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“They are keeping you so you would win in the end”


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
The title is words from Demons I heard some time ago, back then it made complete sense and motivated very much.

They want you to be the same,

They don’t change themselves and they project this on others.
Smallest percent of people does actual real work on themselves and change.
Jews in 5k years didn’t changed in their behaviour.
Myself personally was ONLY becoming able to recognise jew around me only after 2 or more years (as far I can remember, now it is many more years passed) of consistent daily Satanic routine.

But still after even more years sometimes it takes quite sometime to understand who around is jewish as they for thousands of years are doing the same -lying, pretending and behaving that they are same like us, so they are masters of deception.

One may be fooled for a lifetime living with a jew, they keep people in their matrix until a point their matrix of thoughtforms starts to become alive in people and people dies while living.

If one walks path with heart and devotion Demons will help one to start seeing gradualy who is jew around you and who is not, more and more clearly while with meditation Satan will take more and more walls from ones mind so we could be able to see reality as it is with less and less delusions.

Until then I was reading JoS and was thinking about Jews okay they are, they are dangerous and they are somewhere, but in reality from my birth my family was infested with them, they was infiltrated to cut bloodline(of course unconsciously), half or more of friends was jewish and etc…
And people who was most friendly with me was actually jews and even there was still one or two with whom I tried to be like friends while being completely oblivion to that they may even be jewish and they was, after realising truth(their programming is that deep(even deeper..))

From the birth we was brainwashed and trained to keep them as humans and our friends so they would easily project their mind on us and grow us as equals to them and enslave us on spiritual level, but their level is deadly for us, because it is complete ignorance, so this is destruction of ourselves on all levels.
This is why in Spiritual Satanism so much emphasis is on unlearning what you learned and forget everything you know.
To start to discern Jews from people process is slow and gradual, as there is very much of them mixed and even with 1% of Jewish blood, the jew is already behaving jewish and is completely hooked into jewtrix as cohen gene is in DNA so it is in every cell of the being.

A lot of years it took for me see now clearly who is jewish and who is not by the first sight or even by seeing picture.

One has to experience it under Satan and while advancing in meditation.

They are animated differently.

So even after years of daily advancing in SS path, one may still be jewed daily from here and there until their consciousness rises(which is slow and gradual process) and with accordance of experiencing, studying and learning one starts to become conscious on this and starts to see who is doing what.

They put seeds of thoughtforms which provokes forcefully our passions, positive emotions, drive, mercy, love and anything for their benefit (this is the bible and their progroms on unconscious levels, Maxine has stated - one does not need to read bible to be hooked in this horrible energy of massmind of our world), and people while are in jewish thoughtforms/jewtrix and are ignorant think they have special kind of connection to them, while they are just serving jewish thoughtforms which keeps them in one place stronger and harder more it is being fed.

This is the bible and jewish hoax unconsciously keeps one enslaved for jewish supremacy, even while one may not accept xianity, but acceptance of deception in your environment until one is advanced is enough by itself and it is not different than communist xian atheistic program anymore, on a mass mind which is much much stronger than one’s mind.

That’s why we have to keep ourselves with Gods because without them and hardcore discipline we are unable to see and to resist for this.

There is also levels of how much one resists, because enslavement of spirit is on completely all levels…

So one must work on every level where they can to put themselves closer to Satyan and be more alive.

They need your creative energy because they don’t have it of their own.

As their extreme materialistic living and going in extremes is always present, they will make you feel that you are something and another moment they will make you feel worthless.

While in reality one has to not be worthless nothing, nor “something”, but stay on proces of becoming, only this way one grows as a human being and closer to truth, this is the eternal path.

While your creativity is making them feel like they are somebody and gives them mind of yours so they could do what they want and live on impressions made for you that they are strong, developed and smart, while this is all your creativity, and inside they are nothing but hive mind of criminals.

Sucking people dry and living on their lives.
With the mind they have created for you from birth one sees them and have impression like “they are exactly how it used to be”.

Yes, in this vast universe where if one want to develop themselves have to learn to manage energies of planets and elements in themselves, learn to control cosmos inside,

So how these “people” came up to be “developed” without giving years and years of hardcore discipline for developing themselves and learning to manage their energies?

How everything is granted for them? Money, “power”, “mind”.. this is not them.

This is thoughtforms of their fathers reptiles controlling them to keep you in their matrix and never advance.
It’s up to you to go out of this prison or not, one must be crazy to want there to stay, this is torture and misery…

Claim your power and fight, every second life is ticking away.

I paste here very important article by JoS contributors of the past, it is very good to understand what yoga is doing when we stay with it, and it plays main part in our path of freedom, here it is:

“Enemy Agenda Metagenics​

The truth on the enemy religions both East and West is they not “religions” there actually is no spirituality in them, in truth they are nothing more then Political Ideologies with a tinsel of pseudo spiritual metaphysics. The Priesthoods are the Party Officials who enforce and maintain the ruling ideology over society. No different then in any Soviet ruled Nation of the current or previous century the Party and the Ideology of the Party rules.
-The Sudra’s duty and supreme good is nothing but obedience to famous Brahmin householders who know the Veda. If he is unpolluted, obedient to his superiors, gentle in his speech, without a sense of ‘I’, and always dependent on the Brahmins and the other (twice-born castes), he attains a superior birth (in the next life).” — Manusmrti 9:334-335.
Here is the essence of all enemy systems point of convergence the corruption of the true spiritual language by changing the concepts behind the meanings till it’s nothing more then a ritualized slave morality, that is designed to domesticate humanity with each generation into a cattle like state. The dairy cow of today was once the famed mighty Aurochs of old.
Understand the crucial fact Genetics are actually Metagenics.
How the enemy domestication program works is simple the brain is interconnected with the chakra centers which are the macrocosm of the genetic or DNA information code in the body. By programming the mind via ideological software download this reformats the neural pathways in the brain[hard drive] with correspond to the programming command[vibration frequency] or filters, this interfaces into the charka centers that send this program code into the overall energy body and imprints it into the genetic information code via epigenetic thus switching the overall psyche into the program frequency this plugs into mass mind and then becomes a locked in program due to the collect psychic power of the mass mind. Part of this enemy paradigm is the removal of spiritual knowledge and the removal of advanced humans out of society by murdering them and their blood lines. The killing of them cuts the head of the original system off and head of the new system rules, Communism is the open practice of this and it culls out the most advanced genetics.
I also believe in places like the East where all spiritual knowledge could not be totally removed celibacy was brought among other reasons, to ensure such advanced genes where not passed on, in essence doing the same.
Over generations this physiological effect takes greater hold with the lack of spiritual practices now replaced by ritualism designed to enforce and strengthen the domestication program code, the generations born carry the genetic information code that forms them into existence to the point they are born in the image of the centuries of genetic transmutation has caused. And you have the perfect Goyium or cattle in a Global two legged factory farm. This is how domestication works on the metagenic level.
Nietzsche understood this and termed it the “Slave Morality” which process and final aim was the Under man the human cattle, interesting enough in the East such beings are called Pashu[animalistic being] the ancient spiritual masters acknowledge in that term the degeneration effects of lack of spiritual practice has.
The other side is this a daily practice of Yoga undoes the programming codes it cleans out all the imprints with blasts of higher vibrational flow and reformats the psyche to how it should be naturally on the higher level of vibration, the enemy programming is low density frequency waved it can not last in the psyche after the practice has advanced with some time, it also strengthens the bio-electrical field to where it blocks[ shields] one from the mass mind part of the enemy program, it’s no different then radio wave on lower dial has no effect on a higher wave station.
This sends a higher vibration into the DNA which is literally a vibrational information code that interacts with and forms the whole being. Change the vibration change the code, change the code change the form because the form is vibration. So you end up with an advancing human again, metagenics.
The essence of what Nietzsche calls the master Morality is having a life style and culture based on such a evolutionary practice that creates the Godman[ Superhuman] Ubermensch, by a literal transmutation of genetic code. As advancing humans have children and those children grow up doing the same path and on you understand where this leads.
Satan’s Enlightenment process works on the metagenic level, and on sending a higher wave of light energy thought the entire being reforming them to a higher level, till in time they are perfected to the microcosmic frequency or octave of the Sun Star. The Gold in the work.”
– JoS Contributions
Please keep in mind most of the writings contributed to "JoS Forum Contributions" and "JoS Contributions" were authored by Mageson.

This particular person who used to be Clergy, had his influence and access to knowledge strictly limited and he was later ousted because of being a deep infiltrator who desired to destroy the Joy of Satan and malform it frok the inside.

He was of the enemy, and likely was jewish by blood, or affiliated with them in another sense.

The enemy will typically plant their seeds in organizations that are in opposition of them early, in hopes that they destroy things from the inside.

In short. Just take everything from this original author with a grain of salt. Likely with further updates to the Joy of Satan and changes, his work will eventually be purged.
Please keep in mind most of the writings contributed to "JoS Forum Contributions" and "JoS Contributions" were authored by Mageson.

This particular person who used to be Clergy, had his influence and access to knowledge strictly limited and he was later ousted because of being a deep infiltrator who desired to destroy the Joy of Satan and malform it frok the inside.

He was of the enemy, and likely was jewish by blood, or affiliated with them in another sense.

The enemy will typically plant their seeds in organizations that are in opposition of them early, in hopes that they destroy things from the inside.

In short. Just take everything from this original author with a grain of salt. Likely with further updates to the Joy of Satan and changes, his work will eventually be purged.
Everything Mageson wrote was dictated by Maxine how to write and nothing was allowed for him to write of his own. But yes thanks brother, it should be considered.
Please keep in mind most of the writings contributed to "JoS Forum Contributions" and "JoS Contributions" were authored by Mageson.

This particular person who used to be Clergy, had his influence and access to knowledge strictly limited and he was later ousted because of being a deep infiltrator who desired to destroy the Joy of Satan and malform it frok the inside.

He was of the enemy, and likely was jewish by blood, or affiliated with them in another sense.

The enemy will typically plant their seeds in organizations that are in opposition of them early, in hopes that they destroy things from the inside.

In short. Just take everything from this original author with a grain of salt. Likely with further updates to the Joy of Satan and changes, his work will eventually be purged.
Harmful stuff has already been purged.
Please keep in mind most of the writings contributed to "JoS Forum Contributions" and "JoS Contributions" were authored by Mageson.
I re-wrote a lot of them. Fact checked, added more info that I felt was relevant, removed whatever I could not find verified sources for, and so on. It was massive work. Hundreds of hours.

Some other members were also involved, but I am not sure the extent of how much they re-wrote.
I re-wrote a lot of them. Fact checked, added more info that I felt was relevant, removed whatever I could not find verified sources for, and so on. It was massive work. Hundreds of hours.

Some other members were also involved, but I am not sure the extent of how much they re-wrote.
Harmful stuff has already been purged.

Thank you. I apologize for my mistake here, as I was not entirely aware of how much was done in regards to these specific articles.
Everything Mageson wrote was dictated by Maxine how to write and nothing was allowed for him to write of his own. But yes thanks brother, it should be considered.

Based on the Information that has been shared here by High Priestess Lydia, and Henu the Great, disregard my previous response as I was mistaken.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
