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  1. G

    Very thoughtsparking film...

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7695921912 Zeitgeist: Addendum... This is a must-watch.
  2. G

    Chakra Vibrations for each day

    These should be vibrated focusing the vibration into the corresponding Chakra multiple times in a row during the hours of that certain Chakra corresponding to that day. Sunday- Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd) dam, dham, nam, tam, tham, dam, dham, nam, pam, pham Monday- Third Eye Chakra (6th)...
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    URGENT- Spiritual Attack

    Done. Tell us how she feels now. --- In [email protected], "guilleco2012" <guilleco2012@... wrote:
  4. G

    URGENT- Spiritual Attack

    I'll help. --- In [email protected], "HP Babalon" <haagenti.babalon@... wrote: combat. This mission this sounds strange to done, and done this Tuesday, at 2pm of her. If anyone here in time, please assist against the entities in her, it the better. If you even better. Keep...
  5. G

    Two birds, one stone.

    There isn't one. Note the ";)"(wink) Try to understand what the text means... --- In [email protected], "knife2902" <knife2902@... wrote:
  6. G

    Two birds, one stone.

    "Soon, we are going to be needed more than before as this war reaches it's peak in our planet. Let's face it, we need to improve our abilities as much as we can as fast as we can. Also, there are a whole lot of people who are better off... not among us. What's a better way to learn how to a...
  7. G

    A Drug and Energy theory(informative thread)[add ideas on this]

    Ahh this brings back memories. It is possible, and I have done it. I have previously, about a year ago, simulated a THC high. It works, works good. Can also "program" it to have no munchies... which can be very useful, but meh, not the same. Now, it's okay to experiment, but don't let it...
  8. G

    Meditation for changing Hair/Eye Color.

    Go in a trance and start breathing in gold-white energy. Use the affirmation "The pigmentation in my iris/hair is changing to (color) in a healthy and non-harmful way" Do it every day, and you should see results. Instead of doing something cosmetic, why don't you try making your skin...
  9. G

    I need help

    A-1: You can only use the paper... but you need to burn it... or maybe bury it somewhere in some woods... not too sure about that though, but it's best if you burn it. Also, it is seriously not that hard to get a candle. Doesn't even have to be Black, could be blue or red. You can find them...
  10. G

    Regarding some files

    Some of the files in the "Files" section are not functioning properly, for me at least. When I click them I am directed to a "Error, file not found" page. It would be a shame if these files were all lost. If anyone knows of a solution, please take action. Thank you.
  11. G

    Meditation and human emotions.

    "Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness." -Chinese cookie. A couple of days after eating chinese food, I find the cookie that was under my bed for some reason and open it. The lines above were written in the paper. That's probably the most insightful fortune cookie...
  12. G

    Group Meditation Wed 7th Nov - Opening The Soul Part VII - Base Chak

    I am interested, however I have a busy schedule. --- In [email protected], Lionel Pagan <lionel_pagan@... wrote: Search.
  13. G

    Dream awareness and recalling

    Alright, thank you very much. --- In [email protected], "Dante" <heathendante@... wrote:
  14. G

    Dream awareness and recalling

    I have been trying to remember my dreams and to gain consciousness during them too, but I haven't made much improvement. I have really vivid and abstract dreams 6 nights out of the week. I wanted to know if anyone could share with me any exercises or techniques that I could use to aid me...
  15. G


    Glad you and your family are alright, Maxine. The weather seems to be getting worse and worse every year... --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote: Missouri and electricity disaster electricity store should during this
  16. G

    Spiritual warfare? Little Help??

    It should be this if it is updated: http://www.666blacksun.com/Opening_the_ ... hakras.htm Also breathe energy into the chakra above your crown chakra. --- In [email protected], "paranjay_123" <paranjay_123@... wrote:
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    Not a problem at all. Plus, you can teach us Reiki. =] --- In [email protected], "rushda" <rushda_shaista@... wrote:
  18. G

    Group Meditation Wed 17th October - Openeing The Soul Part IV

    When its not sunny out, close your eyes, relax, and visualize a warm spring day with the sun's rays heating up your skin. Feel the heat of the sun. Let it clean your aura. You don't need to be physically in "contact" with the sun to draw energy from it. It is still there, just find the...
  19. G

    Spiritual Warfare Program II

    Yes, indeed. I was just asking because I remember reading about a part II going to be written. I am currently working under Amon Ra, Amdusias, and Agares. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
  20. G

    Spiritual Warfare Program II

    Is the Spiritual Warfare Program II done yet? If so, can someone post a link to it please? I wasn't able to find it. If not done yet, is it being worked on? Thank you very much.
  21. G


    Well, first it would be better if you tell us what language you speak. Maybe we have someone who can speak that language and help you out in a way that you will understand everything. --- In [email protected], "can_arayan" <can_arayan@... wrote:
  22. G

    The Magnum Opus

    Even if you have reached the mental and spiritual levels required for the Magnum Opus, I think you also need the physical aspect since your body is going to be modified. I'm 15, and as much as I want to do this meditation Agares told me to wait until at least 23. --- In...
  23. G

    The Magnum Opus

    Most likely it will. I am assuming that we need to be fully grown before doing it. And if it stops aging, then doing it at an early age would not be a good thing. I'm thinking 20-25 would be the best age to do it. --- In [email protected], Paranjay Nayyar...
  24. G

    The Magnum Opus

    Haha I know. I'm not going to stop the group meditations or anything like that. I'm just don't doing the whole elixir thing. Although I really want to. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
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    The Magnum Opus

    Aww... I will ask my guardian Demons to see what they think. Thanks. --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote:
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    The Magnum Opus

    I am 15 years old. What are my limits with these meditations HP Maxine? --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote: knowledge on learn must be those who intermediate or
  27. G

    Group Meditation Wed 19th September - Trance

    Jump down from an object from like a chair as high up as you can. You feel your body moving down. Like when you are in a car and you close your eyes, you feel the movement. Try it a few times and feel the movement of falling. Then visualize jumping from a chair into an endless pit of...
  28. G

    Fwd: RE: Magnum Opus

    High Priestess Maxine, this is awesome. With only 5 breaths for the 3rd eye and 5 breaths for the pineal gland, I got AMAZING results. Fact is, I didn't want to get off my chair and go to school because it felt so good. But I went anyways. Always do. Haha. Thank you so much. For those...
  29. G

    Advanced 3rd Eye/Pineal Meditation

    Crystal I've seen that sparkly stuff too. Mostly when working with my astral eyes. Doesn't happen as often now, but it happened A LOT when I just started opening my astral eyes. Also for me this meditation has shown effects really quickly for both the third eye and pineal gland. --- In...
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    Just a heads up.

    Psions are bored kids that play around with energy balls and such. Some actually get to the point where they can astral project and then they try to mess with people. --- In [email protected], Paranjay Nayyar <paranjay_123@... wrote: I was attacked by a group of...
  31. G

    Just a heads up.

    That's what they call themselves. There was four of them. And no my ego isn't big. I just gave a warning and you're calling me a paranoid schizophrenic. And there ARE groups that are after all of us. That they come to us one by one doesn't mean that they're targeting us as individuals...
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    Just a heads up.

    Thank you for the support everyone. They have attacked thinking that it would intimidate me to advance. This has motivated me to meditate more. They can't stop us. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
  33. G

    Group Meditation Wed 12th September - The Breath

    I recommend downloading ChronosXP, as High Priestess Maxine has recommended before. It lets you keep track of the moon and planetary alignments in your area. http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/ --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@...
  34. G

    Group Meditation Wed 12th September - The Breath

    I felt a group presence. My body was energized. I was more aware. I felt as we were all breathing the same energy. Felt really good. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
  35. G

    Just a heads up.

    I was attacked by a group of "psions". Got rid of them. There might also be some going after some of you guys. So just be ready for anything.
  36. G

    Group Meditation - Fri 7th Aug - Sun 9th Aug - Breathing Technique

    For this technique, while I was doing the first set and got to about 5 breaths, I started entering a trance. Then by the 10th breath I was in a pretty deep trance. Then when I started the second set, the trance started to go away a little but my body became charged with energy. My heart and...
  37. G

    Group Meditation Tue 4th-Thu 6th Sep Breathing Technique 3#

    As I thought, the second variation gave me a more physical enhancing effect. More awake, more energetic, the "electric" charge that I felt my hands and arms filled with I now feel it in my legs and feet. I feel my lower chakras with slight pressure. My feet are really charged with energy. So...
  38. G

    Group Meditation Tue 4th-Thu 6th Sep Breathing Technique 3#

    Please refer to me as Guille. The "co" is the beginning letters of my last name. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
  39. G

    Group Meditation Tue 4th-Thu 6th Sep Breathing Technique 3#

    Now that I kind of got the hang of it more, I got more intense results. I entered a pretty decent trance. Again my arms were filled with energy as well as my upper body. I could see energy flows and auras way better. It was kind of hard to move my body. I felt tired. Energy manipulation was...
  40. G

    Breathing Exercise 3#

    It's good to hear you're alright. Today I had a hard time going to sleep. Then 20 minutes before my alarm clock went off, I woke up and tried to go back to sleep. After what seemed like 20 minutes of thinking/dozing off, I checked my phone to see the time and only 2 minutes had passed. This...
  41. G


    Lucius, if you reach a point where you can levitate, then you should have enough telekinetic power to pop a vein in someone's brain. That's enough to kill them. Think of how useful this could be. It isn't illegal to kill someone with your mind. And they can't do anything to you in court...
  42. G

    Group Meditation Tue 4th-Thu 6th Sep Breathing Technique 3#

    I did the first one and found all my energy to come to my upper chakras. My arms were also filled with energy. My palms started tingling. I did 10 sets of it. I feel some pressure on my heart and crown chakras and lighter pressure in my 6th and throat chakras. --- In...
  43. G

    Martial Arts

    High Priestess Maxine, what martial arts do you know?
  44. G

    Group Meditation Sat 1st Sep - Mon 3rd September - Breathing Techni

    Yes, breathing technique 2 definitely increases telekinetic ability. =] Also produces a lot of heat. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
  45. G

    Group Meditation Sat 1st Sep - Mon 3rd September - Breathing Techni

    using the abdominal muscles is easier when standing or laying down because sitting stops some of the movement. --- In [email protected], "redbastbelovedofsekhmet" <redbastofsekhmet@... wrote:
  46. G

    Group Meditation Sat 1st Sep - Mon 3rd September - Breathing Techni

    This one could be effective to do before attempting telekinesis. I'm about to research that tonight. I would like everyone to attempt the same. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
  47. G


    You could use air energy to make yourself lighter or be lifted by air currents or you could use telekinesis and pick yourself up. You could also program your to fight gravity and make you lighter. A combination of all 3 would probably make you levitate. --- In...
  48. G

    Group Meditation Sat 1st Sep - Mon 3rd September - Breathing Techni

    I did this meditation. However, unlike the first breathing technique, I didn't really feel connected to anyone. I did feel more heat being produced that when doing it individually. That's about it. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
  49. G

    Aligning and spinning chakras confusion

    Before we thought they spin horizontally. But when you align them they are vertical, so you spin them like that. --- In [email protected], "SLADE_666" <rajiv_heretic00@... wrote:
  50. G

    Group Meditation Wed 29th - Fri 31st Aug Breathing Technique #1

    Tonight felt awesome. I felt light, almost as if I was about to levitate off my bed. I could feel pressure in all my chakras and even more in my sixth one. Probably because my kundalini is going through there at the moment. Can't wait for tomorrow. =] This was really a great idea. HAIL...
  51. G

    Group Meditation Starting Wed 29th Aug

    The insomnia is caused by all the energy. Screw redbull, I'm staying up on power meditations. x] --- In [email protected], "dxmthclsa" <dxmthclsa@... wrote:
  52. G

    Group Meditation Starting Wed 29th Aug

    I just performed the breathing exercise. I've done it before, but this time felt way more intense. I felt heavy pressure in my chakras and along where the energy traveled. I also felt connected to other people. This was really awesome. --- In [email protected]...
  53. G

    Re: Group Medititation

    East coast of USA is same as me. We didn't set a time for the meditations yet. --- In [email protected], "crystal nicole" <xxxspunkixxx@... wrote: everyone. at 7pm the
  54. G

    Re: Group Medititation

    I think the best way to do it is by majority. Everyone says their time zone and then we select an hour from that time zone that fits everyone. Eastern Time (Us and Canada) GMT -5 here. --- In [email protected], "Lucius Dragonwolf" <forgotten.identity@... wrote:
  55. G

    Group Meditation

    I can assist too. We also have to keep in mind that school is starting soon. --- In [email protected], "jonathon_billing" <jonathon.billing@... wrote:
  56. G

    Group Meditation

    I'll join in too. Wednesday. Any specific time? --- In [email protected], "jonathon_billing" <jonathon.billing@... wrote:
  57. G

    The watchtowers

    Empowerment reasons --- In [email protected], "Zir Ipol" <five17o.f23swords@... wrote:
  58. G

    Age of Aquarius

    Thank you very much. --- In [email protected], inleaguews <inleaguews@... wrote: the first team of Anunnaki to come to Earth. His name, EN.KI, meant “Lord of Earth” in Sumerian. But that title was granted to him only later, after the arrival of...
  59. G

    The watchtowers

    What are the watchtowers and how do you use/activate them?
  60. G

    Age of Aquarius

    I have a question. <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... URCAS.html" According to this page, the age of Aquarius is the age of fire, but isn't Aquarius the "water bearer"? Also, what exactly is supposed to happen during the Age of Aquarius aka Age of Satan? This starts...
  61. G

    Full Chakra meditation

    For those of you who have not tried the full chakra meditations at the specific day and time, you really should. These are extremely powerful.  I just finished doing the meditation for the Crown Chakra, I only did it for about 15 minutes and the results are awesome.  It feels amazing and very...
  62. G

    THC Testing

    I do not know about lowering it, but Agares told me to stop doing it even though I only did it like once every two weeks. I would recommend you stop too. --- In [email protected], "unhallowedone" <unhallowedone@... wrote:
  63. G


    I believe that there was a mixing of gods and humans then after that, this mix spread through the world and evolved according to their environment and changed, knowledge being corrupted, forgotten, and in some cases improved. Races have advantages in their environment because of evolution...
  64. G

    New Material

    Thank you very much for this Maxine! =] --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote:
  65. G

    Meditation from Agares

    Agares told me to do this meditation yesterday and I am very grateful for it. Now I'm going to share it with you. This meditation works with the three main "knots" of the chakras. As High Priestess Maxine has stated before, these are the Base chakra and the hip chakras, Heart chakra...
  66. G

    About JoS store items

    Some of the information in the items that are sold in the store can't be found in the JoS website. I really want to order some stuff but I'm not sure that I can because I don't have the keys to the mailbox.
  67. G

    JoS store.

    Thank you scott.=] I'm not sure if I can find one of those here though. Do they have any at stores like Walmart and Target? --- In [email protected], "Scott N." <scott_n15@... wrote: you money on it for credit card payments. Its a very practical and useful tool for many...
  68. G

    JoS store.

    I would like to buy something from the store but I'm a minor and I don't have access to my parents credit cards. How could I pay?
  69. G

    Meditation and the Goetia

    Thank you, now I get it. Does it matter which direction you send the energy? Clockwise or counter-clockwise? --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote:
  70. G


    --- In [email protected], "the.zealot" <the.zealot@... wrote: Alright, thanks. It wasn't really scary, it was more like shocking. For example, if you're sleeping and you just get slapped. =] It surprised me, not scared me. I always clean my chakras and aura really really...
  71. G


    I've been chocked in my sleep before, not too long ago, but then I came up with a strategy (attached a thought form around my neck, made it seem like it wasn't there, and programmed it to attack anything that touches it and track it. I found out what it was and eliminated it. It was also...
  72. G

    Silver and a coconut shell.

    Hi, I have 2 questions. *Would having silver in my mouth(teeth) affect my aura and energy flow? If I remember correctly, silver is the metal of the moon and also it is of the water element. Does this affect me at all? *I've been looking for a bowl to use as a ritual item (to burn papers...
  73. G

    Meditation and the Goetia

    Thank you so much for this. Every time you post something you give more detailed information on the soul and chakras and why they are the way they are. I'm looking forward to the articles with illustrations on this. Thank you for passing on Satan's and his demon's words. Question, by...
  74. G


    Hi, I woke up not long ago. I was sleeping and out of no where my dream was interrupted and I saw all black then a pale hand came out of no where and slapped my face. I instantly woke up because I also felt the slap physically. Is this some entity trying to prank me or disrespect me? Or is...
  75. G

    7 chakras

    --- In [email protected], "wondering_one123" <enlightend_one123@... wrote: First, this is the Advanced meditation group, but that's fine. Here is where you need to go: http://www.666blacksun.com/OpeningChakras.html All you need to open them is there. =]
  76. G

    Question on planetary alignment

    Hello, I must carry out a death spell on an enemy for Amon Ra said it had to be done. He is a gemini. I can find out more about him if I need to. I need someone to tell me when is the next best day(or hour) to perform the ritual to get the best results. Or you could also give me a link to a...
  77. G

    I need seriously cleansing

    To clean your aura: http://www.666blacksun.com/Aura_Cleaning.html To train concentration and clear your mind: http://www.666blacksun.com/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html Hope this helps =] --- In [email protected], "whenluciferfell" <whenluciferfell@... wrote:
  78. G

    What does this symbol mean?

    Today in art class I remembered an article I read about something like automatic writing/typing/drawing which is a way to get your subconscious(or another entity) to send you a message. So I closed my eyes,  and cleared my mind. At first nothing happened, but then my hand started to move, and I...
  79. G


    Thank you very much =] --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote: "karma" can be the house in the and clean abandoned those who control nothing experience doesn't makes magick spell hygiene, only way more...
  80. G

    Time distortion meditation

    I found this the other day, it's not copyrighted and the name of the author is not stated, otherwise I would put it here. I think this could be a very useful skill if developed, that's why I put this here. Learning Faster Through Time Distortion "In this hectic fast pace world...
  81. G


    I have some things that i would like to ask. *Is Karma real and how does it work? "what goes around comes around" is this really the way the universe works? Is it represented by the yin-yang? So if i was to do something bad, that would be bad karma, and will eventually hurt me? Is there...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
