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  1. A

    For Central Force 666 and who knows

    Any natural herbs, food, species for enlargement of the penis? am with a program but it's not working yet! thank You Hail Satan 666Blessings
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    At what point of the 40 days meditation program some one open the as

    At what point of the 40 days meditation program some one open the astral senses? THANKS HAIL SATAN 666
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    The astral and insecurity around me, want to be secure

    Where can I read and learn everything related to our astral body? I'm moving forward but I do not feel protected to a certain extent because I do not know the mechanism of this what it implies, I read that we have enemies, but I do not want to have problems, like insomnia, fear or shit like...
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    What could be the strongest method to remove a manager from a patron

    What could be the strongest method to remove a manager from a patronage with social pressure?  Really the person is total bullshit Does what he wants with total freedom and finances himself, has to be eradicated sooner as possible, i want to contribute on that, Any Idea? i need to influence...
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    Am i protected anyway or what's next? self empowerment guide 40 days

    I am entering the days of opening the chakras, but I have never done my dedication, the truth is that I have never done something like this, I wondered if I was protected by doing this guide to the letter in all the senses even without doing the dedication?At what point am i protected? Thank you...
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    Need some reference about this Special Tattoo that i would like to p

    For some of us it's pleasurable but yeah not neccesary
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    Need some reference about this Special Tattoo that i would like to p

    Attachments : <ol>FIRbelt_grande.jpg</ol>Brothers and Sisters, have a good ride, feeling really good today, i have a question right here Because I have the fervent desire to make my first tattoo on the next days, only that I read an article of the tattoos possessed by supernatural forces, i read...
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    The size of my penis is too small, what works, methods and or nutrit

    I am interested, thank you very much Hail Satan!
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    The size of my penis is too small, what works, methods and or nutrit

    The size of my penis is too small, what works, methods and or nutrition can I use to make it grow definitely in a healthy and pleasurable way? The problem is to the degree that I struggle to urinate and i have erectil disfunctions  Wait for answers this is very important because of my bad...
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    I was happy until being confused by this, i had to know!

    Thanks, you guys helped me understand that if I come from a race of mixed colors being Mexican, there is no problem if I fervently want to follow our Father Satan! And the Truth that is in Him, but in my case how can I contribute to the purification of the race? you know, i want to be a...
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    I was happy until being confused by this, i had to know!

    I am decided on this road, I love it, for the moment I have the following doubt, there is no problem if the family in which I was born is Catholic? I would like to better understand this thing between the Jews and the Gentiles, the people who are born with Catholic teaching are not Jews? Are we...
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    I was happy until being confused by this, i had to know!

    I am from a catholic family, my roots are Mexican, we are white and brown family, my whole life I wanted to belong to Satanism but full in, i start to like it and read our ideology but i got some questions is about Satanic Nazism, knowing my roots and who I am there is some problem with all...
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    I'm confused i do everything right, just this

    I have been practicing power meditations, but I have mistaken myself for the document of Satanic Nazism, if I am not of the Aryan race is there any problem? I can not belong to this religion?
  14. A

    Is there a problem if I make a sun square before doing the 40 day se

    Can you please bring me the link of the specific working meditations i have to do before the square?  Thank you so much my friend
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    This is serious if i can clarify my mind maybe i would do everything

    I have to talk about something seriousI had perhaps a year when I received the Catholic baptism, I do not know how bad it was for my soul and bodyNowadays I still have the insecurity to do my dedication to Enki SatanFor the reasons I present below,I am still influenced by what people around me...
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    Some little questions about the process of reincarnation

    I have some curiosities about reincarnation, can men become men again in another earthly life if they so desire? Can you avoid a gender change? The being born again is aware of who was in a past life? Thank You 
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    How to fix the situation of a poor function of methylphenidate, pref

    How to fix the situation of a poor function of methylphenidate, prefrontal cortex, catecholamines and everything related to the named attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? I want to start with my physical and cerebral health, and then continue to advance in all stages of empowerment, I was...
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    Is there a problem if I make a sun square before doing the 40 day se

    Is there a problem if I make a sun square before doing the 40 day self empowerment guide?
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    I would like to know more about the alleged Christian holy spirit? T

    I would like to know more about the alleged Christian holy spirit? That of the Christian stupid sacraments Thanks
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    Can i make the aura of protection with golden gold energy instead of

    Can i make the aura of protection with golden gold energy instead of white gold energy? Thanks Hail Satan!
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    Where could i buy these products and what could be the least side effects that i may present? Thank you so much!
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    Can i initiate a kabbalistic square without having carried out the 4

    Can i initiate a kabbalistic square without having carried out the 40-day empowerment program without any risk?, in case the answer is yes, what square would be indicated for my first goals?, my first two goals are to heal ADHD and hyperhidrosis to be more qualified for my university studying I...
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    I would like to fully understand why we hate Jews?

    I would like to fully understand why we hate Jews, i want to read articles from reliable sources, i already read a few posts but I want to know more and be well-known because they are our enemies, and what's our porpuse as a NeoNazism group? thank you! Hail Satan 
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    Just a little, is more physical anxiety because of hiperactivity and attention problems that i already have because of a bad development, they say is ADHD, they gave me pills in the past that doesnt even make me feel better, on the current days of my life am just trying to quit medication for...
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    Just tachycardia and hyperhidrosis of hands and feets at the point that they make my life more complicated than it should be
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    Yes, some times
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    I have to have contact with the gods if I work some astrological squ

    Do i have to have contact with the gods if I work some astrological square? i dont feel prepare or secure of having contact, what can i do? thanks 
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    What work would i have to do to win a lottery?

    What work would i have to do to win a lottery?Either money lottery or a progol for exampleits all about the cash, i need it for my family and meAnyway it's for necessity while I study
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    Square of Uranus, and if precautions its neccesary?

    Good afternoon, I was reading the Astrology pdf, and I was interested in the properties of Uranus so I have 3 questions, where can I get the square or work of Uranus? Are there any precautions I should take in using the squares? When doing a square can generate something negative? My goal is to...
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    Open Question, Studying, All Works

    Open questionAll the spiritual and physical workings that serve me for the attention, learning and especially in my career of Engineering in Computer Systems, I enter the 4 of July, I need to reinforce my aptitudes, Is worth all kinds of advice, thank you very much!Hail Satan 
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    This is something serious, i am open to the opinions I need financin

    I hope i can receive financial guidanceAll my life I've had financial problems in my family.Besides that I went very badly at schoolI feel clumsy, that's the word, to learn and put into practiceSince the age of 13 I have taken medications for my attention and concentrationAnd it did not serve...
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    Some signs of power to trully bless me?

    Some signs of power to bless me?It makes me think is ridiculous the sign of the cross of the supposed YahveBut I'd like to know what it's supposed to really trigger?And I would really like it if there are physical signs to bless me and direct the energyThrough our true God? Thanks Hail Satan Ea...
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    Any work, action or support that I can use for my university studies

    Any work, action or support that I can use for my university studies? I am about to try an engineering, after difficult years in school and a difficult situation with drugs that did much damage, any recommendations? Thank you
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    Our world will not end in a long time? What does our father say abou

    Our world will not end in a long time? What does our father say about this Hail Satan Enki
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    Satan is Enki?

    Enki and Satan are the same? am confused
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    I got no option, its very sad for me, i totally need some one right

    My father criticizes that I have an empty life, life in school has been total bull shit, they past one year since I left school after finishing high school, I hoped to have changed my situation, but I do not, i get more worse, I am still medicated by a poop called ADHD of which although they...
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    Some work to put away residues of alleged ADHD with his bullshit med

    Some work to put away residues of alleged ADHD with his bullshit medication and hyperhidrosis on the body? Thank you
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    Recommendations or tutorial to do void meditation in an effective wa

    Recommendations or tutorial to do void meditation in an effective way to treat instabilities after medication of  the falsehood disorder of ADHD?
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    both but just a little
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    How to fix Myopia (Shortsightedness)

    I want to leave the glasses finally to play soccer without vision problems and see well without having to wear glasses,Any support will be welcome with much gratitude  Hail Satan 
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

     Not exactly, I think it's because of anxiety and over weight
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    I sometimes eat so much food when i have anxiety, hope for the best in this help, thank you
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    Some tips to cure myself from the medications for the alleged ADHD?

    Some tips to cure yourself of the medications for the alleged ADHD? I left residues of depression and medical dependency which motivates me to leave the situation and seek my total attention health, any advice will be grateful, also for hyperhidrosis
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    Any recommendations to grow a penis that is causing sexual difficult

    Any recommendations to grow a penis that is causing sexual difficulties? Thank you
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    I dont have Difficulty sleeping and my sweating is less when i sleep because of the air conditioner
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    Yes, I think my hands and feets are always very hot, even in places with cold weather,When I do exercise the sweat fluid is excessive throughout the body
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    The excesive sweating is a condition that is call Hiperhydrosis
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    What's coming for humanity and life on earth?

    I got into a mess reading stupid prophecies about the end of the world, from the point of view of Satanism, which proceeds for human life and planet earth over the next few years? There is some information that I can document of?, I just want to forget the crap I read and enjoy my present time
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    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    I have presented an alleged ADHD and excessive sweating of hands and feet, I aspire only to perfectionism in my health, what could I do to get rid of physical discomforts? Thanks Hail Satan
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    Void Meditation and recommendations fixing supposed ADHD Maybe a Squ

    I try to finish with hyperactivity and inatenttion, could anyone give me some powerful advice on how to effectively practice void meditation? The intention is to end the supposed ADHD, the advantage is that i already work in destroy the waste and toxic medicine that i use to eat because of...
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    Kryas... Are these effective? Treatment Hiperhydrosis Foot and palms

    Greetings to all, start my day of physical work for sport, I have details to resolve friends, every day I get blisters on the feet and usually on the hands because I have hyperhidrosis of palm and foot, I need to fix this and the details of motor coordination any ideas? I want to share a...
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    Motor and hiperactive mind

    Hello, excuse me, I have been told many times that ADHD is a farce, but what is certain is that there are real symptoms no suggestions about my hyperactive mind and distraction, so I wanted to ask about some special work to do away with the Symptoms of the supposed disorder and of step to fix...
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    I hate the limits, I want to leave them maybe its not to late, i wan

    Hello, excuse me, I have been told many times that ADHD is a farce, but what is certain is that there are real symptoms no suggestions about my hyperactive mind and distraction, so I wanted to ask about some special work to do away with the Symptoms of the supposed disorder and of step to fix...
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    Motor problems and hiperactive mind

    Hello, excuse me, I have been told many times that ADHD is a farce, but what is certain is that there are real symptoms no suggestions about my hyperactive mind and distraction, so I wanted to ask about some special work to do away with the Symptoms of the supposed disorder and of step to fix...
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    Help with the goals and recommendations... Thank You

    Step by step, please advice to reach Opus Magnum, step by step from the most basic I imagine I would start with the 40 day empowerment program, I need to start one day? And recommendations of this type, my goals are 4, to cure an alleged ADHD that does not exist and for which I have been...
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    Regards, a good advice here is very necessary

    Brothers and Sisters, I'm in a difficult situation, of decisions in my life, supposedly I have ADHD, I'm going to say just the truth, I do not want to buy that idea as true, but if I'm hyperactive and distracted, I realize when I go out Many times I feel disoriented, the school in general since...
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    Is there a way to use anger and fear to get out of frustration?

    Is there a way to use anger and fear to get out of frustration?
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    I hope someone or so many can read this and give me their comments

    Brothers and Sisters, I'm in a difficult situation, of decisions in my life, supposedly I have ADHD, I'm going to say just the truth, I do not want to buy that idea as true, but if I'm hyperactive and distracted, I realize when I go out Many times I feel disoriented, the school in general since...
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    Question white gold energy selfempowerment 40 days program

    Excuse me, I'm starting the 40-day empowerment program, only I felt depressed and blocked with white energy, is there any other kind of energy that works better or should I do the program as described? Thank you
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    I hate the limits, I want to leave them maybe its not to late, i wan

    This answer is particularly interesting, but focusing on the fact of wanting to be an elite level soccer player, and taking into account that I only have my body and soul, at the age of 21, which way I could go to get something like this ? Believe me, despite what you can told me is my main...
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    I hate the limits, I want to leave them maybe its not to late, i wan

    Void meditation comes for 2 minutes at the beginning of the 40-day program, I just started, should I do it for a longer time to remove residues of what they call ADHD?
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    I hate the limits, I want to leave them maybe its not to late, i wan

    I have a detail of excessive coorporal sweating and ADHD also, something that I recommend to fix it? And for the squares do I need to be previously advanced in the meditations of the chakras or something?
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    I hate the limits, I want to leave them maybe its not to late, i wan

    I want to become an Elite level footballer knowing that the starting point is to be physically complete and having 21 years, but despite everything that is past something that is no use regret, I want to make the best possible war for what I want, what class Of processes to have qualities...
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    Wrinkling my brow, what about this questions? thank you

    Long time had a renegade attitude, and wrinkled my brow almost all the time that made me feel more alert, serious and somehow attractive, imposing, change a lot a while ago but that attitude returned, the question is: Wrinkling the face only makes the skin not aging the soul? Does it interfere...
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    I need relevant advice and structure

    Can you Help me with this topic? i need structure with my actions and expectatives https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/180728 Greetings!
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    I need relevant advice and structure

    <font><font>Les agradezco mucho por su opinión, sólo recibir consejos con esta pregunta, me gustaría saber si es posible hacer lo que más importa a mí el sueño fútbol, ​​paso a paso, obviamente, con la estructura y cómo? Greetings 
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    I want to listen to your experiences and be guided by the best path

    Hello, I want to initiate a process of square of the sun, I have to be initiated pre-experience in meditation? The thing is that I suffer from an ADHD and I get depressed in the processes and almost always I give up doing so, what safe process can I follow to get out of the limiting situation...
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    I need relevant advice and structure

    I am looking for the best properties and abilities for soccer, resistance, intelligence, ability, control, everything that serves to change my life in the sports field, here there are no limits to anything, I just want to be the best I need to be structured And empowered, I have ADHD and I am...
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    The most important thing in my life, may someone advise me well

    I feel very bad, I have been feeling trapped with my catholic family, and paralyzed by fear and my ADHD conditions, what I most want in life is to dedicate myself to soccer, but I am always the worst, I take the idea that Satanism has no limits, but it is that I practice it and I feel...
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    Everything is possible in Satanism? I hope someone can guide me in h

    I feel very bad, I have been feeling trapped with my catholic family, and paralyzed by fear and my ADHD conditions, what I most want in life is to dedicate myself to soccer, but I am always the worst, I take the idea that Satanism has no limits, but it is that I practice it and I feel...
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    Is Yahve Real? Where's he from

    Where did Jesus Yahve come from? How can I be sure that religion is a farce? I want to learn more
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    I dream big, i need structure, be or not, my choice, if you can help

    Excuse all the material that can serve to convert meIn a professional soccer player and acquire skillsIf its possible highers, I am willing to work for itI'm in the middle of a personal job planned to make meLife as I always wanted, I will do everything that is possibleTo break all my...
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    How Reincarnation works? i need something clear to read and ascertai

    Excuse me, is there any proof of reincarnation? Something that could make me feel confident about this fact?
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    Money program

    Someone who has done the work to attract moneycan please comment to me the experience and how it is done to be effective I want to take into account If there is any risk when it runs, thanks!
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    The personality and the real me

    I have some questions I hope someone could guide meHow can I stop travestistic fetishism? It affects my moodHow can I stop being emo?And last but not least how I can achieve to form my personalityI identify myself more with the masculine being a man alone who could not formMy personality as it...
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    I need an orientation to get out of the identity disorder

    I want to ask for an opinion to get out of thisI've been with this detail for years.I have had gender dysphoria and I have always hadA marked attraction for transvestismBut this situation does not make me feel goodThe detail to leave it is that there is a past andSexual impulses that attract me...
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    Help if its possible i have a question

    Is there any effective way to stay as young as possible? Could it possibly be a food or a program for this purpose? I want to delay aging as much as possible, it is one of my biggest purposes but i need something achievable and available for my possibilities, Thank you i hope someone can respond...
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    Hey! what's up, i got this question might some one can help me, than

    Is there a key, secret or sequence of actions to keep you young for a long time? Something that is within reach of the possibilities, maybe a sacred program or a clear and understandable food style, something that serves, thank you!
  79. A

    Petition, need some guide, hopefully

    Do i need to be prepared before doing these sun square? and can you give me some tip because i see a doctor that try to help with the ADHD and for him is important to work together in these so, if there is something that can help people like me and i can share it with him, well we will be very...
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    Petition, need some guide, hopefully

    Thanks, i honestly feel so much depressive the first five days of meditation, do i have to change for other energy to absorve or change something to health me better with the program? white gold doesnt make me the best feeling
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    Petition, need some guide, hopefully

    I got my natal chart, what's next? what can i do with it? i think i need to work with someone who explain me about this, there's a lot of information and i get frustrated when i doesnt work my best, thank you am about to check Isa 
  82. A

    Recommendation and some experience with Bipolarity drugs

    Good afternoon everyone, I would like a recommendation, if anyone knows the drugs that I am going to mention can be of great help, I was diagnosed with ADHD and I am already dealing with the problem with the doctor and thanks to some of its recommendations but I am medicated with sertralina 25...
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    Petition, need some guide, hopefully

    Am about to check this thank you so much, i send the information to my doctor, am very grateful for the response and am in contact from this medium
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    Petition, need some guide, hopefully

    I got ADHD, i accept my limitations but am not happy or proud of that, do something to fix this for good is my goal, if some one could help with this or make some material for persons that have this condition like me, ill be completely grateful or any tip on how to work hard on these i will take...
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    Opus Magnum

    I would like to know if someone experienced could share how to get the magnum opus and the biological immortality and what kind of real situations bring these spiritual developments? and an orientation, what can i do? were to begin if i got A.D.D and everything is very hard for my condition...
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    Help 40 days empowerment guide

    I have the empowerment guide of 40 days, I am interested in 2 things, first, whether it is effective for the treatment of attention deficit disorder? and second if you can help in something for the development of motor skills, this for the soccer, I would like to know so that I can do because I...
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    New in satanism, history, aspirations

    Hello everyone, just entrance I want here to explain a little my experience, from the secondary one to prepa, were difficult years for my, it couldnt put attention in the scholastic scope and in the sport thing That is what I more like always, I was bullied for being clumsy to play to soccer, I...
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    New Satanist, orientation

    Hello everyone, just entrance I want here to explain a little my experience, from the secondary one to prepa, were difficult years for my, it couldnt put attention in the scholastic scope and in the sport thing That is what I more like always, I was bullied for being clumsy to play to soccer, I...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
