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О материальном благополучии/about material wealth

Oct 25, 2022
Я очень далеко продвинулся в медитациях, во многом благодаря Богам, но так до сих пор не смог получить ни нормальную работу, ни даже продолжить нормально учиться в институте. Я слишком оторван от физического мира, и слишком погружен в духовное. Это в конечном итоге приведет меня к могуществу, даже с такими дисбалансом, но не хочется после физической кончины родителей закончить свою жизнь бомжом. Посоветуйте что-нибудь, любой способ, у меня хватит сил на многие духовные практики


I have made great progress in meditation, largely thanks to the Gods, but so far I have not been able to get a normal job, or even continue to study normally at the institute. I am too detached from the physical world, and too immersed in the spiritual. This will eventually lead me to power, even with such imbalances, but I do not want to end my life as a homeless person after the physical death of my parents. Give me some advice, any way, I have enough strength for many spiritual practices
Здесь работа 40 дней, которая может помочь Вам с поиском карьеры/работы.

А также ниже есть работа по освобождению души от того что может вам мешает в этом.
Ещё для заземления в больше физической мир, нужно больше работать с Сакральной и Солнечной чакрой, выполняя например Квадраты, или другие работы для усиления нижних чакр.
I have made great progress in meditation, largely thanks to the Gods, but so far I have not been able to get a normal job, or even continue to study normally at the institute. I am too detached from the physical world, and too immersed in the spiritual. This will eventually lead me to power, even with such imbalances, but I do not want to end my life as a homeless person after the physical death of my parents. Give me some advice, any way, I have enough strength for many spiritual practices
I am/was in the exact same position for years.
I was reading books for weeks or even months without socialising or doing anything but reading books and meditate.
Sometimes you should have a breakdown for understanding some things.
My advice for you would be; Get a hobby that you can do. In my occasion my hobby was writing poetry, it was easy cause my poems were about Satan and his Demons. This way I was creating freetime for myself but still do devotional acts.
Take it slow, if you want to adapt yourself to material realm again you should act slowly. Hobbies are really helpful for this, especially ones that you can dedicate to Satan and his Demons.
After some time that you spent your hobby and give yourself some free time you can start socialising or working again.
I hope this helps brother, stay with love
Pay attention to this aspect. Economic stability is very important, and every SS should work on this aspect, including through their spiritual power.

You can ask for assistance/guidance from the gods, and insert runic work or kabbalistic squares daily to attract money.

If you are dying because you have no money to live on, that is not good. SS should try to stay "active" for as long as possible, to advance the cause, for themselves and the Collective.
Be very mindful that the material part of life is also extremely important. Remember as Thoth said: As above, so below.
You will not advance that much if you don't also work on your material life.
I made your mistake years ago, it only lead to bad results in life. Don't sacrifice your material life, that's a xian thing to do.
Be very mindful that the material part of life is also extremely important. Remember as Thoth said: As above, so below.
You will not advance that much if you don't also work on your material life.
I made your mistake years ago, it only lead to bad results in life. Don't sacrifice your material life, that's a xian thing to do.
Просто я чувствую, что у меня совершенно нет талантов к чему-то, да и в прошлых жизнях почти всегда был воином. Но живя в России, сами понимаете, это сплошное содействие преступной еврейской власти, и никакой солдатской гордости(учитывая какой ужас творится внутри рядах армии РФ)
К тому же, будучи SS, Сатане важно чтобы я жил, а не стал тупым пушечным мясом на фронте, сражаясь ни за что
Просто я не знаю, в каком направлении идти в этом воплощении, я попробую спросить у своего Демона Хранителя об этом(я знаю кто Он). Но так или иначе, сейчас я чувствую себя крайне немощным в материальном мире

I just feel that I have absolutely no talent for anything, and in my past lives I was almost always a warrior. But living in Russia, you know, it's all about aiding the criminal jewish government, and no soldier's pride (considering the horror going on inside the Russian army).
Plus, being SS, it's important to Satan that I live and not become dumb cannon fodder at the front fighting for nothing
I just don't know what direction to go in this incarnation, I will try to ask my Demon Guardian about it(I know who He is). But anyway, now I feel extremely weak in the material world
Просто я чувствую, что у меня совершенно нет талантов к чему-то, да и в прошлых жизнях почти всегда был воином. Но живя в России, сами понимаете, это сплошное содействие преступной еврейской власти, и никакой солдатской гордости(учитывая какой ужас творится внутри рядах армии РФ)
К тому же, будучи SS, Сатане важно чтобы я жил, а не стал тупым пушечным мясом на фронте, сражаясь ни за что
Просто я не знаю, в каком направлении идти в этом воплощении, я попробую спросить у своего Демона Хранителя об этом(я знаю кто Он). Но так или иначе, сейчас я чувствую себя крайне немощным в материальном мире

I just feel that I have absolutely no talent for anything, and in my past lives I was almost always a warrior. But living in Russia, you know, it's all about aiding the criminal jewish government, and no soldier's pride (considering the horror going on inside the Russian army).
Plus, being SS, it's important to Satan that I live and not become dumb cannon fodder at the front fighting for nothing
I just don't know what direction to go in this incarnation, I will try to ask my Demon Guardian about it(I know who He is). But anyway, now I feel extremely weak in the material world
If you have no talent for anything, then develop one. It takes time and work for that, don't get discouraged, ask the Gods to show you where to develop materially in your life.
Здесь работа 40 дней, которая может помочь Вам с поиском карьеры/работы.

А также ниже есть работа по освобождению души от того что может вам мешает в этом.
Ещё для заземления в больше физической мир, нужно больше работать с Сакральной и Солнечной чакрой, выполняя например Квадраты, или другие работы для усиления нижних чакр.
Благодарю, очень признателен за найденную духовную работу для меня
All I think about most of the time is devoting my entire life to serving Satan, so I see the material world through some kind of prism
I am/was in the exact same position for years.
I was reading books for weeks or even months without socialising or doing anything but reading books and meditate.
Sometimes you should have a breakdown for understanding some things.
My advice for you would be; Get a hobby that you can do. In my occasion my hobby was writing poetry, it was easy cause my poems were about Satan and his Demons. This way I was creating freetime for myself but still do devotional acts.
Take it slow, if you want to adapt yourself to material realm again you should act slowly. Hobbies are really helpful for this, especially ones that you can dedicate to Satan and his Demons.
After some time that you spent your hobby and give yourself some free time you can start socialising or working again.
I hope this helps brother, stay with love
I am/was in the exact same position for years.
I was reading books for weeks or even months without socialising or doing anything but reading books and meditate.
Sometimes you should have a breakdown for understanding some things.
My advice for you would be; Get a hobby that you can do. In my occasion my hobby was writing poetry, it was easy cause my poems were about Satan and his Demons. This way I was creating freetime for myself but still do devotional acts.
Take it slow, if you want to adapt yourself to material realm again you should act slowly. Hobbies are really helpful for this, especially ones that you can dedicate to Satan and his Demons.
After some time that you spent your hobby and give yourself some free time you can start socialising or working again.
I hope this helps brother, stay with love
All I think about most of the time is devoting my entire life to serving Satan, so I see the material world through some kind of prism
Просто я чувствую, что у меня совершенно нет талантов к чему-то, да и в прошлых жизнях почти всегда был воином. Но живя в России, сами понимаете, это сплошное содействие преступной еврейской власти, и никакой солдатской гордости(учитывая какой ужас творится внутри рядах армии РФ)
К тому же, будучи SS, Сатане важно чтобы я жил, а не стал тупым пушечным мясом на фронте, сражаясь ни за что
Просто я не знаю, в каком направлении идти в этом воплощении, я попробую спросить у своего Демона Хранителя об этом(я знаю кто Он). Но так или иначе, сейчас я чувствую себя крайне немощным в материальном мире

I just feel that I have absolutely no talent for anything, and in my past lives I was almost always a warrior. But living in Russia, you know, it's all about aiding the criminal jewish government, and no soldier's pride (considering the horror going on inside the Russian army).
Plus, being SS, it's important to Satan that I live and not become dumb cannon fodder at the front fighting for nothing
I just don't know what direction to go in this incarnation, I will try to ask my Demon Guardian about it(I know who He is). But anyway, now I feel extremely weak in the material world

It is normal for soldiers to suffer from PTSD and other feelings of worthlessness given the horrors of their profession and what this does to the soul. Further, people spend years in the military, then may leave suddenly, further causing identity and value problems as they transition.

Regardless of whether the above applies to you, as it can be one major reason of feeling valueless, look at Azazel's ritual and the runes he represents, which will help to quickly develop skill in an area. With your spiritual power, you shouldn't have trouble accelerating your growth, so do not worry and also please don't say you have zero talent. Look at your natal chart, like the Sun and Jupiter placements, as two examples of underlying talent.
It is normal for soldiers to suffer from PTSD and other feelings of worthlessness given the horrors of their profession and what this does to the soul. Further, people spend years in the military, then may leave suddenly, further causing identity and value problems as they transition.

Regardless of whether the above applies to you, as it can be one major reason of feeling valueless, look at Azazel's ritual and the runes he represents, which will help to quickly develop skill in an area. With your spiritual power, you shouldn't have trouble accelerating your growth, so do not worry and also please don't say you have zero talent. Look at your natal chart, like the Sun and Jupiter placements, as two examples of underlying talent.
Thanks for the tips. About PTSD, there is a bit of a feeling, when I first learned about my past (through dreams from Demon Keeper and Tarot) it caused a storm of emotions, which is hard to describe in words, and since childhood there was a strong rejection of everything that is connected with armies. But with development came and healing of old wounds, though the last moments of life from the previous incarnation still loom before my eyes, reminding me of the chaos of the 20th century, and not only that
Просто я чувствую, что у меня совершенно нет талантов к чему-то, да и в прошлых жизнях почти всегда был воином. Но живя в России, сами понимаете, это сплошное содействие преступной еврейской власти, и никакой солдатской гордости(учитывая какой ужас творится внутри рядах армии РФ)
К тому же, будучи SS, Сатане важно чтобы я жил, а не стал тупым пушечным мясом на фронте, сражаясь ни за что
Просто я не знаю, в каком направлении идти в этом воплощении, я попробую спросить у своего Демона Хранителя об этом(я знаю кто Он). Но так или иначе, сейчас я чувствую себя крайне немощным в материальном мире

I just feel that I have absolutely no talent for anything, and in my past lives I was almost always a warrior. But living in Russia, you know, it's all about aiding the criminal jewish government, and no soldier's pride (considering the horror going on inside the Russian army).
Plus, being SS, it's important to Satan that I live and not become dumb cannon fodder at the front fighting for nothing
I just don't know what direction to go in this incarnation, I will try to ask my Demon Guardian about it(I know who He is). But anyway, now I feel extremely weak in the material world
If you're spiritually evolved and communicating with a guardian demon. Why don't you think about a bookie, for example? Learn the future and make a living at it, for example?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
