Ashby
The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet by Rabbi Munk
Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley
The Secret Doctrine of the Gaon of Vilna Volume II: The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron and the Sacred Serpent: Joel David Bakst
Investigations On The Existence Of Jews In China by Alexander Weily
The Jews Of China Stevens Institute of Technology by Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Lord Shiva And His Worship, Swami Sivananda
The Brahma Sutra
The Yoga Of Power by Evola
Taoist Secrets Of Love by Mantak Chia and Michael Winn
Eros And The Mysteries Of Love by Evola
The Works of Dr. Jordan Reza Jorjani
Conspiracy Of The Six Pointed Star by Texe Marrs
The Works Of Eustace Mullins [both author is a deluded Xian but a broken clock is right twice a day]
Babylon's Banksters by Joseph Farrell
The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries, Henry Gris and William Dick
Gods And Myths Of Northern Europe by H.R. Ellis Davidson
Shiva The Lord of Yoga, Frawley
The Source Field Investigation's, David Wilcock
A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery, Lyndy Abraham
Cube of Space, Townley
The Secret of the Runes, Von List
The Magicians Of The Gods, Graham Hancock
Mary Magdalene: The Illuminator, William Henry
Chakra Mantras: Liberate Your Spiritual Genius Through Chanting by Thomas Ashley Farrand
Merging With Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswam
Shiva, The Wild God Of Power And Ecstasy by Wolf-Dieter Storl, PH.D.
Laya Yoga, Shyam Sundar Goswami
Mastering Herbalism, Paul Hudson
Chinnamasta: The Awful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess, Elizabeth Anne Benard
Sonic Theology, Hinduism and Sacred Sound, Guy L. Beck
Teachings of Swami Nityananda Giri
The Tree Of Life, Israel Regardie
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Hinduism, Linda Johnsen
Christianity Mankind's First Worldwide Religion by Matlock
The Mystery Of The Seven Vowels, Godwin
The Tarot Of The Bohemians, Papus
The Hand by Frank Wilson
The Benham Book of Palmistry
Works of Fred Gettings
The Hands of Children by J. Spiers
The Graven Palm by Mrs. Robinson
Kundalini Tantra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Egypt and India by Dr. Ashby
The Phallus, Alain Danielou
V.V Ramanan Shastri, Cultural Heritage of India
The Great Rite, William Henry
Freedoms Gate, William Henry
Black Slave owners by Larry Koger
The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo
Black Confederates by Charles Barrow
The South Was Right by James Ronald kennedy
The Hand Book of Yoruba Religious Concepts by Baba Ife Karade
Yoruba culture: A Philosophical Account by Abimbola Kola
The Religion of the Yorubas, J. Olumide Lucas
Dances with Dependency, Helin
Sacred Symbols of the Dogon by Laird Scranton
Temples of the African Gods by Michael tellinger
The Unknown lore of Amexems's Indigenous People, Noble Meyer
Perani, Judith. Smith, Fred T. (1998) The Visual Arts of Africa, gender, power, and life cycle rituals
Daniel, Yvonne "Dancing Wisdom" 2005
Bynum, Edward "The African Unconsciousness" 2012
Welsh-Ashanti "African Dance" 2004
Cultivating Stillness: A Taoist Manual for Transforming Body and Mind, p. 18, Translated by Eva Wong
Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality, by Lu K'uan Yu
Spiritual Guidance in Contemporary Taoism, by Irwin Rouselle
Awaken Healing Light of the Tao : The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation by M. Chia
Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality: The Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds by M. Chia
Chi Self-Massage: The Taoist Way of Rejuvenation by M. Chia
The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty. J. C. Y. Watt.
Chinese Taoist Sorcery: The Art of Getting Even by Min Tzu
The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively
The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill
The Homo & the Negro by James J. O'Meara
Communism In the Bible by Jose Porfirio Miranda
Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shalom Bar Ron
Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs (This book has been used in HP Jake Carlson's sermons and according to him, Texe Marrs is an extremely deluded xian who tries to pull off an "Anti-Semitic Christianity")
The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
The Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity by Nicholas Goodrich-Clarke
The Nazi Occult by Kenneth Hite
Babylon: Secret Rituals of the Illuminati by Joshua Seraphim
When a Jew Rules the World by Joel Richardson
Conversations With the Goddess by Mark Amaru Pinkham
The Nazi War On Christianity by Bruce Walker
The Struggle for Religious Freedom in Germany by A.S. Duncan-Jones (1938)
Nazism vs. Religion by Raymond Freely (1940)
Religion in the Third Reich by Michael Power (1939)
If I Were a Jew by William Harman Black (1938)
The Aryan Jesus by Susannah Heschel
The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews From the Nazis by Rabbi David G. Dalin
Church of Spies: The Pope's Secret War Against Hitler by Mark Riebling
Jesus the Pharisee: A New Look At the Jewishness of Jesus by Harvey Falk
Jewish Secrets Hidden In the New Testament: The Growing Global Torah Revolution by Rabbi Avraham Feld and Rabbi Ovadyah Avrahami
Kosher Jesus by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Judaism Discovered by Michael Hoffman
Mishnah and the Words of Jesus by Dr. Roy B. Blizzard
Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism by Mattias Gardell
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey
Hitler, 666, Giants, and the Third Temple by Anthony D. Booker [Warning: worthless Christian "prophecy" rag]
Arktos: The Polar Myth In Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival by Joscelyn Godwin
Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence by Knapp Steve
The Black Sun by Peter Moon
AIDS And the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry Into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic by Dr. Alan Cantwell
Cassell's Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit by Randy P. Conner, David Hatfield Sparks and Mariya Sparks
The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages by Paul Foster Case
Power of Mantra and Yantra by P. Khurrana
Egyptian Mythology by Veronica Ions
Brady's Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
Outer Space by Jobes
At the Heart of Darkness, Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism Today by John Parker
Lammas, Celebrating the fruits of the Harvest by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason
The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
From The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
A Lamp To Illuminate The Five Stages, Tsongkhapa
Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick
Maiden with the Mead – A Goddess of Initiation Rituals in Old Norse Myths by Maria Kvilhaug
Hidden Horizons Unearthing Ten Thousand Year of Vedic Culture by David Frawley
The Elephant Walk Cookbook by Longteine De Monteiro and Katherine Neudstadt © 1998
The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron And The Second Serpent, Bakst
The Ringmakers of Saturn, Dr. Norman Bergrun
Origen Contra Celsus Book 6
Vril: The Power of the Coming Race by Sir Edward Buller-Lytton
A Real Case Against The Jews by Marcus Eli Ravage, Part I
Ultimate World Order by Major Williams
The Vatican and Freemasonry by De Poncins
The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shalom Bar Ron [Amazon Kindle edition]
The Mysteries of Mithras by Payam Nabarz
Shakti Mantras: Tapping into the Great Goddess Energy Within by Thomas Ashley Farrand
Hitler's Religion by Richard Weikart
The Crucified Rabbi: Judaism & the Origins of Catholic Christianity by Taylor R. Marshall
We Thought They Were White by Dontell Jackson
Adolf Hitler: His Family, Childhood and Youth by Bradley F. Smith
Hitler: Legend, Myth and Reality by Werner Maser
The Psychopathic God Adolf Hitler by Robert G. L. Waite
Hitler by Joachim C. Fest, English translation by Richard and Clara Winston
Adolf Hitler by John Toland
The Mind of Adolf Hitler by Walter Charles Langer
"What Strasser Knew," Direct Action
Temples of the African Gods: Decoding the Ancient Ruins of Southern Africa by Johan Heine and Michael Tellinger
The Un-civil War By Taleeb Starkes
Black Lies Matter By Taleeb Starkes (This book has everything you need to know about Black issues and whats highlighted on http://blacksforsatan.org)
The KPIM of Social order by Patrick E. Iroegbu
African Philosophy by Emmanuel Eze
Ant Hills of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe
Nri warriors of peace by Anuobi Chikodi
Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic by Michael Scammell
Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty Through Self-Reliance by Calvin Helin
The Jewish Mob in America by Dr. William Pierce
Layayoga, Goswami
Healing Mantra's by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
Kriya Yoga Exposed by Santata Gamana
Yantra Yoga by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
Soma In Yoga And Ayurveda, David Transcening Time, Gen Lamrimpa
Jewish Magic and Superstition by Joshua Trachtenberg [1939]
Writtings of Rabbi Tzadok, Kosher Rabbi (JoS sermon where this source is cited: http://archive.is/K9AEl)
Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina
The Good Religion, Flowers
Black Nazis II! by Veronica Clark
The Black Book of the Yezidis by Jon Lange
Thrice Great Hermetica And The Janus Age by Joseph P. Farrell
Human by Design, Greg Braden
Dead Men's Secrets, Gray
Studies in Popular Islam by Samuel M. Zwemer
The Secret History of the Mongols
MUHAMMAD: his life based on the earliest sources, Martin Lings (Abu Bakar Siraj al-Din), 2006
The Atlantis Blueprint by Colin Wilson
The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read by Tom C. Leedom
An Atheist Speaks by Madalyn Murray O’Hair, 1986
Billy Graham and his Friends by Dr. Cathy Burns 2001
Our Constitution, the Way It Was by Dr. Madalyn O'Hair, revised edition, 1988
The Cross and the Sickle...Superchurch by Billy James Hargis and Bill Sampson, 1982
The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob © 2001
Alchemy: The Secret Art by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola © 1973
Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities by Dean Radin
The Body Electric by Robert Decker (addresses our bioelectric selves and soul)
The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries by Henry Gris
The Seventh Sense by Lynn Buchanan
Shakti The Realm Of The Divine Mother, Vana Mali
Big Brother by Mark Dice

written by Prophet Sheik Adi, dictated by Satan, Himself. There are references to Him being the creator of humanity. Satan relates he has "ALLOWED the creation of 4 substances, because they are necessary things for creatures." These are the nucleotides in the DNA. Enki's number is 40.

The book list below is from here: http://archive.fo/wpeTw
It's an outdated JoS book list, the books considered to be outdated have been removed from this list.
The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.*
Here, Bramley soft soaps the nazarene, but the over all book is good reading material. Note* There are two books by this title, written by different authors. Recommended

Breaking the Godspell by Niel Freer
Rather dry. The author writes of his own assessments of the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the consequences of the creation of humanity by the Nephilim. Rather dry, but informative.

God Games by Niel Freer
Much like "Breaking the Godspell."

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life : Volumes 1 and 2, by Drumvalo Melchizedek
This book is very new agey and xian slanted, but worth reading concerning the extra-terrestrial links and interaction with humanity. Also, how the Egyptian God, Thoth is a flesh and blood living being. The author, because of his new age perspective and interaction with angels was not given truth about certain things. This can be read between the lines; Thoth is most definitely a Demon, on Father's side.
**Both Thoth and Azazel worked with me to revise the Mer Ka Ba meditation, which the author of the book has incomplete.

The Illustrated Egyptian Book of the Dead : A New Translation With Commentary by Ramses Seleem. Published New York : Sterling, c2001.
This book contains much information concerning the true teachings of Ancient Egypt, taken from the Papyri of Hunefer, Ani, Enhai and Gerusher.

The Second Messiah : Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. Published Shaftesbury, Dorset ; Boston : Element, 1997.
This book is very revealing concerning the outright lies, crimes and cover ups used by the Catholic Church. The Turin Shroud is not of the nazarene, but of Grand Master Jaques de Molay.

The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol: the Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. by David Ovason. Published New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, 2000, c1999.
An excellent read for anyone who believes the USA to be founded upon xianity. Also, this book is very revealing concerning the knowledge that has been removed from the population.

Born in Blood the Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Published New York : M. Evans, c1989.

Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy by Grillot de Givry 1931; translated into English 1971.
This book is very revealing concerning spirit abuse in during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance where Goetic Demons were used to build the cathedrals, bridges and other structures in Europe.

Time Life Books Series:
Mysteries of the Unknown
Alien Encounters
Time and Space
Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects
Mystic Places:
Detail and photographs concerning the Ancient Megalithic structures both east and west.

The Message of the Sphinx: a Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, 1996.
The truth is humanity is being lied to. This book reveals much research and proof as to the true age of the Sphinx which was built during the Age of Leo, 10,500 years ago - not within the past 3,000 years as "scholars" claim.

The Secret History of Ancient Egypt by Herbie Brennen
This book goes into detail concerning the ultra advanced technology of Ancient Egypt.

Time travel: A how-to insiders guide / by Commander X and Tim Swartz. 1999
A lot of useful information concerning electromagnetism and the manipulation of time; also how to actually construct time maneuvering devices with items found in the average hardware store.

The Day After Roswell by Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army retired, 1997.
This is a must-read. Complete expos of the UFO crash in the Roswell desert, July of 1947. In the book "The Day After Roswell" the author exposes the entire story, with names, dates, facts and documents released under the freedom of information act. He was PERSONALLY in charge of the Roswell files under the Army Research and Development at the Pentagon directly under Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau.
Corso explains the reality behind the "Cold War" where the USA and the USSR amassed nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Earth 5 times over; which if either side employed these, mutual suicide for the entire planet would result. The truth is - both world powers were well aware of the alien threat, which in TRUTH is a hostile one which threatens the life of everything and everyone on this planet. Both the USA and USSR worked behind the scenes to develop defense technology, NOT to be used on each other, as the media falsely claimed to shape public opinion and to delude the masses, but to be used in defense of the Earth from a potential alien attack. This was also the main reason for the Apollo Moon Mission in 1969, NOT just space exploration out of interest. The defense department was interested in establishing a base on the Moon which would act as a reconnaissance post for the Earth, from out there. The large number of satellites orbiting the Earth serve the same purpose. PROTECTION.
Corso concludes the book with documents and explains how the technology recovered from the crash landing of the alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico, July 1947, salvaged and clandestinely distributed by the US Army to various laboratories who employed top scientists for private industry; how they used reverse engineering to develop the high level of technology we have today, in many areas; this technology, which enabled the building of the "stealth bomber" and other high tech military weapons were used to deter the aliens from physically invading the Earth. *****HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Extra-Terrestrials Among Us by George C. Andrews
Excellent book, highly recommended. Comprehensive expos of extra-terrestrials and their interactions with humanity.

The Watchers by Raymond E. Fowler
This is VERY revealing concerning the grey involvement in the xianity scam and exposing "the one."
The Watchers gives the accounts of Betty Andreasson who experienced numerous abductions by the aliens known as "greys." Andreasson, a devout xtian reveals the grey's connection with xianity and the plans for the future of humanity. Anyone with intelligence can see the lies the grey spoon-feed to Andreasson, who being steeped in xianity, lacks the intellect and knowledge to doubt or question what she is told. Very revealing of the alien hoax of Right Hand Path religions to damn humanity. The accounts are given under hypnotic regression. It is apparent Andreasson is too child minded and lacking in knowledge to fabricate any of this and it also is supported in other UFO accounts; the nefarious plans these aliens have, in reality for humanity. (Read between the lines). Highly recommended

Disneyland of the Gods by John A. Keel, 1995

Cosmic Explorers by Courtney Brown
Very revealing concerning the abilities and knowledge aliens have and also their power over the souls of human beings and animals. The author is of the right hand path.

Psychic Warrior by David Moorehouse, 1996
The author writes of his experiences working in the US Army's psychic warfare unit. He obtained unusual psychic powers after a head wound he received while training in the valley known as "The Devil's Hole" in Iraq which is over the ancient city of Enki- Eridu.

Field Guide to Extra-Terrestrials by Patrick Huyghe
Many descriptions of alien encounters, supporting Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Greek mythology; Medieval myths. Not all are credible, but the majority have ties to many accounts of so called "mythical" beings.

How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction by Ann Druffel
Very interesting book concerning the strength of one's mind, self esteem and confidence in dealing with aliens, mainly focuses on the greys. The author is deluded on some subjects as the use of xian prayer, which did not help Betty Andreasson (The Watchers) who was a devout xian and the fact that these entities prefer to abduct xians. Revealing of the alien understanding and effortless access of the 4th dimension, though she doesn't quite understand and confuses the greys with other astral entities out of ignorance. Also good information for dealing with any type of unwanted entities. Interesting read. Recommended.

UFO's by Teresa Moorey
Good summary of encounters and hypotheses.

Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson
Interesting and informative about the old ways of real Witchcraft as opposed to the modern Wicca movement which is degrading to a true witch.

The Magician's Workbook, Volume 1. by Steve Savedow
Here the above author makes some very important points on how to empower one's self and prepare for magical practice in the way of mind strengthening exercises and meditation.

Herbs in Magic and Alchemy by C.L. Zalewski
The author writes of the many uses of herbs, both for white and black magic. Highly recommended.

Pendulum Magic by D.J. Conway
Excellent little book about the wide variety of uses for a pendulum in divination. The book contains charts that can be used with a pendulum to answer many different questions. Covers nearly everything about the uses of a pendulum. Highly recommended.

Wizards and Sorcerers by Tom Ogden
Dictionary giving a comprehensive and extensive cover of nearly all aspects of witchcraft, famous sorcerers, witches and different types of magic.

How to Use a Ouija Board by Michael St Christopher
Good read on the various aspects of using a Ouija Board.

One of the most popular books in the occult studies. Based upon Sumerian/Mesopotamian mythology, there are the seals of the Gods, though different from the seals used in the Goetia. Claimed to be a work of fiction by HP Lovecraft, the Gods are real and the summonings work.
References to the stars in the sky and the returning of the Gods "when the Great Bear hangs low" (Ursa Major). The aligning of the stars open the way for the Extra-Terrestrial Gods to return to Earth.

Necronomicon Spellbook
An addition to the Necronomicon.

The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish
Comprehensive and thorough writing, covering most of the occult arts. Much good information. Recommended.

The Church of Satan by Blanche Barton
Blanch Barton was LaVey's woman during the last years of his life and bore him a son. Revealing book concerning the contradictions of modern LaVeyan Satanism which views Satan only as an archetype. Blanche Barton writes of him as a real being and also of Demons.

The Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton
Authorized biography of Anton LaVey. Again, Ms. Barton writes extensively concerning Satan as a real being.

The Dark Side of Christianity by Helen Ellerbe
Overall excellent book that covers the extensive and heinous influence xianity has had on civilization, along with much exposure of their prolific crimes against humanity.

The Cassel Dictionary of Witchcraft by David Pickering, 1996
This is one of the most comprehensive and graphically explicit reading on the Inquisition. The xtian church roasted children, infants; a two year old girl was accused of being a witch and roasted alive in an oven, under the direction of the Catholic church. Exposes xianity and how the xtian church has been built on mass murder, torture, lies, extortion, death and destruction. A must-read; highly recommended.

The Inquisition, Deborah Bachrach, 1995
Another book worth reading exposing crimes and inhumanities committed by the xtian church; available in most public libraries. Highly recommended.

When God becomes a dry: breaking the chains of religious addiction & abuse by Leo Booth
This is an excellent expose' concerning the true evil nature and effects of xianity. Although written by an xtian priest, this book is very revealing. In order to find out if something is good or evil, we must give it power.

Toxic faith: understanding and overcoming religious addiction by Stephen Arterburn
Here is another one, found in most libraries. Xians seek psychiatric help and counseling for their problem with their religion. There is a 12 step program available for xians, like Alcoholics Anonymous. They are the ones who are truly "possessed."

Psychic Power by Charles Cosimano
This book, unfortunately is out of print, but is an excellent read for those who may be lucky enough to find it in a used bookstore. The author writes many truths concerning mind power, visualization and thought training for the use of controlling one's external environment. Highly recommended.

The Seventh Sense by Lyn Buchanan, 2003
Remote viewing. Psychic powers and the US Army psychic warfare dept.

Secret, Don't Tell : The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery
Although written by an xian, this book is the best I have ever read concerning anything and everything that can be done to the human mind and how to do it. The author does not in any way push religion. The book is also enlightening as to the unethical practices of fundamentalist xians. This book is huge, like a dictionary. Each page provides interesting information, cases and a large comprehensive bibliography.

Kundalini Awakening by John Selby
This book is an excellent reference for kundalini and chakra work. The illustrations are not of any help, though, as the true chakras resemble spinning vortexes of colored energy.
The author guides beginners step by step on chakra and kundalini awakening and empowerment. This book has a positive upbeat theme, while many others focus on the negative aspects of kundalini.

The Second Coming: Satanism in America by Arthur Lyons
This book is interesting and a good read for the overall history of Satanism in Europe and America. It is now out of print, but can be found in used bookstores.

Lucifer Rising, Sin, Devil Worship and Rock and Roll by Gavin Baddeley
Well-written and informative book about Modern Satanism, high profile Satanists, the music scene and much more.

Satan Wants You: The Cult of Devil Worship in America by Arthur Lyons
The author writes mainly about the history of Satanism, in Europe and it's coming to America. The various organizations - the Hellfire Club of England, Temple of Set, Church of Satan and others that influenced the Satanic Religion. Good read. Recommended.

Devil Worship 1919 by Isya Joseph
Comprehensive material, containing much valuable information about the beliefs and practices of the Yezidi peoples of Iraq. The Yezidis as a people worship Satan. The book contains the Black Book of Satan; The Al-Jilwah. From numerous studies, I can see much of their original material has been altered, as they have been a most persecuted people because of their beliefs.
Disclaimer: The already given disclaimer has to be taken really seriously.

Many of these books are like 90% Disinfo. They must be read with the Satanic mind and with awareness of truth, within context.

This post is simply amazing so it will be moved in a couple of days to announcements.

The thing is also some if these books are literary filth. They were sourced due to giving credit to people as they went through distilling process as stated.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Disclaimer: The already given disclaimer has to be taken really seriously.

Many of these books are like 90% Disinfo. They must be read with the Satanic mind and with awareness of truth, within context.

This post is simply amazing so it will be moved in a couple of days to announcements.

The thing is also some if these books are literary filth. They were sourced due to giving credit to people as they went through distilling process as stated.
I was thinking about downloading and uploading these books but never got around to it.
Now with the internet you can get reviews of said book online and read part of them etc. If you think it's good, the authors could use a buck, as they write these books to get paid and not for free. These are my two cents in regards to that.

If one likes a book, the authors can be paid for it. These are books and not social work done.

Right now you can even rent books for like as low as 1 buck, the list goes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now with the internet you can get reviews of said book online and read part of them etc. If you think it's good, the authors could use a buck, as they write these books to get paid and not for free. These are my two cents in regards to that.

If one likes a book, the authors can be paid for it. These are books and not social work done.

Right now you can even rent books for like as low as 1 buck, the list goes.
I agree I usually buy real copies of all these books I have too.
Many of these books are like 90% Disinfo. They must be read with the Satanic mind and with awareness of truth, within context.

Some of the most common disinformation motifs:
  • The Nazis were allied with the reptilians in order to enslave Earth.
  • The Bushes, Rockefellers or other members of the (((Western Elite))) were secretly supporting the Nazis and still form the "Nazi faction" within the NWO crowd.
  • MKULTRA and other malignant Deep State practises were developed by the Nazis brought in upon Operation Paperclip.
  • Dwight Eisenhower was taking a valiant stand against the evil Nazi Military-industrial Complex.
  • The mainstream celebrity entertainers are Satanists who have exchanged their souls for earthly riches.
  • The general NWO-agenda has nothing to do with Judaism, but is an ancient Satanist cult or something like that...
...that's all I can think of quickly, I'm sure there's more.
And what is next goys never suspect the jews and remember it is the evil Nazis from around 80 years ago that are the problem, and not the Jew World Order which has been consolidated for a couple thousand years.

Jews were innocent we can see this clearly as in for example in Israel does happen most brainchip experimentation. A beautiful nation founded upon killing everyone in wars that last aorund 60 plus years. Where you go down the block and a rabbi tells you that they will own Gentiles as cattle slaves.

Blaming their enemies for all they are and do is a theme in all this literary work.

But that is fine since the enemy is so exposed today a 5 year old can see what they do.

They have given up on trying to hide their intents.
TimberWolf said:
Many of these books are like 90% Disinfo. They must be read with the Satanic mind and with awareness of truth, within context.

Some of the most common disinformation motifs:
  • The Nazis were allied with the reptilians in order to enslave Earth.
  • The Bushes, Rockefellers or other members of the (((Western Elite))) were secretly supporting the Nazis and still form the "Nazi faction" within the NWO crowd.
  • MKULTRA and other malignant Deep State practises were developed by the Nazis brought in upon Operation Paperclip.
  • Dwight Eisenhower was taking a valiant stand against the evil Nazi Military-industrial Complex.
  • The mainstream celebrity entertainers are Satanists who have exchanged their souls for earthly riches.
  • The general NWO-agenda has nothing to do with Judaism, but is an ancient Satanist cult or something like that...
...that's all I can think of quickly, I'm sure there's more.
If they contain these messages why is JoS recommending them?
TopoftheAbyss said:
TimberWolf said:
Many of these books are like 90% Disinfo. They must be read with the Satanic mind and with awareness of truth, within context.

Some of the most common disinformation motifs:
  • The Nazis were allied with the reptilians in order to enslave Earth.
  • The Bushes, Rockefellers or other members of the (((Western Elite))) were secretly supporting the Nazis and still form the "Nazi faction" within the NWO crowd.
  • MKULTRA and other malignant Deep State practises were developed by the Nazis brought in upon Operation Paperclip.
  • Dwight Eisenhower was taking a valiant stand against the evil Nazi Military-industrial Complex.
  • The mainstream celebrity entertainers are Satanists who have exchanged their souls for earthly riches.
  • The general NWO-agenda has nothing to do with Judaism, but is an ancient Satanist cult or something like that...
...that's all I can think of quickly, I'm sure there's more.
If they contain these messages why is JoS recommending them?
Jos is not recommending them, these books are the ones used by the Hp’s for sermons, they have little good info in them but the rest is crap, so that’s why we’re telling that you read them with a Satanic mind.
Many alternative authors stick to the Nazi-Reptilian alliance storyline(or something similar) in order to remain able to publish through ordinary means. This way, they're able to put in quite a lot of good information while carefully avoiding the J-problem topic...
Some of them, like David Icke and Michael Salla, are "dwellers of the threshold", discussing about "Rothschild-Zionists" but not the kikes in general. Even if carefully demarcating this topic, Icke has already been publicly labelled an anti-semitist.

You'll have even harder time publishing anything describing what the J-team is really doing, like:
  • Handling the election fraud in "developed" countries(how many believe that Macron, for example, actually won?).
  • Staging false flags(this requires a lot of complicity from both government and newsmedia).
  • Incessantly editing/moderating Wikipedia in order to fit "the narrative".
  • ...and just the general infiltrative parasitism in the society.
...you can forget about any considerable profit, too.

In this information war, there are two main theaters:
  1. Earthly: communism, globally forced debt, Kalergism(and genocide in general), etc.
  2. Beyond earthly: deep state/black budget, extraterrestrials, spirit world, true origins of humanity, etc.
...one can find plenty of authors for either of these, but I'm not aware of anyone(outside of JoS) who would seek to merge them together while also honestly assessing the J-problem.

It is our job is to connect the dots properly in order to get a fully truthful picture of what's really going on in the world.
TopoftheAbyss said:
TimberWolf said:
Many of these books are like 90% Disinfo. They must be read with the Satanic mind and with awareness of truth, within context.

Some of the most common disinformation motifs:
  • The Nazis were allied with the reptilians in order to enslave Earth.
  • The Bushes, Rockefellers or other members of the (((Western Elite))) were secretly supporting the Nazis and still form the "Nazi faction" within the NWO crowd.
  • MKULTRA and other malignant Deep State practises were developed by the Nazis brought in upon Operation Paperclip.
  • Dwight Eisenhower was taking a valiant stand against the evil Nazi Military-industrial Complex.
  • The mainstream celebrity entertainers are Satanists who have exchanged their souls for earthly riches.
  • The general NWO-agenda has nothing to do with Judaism, but is an ancient Satanist cult or something like that...
...that's all I can think of quickly, I'm sure there's more.
If they contain these messages why is JoS recommending them?

Because they were written by people who have made the toil and credits are given. Citations are to point to legitimate and actual existing sources, and to give credit to those who made these works, irrespective of false opinions.
Update 12/28/2019

The SS Encyclopedia (the most important book on this list)
The Fraternitas Saturni, Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D.
Walpurgis Night: Volume One 1919 - 1933, Thomas Sheridan
The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology, Thomas Sheridan
The Saga of the Aryan Race (parts 1 and 2, and 3-5) by Porus Homi Havewala
The Christ that Failed: The Origins of Anti-Christianity within American White Nationalism by Jake S. Wheeler
Nietzsche's Jewish Problem: Between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Judaism by Robert C. Holub
March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp
The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt by Arthur Kemp
Jihad: Islam's 1,300 Year War Against Western Civilization by Arthur Kemp
The Track of the Jew through the Ages by Alfred Rosenberg
Blood and Honor by Alfred Rosenberg
Whiteness: The Original Sin by Jim Goad
Can "White" People Be Saved?: Triangulating Race, Theology, and Mission (Missiological Engagements) by Love L. Sechrest
The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and Exoteric by Guido von List and Stephen E. Flowers
Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Occult Secrets of Vril: Goddess Energy and the Human Potential by Robert Sepehr
The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry [Warning: author promotes "Aryan Christianity"]
The Jesse Owens Story by Jesse Owens 1970
Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy by Georg Feuerstein
The Gospel of Nietzsche and the Gospel of Christ by John Figgis
Raja Choudhury
The Path Of The Dragon by Mark Pinkham
The Chakras, Yogi Bhajan
Path Of Fire And Light, Swami Rama
Vimana: Flying Machines of the Ancients by David Hatcher Childress
Light on Pranayama. the Crossroad Publishing Company, B. K. S. Iyengar
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion [Texe Marrs and Henry Ford edition]
What do you guys think of Captain William Kidd and Others of the Buccaneers?
It's published by Ostara and written by a xian.
Are there any books you would recommend about historical pirates?
thanks for your effort , now we have Jos Encyclopedia + SS book List Great ;) ;)
Academic Scholar said:

This is NOT an official SS book list by any means, only a random compilation of books cited by the JoS clergy. Feel free to add on.

Taken from: https://pastebin.com/50gwFmQ2
Archived version: http://archive.fo/GvveU


*DISCLAIMER: Many of these books contain a large amount of disinformation that has been distilled and cleared out by the JoS Clergy.

This is a compilation of the books used by the JoS Clergy in their sermons, the books referenced on the JoS site and/or books recommended by the JoS clergy. Some of these books can be found for free on http://satanslibrary.org.

Zechariah Stitchin was a racial Jew and had ties to the Vatican, his work is filled with lies and is inaccurate.
JoS Sermon on Stitchins Lies and the Actual Truth:

JoS Sermon on the Bhagavad Gita (skip to page 64): https://www.dropbox.com/s/unz1gpjpjq4qt82/MAGESON%20COLLECTED%20WRITTINGS%20vol%202.pdf?dl=0

JoS Sermon on Aleister Crowley (for those confused about why Crowley isn't on this list):

JoS Sermons on the Necronomicon:

"Xian" means "Christian"

Joy of Satan Yahoo Groups Thread: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoyofSatan666/conversations/topics/186719

The Holy Science, by Swami Sri Yukteswar
Genesis of the Grail Kings, Laurence Gardner
Blue Apples, William Henry
Guardians of the Holy Grail, Mark Pinkham
Inner Tantra Yoga, David Frawley
Kundalini Yoga Upanishad
The Coming Gnostic Civilization by M.A.Pinkham
Christ In Egypt The Horus-Jesus Connection, D.M Murdock
The Realm Of The Ring Lord, Laurence Gardner
Gnosis The Secret Of Solomon's Temple Revealed, Philip Gardiner
Tattwa Shuddhi Swami Satyasangananda
While The Gods Play - Danielou
Secrets of the Serpent - Gardener
The Serpent The Eagle The Lion and The Disk by B. Parker
Starwalkers - William Henry
Suns of God by D.M. Murdock
The texts of the Agamas Irish Origins of Civilisation by Tsarion
The Doctrine of the Awaking - Evola
Did Moses Exist - D.M Murdock
Gods Of Love And Ecstasy, Danielou
Underworld, Graham Hancock
The Lost Civilization Of Lemuria, Frank Joseph
The Hermetic Doctrine, Julius Evola
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, The Chakra's
Siva And Serpent Worship, Hyde Clark
Introduction Into Magic, Julius Evola
The Hindu Temple, Alain Danielou
Swami Nityananda Giri
Revolt Against The Modern World, Evola
The Greek Kabala, Barry
The Eastern Mysteries, Hulse
The Serpent Grail, Gardiner, Osborn
Northern Mysteries And Magic, Aswynn
The Open Secret of India, Israel And Mexico. By researcher and author Gene D. Matlock.
Revolt Against The Modern World by Julius Evola.
The Stellar Man by John Baines
The Shining Ones by P. Gardiner and G.Osborn
The Mystery of the Grail by J.Evola
Merging with Siva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Isis Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom by Mark Pinkham
Who Was ABRAHAM? Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.
How Almighty God was born by John Kaminsky
The Enlightenment of Vairocana. Wayman, Taijma
The Gnostics And Their Remains', King
The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon, Hogan
The Western Mysteries, Hulse
Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga and Kriya Yoga, Swami Sivananda
Sons Of God, Acharya S.
The Magician’s Companion, Whitcomb
Myths And Gods Of India, Alain Danielou
The Kemetic Tree Of Life, Ashby
Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power: A Simple Guide to the Yoga of Awareness as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.
Lucifer's Court by Otto Rahn
Blood Sacrifices: Violent Non-State Actors and Dark Magico-Religious Activities by Robert Bunker
(exposes blood sacrifice in Islam, blood sacrifices are not condoned in SS)
The Cosmic War by Farrell
The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975
Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook 1927
Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition by Philip G. Kreyenbroek 1995
The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by J.S. Guest 1987
Peacock Angel by E.S. Drower 1941
The Astral Body and Other Phenomena by Lieut. Colonel Arthur E. Powell © 1927
A History of the Devil by Gerald Messadié
The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S
Cambridge illustrated History of Religions, edited by John Bowker
Mesopotamia by Pamela F. Service
The Ancient Near East, Volume I, edited by James B. Pritchard © 1958
Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories From the Ancient Near East by Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin© 1991
The Atlantis Blueprint by Colin Wilson ©2002
The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects" by Barbara G. Walker
The Goebbels Diaries, Edited and translated by Louis P. Lochner © 1971
The Coming Gnostic Civilization by M.A.Pinkham
Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends, The Diabolical History of the Society of Jesus Including: Its Second Thirty Years' War [1914-1945], its Cold War [1945-1990], and Its Assassination of America's First Roman Catholic President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy [1963] by Eric Jon Phelps, © 2001
The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris; translated from the French, © 1975
A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery by Lyndy Abraham © 1998
The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob © 2001
Alchemy: The Secret Art by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola © 1973
Le Mystère des Cathédrales by Fulcanelli © 1964
Myths of the Bible by Gary Greenburg © 2000
Bible Myths And Their Parallels in Other Religions By T. W. Doane © 1882
Popular Dictionary of Assyrian and Babylonian Terminology by F. C. Norton © 2003
The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry, Edited by William Kelly Simpson © 1972
Religions of the Ancient Near East Sumero-Akkadian Religious Texts and Ugaritic Epics, Edited by Isaac Mendelsohn © 1955
The Ancient Near East Volume I, An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, Edited by James Pritchard © 1958
Frabato the Magician by Franz Bardon
Jim Marrs, Rule By Secrecy
Hans-Gunther Seraphim, Das politische Tagebuch Alfred Rosenbergs 1934-1935 und 1939-1940 (Gottingen, 1956)
Gerhard Reitlinger, Die SS-Tragodie einer Deutschen Epoche (Munich, 1977)
Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin
Heinrich Himmler's Camelot: The Wewelsburg Ideological Center of the SS, 1934-1945 © 1999
Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda
© 2002
The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft, 5th Printing, © 1988
Magic: History, Theory and Practice by Dr. Ernst Schertel
Ark of the Christos by William Henry [CD-ROM]
The Morning of the Magicians: Secret Societies, Conspiracies, and Vanished Civilizations by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
Hitler: the Black Magician by Gerald Suster
Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Cult of the Superman by Abir Taha
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey
Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist by Christopher Bjerknes
Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Sea brook 1927
The Biography of Satan by Kersey Graves
Satan Wants You by Arthur Lyons
Kundalini Yoga: Guidelines for Sadhana (Daily Practice) by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa
Anacalypsis by Godfrey Higgins (2 volumes)
The Complete Idiots' Guide To Alchemy by Dennis Hauck
The Alchemical Body by David White
Associated works of Pinkham
The Yezidi "Devil Worshippers” by Dr. Ron Leito
Cataclysm! Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. by D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair
The Numerical Discourse Of The Buddha: A translation of the Anguttara Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Universal Meaning Of The Kabbalah by Leo Schaya
The Tree Of Souls The Mythology Of Judaism by Howard Schwartz
The Encyclopedia Of Jewish Myth, Magic And Mysticism by Geoffrey W. Dennis
The Grid Of The Gods by Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart
Revelations of Antichrist Concerning Christ and Christianity by J.P Mendum
The Serpent Power, Ashby
The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet by Rabbi Munk
Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley
The Secret Doctrine of the Gaon of Vilna Volume II: The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron and the Sacred Serpent: Joel David Bakst
Investigations On The Existence Of Jews In China by Alexander Weily
The Jews Of China Stevens Institute of Technology by Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Lord Shiva And His Worship, Swami Sivananda
The Brahma Sutra
The Yoga Of Power by Evola
Taoist Secrets Of Love by Mantak Chia and Michael Winn
Eros And The Mysteries Of Love by Evola
The Works of Dr. Jordan Reza Jorjani
Conspiracy Of The Six Pointed Star by Texe Marrs
The Works Of Eustace Mullins [both author is a deluded Xian but a broken clock is right twice a day]
Babylon's Banksters by Joseph Farrell
The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries, Henry Gris and William Dick
Gods And Myths Of Northern Europe by H.R. Ellis Davidson
Shiva The Lord of Yoga, Frawley
The Source Field Investigation's, David Wilcock
A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery, Lyndy Abraham
Cube of Space, Townley
The Secret of the Runes, Von List
The Magicians Of The Gods, Graham Hancock
Mary Magdalene: The Illuminator, William Henry
Chakra Mantras: Liberate Your Spiritual Genius Through Chanting by Thomas Ashley Farrand
Merging With Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswam
Shiva, The Wild God Of Power And Ecstasy by Wolf-Dieter Storl, PH.D.
Laya Yoga, Shyam Sundar Goswami
Mastering Herbalism, Paul Hudson
Chinnamasta: The Awful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess, Elizabeth Anne Benard
Sonic Theology, Hinduism and Sacred Sound, Guy L. Beck
Teachings of Swami Nityananda Giri
The Tree Of Life, Israel Regardie
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Hinduism, Linda Johnsen
Christianity Mankind's First Worldwide Religion by Matlock
The Mystery Of The Seven Vowels, Godwin
The Tarot Of The Bohemians, Papus
The Hand by Frank Wilson
The Benham Book of Palmistry
Works of Fred Gettings
The Hands of Children by J. Spiers
The Graven Palm by Mrs. Robinson
Kundalini Tantra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Egypt and India by Dr. Ashby
The Phallus, Alain Danielou
V.V Ramanan Shastri, Cultural Heritage of India
The Great Rite, William Henry
Freedoms Gate, William Henry
Black Slave owners by Larry Koger
The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo
Black Confederates by Charles Barrow
The South Was Right by James Ronald kennedy
The Hand Book of Yoruba Religious Concepts by Baba Ife Karade
Yoruba culture: A Philosophical Account by Abimbola Kola
The Religion of the Yorubas, J. Olumide Lucas
Dances with Dependency, Helin
Sacred Symbols of the Dogon by Laird Scranton
Temples of the African Gods by Michael tellinger
The Unknown lore of Amexems's Indigenous People, Noble Meyer
Perani, Judith. Smith, Fred T. (1998) The Visual Arts of Africa, gender, power, and life cycle rituals
Daniel, Yvonne "Dancing Wisdom" 2005
Bynum, Edward "The African Unconsciousness" 2012
Welsh-Ashanti "African Dance" 2004
Cultivating Stillness: A Taoist Manual for Transforming Body and Mind, p. 18, Translated by Eva Wong
Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality, by Lu K'uan Yu
Spiritual Guidance in Contemporary Taoism, by Irwin Rouselle
Awaken Healing Light of the Tao : The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation by M. Chia
Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality: The Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds by M. Chia
Chi Self-Massage: The Taoist Way of Rejuvenation by M. Chia
The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty. J. C. Y. Watt.
Chinese Taoist Sorcery: The Art of Getting Even by Min Tzu
The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively
The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill
The Homo & the Negro by James J. O'Meara
Communism In the Bible by Jose Porfirio Miranda
Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shalom Bar Ron
Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs (This book has been used in HP Jake Carlson's sermons and according to him, Texe Marrs is an extremely deluded xian who tries to pull off an "Anti-Semitic Christianity")
The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
The Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity by Nicholas Goodrich-Clarke
The Nazi Occult by Kenneth Hite
Babylon: Secret Rituals of the Illuminati by Joshua Seraphim
When a Jew Rules the World by Joel Richardson
Conversations With the Goddess by Mark Amaru Pinkham
The Nazi War On Christianity by Bruce Walker
The Struggle for Religious Freedom in Germany by A.S. Duncan-Jones (1938)
Nazism vs. Religion by Raymond Freely (1940)
Religion in the Third Reich by Michael Power (1939)
If I Were a Jew by William Harman Black (1938)
The Aryan Jesus by Susannah Heschel
The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews From the Nazis by Rabbi David G. Dalin
Church of Spies: The Pope's Secret War Against Hitler by Mark Riebling
Jesus the Pharisee: A New Look At the Jewishness of Jesus by Harvey Falk
Jewish Secrets Hidden In the New Testament: The Growing Global Torah Revolution by Rabbi Avraham Feld and Rabbi Ovadyah Avrahami
Kosher Jesus by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Judaism Discovered by Michael Hoffman
Mishnah and the Words of Jesus by Dr. Roy B. Blizzard
Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism by Mattias Gardell
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey
Hitler, 666, Giants, and the Third Temple by Anthony D. Booker [Warning: worthless Christian "prophecy" rag]
Arktos: The Polar Myth In Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival by Joscelyn Godwin
Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence by Knapp Steve
The Black Sun by Peter Moon
AIDS And the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry Into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic by Dr. Alan Cantwell
Cassell's Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit by Randy P. Conner, David Hatfield Sparks and Mariya Sparks
The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages by Paul Foster Case
Power of Mantra and Yantra by P. Khurrana
Egyptian Mythology by Veronica Ions
Brady's Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
Outer Space by Jobes
At the Heart of Darkness, Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism Today by John Parker
Lammas, Celebrating the fruits of the Harvest by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason
The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
From The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
A Lamp To Illuminate The Five Stages, Tsongkhapa
Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick
Maiden with the Mead – A Goddess of Initiation Rituals in Old Norse Myths by Maria Kvilhaug
Hidden Horizons Unearthing Ten Thousand Year of Vedic Culture by David Frawley
The Elephant Walk Cookbook by Longteine De Monteiro and Katherine Neudstadt © 1998
The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron And The Second Serpent, Bakst
The Ringmakers of Saturn, Dr. Norman Bergrun
Origen Contra Celsus Book 6
Vril: The Power of the Coming Race by Sir Edward Buller-Lytton
A Real Case Against The Jews by Marcus Eli Ravage, Part I
Ultimate World Order by Major Williams
The Vatican and Freemasonry by De Poncins
The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shalom Bar Ron [Amazon Kindle edition]
The Mysteries of Mithras by Payam Nabarz
Shakti Mantras: Tapping into the Great Goddess Energy Within by Thomas Ashley Farrand
Hitler's Religion by Richard Weikart
The Crucified Rabbi: Judaism & the Origins of Catholic Christianity by Taylor R. Marshall
We Thought They Were White by Dontell Jackson
Adolf Hitler: His Family, Childhood and Youth by Bradley F. Smith
Hitler: Legend, Myth and Reality by Werner Maser
The Psychopathic God Adolf Hitler by Robert G. L. Waite
Hitler by Joachim C. Fest, English translation by Richard and Clara Winston
Adolf Hitler by John Toland
The Mind of Adolf Hitler by Walter Charles Langer
"What Strasser Knew," Direct Action
Temples of the African Gods: Decoding the Ancient Ruins of Southern Africa by Johan Heine and Michael Tellinger
The Un-civil War By Taleeb Starkes
Black Lies Matter By Taleeb Starkes (This book has everything you need to know about Black issues and whats highlighted on http://blacksforsatan.org)
The KPIM of Social order by Patrick E. Iroegbu
African Philosophy by Emmanuel Eze
Ant Hills of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe
Nri warriors of peace by Anuobi Chikodi
Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic by Michael Scammell
Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty Through Self-Reliance by Calvin Helin
The Jewish Mob in America by Dr. William Pierce
Layayoga, Goswami
Healing Mantra's by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
Kriya Yoga Exposed by Santata Gamana
Yantra Yoga by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
Soma In Yoga And Ayurveda, David Transcening Time, Gen Lamrimpa
Jewish Magic and Superstition by Joshua Trachtenberg [1939]
Writtings of Rabbi Tzadok, Kosher Rabbi (JoS sermon where this source is cited: http://archive.is/K9AEl)
Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina
The Good Religion, Flowers
Black Nazis II! by Veronica Clark
The Black Book of the Yezidis by Jon Lange
Thrice Great Hermetica And The Janus Age by Joseph P. Farrell
Human by Design, Greg Braden
Dead Men's Secrets, Gray
Studies in Popular Islam by Samuel M. Zwemer
The Secret History of the Mongols
MUHAMMAD: his life based on the earliest sources, Martin Lings (Abu Bakar Siraj al-Din), 2006
The Atlantis Blueprint by Colin Wilson
The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read by Tom C. Leedom
An Atheist Speaks by Madalyn Murray O’Hair, 1986
Billy Graham and his Friends by Dr. Cathy Burns 2001
Our Constitution, the Way It Was by Dr. Madalyn O'Hair, revised edition, 1988
The Cross and the Sickle...Superchurch by Billy James Hargis and Bill Sampson, 1982
The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob © 2001
Alchemy: The Secret Art by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola © 1973
Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities by Dean Radin
The Body Electric by Robert Decker (addresses our bioelectric selves and soul)
The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries by Henry Gris
The Seventh Sense by Lynn Buchanan
Shakti The Realm Of The Divine Mother, Vana Mali
Big Brother by Mark Dice

written by Prophet Sheik Adi, dictated by Satan, Himself. There are references to Him being the creator of humanity. Satan relates he has "ALLOWED the creation of 4 substances, because they are necessary things for creatures." These are the nucleotides in the DNA. Enki's number is 40.

The book list below is from here: http://archive.fo/wpeTw
It's an outdated JoS book list, the books considered to be outdated have been removed from this list.
The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.*
Here, Bramley soft soaps the nazarene, but the over all book is good reading material. Note* There are two books by this title, written by different authors. Recommended

Breaking the Godspell by Niel Freer
Rather dry. The author writes of his own assessments of the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the consequences of the creation of humanity by the Nephilim. Rather dry, but informative.

God Games by Niel Freer
Much like "Breaking the Godspell."

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life : Volumes 1 and 2, by Drumvalo Melchizedek
This book is very new agey and xian slanted, but worth reading concerning the extra-terrestrial links and interaction with humanity. Also, how the Egyptian God, Thoth is a flesh and blood living being. The author, because of his new age perspective and interaction with angels was not given truth about certain things. This can be read between the lines; Thoth is most definitely a Demon, on Father's side.
**Both Thoth and Azazel worked with me to revise the Mer Ka Ba meditation, which the author of the book has incomplete.

The Illustrated Egyptian Book of the Dead : A New Translation With Commentary by Ramses Seleem. Published New York : Sterling, c2001.
This book contains much information concerning the true teachings of Ancient Egypt, taken from the Papyri of Hunefer, Ani, Enhai and Gerusher.

The Second Messiah : Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. Published Shaftesbury, Dorset ; Boston : Element, 1997.
This book is very revealing concerning the outright lies, crimes and cover ups used by the Catholic Church. The Turin Shroud is not of the nazarene, but of Grand Master Jaques de Molay.

The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol: the Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. by David Ovason. Published New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, 2000, c1999.
An excellent read for anyone who believes the USA to be founded upon xianity. Also, this book is very revealing concerning the knowledge that has been removed from the population.

Born in Blood the Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Published New York : M. Evans, c1989.

Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy by Grillot de Givry 1931; translated into English 1971.
This book is very revealing concerning spirit abuse in during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance where Goetic Demons were used to build the cathedrals, bridges and other structures in Europe.

Time Life Books Series:
Mysteries of the Unknown
Alien Encounters
Time and Space
Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects
Mystic Places:
Detail and photographs concerning the Ancient Megalithic structures both east and west.

The Message of the Sphinx: a Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, 1996.
The truth is humanity is being lied to. This book reveals much research and proof as to the true age of the Sphinx which was built during the Age of Leo, 10,500 years ago - not within the past 3,000 years as "scholars" claim.

The Secret History of Ancient Egypt by Herbie Brennen
This book goes into detail concerning the ultra advanced technology of Ancient Egypt.

Time travel: A how-to insiders guide / by Commander X and Tim Swartz. 1999
A lot of useful information concerning electromagnetism and the manipulation of time; also how to actually construct time maneuvering devices with items found in the average hardware store.

The Day After Roswell by Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army retired, 1997.
This is a must-read. Complete expos of the UFO crash in the Roswell desert, July of 1947. In the book "The Day After Roswell" the author exposes the entire story, with names, dates, facts and documents released under the freedom of information act. He was PERSONALLY in charge of the Roswell files under the Army Research and Development at the Pentagon directly under Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau.
Corso explains the reality behind the "Cold War" where the USA and the USSR amassed nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Earth 5 times over; which if either side employed these, mutual suicide for the entire planet would result. The truth is - both world powers were well aware of the alien threat, which in TRUTH is a hostile one which threatens the life of everything and everyone on this planet. Both the USA and USSR worked behind the scenes to develop defense technology, NOT to be used on each other, as the media falsely claimed to shape public opinion and to delude the masses, but to be used in defense of the Earth from a potential alien attack. This was also the main reason for the Apollo Moon Mission in 1969, NOT just space exploration out of interest. The defense department was interested in establishing a base on the Moon which would act as a reconnaissance post for the Earth, from out there. The large number of satellites orbiting the Earth serve the same purpose. PROTECTION.
Corso concludes the book with documents and explains how the technology recovered from the crash landing of the alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico, July 1947, salvaged and clandestinely distributed by the US Army to various laboratories who employed top scientists for private industry; how they used reverse engineering to develop the high level of technology we have today, in many areas; this technology, which enabled the building of the "stealth bomber" and other high tech military weapons were used to deter the aliens from physically invading the Earth. *****HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Extra-Terrestrials Among Us by George C. Andrews
Excellent book, highly recommended. Comprehensive expos of extra-terrestrials and their interactions with humanity.

The Watchers by Raymond E. Fowler
This is VERY revealing concerning the grey involvement in the xianity scam and exposing "the one."
The Watchers gives the accounts of Betty Andreasson who experienced numerous abductions by the aliens known as "greys." Andreasson, a devout xtian reveals the grey's connection with xianity and the plans for the future of humanity. Anyone with intelligence can see the lies the grey spoon-feed to Andreasson, who being steeped in xianity, lacks the intellect and knowledge to doubt or question what she is told. Very revealing of the alien hoax of Right Hand Path religions to damn humanity. The accounts are given under hypnotic regression. It is apparent Andreasson is too child minded and lacking in knowledge to fabricate any of this and it also is supported in other UFO accounts; the nefarious plans these aliens have, in reality for humanity. (Read between the lines). Highly recommended

Disneyland of the Gods by John A. Keel, 1995

Cosmic Explorers by Courtney Brown
Very revealing concerning the abilities and knowledge aliens have and also their power over the souls of human beings and animals. The author is of the right hand path.

Psychic Warrior by David Moorehouse, 1996
The author writes of his experiences working in the US Army's psychic warfare unit. He obtained unusual psychic powers after a head wound he received while training in the valley known as "The Devil's Hole" in Iraq which is over the ancient city of Enki- Eridu.

Field Guide to Extra-Terrestrials by Patrick Huyghe
Many descriptions of alien encounters, supporting Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Greek mythology; Medieval myths. Not all are credible, but the majority have ties to many accounts of so called "mythical" beings.

How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction by Ann Druffel
Very interesting book concerning the strength of one's mind, self esteem and confidence in dealing with aliens, mainly focuses on the greys. The author is deluded on some subjects as the use of xian prayer, which did not help Betty Andreasson (The Watchers) who was a devout xian and the fact that these entities prefer to abduct xians. Revealing of the alien understanding and effortless access of the 4th dimension, though she doesn't quite understand and confuses the greys with other astral entities out of ignorance. Also good information for dealing with any type of unwanted entities. Interesting read. Recommended.

UFO's by Teresa Moorey
Good summary of encounters and hypotheses.

Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson
Interesting and informative about the old ways of real Witchcraft as opposed to the modern Wicca movement which is degrading to a true witch.

The Magician's Workbook, Volume 1. by Steve Savedow
Here the above author makes some very important points on how to empower one's self and prepare for magical practice in the way of mind strengthening exercises and meditation.

Herbs in Magic and Alchemy by C.L. Zalewski
The author writes of the many uses of herbs, both for white and black magic. Highly recommended.

Pendulum Magic by D.J. Conway
Excellent little book about the wide variety of uses for a pendulum in divination. The book contains charts that can be used with a pendulum to answer many different questions. Covers nearly everything about the uses of a pendulum. Highly recommended.

Wizards and Sorcerers by Tom Ogden
Dictionary giving a comprehensive and extensive cover of nearly all aspects of witchcraft, famous sorcerers, witches and different types of magic.

How to Use a Ouija Board by Michael St Christopher
Good read on the various aspects of using a Ouija Board.

One of the most popular books in the occult studies. Based upon Sumerian/Mesopotamian mythology, there are the seals of the Gods, though different from the seals used in the Goetia. Claimed to be a work of fiction by HP Lovecraft, the Gods are real and the summonings work.
References to the stars in the sky and the returning of the Gods "when the Great Bear hangs low" (Ursa Major). The aligning of the stars open the way for the Extra-Terrestrial Gods to return to Earth.

Necronomicon Spellbook
An addition to the Necronomicon.

The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish
Comprehensive and thorough writing, covering most of the occult arts. Much good information. Recommended.

The Church of Satan by Blanche Barton
Blanch Barton was LaVey's woman during the last years of his life and bore him a son. Revealing book concerning the contradictions of modern LaVeyan Satanism which views Satan only as an archetype. Blanche Barton writes of him as a real being and also of Demons.

The Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton
Authorized biography of Anton LaVey. Again, Ms. Barton writes extensively concerning Satan as a real being.

The Dark Side of Christianity by Helen Ellerbe
Overall excellent book that covers the extensive and heinous influence xianity has had on civilization, along with much exposure of their prolific crimes against humanity.

The Cassel Dictionary of Witchcraft by David Pickering, 1996
This is one of the most comprehensive and graphically explicit reading on the Inquisition. The xtian church roasted children, infants; a two year old girl was accused of being a witch and roasted alive in an oven, under the direction of the Catholic church. Exposes xianity and how the xtian church has been built on mass murder, torture, lies, extortion, death and destruction. A must-read; highly recommended.

The Inquisition, Deborah Bachrach, 1995
Another book worth reading exposing crimes and inhumanities committed by the xtian church; available in most public libraries. Highly recommended.

When God becomes a dry: breaking the chains of religious addiction & abuse by Leo Booth
This is an excellent expose' concerning the true evil nature and effects of xianity. Although written by an xtian priest, this book is very revealing. In order to find out if something is good or evil, we must give it power.

Toxic faith: understanding and overcoming religious addiction by Stephen Arterburn
Here is another one, found in most libraries. Xians seek psychiatric help and counseling for their problem with their religion. There is a 12 step program available for xians, like Alcoholics Anonymous. They are the ones who are truly "possessed."

Psychic Power by Charles Cosimano
This book, unfortunately is out of print, but is an excellent read for those who may be lucky enough to find it in a used bookstore. The author writes many truths concerning mind power, visualization and thought training for the use of controlling one's external environment. Highly recommended.

The Seventh Sense by Lyn Buchanan, 2003
Remote viewing. Psychic powers and the US Army psychic warfare dept.

Secret, Don't Tell : The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery
Although written by an xian, this book is the best I have ever read concerning anything and everything that can be done to the human mind and how to do it. The author does not in any way push religion. The book is also enlightening as to the unethical practices of fundamentalist xians. This book is huge, like a dictionary. Each page provides interesting information, cases and a large comprehensive bibliography.

Kundalini Awakening by John Selby
This book is an excellent reference for kundalini and chakra work. The illustrations are not of any help, though, as the true chakras resemble spinning vortexes of colored energy.
The author guides beginners step by step on chakra and kundalini awakening and empowerment. This book has a positive upbeat theme, while many others focus on the negative aspects of kundalini.

The Second Coming: Satanism in America by Arthur Lyons
This book is interesting and a good read for the overall history of Satanism in Europe and America. It is now out of print, but can be found in used bookstores.

Lucifer Rising, Sin, Devil Worship and Rock and Roll by Gavin Baddeley
Well-written and informative book about Modern Satanism, high profile Satanists, the music scene and much more.

Satan Wants You: The Cult of Devil Worship in America by Arthur Lyons
The author writes mainly about the history of Satanism, in Europe and it's coming to America. The various organizations - the Hellfire Club of England, Temple of Set, Church of Satan and others that influenced the Satanic Religion. Good read. Recommended.

Devil Worship 1919 by Isya Joseph
Comprehensive material, containing much valuable information about the beliefs and practices of the Yezidi peoples of Iraq. The Yezidis as a people worship Satan. The book contains the Black Book of Satan; The Al-Jilwah. From numerous studies, I can see much of their original material has been altered, as they have been a most persecuted people because of their beliefs.

Sister you are quite the Hellsend.
Academic Scholar said:

This is NOT an official SS book list by any means, only a random compilation of books cited by the JoS clergy. Feel free to add on.

Taken from: https://pastebin.com/50gwFmQ2
Archived version: http://archive.fo/GvveU


*DISCLAIMER: Many of these books contain a large amount of disinformation that has been distilled and cleared out by the JoS Clergy.

This is a compilation of the books used by the JoS Clergy in their sermons, the books referenced on the JoS site and/or books recommended by the JoS clergy. Some of these books can be found for free on http://satanslibrary.org.

Zechariah Stitchin was a racial Jew and had ties to the Vatican, his work is filled with lies and is inaccurate.
JoS Sermon on Stitchins Lies and the Actual Truth:

JoS Sermon on the Bhagavad Gita (skip to page 64): https://www.dropbox.com/s/unz1gpjpjq4qt82/MAGESON%20COLLECTED%20WRITTINGS%20vol%202.pdf?dl=0

JoS Sermon on Aleister Crowley (for those confused about why Crowley isn't on this list):

JoS Sermons on the Necronomicon:

"Xian" means "Christian"

Joy of Satan Yahoo Groups Thread: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoyofSatan666/conversations/topics/186719

The Holy Science, by Swami Sri Yukteswar
Genesis of the Grail Kings, Laurence Gardner
Blue Apples, William Henry
Guardians of the Holy Grail, Mark Pinkham
Inner Tantra Yoga, David Frawley
Kundalini Yoga Upanishad
The Coming Gnostic Civilization by M.A.Pinkham
Christ In Egypt The Horus-Jesus Connection, D.M Murdock
The Realm Of The Ring Lord, Laurence Gardner
Gnosis The Secret Of Solomon's Temple Revealed, Philip Gardiner
Tattwa Shuddhi Swami Satyasangananda
While The Gods Play - Danielou
Secrets of the Serpent - Gardener
The Serpent The Eagle The Lion and The Disk by B. Parker
Starwalkers - William Henry
Suns of God by D.M. Murdock
The texts of the Agamas Irish Origins of Civilisation by Tsarion
The Doctrine of the Awaking - Evola
Did Moses Exist - D.M Murdock
Gods Of Love And Ecstasy, Danielou
Underworld, Graham Hancock
The Lost Civilization Of Lemuria, Frank Joseph
The Hermetic Doctrine, Julius Evola
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, The Chakra's
Siva And Serpent Worship, Hyde Clark
Introduction Into Magic, Julius Evola
The Hindu Temple, Alain Danielou
Swami Nityananda Giri
Revolt Against The Modern World, Evola
The Greek Kabala, Barry
The Eastern Mysteries, Hulse
The Serpent Grail, Gardiner, Osborn
Northern Mysteries And Magic, Aswynn
The Open Secret of India, Israel And Mexico. By researcher and author Gene D. Matlock.
Revolt Against The Modern World by Julius Evola.
The Stellar Man by John Baines
The Shining Ones by P. Gardiner and G.Osborn
The Mystery of the Grail by J.Evola
Merging with Siva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Isis Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom by Mark Pinkham
Who Was ABRAHAM? Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.
How Almighty God was born by John Kaminsky
The Enlightenment of Vairocana. Wayman, Taijma
The Gnostics And Their Remains', King
The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon, Hogan
The Western Mysteries, Hulse
Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga and Kriya Yoga, Swami Sivananda
Sons Of God, Acharya S.
The Magician’s Companion, Whitcomb
Myths And Gods Of India, Alain Danielou
The Kemetic Tree Of Life, Ashby
Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power: A Simple Guide to the Yoga of Awareness as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.
Lucifer's Court by Otto Rahn
Blood Sacrifices: Violent Non-State Actors and Dark Magico-Religious Activities by Robert Bunker
(exposes blood sacrifice in Islam, blood sacrifices are not condoned in SS)
The Cosmic War by Farrell
The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975
Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook 1927
Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition by Philip G. Kreyenbroek 1995
The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by J.S. Guest 1987
Peacock Angel by E.S. Drower 1941
The Astral Body and Other Phenomena by Lieut. Colonel Arthur E. Powell © 1927
A History of the Devil by Gerald Messadié
The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S
Cambridge illustrated History of Religions, edited by John Bowker
Mesopotamia by Pamela F. Service
The Ancient Near East, Volume I, edited by James B. Pritchard © 1958
Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories From the Ancient Near East by Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin© 1991
The Atlantis Blueprint by Colin Wilson ©2002
The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects" by Barbara G. Walker
The Goebbels Diaries, Edited and translated by Louis P. Lochner © 1971
The Coming Gnostic Civilization by M.A.Pinkham
Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends, The Diabolical History of the Society of Jesus Including: Its Second Thirty Years' War [1914-1945], its Cold War [1945-1990], and Its Assassination of America's First Roman Catholic President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy [1963] by Eric Jon Phelps, © 2001
The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris; translated from the French, © 1975
A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery by Lyndy Abraham © 1998
The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob © 2001
Alchemy: The Secret Art by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola © 1973
Le Mystère des Cathédrales by Fulcanelli © 1964
Myths of the Bible by Gary Greenburg © 2000
Bible Myths And Their Parallels in Other Religions By T. W. Doane © 1882
Popular Dictionary of Assyrian and Babylonian Terminology by F. C. Norton © 2003
The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry, Edited by William Kelly Simpson © 1972
Religions of the Ancient Near East Sumero-Akkadian Religious Texts and Ugaritic Epics, Edited by Isaac Mendelsohn © 1955
The Ancient Near East Volume I, An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, Edited by James Pritchard © 1958
Frabato the Magician by Franz Bardon
Jim Marrs, Rule By Secrecy
Hans-Gunther Seraphim, Das politische Tagebuch Alfred Rosenbergs 1934-1935 und 1939-1940 (Gottingen, 1956)
Gerhard Reitlinger, Die SS-Tragodie einer Deutschen Epoche (Munich, 1977)
Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin
Heinrich Himmler's Camelot: The Wewelsburg Ideological Center of the SS, 1934-1945 © 1999
Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda
© 2002
The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft, 5th Printing, © 1988
Magic: History, Theory and Practice by Dr. Ernst Schertel
Ark of the Christos by William Henry [CD-ROM]
The Morning of the Magicians: Secret Societies, Conspiracies, and Vanished Civilizations by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
Hitler: the Black Magician by Gerald Suster
Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Cult of the Superman by Abir Taha
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey
Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist by Christopher Bjerknes
Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Sea brook 1927
The Biography of Satan by Kersey Graves
Satan Wants You by Arthur Lyons
Kundalini Yoga: Guidelines for Sadhana (Daily Practice) by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa
Anacalypsis by Godfrey Higgins (2 volumes)
The Complete Idiots' Guide To Alchemy by Dennis Hauck
The Alchemical Body by David White
Associated works of Pinkham
The Yezidi "Devil Worshippers” by Dr. Ron Leito
Cataclysm! Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. by D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair
The Numerical Discourse Of The Buddha: A translation of the Anguttara Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Universal Meaning Of The Kabbalah by Leo Schaya
The Tree Of Souls The Mythology Of Judaism by Howard Schwartz
The Encyclopedia Of Jewish Myth, Magic And Mysticism by Geoffrey W. Dennis
The Grid Of The Gods by Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart
Revelations of Antichrist Concerning Christ and Christianity by J.P Mendum
The Serpent Power, Ashby
The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet by Rabbi Munk
Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley
The Secret Doctrine of the Gaon of Vilna Volume II: The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron and the Sacred Serpent: Joel David Bakst
Investigations On The Existence Of Jews In China by Alexander Weily
The Jews Of China Stevens Institute of Technology by Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Lord Shiva And His Worship, Swami Sivananda
The Brahma Sutra
The Yoga Of Power by Evola
Taoist Secrets Of Love by Mantak Chia and Michael Winn
Eros And The Mysteries Of Love by Evola
The Works of Dr. Jordan Reza Jorjani
Conspiracy Of The Six Pointed Star by Texe Marrs
The Works Of Eustace Mullins [both author is a deluded Xian but a broken clock is right twice a day]
Babylon's Banksters by Joseph Farrell
The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries, Henry Gris and William Dick
Gods And Myths Of Northern Europe by H.R. Ellis Davidson
Shiva The Lord of Yoga, Frawley
The Source Field Investigation's, David Wilcock
A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery, Lyndy Abraham
Cube of Space, Townley
The Secret of the Runes, Von List
The Magicians Of The Gods, Graham Hancock
Mary Magdalene: The Illuminator, William Henry
Chakra Mantras: Liberate Your Spiritual Genius Through Chanting by Thomas Ashley Farrand
Merging With Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswam
Shiva, The Wild God Of Power And Ecstasy by Wolf-Dieter Storl, PH.D.
Laya Yoga, Shyam Sundar Goswami
Mastering Herbalism, Paul Hudson
Chinnamasta: The Awful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess, Elizabeth Anne Benard
Sonic Theology, Hinduism and Sacred Sound, Guy L. Beck
Teachings of Swami Nityananda Giri
The Tree Of Life, Israel Regardie
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Hinduism, Linda Johnsen
Christianity Mankind's First Worldwide Religion by Matlock
The Mystery Of The Seven Vowels, Godwin
The Tarot Of The Bohemians, Papus
The Hand by Frank Wilson
The Benham Book of Palmistry
Works of Fred Gettings
The Hands of Children by J. Spiers
The Graven Palm by Mrs. Robinson
Kundalini Tantra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Egypt and India by Dr. Ashby
The Phallus, Alain Danielou
V.V Ramanan Shastri, Cultural Heritage of India
The Great Rite, William Henry
Freedoms Gate, William Henry
Black Slave owners by Larry Koger
The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo
Black Confederates by Charles Barrow
The South Was Right by James Ronald kennedy
The Hand Book of Yoruba Religious Concepts by Baba Ife Karade
Yoruba culture: A Philosophical Account by Abimbola Kola
The Religion of the Yorubas, J. Olumide Lucas
Dances with Dependency, Helin
Sacred Symbols of the Dogon by Laird Scranton
Temples of the African Gods by Michael tellinger
The Unknown lore of Amexems's Indigenous People, Noble Meyer
Perani, Judith. Smith, Fred T. (1998) The Visual Arts of Africa, gender, power, and life cycle rituals
Daniel, Yvonne "Dancing Wisdom" 2005
Bynum, Edward "The African Unconsciousness" 2012
Welsh-Ashanti "African Dance" 2004
Cultivating Stillness: A Taoist Manual for Transforming Body and Mind, p. 18, Translated by Eva Wong
Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality, by Lu K'uan Yu
Spiritual Guidance in Contemporary Taoism, by Irwin Rouselle
Awaken Healing Light of the Tao : The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation by M. Chia
Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality: The Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds by M. Chia
Chi Self-Massage: The Taoist Way of Rejuvenation by M. Chia
The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty. J. C. Y. Watt.
Chinese Taoist Sorcery: The Art of Getting Even by Min Tzu
The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively
The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill
The Homo & the Negro by James J. O'Meara
Communism In the Bible by Jose Porfirio Miranda
Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shalom Bar Ron
Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs (This book has been used in HP Jake Carlson's sermons and according to him, Texe Marrs is an extremely deluded xian who tries to pull off an "Anti-Semitic Christianity")
The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
The Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity by Nicholas Goodrich-Clarke
The Nazi Occult by Kenneth Hite
Babylon: Secret Rituals of the Illuminati by Joshua Seraphim
When a Jew Rules the World by Joel Richardson
Conversations With the Goddess by Mark Amaru Pinkham
The Nazi War On Christianity by Bruce Walker
The Struggle for Religious Freedom in Germany by A.S. Duncan-Jones (1938)
Nazism vs. Religion by Raymond Freely (1940)
Religion in the Third Reich by Michael Power (1939)
If I Were a Jew by William Harman Black (1938)
The Aryan Jesus by Susannah Heschel
The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews From the Nazis by Rabbi David G. Dalin
Church of Spies: The Pope's Secret War Against Hitler by Mark Riebling
Jesus the Pharisee: A New Look At the Jewishness of Jesus by Harvey Falk
Jewish Secrets Hidden In the New Testament: The Growing Global Torah Revolution by Rabbi Avraham Feld and Rabbi Ovadyah Avrahami
Kosher Jesus by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Judaism Discovered by Michael Hoffman
Mishnah and the Words of Jesus by Dr. Roy B. Blizzard
Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism by Mattias Gardell
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey
Hitler, 666, Giants, and the Third Temple by Anthony D. Booker [Warning: worthless Christian "prophecy" rag]
Arktos: The Polar Myth In Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival by Joscelyn Godwin
Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence by Knapp Steve
The Black Sun by Peter Moon
AIDS And the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry Into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic by Dr. Alan Cantwell
Cassell's Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit by Randy P. Conner, David Hatfield Sparks and Mariya Sparks
The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages by Paul Foster Case
Power of Mantra and Yantra by P. Khurrana
Egyptian Mythology by Veronica Ions
Brady's Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
Outer Space by Jobes
At the Heart of Darkness, Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism Today by John Parker
Lammas, Celebrating the fruits of the Harvest by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason
The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
From The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
A Lamp To Illuminate The Five Stages, Tsongkhapa
Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick
Maiden with the Mead – A Goddess of Initiation Rituals in Old Norse Myths by Maria Kvilhaug
Hidden Horizons Unearthing Ten Thousand Year of Vedic Culture by David Frawley
The Elephant Walk Cookbook by Longteine De Monteiro and Katherine Neudstadt © 1998
The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron And The Second Serpent, Bakst
The Ringmakers of Saturn, Dr. Norman Bergrun
Origen Contra Celsus Book 6
Vril: The Power of the Coming Race by Sir Edward Buller-Lytton
A Real Case Against The Jews by Marcus Eli Ravage, Part I
Ultimate World Order by Major Williams
The Vatican and Freemasonry by De Poncins
The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shalom Bar Ron [Amazon Kindle edition]
The Mysteries of Mithras by Payam Nabarz
Shakti Mantras: Tapping into the Great Goddess Energy Within by Thomas Ashley Farrand
Hitler's Religion by Richard Weikart
The Crucified Rabbi: Judaism & the Origins of Catholic Christianity by Taylor R. Marshall
We Thought They Were White by Dontell Jackson
Adolf Hitler: His Family, Childhood and Youth by Bradley F. Smith
Hitler: Legend, Myth and Reality by Werner Maser
The Psychopathic God Adolf Hitler by Robert G. L. Waite
Hitler by Joachim C. Fest, English translation by Richard and Clara Winston
Adolf Hitler by John Toland
The Mind of Adolf Hitler by Walter Charles Langer
"What Strasser Knew," Direct Action
Temples of the African Gods: Decoding the Ancient Ruins of Southern Africa by Johan Heine and Michael Tellinger
The Un-civil War By Taleeb Starkes
Black Lies Matter By Taleeb Starkes (This book has everything you need to know about Black issues and whats highlighted on http://blacksforsatan.org)
The KPIM of Social order by Patrick E. Iroegbu
African Philosophy by Emmanuel Eze
Ant Hills of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe
Nri warriors of peace by Anuobi Chikodi
Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic by Michael Scammell
Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty Through Self-Reliance by Calvin Helin
The Jewish Mob in America by Dr. William Pierce
Layayoga, Goswami
Healing Mantra's by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
Kriya Yoga Exposed by Santata Gamana
Yantra Yoga by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
Soma In Yoga And Ayurveda, David Transcening Time, Gen Lamrimpa
Jewish Magic and Superstition by Joshua Trachtenberg [1939]
Writtings of Rabbi Tzadok, Kosher Rabbi (JoS sermon where this source is cited: http://archive.is/K9AEl)
Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina
The Good Religion, Flowers
Black Nazis II! by Veronica Clark
The Black Book of the Yezidis by Jon Lange
Thrice Great Hermetica And The Janus Age by Joseph P. Farrell
Human by Design, Greg Braden
Dead Men's Secrets, Gray
Studies in Popular Islam by Samuel M. Zwemer
The Secret History of the Mongols
MUHAMMAD: his life based on the earliest sources, Martin Lings (Abu Bakar Siraj al-Din), 2006
The Atlantis Blueprint by Colin Wilson
The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read by Tom C. Leedom
An Atheist Speaks by Madalyn Murray O’Hair, 1986
Billy Graham and his Friends by Dr. Cathy Burns 2001
Our Constitution, the Way It Was by Dr. Madalyn O'Hair, revised edition, 1988
The Cross and the Sickle...Superchurch by Billy James Hargis and Bill Sampson, 1982
The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob © 2001
Alchemy: The Secret Art by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola © 1973
Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities by Dean Radin
The Body Electric by Robert Decker (addresses our bioelectric selves and soul)
The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries by Henry Gris
The Seventh Sense by Lynn Buchanan
Shakti The Realm Of The Divine Mother, Vana Mali
Big Brother by Mark Dice

written by Prophet Sheik Adi, dictated by Satan, Himself. There are references to Him being the creator of humanity. Satan relates he has "ALLOWED the creation of 4 substances, because they are necessary things for creatures." These are the nucleotides in the DNA. Enki's number is 40.

The book list below is from here: http://archive.fo/wpeTw
It's an outdated JoS book list, the books considered to be outdated have been removed from this list.
The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.*
Here, Bramley soft soaps the nazarene, but the over all book is good reading material. Note* There are two books by this title, written by different authors. Recommended

Breaking the Godspell by Niel Freer
Rather dry. The author writes of his own assessments of the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the consequences of the creation of humanity by the Nephilim. Rather dry, but informative.

God Games by Niel Freer
Much like "Breaking the Godspell."

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life : Volumes 1 and 2, by Drumvalo Melchizedek
This book is very new agey and xian slanted, but worth reading concerning the extra-terrestrial links and interaction with humanity. Also, how the Egyptian God, Thoth is a flesh and blood living being. The author, because of his new age perspective and interaction with angels was not given truth about certain things. This can be read between the lines; Thoth is most definitely a Demon, on Father's side.
**Both Thoth and Azazel worked with me to revise the Mer Ka Ba meditation, which the author of the book has incomplete.

The Illustrated Egyptian Book of the Dead : A New Translation With Commentary by Ramses Seleem. Published New York : Sterling, c2001.
This book contains much information concerning the true teachings of Ancient Egypt, taken from the Papyri of Hunefer, Ani, Enhai and Gerusher.

The Second Messiah : Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. Published Shaftesbury, Dorset ; Boston : Element, 1997.
This book is very revealing concerning the outright lies, crimes and cover ups used by the Catholic Church. The Turin Shroud is not of the nazarene, but of Grand Master Jaques de Molay.

The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol: the Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. by David Ovason. Published New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, 2000, c1999.
An excellent read for anyone who believes the USA to be founded upon xianity. Also, this book is very revealing concerning the knowledge that has been removed from the population.

Born in Blood the Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Published New York : M. Evans, c1989.

Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy by Grillot de Givry 1931; translated into English 1971.
This book is very revealing concerning spirit abuse in during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance where Goetic Demons were used to build the cathedrals, bridges and other structures in Europe.

Time Life Books Series:
Mysteries of the Unknown
Alien Encounters
Time and Space
Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects
Mystic Places:
Detail and photographs concerning the Ancient Megalithic structures both east and west.

The Message of the Sphinx: a Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, 1996.
The truth is humanity is being lied to. This book reveals much research and proof as to the true age of the Sphinx which was built during the Age of Leo, 10,500 years ago - not within the past 3,000 years as "scholars" claim.

The Secret History of Ancient Egypt by Herbie Brennen
This book goes into detail concerning the ultra advanced technology of Ancient Egypt.

Time travel: A how-to insiders guide / by Commander X and Tim Swartz. 1999
A lot of useful information concerning electromagnetism and the manipulation of time; also how to actually construct time maneuvering devices with items found in the average hardware store.

The Day After Roswell by Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army retired, 1997.
This is a must-read. Complete expos of the UFO crash in the Roswell desert, July of 1947. In the book "The Day After Roswell" the author exposes the entire story, with names, dates, facts and documents released under the freedom of information act. He was PERSONALLY in charge of the Roswell files under the Army Research and Development at the Pentagon directly under Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau.
Corso explains the reality behind the "Cold War" where the USA and the USSR amassed nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Earth 5 times over; which if either side employed these, mutual suicide for the entire planet would result. The truth is - both world powers were well aware of the alien threat, which in TRUTH is a hostile one which threatens the life of everything and everyone on this planet. Both the USA and USSR worked behind the scenes to develop defense technology, NOT to be used on each other, as the media falsely claimed to shape public opinion and to delude the masses, but to be used in defense of the Earth from a potential alien attack. This was also the main reason for the Apollo Moon Mission in 1969, NOT just space exploration out of interest. The defense department was interested in establishing a base on the Moon which would act as a reconnaissance post for the Earth, from out there. The large number of satellites orbiting the Earth serve the same purpose. PROTECTION.
Corso concludes the book with documents and explains how the technology recovered from the crash landing of the alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico, July 1947, salvaged and clandestinely distributed by the US Army to various laboratories who employed top scientists for private industry; how they used reverse engineering to develop the high level of technology we have today, in many areas; this technology, which enabled the building of the "stealth bomber" and other high tech military weapons were used to deter the aliens from physically invading the Earth. *****HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Extra-Terrestrials Among Us by George C. Andrews
Excellent book, highly recommended. Comprehensive expos of extra-terrestrials and their interactions with humanity.

The Watchers by Raymond E. Fowler
This is VERY revealing concerning the grey involvement in the xianity scam and exposing "the one."
The Watchers gives the accounts of Betty Andreasson who experienced numerous abductions by the aliens known as "greys." Andreasson, a devout xtian reveals the grey's connection with xianity and the plans for the future of humanity. Anyone with intelligence can see the lies the grey spoon-feed to Andreasson, who being steeped in xianity, lacks the intellect and knowledge to doubt or question what she is told. Very revealing of the alien hoax of Right Hand Path religions to damn humanity. The accounts are given under hypnotic regression. It is apparent Andreasson is too child minded and lacking in knowledge to fabricate any of this and it also is supported in other UFO accounts; the nefarious plans these aliens have, in reality for humanity. (Read between the lines). Highly recommended

Disneyland of the Gods by John A. Keel, 1995

Cosmic Explorers by Courtney Brown
Very revealing concerning the abilities and knowledge aliens have and also their power over the souls of human beings and animals. The author is of the right hand path.

Psychic Warrior by David Moorehouse, 1996
The author writes of his experiences working in the US Army's psychic warfare unit. He obtained unusual psychic powers after a head wound he received while training in the valley known as "The Devil's Hole" in Iraq which is over the ancient city of Enki- Eridu.

Field Guide to Extra-Terrestrials by Patrick Huyghe
Many descriptions of alien encounters, supporting Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Greek mythology; Medieval myths. Not all are credible, but the majority have ties to many accounts of so called "mythical" beings.

How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction by Ann Druffel
Very interesting book concerning the strength of one's mind, self esteem and confidence in dealing with aliens, mainly focuses on the greys. The author is deluded on some subjects as the use of xian prayer, which did not help Betty Andreasson (The Watchers) who was a devout xian and the fact that these entities prefer to abduct xians. Revealing of the alien understanding and effortless access of the 4th dimension, though she doesn't quite understand and confuses the greys with other astral entities out of ignorance. Also good information for dealing with any type of unwanted entities. Interesting read. Recommended.

UFO's by Teresa Moorey
Good summary of encounters and hypotheses.

Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson
Interesting and informative about the old ways of real Witchcraft as opposed to the modern Wicca movement which is degrading to a true witch.

The Magician's Workbook, Volume 1. by Steve Savedow
Here the above author makes some very important points on how to empower one's self and prepare for magical practice in the way of mind strengthening exercises and meditation.

Herbs in Magic and Alchemy by C.L. Zalewski
The author writes of the many uses of herbs, both for white and black magic. Highly recommended.

Pendulum Magic by D.J. Conway
Excellent little book about the wide variety of uses for a pendulum in divination. The book contains charts that can be used with a pendulum to answer many different questions. Covers nearly everything about the uses of a pendulum. Highly recommended.

Wizards and Sorcerers by Tom Ogden
Dictionary giving a comprehensive and extensive cover of nearly all aspects of witchcraft, famous sorcerers, witches and different types of magic.

How to Use a Ouija Board by Michael St Christopher
Good read on the various aspects of using a Ouija Board.

One of the most popular books in the occult studies. Based upon Sumerian/Mesopotamian mythology, there are the seals of the Gods, though different from the seals used in the Goetia. Claimed to be a work of fiction by HP Lovecraft, the Gods are real and the summonings work.
References to the stars in the sky and the returning of the Gods "when the Great Bear hangs low" (Ursa Major). The aligning of the stars open the way for the Extra-Terrestrial Gods to return to Earth.

Necronomicon Spellbook
An addition to the Necronomicon.

The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish
Comprehensive and thorough writing, covering most of the occult arts. Much good information. Recommended.

The Church of Satan by Blanche Barton
Blanch Barton was LaVey's woman during the last years of his life and bore him a son. Revealing book concerning the contradictions of modern LaVeyan Satanism which views Satan only as an archetype. Blanche Barton writes of him as a real being and also of Demons.

The Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton
Authorized biography of Anton LaVey. Again, Ms. Barton writes extensively concerning Satan as a real being.

The Dark Side of Christianity by Helen Ellerbe
Overall excellent book that covers the extensive and heinous influence xianity has had on civilization, along with much exposure of their prolific crimes against humanity.

The Cassel Dictionary of Witchcraft by David Pickering, 1996
This is one of the most comprehensive and graphically explicit reading on the Inquisition. The xtian church roasted children, infants; a two year old girl was accused of being a witch and roasted alive in an oven, under the direction of the Catholic church. Exposes xianity and how the xtian church has been built on mass murder, torture, lies, extortion, death and destruction. A must-read; highly recommended.

The Inquisition, Deborah Bachrach, 1995
Another book worth reading exposing crimes and inhumanities committed by the xtian church; available in most public libraries. Highly recommended.

When God becomes a dry: breaking the chains of religious addiction & abuse by Leo Booth
This is an excellent expose' concerning the true evil nature and effects of xianity. Although written by an xtian priest, this book is very revealing. In order to find out if something is good or evil, we must give it power.

Toxic faith: understanding and overcoming religious addiction by Stephen Arterburn
Here is another one, found in most libraries. Xians seek psychiatric help and counseling for their problem with their religion. There is a 12 step program available for xians, like Alcoholics Anonymous. They are the ones who are truly "possessed."

Psychic Power by Charles Cosimano
This book, unfortunately is out of print, but is an excellent read for those who may be lucky enough to find it in a used bookstore. The author writes many truths concerning mind power, visualization and thought training for the use of controlling one's external environment. Highly recommended.

The Seventh Sense by Lyn Buchanan, 2003
Remote viewing. Psychic powers and the US Army psychic warfare dept.

Secret, Don't Tell : The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery
Although written by an xian, this book is the best I have ever read concerning anything and everything that can be done to the human mind and how to do it. The author does not in any way push religion. The book is also enlightening as to the unethical practices of fundamentalist xians. This book is huge, like a dictionary. Each page provides interesting information, cases and a large comprehensive bibliography.

Kundalini Awakening by John Selby
This book is an excellent reference for kundalini and chakra work. The illustrations are not of any help, though, as the true chakras resemble spinning vortexes of colored energy.
The author guides beginners step by step on chakra and kundalini awakening and empowerment. This book has a positive upbeat theme, while many others focus on the negative aspects of kundalini.

The Second Coming: Satanism in America by Arthur Lyons
This book is interesting and a good read for the overall history of Satanism in Europe and America. It is now out of print, but can be found in used bookstores.

Lucifer Rising, Sin, Devil Worship and Rock and Roll by Gavin Baddeley
Well-written and informative book about Modern Satanism, high profile Satanists, the music scene and much more.

Satan Wants You: The Cult of Devil Worship in America by Arthur Lyons
The author writes mainly about the history of Satanism, in Europe and it's coming to America. The various organizations - the Hellfire Club of England, Temple of Set, Church of Satan and others that influenced the Satanic Religion. Good read. Recommended.

Devil Worship 1919 by Isya Joseph
Comprehensive material, containing much valuable information about the beliefs and practices of the Yezidi peoples of Iraq. The Yezidis as a people worship Satan. The book contains the Black Book of Satan; The Al-Jilwah. From numerous studies, I can see much of their original material has been altered, as they have been a most persecuted people because of their beliefs.

Sister you are quite the Hellsend.
Well I was wondering is there any books mentioning Celtic gods goddesses, perhaps maybe celtic mythology that is allegory? Or maybe anything about the druids? I know that Shiva has been equated with Cernunnos a celtic deity.
**This is transviking this is my other username. If one of you HP have anytime to delete transviking, it would be appreciated because I have two accounts and the only reason why I was using the other one was I couldnt remember my password. beareroflightandtrth83 is the one I am sticking with.
Academic Scholar said:

Sweet!!! Thanks for putting this HUGE list together! By the way, if you know any cool books about astrology, herbal magic, gem magic, etc., I'd love to see some good titles if you know of any. I'd personally love to eventually put together a large occult library.
UPDATE 11/12/2020

The Handbook of Jewish Knowledge by Nathan Ausubel ©1964 (JoS sermon where this is cited: https://archive.is/judfd)
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism by Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis (JoS sermon where this is cited: https://archive.is/KnYSb)
Papyrus of Ani
Papyrus of Hunefer
Papyrus of Enhai
Maxims of George Washington by A.A. Appleton & Co.
Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman (JoS sermon where this is cited: https://archive.is/UTKr1)
The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert
Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by William Koenig (WARNING: Author is Christian)
The Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft by Mike Nichols
The Pagan Book of Days by Nigel Pennick
The Religion Of Babylonia and Assyria by Morris Jastrow, Jr., PH.D., 1898
The Subtle Body by Cyndi Dale
How Long Do You Choose To Live? by Ragnar, Peter
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
The Vedic Literature of Ancient India and and its many secrets by David Frawley
V. Di Cesare and A. Forgione “Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess”
Magick: The Power to Change Your World by J. H. Brennan © 1998
Teutonic Magic, the Magical and Spiritual Practices of the Germanic People by Kveldulf Gundarsson ©1990
The Secret King: Karl Maria Wiligut: Himmler's Lord of the Runes by Karl Maria Wiligut; translated edition by Stephen E Flowers; Michael Moynihan
The Secret of the Runes by Guido Von List; translated edition by Stephen E Flowers
Futhark, a Handbook of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson ©1984
The Illustrated Egyptian Book of the Dead: a New Translation with Commentary
by Ramses Seleem, 2001
Elizabeth Donnan, 4 Volumes, 'Documents Illustrative of the History of
the Slave Trade to America' Washington, D.C. 1930, 1935 Carnegie Institute of
Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Cruel and Usual Punishment by Nonie Darwish
Lammas, Celebrating the fruits of the Harvest by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason © 2001
The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob © 2001 Alchemy: The Secret Art by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola © 1973
Power of Mantra and Yantra by P. Khurrana
Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney (JoS sermon where this is cited: https://archive.is/sih91)
Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Guiley, 1989
Witchcraft Ancient and Modern by Raymond Buckland
Genesis, The First Book of Revelations by David Wood © 1985
Egyptian Mythology by Veronica Ions
Brady's Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
Outer Space by Jobes
The Goebbels Diaries, edited and translated by Louis P. Lochner © 1971 by Universal-Award House, Inc.; 1948 by Doubleday & Company; Garden City NY.
Sex and Society in Nazi Germany by Hans Peter Bleuel © 1972, 1973
Translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn ‘Das saubere Reich’
Published in England under the title ‘Strength through Joy’ November 1973
Himmler by Peter Padfield © 1991
[This book contains a lot of slander]
Himmler's Crusade: The Nazi Expedition to Find the Origins of the Aryan Race by Christopher Hale © 2003; 2006 edition [This book contains a lot of slander]
Heinrich Himmler's Camelot: The Wewelsburg Ideological Center of the SS, 1934-1945 © 1999
Westfalia Landeszeitung, January 9, 1938, Dr. Wolff Heinrichsdorff
SS Family Celebrations [Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres– und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie] by Fritz Weitzel
The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership by Joachim C. Fest © 1970; Translated from the German by Michael Bullock
The Killing of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich by Callum Macdonald
The Third Reich in Power by Richard J. Evans © 2005
Ben Klassen, Racial Loyality issue 27, Creativity Movement
The White Man's Bible by Ben Klassen
Building A Whiter And Brighter World by Ben Klassen
Natures Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen
East of the Sun, The Epic Conquest and Tragic History of Siberia by Benson Bobrick © 1992
Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps, by Robert Conquest © 1979
Institute for Historical Review Article: Was Hiroshima Necessary? Why the Atomic Bombings Could Have Been Avoided by Mark Weber
Commissar: The Life and Death of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria by Thaddeus Wittlin © 1972
The Eddas: The Keys to the Mysteries of the North by James Allen Chisholm (JoS sermon where this book is recommended to read: https://archive.is/lyalq)
Pagan Resurrection by Richard Rudgley (JoS sermon where this book is recommended to read: https://archive.is/lyalq)
Academic Scholar said:

Treasure chest for you.

NSFM Reading list (JoS allied group organized by Maxine's Husband)

The Thirty Year War Against the NSM - Clifford Herrington

NSFM Reading List
Alfred Rosenberg: Der Mythus; Race and Race History;
Houston Stewart Chamberlain: The Foundations of the 19th Century*1;
Rosenberg, Alfred - The Myth of the 20th Century, Unmoral im Talmud (Immorality in the Talmud;
LaGarde: Race and History; Madison Grant: The Passing of the Great Race 1916
ECKART, Dietrich (spiritual advisor to ADOLF HITLER) - Bolshevism from MOSES to Lenin:
A Dialogue between Adolf Hitler and Me;
Gobineau: Inequality of the Races*2;
Oswald Spengler - Decline of the West;
Father Jahn: Life and Struggle (father of Turnverein Gymnastics {Patriotic Associations};
Aryan Sun Myths The Origins of Religions * Sarah E. Titcomb 1889
The Aryan Race Origins/Achievements Morris, Charles 1888
Cataclysm 9500 BC Cosmic Catastrophe (Cataclysmic Destruction of the Ancient Civilizations -
The Greek refered to Golden Age) Allen, D.S. & DeLair J.B. 1997
Worlds in Collision Velikovsky, Immanuel 1977
Worlds of Fire and Ice Horbiger, Hans 1924
"World Outlook" {Geo-Politik} Haushofer, Karl (1869-1946) pub 1924 (Journal of Geo Politics)
The State as Organism (Staten som Lifsform) Kjillen, Rudolf 1916
The Master Plan Himmlers scholars & the 'holocaust' Pringle Heather 2006
The Birth of the Nazis Freikorps Blaze a Trail for Hitler (de mobed Veterans-Volunteers in the
suppression of the Red Soviets 1919-1922). Jones, Nigel 2004
The Germanic People Origins, Expansion & Culture- Owen, Francis 1960
Wagner as Man & Artist Newman, Ernest 1974;
Goebbels, Paul J.-Bolshevism in Theory and Practice;
Mosley - My Life;
Klassen, Bernhardt - The White Mans Bible, Building a Whiter & Brighter Future, The Klassen Letters;
Jordan, Colin - A Great Idea: National Socialism-Then and Now!;
Cox, Earnst - White America;
Stormer, John A. - None Dare Call it Treason;
Palmer Stacy/Wayne Lutton -
The Immigration Time Bomb;
Lagarde, Paul de - Deutsche Schriften (German Letters);
Hegel, GWF - Philosophie des Rechts;
Treitschke, Heinrich von - History of Germany;
Savitri Devi - Lightning and the Sun;
Marsden, Victor E. - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion;
Britton, Frank - Behind Communism;
LEESE,A.S. - Bolshevism is Jewish "'Bolshevism is not Communism but a final stage of jewish STATE CAPITALISM of the world'";
Masse, George L.-The Nationalization of the Masses;
Peterson, H.C.- Propaganda for War {anti German yellow journalism vis WWI};
Taylor, A.J.P. - The Origins of the Second World War;
Pakenham, Thomas - The Boer War "The first concentration camps were in fact used by the
British aristocracy against the Dutch German Boers'";
Michener, James - The Bridge at Andau;
Bobango, Gerald J - Religion & Politics
Bishop Valerian Trifa & His Times (Persecution of Romanian anti communist Trifa & Nationalists);
Wells, H.G. - The Outline of the History of the World;
Gibbons: The Decline and Fall of the ROMAN Empire;
George Lincoln Rockwell - This Time the World; White Power;
Churchill: History of the Second World War;
Patton: War Histories;
Von Mellenthin: Panzer Battles; Moltke - Strategies;
Tsun-Zu; Way of the Warrior;
Clauswitz; On War;
Tacitus: The Histories;
Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil; Thus Spoke Zarathustra; Man and Superman; The Will To Power;
Wagner -The Jewish Question;
Claude(Levi)Straus - Structural Anthropolgy;
The Dispossessed Majority - Wilmot Robertson;
Captain AHM Ramsey -The Nameless War;
Rev I.B. Pranatis -The Talmud Unmasked;
Marquis James - Andrew Jackson The Border Captain;
Robert Ardrey - The Territorial Imperative;
Dr James Bales -The Phoenix Papers (If not Treason...WHAT?);
Reiners - Frederick the Great;
DJ Goodspeed -The German Wars;
Emil Ludwig - Napoleon; Bismarck;
Enoch Powell - Freedom and Reality;
James Burnham - Suicide of the West;
George W. Shepherd, jr - Racial Influences on American Foreign Policy;
B.H. Liddell Hart - Strategy;
Peter Viereck-Meta Politics: The Roots of the Nazi mind;
Lawrence Auster -The Path to National Suicide (Essay on Immigration Multi-culturalism);
James Combs - WHO'S WHO in the World Zionist Conspiracy;
Henry Ford Sr-The International Jew: The Worlds foremost Problem;

and yes, from the enemy:

Potok, Chaim - Wanderings: History of the Jews;
Leon Trotsky - The Russian Revolution;
Dimont, Max I. - Jews, God and History;
Elkins, Michael - Forged in Fury! (jewish revenge attacks on Germany);
Eisenberg, Daniel/Dan, Uri/Landau, Eli - THE MOSSAD (jewish espionage transnational crimes);
Marx, Karl {jew} Das Kapital;

I'm not sure what became of the nsfm or if it's still active, doesn't seam like it though. Last I heard from Lucius Montague he had gone his separate way due to reasons I'm not too entirely sure of or what he's been up to.

Anyway this is an incredibly good reading guide for those who want more insight or starting out into the NS ideology.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
