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  1. V


    Just do your power meditations and know that if you are dedicated to Satan he will look out you. You are asking us for help but you have it the hole time if your dedicate your self to Satan he is your maker he helps his people. Hail Satan
  2. V

    In Need Of Demonic Aid

    If you are dedicated to Satan just ask the demons in your meditations if your problems are gone they will tell you or you will fell it in your mind and spirit. Hail Satan Satan Loves those that are with him just believe ok from Vognard Moonstone Warlock of Satan.
  3. V

    Im proud to be a spiritual satanist love Satan so much.

    I got me a Baphomet pentacle a inverted pentacle and a just Baphomet amulets today. I am going to were them proudly in the name of Satan. I bless them with witch oil and the power and love of Satan and the demons. Hail Satan.
  4. V

    I am seeing smoke coming out of my hands and my hands tingle when I

                          I am making energy balls so I can use them agence the enemies of Satan and the demons. I see them as electro magnetic shadow balls but when I make them I see smoke coming out of my hands. I am growing as a spiritual satanist so great hail Satan.                             
  5. V

    I just want to thank my fellow spiritual satanist on here.

    I want to thank my fellow spiritual satanist brothers and sisters on here. I am glad that a lot of you respond to my topics and say things to me that are true and make me happy. I am proud to be a spiritual satanist and so happy to have found the Joy of Satan web site in the time in my live when...
  6. V

    When I was doing my power meditations my guardian demon came to me i

    When I was doing my power meditations I see my self in Hell getting witchpower to come in me and it does. When I was there in hell a pale sky blue demon with dark blue bird wings and dirty blond hair with pale blue  almost white eyes. came to me. He told me his name is Sergel he was telling me...
  7. V

    I really wish I had my active witchpowers now.

    Thanks so much Hail Satan
  8. V

    I just returned the Baphomet statue I got at the pagan shop I go too

    I was sad to have to return the statue of Baphomet I just bought today. When I got home I went on the Joy of Satan main site and looked up some info on Baphomet. It said that the Baphomet pentagram with Hebrew letters on it was offensive to Satan and the demons. I saw that the statue and four...
  9. V

    I just got a real nice statue of Baphomet

    I am still some what new to the Joy of Satan I am sad now. I just got a real nice statue of  Baphomet so I can fell more in tune with Satan and the demons. But when I went to look up info on the Joy of Satan about Baphomet it said the Hebrew letters are offensive to Satan and the demons. the...
  10. V

    How can I Priest hood in the Joy of Satan.

    I ask that I to be a priest then a high priest in the Joy of Satan. ask this because I love Satan and the demons so much. Even before I ever heard of the Joy of Satan I knew Satan is real. I felt him and the demons for most of my life. But I did not know that there was a spiritual satanist way...
  11. V

    I want to have active witchpowers now.

    My so called friends are turning there back on me. They are a christian and a wiccan. I want to use telekinesis or pyrokinesis on them. Also use those powers on all christian and Jew shit that we have on earth. I am so proud to be a spiritual satanist and love doing my powermeditaions to get to...
  12. V

    I really wish I had my active witchpowers now.

    I would love to use telekinesis or pyrokinesis to get back on the christian shit that we have on this planet. My so called friends are turning on me and they are christian and wiccan. Also just all christian and Jew scum that we have on earth. I will power meditate for my love for Satan and the...
  13. V

    greetings, im new here

    Wellcome and hail Satan
  14. V

    My power meditations are getting better.

    I love doing power meditations and saying spell incantations to get the enemies of Satan like the jews to loose there homes and money Hail Satan.
  15. V

    I love doing spell incantation meditations to get back the enemies o

    I love doing power meditations and saying spell incantations to get the enemies of Satan like the jews  to loose there homes and money and jobs they all suck. Hail Satan.
  16. V

    I am so happy that my meditations are getting longer and better to f

    My power meditations are getting longer like over 20 minuts. My max so far is 29 minuts. I fell great and know that I am growing stronger each day as a spiritual satanist. Also that when I do meditate I breath in the energy of hell in to me. I think of how im going to use this power to make the...
  17. V

    My meditations are getting longer and better im so happy hail Satan.

    My power meditations are getting longer like over 20 minuts. My max so far is 29 minuts. I fell great and know that I am growing stronger each day as a spiritual satanist. Hail Satan.
  18. V

    Im Vognard Moonstone new to Hell's Army

    Hi fellow spiritual Satanist im new to the hell''s army. I want to do my best to help out the spiritual warfare against the Jews and all xians crap out there. I am going to make over 100  small flash card with the www.exposingchristianity.com on it and pass them out to all my friends and people...
  19. V

    Eating meat

    Yog Sothoth is right we are omnivores we have the canine teeth for eating meat Satan made us that way so we can eat all kinds of food. Hail Satan.
  20. V


    A person can become a demon but he or she has to meditate and gain a lot of witchpower. This might take long time since demons are higher than humans. But in spiritual Satanism we can become gods so becoming a demon as a process. Hail Satan.
  21. V

    When I was making a energy ball smoke was coming out of my finger ti

    When I was making a energy ball smoke was coming out of my finger tips. I was so shocked when I saw that and smoke was flowing from hand to hand like a wind beam. What does that mean. Hail Satan.
  22. V

    starving to learn

    Satan and the Demons are there for you. As long that you stay true. He and the demons are happy that you did the ritual it does not matter that you messed up a little but as long that you want to be dedicated to Satan and the demons. In time you can tell your family when Satan tells you. You...
  23. V

    Dedication ritual should i try again?

    As long as you did it with blood. Satan knows that you want to be in his family. Hail Satan.
  24. V


    Nice Hail Satan and the demons
  25. V

    Has any one on here done telekinesis or pyrokinesis yet.

    Thanks I will learn the powers Satan gives his people Hail  Satan.
  26. V

    Has any one on here done telekinesis or pyrokinesis yet.

    Wow you did Telekinesis so cool. It does not matter how small you did it. But than you can do it that is true power that Satan gives his people that he made. Hail Satan I want to learn so bad  can I get some pointers please.
  27. V

    prayer: in mind or just aloud

    Satan and the demons hear all when it come to the heart of a true spiritual satanist. They know all Hail Satan.
  28. V

    Has any one on here done telekinesis or pyrokinesis yet.

    I was just wondering has any spiritual satanist on here or any JoS member done any telekinesis or pyrokinesis yet. I want to learn in so greatly. I know that kind of power is real but take hard work to learn if your not born with that power. I am so glad that the Joy of Satan believes in that...
  29. V

    I got four wild squirrels to come to me so cool.

    When I was at the park a few days ago. I got four squirrels to come to me like a foot to six inches away from me. One even ran across the parking lot too come to me a foot away. I just made clicking sounds and said here squirrleis.If I had some food I bet that they will eat from my hand. I think...
  30. V

    My meditations are getting better and longer

    I am glad that my meditations are getting better for me. I fill the bioenergy flowing and tingleing my body. I want to grow in my witchpower and have Satan and the demons happy for me. I want them to be proud of me. I love them so much hail Satan.
  31. V

    Are the Electric hell fire club the band are Spiritual Satanist.

    I like the band  called Electric hell fire club are the spiritual satanist there songs seem that they are. Hail Satan.
  32. V

    Loss of Energy?

    Just do some longer power meditations to catch up that all Hail Satan you wont lose any progress ok.
  33. V

    Base Chakra question.

    So Many Chakras aaahhhh wow. Help want to know them all so I can open the corectly thanks and Hail Satan.
  34. V

    Question to the priest/priestess

    Do what is best for you if you say that Satan came to you then wow that is great. He wants you to be part of his family we are his children he wants us back with him. Hail Satan
  35. V

    Yog Sothoth told me Satanism is Nazi whats up with that.

    I was told from Yog Sothoth that Satanism is Nazi. when I was told that the Joy of Satan is not a Nazi group by a lot of members on here. Ive been seeing a lot of people hating and bashing shit about that the Joy of Satan is a Neo Nazi or Nazi group. I was told by many on here that we take all...
  36. V


    Go to the main site and it is on there the Dedication ritual. On Dedication to Satan take care hail Satan
  37. V

    Re: African Americans

    Yes im hispanic and part native american so ya all are wellcome the main sate says save all humanity take care and hail Satan.
  38. V

    I am going to start doing my power meditations any tips

    I am still new to this kind of Satanism I did my dedication ritual to Satan. I fell that it is great for me. Im going to do my power meditation for the first time today I really want to make Satan and the demons know that I want to grow in spiritual satanism. To get more knowledge and get the...
  39. V

    Re: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] Message from Satan

    I agree to that. Satan first then the demons.Hail Satan
  40. V

    I just did my dedication ritual to Satan.

    Wow I fell so great and alive right now I just did my dedication ritual to Satan. But I burned the prayer paper with my full name in blood with a lighter not the candles I had a blue and red one lit. But for got to burn the paper with candle fire is that ok still.
  41. V

    I need help trying to find my guardian demon

    Your Gaurdian demon will come when he or she wants to and you will know that the demon is right for you take care hail Satan
  42. V

    Happy Father Satan's Day!!

    Thanks you to go Satan hell ya.
  43. V

    Changed my life

    I am happy for you. Satan and the demons look out for his people he and the demons wants us to grow strong in mind body and sole take care and hail Satan.
  44. V

    Why are People saying that The Joy of Satan are a bunch of Neo Nazis

    People are calling the joy of Satan a Neo Nazis group. Can I get some info on why.
  45. V

    Why are other groups and people bashing on the Joy of Satan

    I am new member to the Joy of Satan about three weeks. I am going to do my dedication ritual to Satan at night on Dec 23 2014. But I have seen on line sites and you tube about people are saying the Joy of Satan are a bunch of Neo Nazis. I dont think so. I see on the main joy of Satan web site...
  46. V

    Im glag to have found out about spiritual satanism

    Thanks hail Satan all the way.
  47. V

    Can I make a pact with Satan and the demons so I can be a warlock

    But the joy of satan says witches and warlocks get your fact right ok take care
  48. V

    Is this group getting my topics

    Thanks for letting me know Hail Satan.
  49. V

    Can I make a pact with Satan and the demons so I can be a warlock

    You say dont use the word warlock then why on the Joy of Satan web site on the Satanic Witchcraft. Powers of the mind and sole. It says Witches/Warlocks twice tell me that ummm. take care hail Satan
  50. V

    I want to become a Satanic warlock how

    Wow read the part on the Joy of Satan on the Satanic witchcraft Power of the mind and sole it says witches and warlocks take care.
  51. V

    Is this group getting my topics

    I have posted a few topics but I dont see them on the topics or message list
  52. V

    Can I make a pact with Satan and the demons so I can be a warlock

    I want to be a spiritual satanist warlock. So I was wondering if making pacts with Satan and demons are a way to make my magick grow with there help of knowledge.
  53. V

    I want to become a Satanic warlock how

    I want to make a pact with Satan and other demons to get the knowledge I need to make my magick and psychic powers grow. Satan and the demons are the way to true witchcraft i believe this hard core. So if I make a pact with Satan and some demons does that make me a warlock for the pact making...
  54. V

    Im glag to have found out about spiritual satanism

    I am so happy to have found out about spiritual satanism. I have for most of my life known that Satan is real and the demons as well. But never knew that there is a religion called spiritual satanism. When I found out about the joy of Satan web site and read most of the topics on there and cant...
  55. V

    Im glag to have found out about spiritual satanism

    I am so happy to have found out about spiritual satanism. I have for most of my life known that Satan is real and the demons as well. But never knew that there is a religion called spiritual satanism. When I found out about the joy of Satan web site and read most of the topics on there and cant...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
