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  1. S

    Mormons >.<

    I think I can help. My aunt and uncle are Morons, and I have to put up with their shit everytime, Ugh! I hate even going over there for dinner occasionally. They say their stupid shit prayer before they eat, and they have this discussting picture of the filthy nazarene on their wall right over...
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    I didn't mean to reply to you're post, that was an accident. I just realized what I did, now I feel bad. Celina2427 wrote a post titled: HAIL SATAN!! That was the post I was meaning to reply to. My bad. Wow, that really sucks, I will have to be more careful! From: Ray <highb48@... To...
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    I actually hope some moron (mormon) knocks on my door, or even a jewhoh's witness. I will be wearing my Baphomet and Eye of Horus like always, and invite them in. I'll set them straight on what the Real Truth is. By the time they leave they will no longer believe that fictitious shit. Although...
  4. S

    Hi Satanists.

    This sounds like an infiltrator in waiting. Take it easy Satanists? Bye for now? This is suspicious writing in my opinion. From: "fwlrcj@..." <fwlrcj@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 5:55:23 AM Subject: Re: [HellsArmy666] Hi Satanists.   Have you read...
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    Witchcraft comments from past haunt Christine O’Donnell

    Videos like this just make Father Satan look bad. "Yeah, there was blood on the Satanic Alter". There needs to be someone on TV that makes Father look like he really is- Awesome! I'm sure it's on all the stations too, this is really sad.   From: Exar <exarkuun1991@... To...
  6. S

    To devote in life to Satan and all who worship Him

    Sure, First read the site below. Take the initiative to learn about the ancient history of Father Satan and the Gods, you need to understand why Satan is Our True Creator. Read all the links especially the Exposing Christianity link, this is very important. So many members in this group often...
  7. S

    Hail Satan!!

    The Binding Ritual went just as well yesterday as the Destruction ritual went on Friday. I felt a difference immediately after it was finished. I Know this world will change. I feel that personally I grew quite a bit this weekend, I did more than I thought that I could. This was an awesome...
  8. S

    Hail Satan!!

    The Binding Ritual went just as well yesterday as the Destruction ritual went on Friday. I felt a difference immediately after it was finished. I Know this world will change. I feel that personally I grew quite a bit this weekend, I did more than I thought that I could. This was an awesome...
  9. S

    Hail Satan!!

    The Binding Ritual went just as well yesterday as the Destruction ritual went on Friday. I felt a difference immediately after it was finished. I Know this world will change. I feel that personally I grew quite a bit this weekend, I did more than I thought that I could. This was an awesome...
  10. S

    Look at this!

    Attachments : <ol>Dragon's Blood.jpg</ol>PRAISE BE TO FATHER SATAN AND THE MIGHTY GODS OF DUAT!! The Grand Satanic Ritual tonight that we all did was AWESOME!! LOL!! I have such a big smile on my face about this. We have won! The filthy kike race will fall so hard, oh, they will suffer and die...
  11. S

    Look at this!

    Attachments : PRAISE BE TO FATHER SATAN AND THE MIGHTY GODS OF DUAT!! The Grand Satanic Ritual tonight that we all did was AWESOME!! LOL!! I have such a big smile on my face about this. We have won! The filthy kike race will fall so hard, oh, they will suffer and die. My wife and I did the...
  12. S

    Look at this!

    Attachments : <ol>Dragon's Blood.jpg</ol>PRAISE BE TO FATHER SATAN AND THE MIGHTY GODS OF DUAT!! The Grand Satanic Ritual tonight that we all did was AWESOME!! LOL!! I have such a big smile on my face about this. We have won! The filthy kike race will fall so hard, oh, they will suffer and die...
  13. S

    Let us be Reminded!!

    I'm sure most of us have read this already. Let this be a reminder to what we are doing, and why we must FIGHT! The time is now! Let's take this planet back from the kike filth and all their ilk, and Return it to Father Satan! Today!   http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_road_to_the_truth.html   ...
  14. S

    Let us be Reminded!!

    I'm sure most of us have read this already. Let this be a reminder to what we are doing, and why we must FIGHT! The time is now! Let's take this planet back from the kike filth and all their ilk, and Return it to Father Satan! Today!   http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_road_to_the_truth.html   ...
  15. S

    Let us be Reminded!!

    I'm sure most of us have read this already. Let this be a reminder to what we are doing, and why we must FIGHT! The time is now! Let's take this planet back from the kike filth and all their ilk, and Return it to Father Satan! Today!   http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_road_to_the_truth.html   ...
  16. S

    Did anyone else read this?

    The timing involved in this seems perfect. With the BIG Destruction Ritual happening tomorrow, and the Binding Ritual on Saturday. I read most of this article this morning.   http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_dead_sea_scrolls  It says: Manhattan prosecutors say Golb mounted an elaborate, carefully...
  17. S

    Did anyone else read this?

    The timing involved in this seems perfect. With the BIG Destruction Ritual happening tomorrow, and the Binding Ritual on Saturday. I read most of this article this morning.   http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_dead_sea_scrolls  It says: Manhattan prosecutors say Golb mounted an elaborate, carefully...
  18. S

    If the gods would return....

    Thank You for that information! I have heard of the Gargoyles, although I didn't know they had red eyes. When I was brand-new I asked Father Satan to send then to help me. It was at a funeral, I asked them to attack the xian preacher and the singer on the stage. This was my father-in-laws...
  19. S

    *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

    I will participate in this Grand Satanic Ritual! I feel this deep inside me, I was getting emotional with anger[/B] already, these words gave me chills or I could feel my energy flowing when I was reading this. I'm there- definitely!   HAIL SATAN!! [/B] From: High Priest Vovim Baghie...
  20. S

    Re: Are you aware they are changing Yahoogroups?

    I found this, maybe this is what started the whole conversation. From what I read it sounds like it will be ok. Besides the longer we can hold out the better, then the groups will be ok. They are saying they will fix this issue of posting problems. Although, I just woke up, so maybe I missed...
  21. S

    Interesting tidbit of info

    We would really have flying cars and such right now, personal robots to clean up after us, No more health problems because every thing is cured. Even without all of that, this would would be better. One day this world will be that good, when all the enemies of Satan are removed! From...
  22. S

    If the gods would return....

    High Priestess Zildar Raasi you mentioned other ET's who are against the IGF and work to help humanity. Who are they? What do they look like? Are they With Satan, or are they just in agreement with Satan that this kind of enslavement is wrong. I would like to know more about this, if you have...
  23. S


    Tell the enemies of Satan to "Fuck Off!" Tell the enemy: "You are waisting you time!" Make fun of the enemy, tell them the truth, that they are beneath you, and you are too good to speak to them. All the enemy does is Lie. Be Defiant like Father Satan is. Tell them to just wait a minute, your...
  24. S

    Crushing feeling... Help

    I wanted to suggest something, I do it for breakfast. Go to GNC and get some protein powder and make some shakes. You can make them with milk or water (milk is much better) and drink it AFTER your workout. You will heal your body a lot faster and build muscle a lot faster. I even mix mine with...
  25. S


    I could care less about these idiots and this burning korans, buybulls, talmuds, it's all the same bullshit lie of the enemy. These are the three things Father hates. Also, 9/11 was a conspiracy, I am against the war in Iraq, the forces over there are doing nothing but fighting a war for the...
  26. S


    This is what I use to get myself into a deep trance, it's up to the individual but this works best for me. Visualize the inside of an elevator, you know how it looks right? Square, dark, and only goes up or down. So just imagine you are inside the elevator shaft, sitting in the chair your in...
  27. S

    Re: Stupid mudslimes...

    This is unbelievable. Although I believe it, it is sad really, and hilarious. This is why we must fight now harder than ever to get the truth out. This will never happen in the US, we will never let it occur. From: Joshua <ryokatsu@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sat, September...
  28. S

    Crushing feeling... Help

    The enemy and those working for the enemy will try any way they can to get into our heads. They fear us, and they are jealous. You have to be confident in yourself, who cares if you're really skinny, I need to loose 56 pounds. For my height of 6'1" I should be 180 lbs, but I am 236. The point...
  29. S

    Re: Just Repayment?

    This is a very serious issue. This guy is trouble for you and trouble for everyone else too. These kind of people MUST be stopped. Curse him relentlessly, and do a Destruction Ritual. Place a pitch black aura around him, program it to be sticky like tar and to attract all the negative energy...
  30. S

    The Cobra Breath Technique

    I really need to find this. I'm looking for The Cobra Breath Technique but I can't seem to find it. Maybe I don't know where to look. Could someone please give it to me or point me in the right direction. I'm sure I just looked over it though. Thanks in advance...
  31. S

    The Cobra Breath Technique

    Thank you for that knowledge! I will work on it this weekend. From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, September 3, 2010 9:16:55 AM Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: The Cobra Breath Technique   I can't remember where it was either; but I have it in...
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    My Almighty and Beloved Father Satan

    That is Awesome![/B] I had an experience myself this week on Tuesday. Father Satan told me and I heard is voice so clearly, in the most kind and loving way He said: "My Son, Do Not Fear". I felt so awesome that night nothing was getting to me, I haven't felt that way in really a long time. When...
  33. S

    The Cobra Breath Technique

    I really need to find this. I'm looking for The Cobra Breath Technique but I can't seem to find it. Maybe I don't know where to look. Could someone please give it to me or point me in the right direction. I'm sure I just looked over it though.   Thanks in advance.
  34. S

    The Cobra Breath Technique

    I really need to find this. I'm looking for The Cobra Breath Technique but I can't seem to find it. Maybe I don't know where to look. Could someone please give it to me or point me in the right direction. I'm sure I just looked over it though.   Thanks in advance.
  35. S


    Goddamed infiltrators. They just hate their own race, the kike! Look at it this way, all those stupid xians and fools that believe in what the buybull says are only there because they don't want to go to "hell", because of fear. They think its a burning place to be tormented and die. Fuckin'...
  36. S

    Anti Christian Tracts

    Do you know of any xian chat rooms that are not moderated, or a good one to go to. I feel the need to spread the Truth, and of course play with their very limited minds. I want to wipe that pasted-on smile right off of their faces.   I feel this is payback for all those vile infiltrators...
  37. S

    Sermon 7/27/10

    Check these out too, there is more to the story. The same guy did all of these, what you posted is part 5 of 5 in this series. The filthy jews are behind every bit of this, they are the bankers.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dmPchuXIXQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBZne09Gf5A&NR=1...
  38. S

    2012 Where will You Be

    If you don't mind me asking Cansas S- what state do you live in? I'm just wondering if you live up north or in the south. I'm in Texas. I ask because what I think you were seeing in your dream are the Aurora Borealis. Usually this kind of thing is only seen within the Arctic circle. That dream...
  39. S

    EXPOSING ISLAM- muhammad never existed

    Thank you High Priestess Zildar Raasi for this wonderful knowledge. Honestly I didn't know any of that, now I do and that makes a huge difference. Like you said if one of those three evil programs comes crashing down, they all tumble one after the next. I'm truly excited about their destruction...
  40. S

    Very Interesting Video Series

    Thanks, I didn't know that and then found these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YBMyDcI_Rk  http://www.philipcoppens.com/china_pyr.html  From: Spencer <redfishbloofish@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 12:23:35 AM Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Very Interesting...
  41. S

    Anti Christian Tracts

    I print them off, fold them and keep them in my truck. When I go to any store, most of the time, I try to place some in the store at random. You can put them on the shelf or inside something. I have found pizza boxes, fruit cups, and beer to be good spots to slip them into, you just have to fold...
  42. S

    Very Interesting Video Series

    I was looking for videos of the Sphinx last night and came upon this series. Towards the end I started to put The Lost Book of Enki together with these videos. I think there is a lot of knowledge to be gained from this. Although, there is a little bit of imperfect (dross) knowledge in there on...
  43. S

    Sermon 7/27/10

    Exactly! They are trying to cover this up. This is suppression of knowledge. They must keep this Truth secret or the LIE of xianity will come crashing down, YES bring it down! This is explained in detail on Sermon CD 8 track 3. Also, in the book "Cloak of the Illuminati", which I have in...
  44. S

    Very Interesting Video Series

    I was looking for videos of the Sphinx last night and came upon this series. Towards the end I started to put The Lost Book of Enki together with these videos. I think there is a lot of knowledge to be gained from this. Although, there is a little bit of imperfect (dross) knowledge in there on...
  45. S

    I think I was hacked!

    You must be fighting for Satan and advancing spiritually. I'm sure you struck a nerve with the retarded jews hacking into these groups. I sent a post out trying to help, telling people to change their passwords. I read that horrid post about High Priestess Maxine. I got furious about it...
  46. S

    More coming

    @ the fake "moonshadow":   This is getting old. What do you infiltrators get out of this exactly? An adrenaline rush? There are no lies you can spout and no so-called "truth" you could ever bring this group. The idea of you having or knowing any truth in the first place is just a joke; LOL!! You...
  47. S

    Dramatically Increasing Your Vibration, And Going Past The Speed Of

    Wow, I did this meditation today, with help- of course. I would like to Publicly Thank my Guardian Demon Andras for all His Wonderful Help. This meditation really made a Huge difference. I can still feel the effects from it, and I'm sure I will in the future. I will be doing this...
  48. S

    Group ritual for Sunday 220810: Public Image of Spiritual Satanism

    Excellent programs, I have both of them, I just downloaded LunaBar although it was difficult to find, I put some links below to help everyone who doesn't already have these wonderful programs.   ChronosXP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/ Click Download ChronosXP 4.1   LunaBar...
  49. S

    Posts being deleted

    Change your password everyday. Scan your computer for viruses. Here is a link to some free anti-virus software's that actually work. http://download.cnet.com/1770-20_4-0.ht ... %2CWebware    Choose a password that is Long, alphanumeric, a mixture of random upper and lower case and with numbers-...
  50. S

    Positive Habits of a Satanist

    Nicely Put, and very True. I need to start a yoga program myself. From: Uber Goober <uber.fubar@... To: [email protected] Sent: Thu, August 19, 2010 12:31:23 PM Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Positive Habits of a Satanist   Hi Lonewolf, It's good to see you here and asking...
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    Positive Habits of a Satanist

    I'm not sure if I qualify (senior) to be quite honest with you, I Dedicated on 10/13/09- The best day of my whole life. Although, I thought I might can help. Meditations: I meditate everyday. Some days more than others depending on how I feel but that's changing. I intend to do much more very...
  52. S

    Posting Trouble?

    Has anyone else had a problem with posts going through lately. I have gotten three returned mail replies sent to my account. Somebody named r-thompson@... wtf? Who is that!? I emailed the JoS groups. In my old account post went through so fast, that was great! I wish this one was the same.
  53. S

    xian soul

    This is something I have been thinking about off and on for a while now and wanted to bring it to the groups. I know we have read the exposing christianity site, and understand that xianity was all Stolen and a Lie. I personally can't stand to even think about the filthy nazarene, but if you do...
  54. S

    Posting Trouble?

    Has anyone else had a problem with posts going through lately. I have gotten three returned mail replies sent to my account. Somebody named r-thompson@... wtf? Who is that!? I emailed the JoS groups. In my old account post went through so fast, that was great! I wish this one was the same.
  55. S

    xian soul

    This is something I have been thinking about off and on for a while now and wanted to bring it to the groups. I know we have read the exposing christianity site, and understand that xianity was all Stolen and a Lie. I personally can't stand to even think about the filthy nazarene, but if you do...
  56. S

    Re: [HellsArmy666] INFILTRATOR!!

    Yeah, Maybe your right. That does make a lot of since. If I was really going to infiltrate I would make about 20 different accounts so I simply couldn't be banned. I assumed this was the case, then again the hacker or hackers who are doing this aren't using different accounts they are instead...
  57. S

    Adrian has added you as friend in kirkal.com

    Remember the little annoying jewess (filthy kike) that has been infiltrating our groups? Hacking into members email accounts? Sending you fraudulent mail, spam and viruses? Wake up it's that "snowmage" bitch again!   EVERYONE READING THIS LISTEN UP!! Uncheck the little box below your password...
  58. S

    i feel discouraged

    As long as you were sincere in Dedicating your soul to Father Satan, then don't worry about it. My Dedication was almost a year ago, and when I preformed the Dedication ritual I too was in a bit of a hurry. I didn't give myself enough time to get everything done. I showered up, got dressed, and...
  59. S

    Sam's alive and well

    Thank you High Priestess Maxine for bringing this information forward. I think I'm just as pissed off as you are about these goddamned kikes in the groups. What they don't realize is that you don't fuck with Satan's Own and get away with it. Justice will be done upon them.   From: High...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
