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  1. M

    body energy and hot showers ?

    I agree this is far from the truth. Hot water is water that has been energized, particles are moving very fast and are letting off heat energy and as the water falls it is also producing kinect energy. These energies can be absorbed if your skill with the basic energy meditation is good...
  2. M

    movie: Jumper

    At the end of the day you have to remember that da vinci code is a fictional story written by a guy who read the book Holy blood, holy grail which is the factual book by two men who have done alot of research on the subject, the same goes for angels and demons he has just wrote a fictional story...
  3. M

    I'm new to spiritual satanism

    Welcome to spiritual satanism and it is nice to know that you are still thinking about other philosophies and ideas it is always good to be diverse about your beliefs. personally i believe that we are reborn after death into something better if we deserve it but never really into anything...
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    Teatching group.

    Ok I have been thinking about this alot and think it is a good idea and we should try and get it going, though we are going to need to pull together to figure out how we are going to do this. 1. Is it going to be in a chat room situation or by posting on a group or by email?? or any other...
  5. M

    Dedication -

    I personally think this is a great time to do it as it is your day the day you were born and brought into this world, which would make this the beginning of your new life as a true satanist. If you do decide to do it then good luck and best wishes. Also if your interested there is a few of...
  6. M

    Guardian demon?

    Guardian demons are great and always helpful not just to raise you powers but to also guide you in improving all aspects of your life. The most important thing is to not rush into contacting your guardian, he/she knows you are there and will be watching over you even now waiting untill you are...
  7. M

    Teatching group.

    I agree this is an idea that alot of us have dreamed of for many years, the problem is if it were to happen there would be to much resistance from the enemy and it would be a risk to our own safety because we would be putting oursleves on the radar so to speak and the enemy would know exactky...
  8. M

    Question regarding Feeling energy..

    Ok basically as you said we all feel it differently but, from what you are saying it sounds like you are drawing in alot of energy from your surroundings. The heating from the outside the tingling in your extremities sounds like you are quite proficient at drawing energy from around you and it...
  9. M

    Nature's Energy

    just thought id make a quick post to try and answer Derekthevikings questions and also Siguard your right "trees are the lungs of the Earth" is an incredibly important saying. A few celtic animal characteristics: Raven: Is seen as a bad omen, but is reverred and respected for its skill...
  10. M

    Nature's Energy

    Basically animals and plants all have specific characteristics and attributes that can be used to influence your workings, this can be done physically by being around the creature or in their habitat or you can do it psychically by summoning the creatures energies into your workings. Well...
  11. M

    Nature's Energy

    Im so glad that someone found it interesting and i will try and post more info. The thing with druidism and shamanism is that they never really made any records of their practices or if they did they were most likely destroyed by roman christian invaders and what we have to look at to learn...
  12. M

    thought forms

    Yes this is possible though it wont be a demon you are sending but a form created from your psychic energy that can be programmed to cause anything to the target you set it to. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... tform.html HAIL SATAN!!
  13. M


    This is a great way to empower yourself before a big working and it makes you feel great, but it needs to be done in small doses and carefully as the energy from the sun and moon is so strong and raw that it can overload your bioelectric system with nasty side effects. This is something...
  14. M

    Nature's Energy

    I don't know how interesting this will be or how useful and as always if you do look into any other religions and philosophies remeber to look from a satanic point of view. I have been a longtime practitioner of Shamanism and Druidism before becoming a spiritual satanist, i have always been...
  15. M

    taoism and satan

    Definetely a spiritual satanist is someone who can look at a religion or philosophy and be able to take out what is good and true trimming away the falsities and then applying them effective and blending them to suit your individuality. "To the brave belong everything!!" HAIL SATAN!!
  16. M

    angels vs. angel thoughtforms

    The angels are the one who want to keep us enslaved and to do their bidding and keep feeding them psychic energy through prayers and fear towards them, they accomplish this by punishing people who know the truth and helping those who are being good little sheep. Though we know that it is all...
  17. M

    Spirit/astral body meditation

    <pre> The problem with this question is 9 out of 10 times everyone feels their astral and spiritual experiences very differently so I can't really tell you but you will know when it happens, I sometimes feel like i have fallen through the floor and am very heavy whereas other times i will feel...
  18. M

    Can ectoplasm be black?

    <pre> "one can will it to manifest in specific colors that are harmonious with the objective of the working. " heres the full page: http://www.666blacksun.com/Ectoplasm.html HAIL SATAN!! </pre>
  19. M

    The colors Red and Black

    <pre> http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html HAIL SATAN!! </pre>
  20. M

    Help, my gramma's attacking me!

    <pre> Well you could play the offensive and create a thoughtform and program it to either scare her alittle bit so she asked for your help or to influence her decision by showing her the truth about father, or something along those lines. Or the other option is to just play on the defensive and...
  21. M

    Bringing Home....

    <pre> congratulations!! </pre>
  22. M

    Further Evidence of xianity Failing

    <pre> Keep up the good work Ivan these articles are always fun for a laugh, good stuff. HAIL SATAN!! </pre>
  23. M

    howdy - intro

    <pre> Welcome kelly and congratulations on your decision to follow the left hand path!! Make sure you read the JoS site and feel free to ask any questions on the forums were all happy to help. HAIL SATAN!! </pre>
  24. M

    Having Trouble

    <pre> Have you done the dedication ritual?? if so then you will be fine and father and the demons will protect you, the baptism is undone be this ritual. It would also be best to cleanse the plate and just do a quick blessing of the incense and candles in the name of satan just be on the safe...
  25. M


    <pre> If I remember rightly there one cycle round the sun is 3,600 years long and in "the lost book of enki" many of these cycles pass which would suggest that they live a long time, but I can't remember if they are immortal or not. HAIL SATAN!! </pre>
  26. M

    Place where we can talk online

    <pre> Yeh I stumbled on this the other day t does look cool and I have joined so thats another one, im not sure how well it will take off though we are already well based here. HAIL SATAN!! </pre>
  27. M


    <pre> The best thing is to build your power and strengthen your mind and let your guardian come to you. The other option is to find out their name and you try and contact them, but this might not always work as they may think you aren't ready. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ...
  28. M

    parent and child bond (more spicifcly but not limited to mother and

    <pre> I can't really help much here not being a parent, but i can say that it is important to always let your children find their own path and to help them do this it is important to make sure they have the knowledge and the truth to make the right decision. You shouldn't force anything on them...
  29. M

    I propose a group attack

    <pre> We should all create thoughtforms and mass them together in Vatican city to instill the truth or fear against the catholics. I think it is better to try and turn people away from them instead of trying to remove single members and eventually enough people will be against them and they...
  30. M

    A Spiritual Satanist network?

    <pre> look at this network site that someone has made: http://www.satansfriends.com/ The name just sounds so happy!! HAIL SATAN!! </pre>
  31. M

    Now, its "online confession"

    <pre> Are what fun watching them fall, online confessions thats priceless soon we will have people hacking them and using them as blackmail, well done xtianity. HAIL ENNKI!! </pre>
  32. M

    is it okay ?????

    <pre> Well done on choosing to be your own person and making such a strong decision. There is no rules on what you can and can't eat, just remember that everything is sacred and should.nt be harmed, but you also need to remember that our bodies are designed to have a variety of proteins...
  33. M

    Having Trouble

    <pre> I think you have an imbalance of energy or a negative entity is with you. First try a banishing ritual to remove any unwanted enitities from yourself and your surroundings: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... shing.html Then I suggest that you make sure to clean and balance your...
  34. M

    need info please

    I am glad to hear you are thinking of the left hand path, but im afraid it can be a lonely one. At first when your mind is still undeveloped contact with demons will be slow and slight, but aslong as you keep working hard at power meditations the demons will start to notice you and come to you...
  35. M


    I know I am not a high priest but I thought that I would just say that Im in a similar position, i don't get to do my meditations as much as i would like and i sometimes worry that i will loose touch with father and the demons. But I soon realised that even the shortest amount of mediations or...
  36. M

    The Secret & the law of attraction

    The law of attraction is what pagans and occultists have been doing for millenia, its just like visulising your goals like you would in any ritual. I have never heard of either of those methods or their teacher, the law of attraction is based of scientific principles between particles, atoms...
  37. M

    I really need help...

    To me this sounds more like the work of angels or greys than a demon. Demons are the ancient gods from years ago that have been lost because of xtian religions they would never choose to hurt someone who was against the christians. The other thing that it might be is that there is a demon or...
  38. M


    Good job always question them don't let it go, this sort of discrimination is the stuff that is holding us back as a society and keeping us from ever developing to something better. Good on you! HAIL SATAN!!
  39. M

    "The powers that be".... who are they really?

    Yes it is true that there are "powers that be" that control everything through their lower organizations and governments, but these people are far from luciferian but they have killed millions of people and will happily continue to do so to keep there pseudo power. Read this article from the...
  40. M

    Is there any way some one can help me?

    Isaac the satanic thing to do is to better yourself and grow in power with the power meditations or training program and this will attract your guardian. Although you can find out their name by either the penduluum technique or the quija board and then you can try and contact them...
  41. M

    My Story

    Congratulations you have been truly touched by Satan and I hope you find your path in Satanism. HAIL SATAN!!
  42. M

    New member introduction

    Greetings Night Child welcome to the group and congratulations on finding father again. Make sure to read the JoS site thoroughly and feel free to ask any questions in the e groups. Dark blessings HAIL SATAN!!
  43. M

    Re: Ending Relationships...(Serious Tips Needed)

    We have been through tough breakups yours sounds especially difficult, but as a satanist you are better then the rest you have a strong mind and can get through this. I advise first sorting your mind, go somewhere peaceful, quiet and secluded away from anyone and just meditate on your feels...
  44. M

    why portrait satan as scary ?

    This is a very good point and should be heeded. For example whenever i am asked what religion I am I say pagan as not to cause people to immediately take it the wrong way because of xtian stereotypes and then I tell them the truth in time when they are ready. If im ever asked about who my...
  45. M

    A few questions.

    Welcome to the left hand path and congratulations on choosing to dedicate and start your new life!! First and most important read as much as you can on the JOS website and start the hells army meditation program or use the power mediations on the site...
  46. M

    A Spiritual Satanist network?

    Its definitely a good idea and for us to be in contact and be able to talk and discuss experience and to help each other would be brilliant, but every time this is tried we either get hacked or taken down by the enemy. This isn't to say its a bad idea im just saying we would need to make sure...
  47. M

    Does this way also work?

    I think that from a scientific point of view it maybe possible because our aura is made up of particles and if you could find the right frequency for your own then you could almost shake them from your physical and into the astral, perhaps. Though to me it sounds very farfetched and i dont...
  48. M


    Yeah I know it sounds weird but it is effective and can help with sexual stamina!! But yeah it is pretty weird lol!! HAIL SATAN!!
  49. M

    Fucking disturbances

    Thats right should always keep your aura clean and your self protected from the enemy at all times!! HAIL SATAN!!
  50. M

    white and white gold energy and gold energy

    Well in physical terms white gold looks alot like silver instead of gold: http://www.egyptianjewelryshop.com/images/wgldankh1.jpg Hope that helps HAIL SATAN!!
  51. M


    The best thing for this would be to do perinium exercises, it is the muscle between your anus and scrotuum. If you do excercise this every day by tensing and releasing it will help to increase the strength and length of your penis, also do the same thing when you urinate try to hold it back then...
  52. M

    Fucking disturbances

    I think you should make sure to balance and clean your aura with protective and cleansing white light. The second thing you could try is create a thoughtform that you can project outside your home and program the energy to circle the house and guard it from any unwanted visitors...
  53. M

    another proof xianity is on a decline...

    Now that is just the sort of crazy attempts at trying to keep there sheep that we have come to see so much of dont you love the predictability!! Im sure they have some silly rule about not gambling so once again they contradict themselves!! What a great piece of info isaacmyers made me...
  54. M

    Regarding the Black Sun (symbol)

    I don't much about this but I decided to have a look for myself and just thought I'd put this link which shows Himmler's general's hall with the "black sun" or wheel on the floor http://www.scrapbookpages.com/Wewelsbur ... sHall.html
  55. M

    angels and demons: the movie

    Yeah i have read all of Dan Brown's books and thoroughly enjoyed them but whenever they are mentioned people seem to turn their noses up at them i can't understand why?? They are a good read and have loads of information that is most of the time reliable as i have researched many of the topics...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
