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  1. H

    image of Dantalian

    <font><font>Eu olhei este site e não encontrou quaisquer imagens do mesmo.
  2. H

    image of Dantalian

    Someone has a picture of Dantalian?
  3. H

    Como surgiu a terra?

    My philosophy professor was explaining the origin of the earth through Greek philosophy. That in the beginning there was only Chaos ... And wanted to know: what is the origin of the earth?
  4. H

    Cotidiano terrorista israelense

    Comece vendo esse vídeo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ5JVCds1D8 Agora vamos ver o que eles estão...
  5. H

    Novo meio de Entrar em transe (Teta)

    O meio de conseguir entrar talvez alguém já tenha feito, mas decidir colocar aqui, para que alguém possa expressar sua opinião negativa, positiva ou acrescentar algo sobre esse modo de entrar no estado de Teta. Vai contra algumas regras que vi no JOS, mas funcionou. O principal elemento que tu...
  6. H

    Theft / Thief

    I live in a small town and my parents have a trade here, and being robbed, the place has bars on the windows and alarm, but that does not stop and it made my father started sleeping there in the market. Any spell or other thing that can protect trade or hold the shit these thieves.  PS: if...
  7. H


    When it comes to Magnum Opus person is immortal (in the physical sense (although the soul does not die)) forever? Even getting shot in the head one survives? Can someone explain to me ...?
  8. H


    This question is for my understanding ... For all I know Hitler wanted to defend his race, the Aryan. And I understand the Aryans are white skin, then what happened to blacks. Which the National Socialist view on them.  Sorry anything...
  9. H


    A fama de roubo aqui no Brasil já não é novidade... Eu moro em uma cidade pequena e meus pais tem um comércio aqui, e está sendo assaltado, o local tem grades nas janelas e alarme, mas isso não os impede e isso fez com que meu pai começasse a dormir lá no mercado. Tem algum feitiço que possa...
  10. H

    Os protocolos...

    O que tem de jeite falando falando que os protocolos são falsos é verdade, mas não dá pra negar que o que está escrito nele está acontecendo...Li no livro "Hitler, culpado ou inocente?" que falava que o livro o verdadeiro, li o trecho, que é muito curto, diversas vezes e não consegui entender, o...
  11. H

    Transe... como entrar e é mesmo necessário (em certas ocasiões)

    De uma maneira direta, não sinto nada ao tentar entrar em transe, já tentei me sentir subindo uma escada, em um elevador, caminhando em uma viga de madeira em pleno ar e não sentir... Como mudar isso? E ontem fiz a meditação para despertar a glândula pineal e o chacra coronário e disse para...
  12. H

    Bloquear pensamentos...

    Como faço para bloquear meus pensamentos durante a meditação?Já tentei fazer a meditação vazio para tentar acalmar a mente,mas durante a meditação eu começava pensar qualquer coisa. Eu mesmo, durante a meditação estava pensando em enviar essa mensagem.Como acabar com isso?
  13. H

    O nome que cura

    Muito bom saber disso.
  14. H

    Trouble excreting ectoplasm and go into a trance

    I think it can not excrete ectoplasm because I could not go into a trance, because I felt nothing when I go into a trance.You can not see the clouds and not feel anything (tried to feel the ladder) when trying to go into a trance.
  15. H

    "Religiões Irmãs"

    As grandes religiões da atualidade, há alguma que chaga a ser uma "irmã" do satanismo?
  16. H

    A fuga secreta de Hitler

    A fuga secreta de Hitler Desde os anos 30, Hitler recebia ajuda financeira de grandes corporações norte-americanas, britânicas e de outras partes do mundo para chagar ao poder na Alemanha e impedir o comunismo de se espalhar pela Europa. Essas mesmas corporações acreditavam que iriam controlar...
  17. H

    Hitler 's secret escape

    Hitler 's secret escape Since the 30s , Hitler received financial assistance from major U.S. , British corporations and other parts of the world to Chagar to power in Germany and prevent the spread of communism in Europe . These same corporations believed that Hitler would control after being...
  18. H

    Morre Edgar Bronfman, ex-presidente do Congresso Judaico Mundial

    <a rel="nofollow" style="[/IMG] http://www.tribunahoje.com/noticia/8832 ... ndial.html
  19. H

    Hitler died in Argentina?

    The work is "Bariloche Nazi - Historic Places Related to National Socialism", the journalist and writer Abel Basti. "From here you can see the Andes, Lake Nahuel Huapi ... and there, in the woods, the last residence of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. Hitler died there in 1960. "The unusual phrase...
  20. H

    Excreting ectoplasm

    The necessary equipment, orders for the financial year "excreting ectoplasm", I have, but you can not use. This is the case of the candle, the glass and the liquid, the mirror I have is just normal :). Is there any other alternative equipment?
  21. H

    Excretando ectoplasma

    Os equipamentos necessários, pedidos para o exercício de "Excretando ectoplasma", tenho, mas não dá para usar. É o caso da vela, a taça e o liquido, o espelho que tenho é só o normal mesmo :)
  22. H

    E se... a B���blia n���o tivesse sido escrita?

    O texto é antigo, mas achei interessante postar para a gente saber o que esse "livro" fez:(poucas partes são mentirosas) A Bíblia está na base da cultura ocidental. É tão importante que, no século 15, foi escolhida para estrear a prensa de tipos móveis, desenvolvida por Gutenberg, e se tornou o...
  23. H


    In my google translator appeared to NOT attempt to view, but this "rule" only applies to spiritual or material also meditations?
  24. H


    Como se expirar a energia de volta para o éter?
  25. H


    A clariaudiência pode ser aberta em apenas um dia? Quando aberto minha guardiã pode se comunicar comigo sem eu ter aberto os demais chakras ou outros pontos?
  26. H

    Inexperiente usando cores

    Eu que sou inexperiente, terá algum problema fazer a meditação de energia usando outra cor além de branco, (1) tanto a meditação quanto a cor terá seu efeito? (2) A cor precisa ser afirmada ou só visualiza-la na meditação de energia? (3) Caso a cor tenha afeito ela atrairá o que está a minha...
  27. H

    Peca sendo o diabo biblico

    Fiquei meio que sem opção, tive que aceitar o papel do Diabo. E uma peça do filme: "O auto da compadecida". Ele é o diabo, o vermelho e com chifres. Será que tem problema? Satã ficará ofendido?
  28. H

    Escrevendo livro

    1 - Estou escrevendo um livro (pretendo mais tarde escrever um livro parecido com "expondo o cristianismo"), será meu primeiro e queria saber qual meditação é boa para que possa estimular minha criatividade (não tenho nenhum chakra aberto, por enquanto).2 -  Gostaria de saber se quando puder me...
  29. H

    vibrando RÁ

    Consigo vibrar Rá como uma metralhadora e como como se estivesse assoprando. Qual o correto? Pra mim o r de cobra parece uma metralhadora pois junta o bra e um sobro quando retiro o b.
  30. H

    Religions friends

    Is there any religion closest of Satanism and that there was nothing stolen or corrupted (which still exists). For me the only one I saw was about theft or corruption Hinduism.
  31. H

    Magia para acabar com espinhas!

    Sem que não é grande coisa para uma magia, mas é bom começar a treinar com algo pequeno (pelo menos é o que eu acho que essa magia seja). Então alguém sabe alguma magia para acabar com as espinhas, tenho elas na cara, braços, peitos e acho que nas costas. Uso alguns produtos, mas parece não...
  32. H

    Programa de 6 meses...

    Estou no segundo mês, nos dias de 1 ou 4, na abertura do terceiro olho. Caso eu consiga abrir o terceiro olho, como vou saber que estar 100% aberto e não é um 'sintoma' ainda da abertura? Caso não consiga abrir, devo continuar no quinto dia (que pede para que tenha realizado a abertura do...
  33. H

    Novo sitio - Biblioteca de Satanas em portugues

    Cada dia melhorando :D... 
  34. H

    Mein Kampf

    O livro Mein Kampf foi realmente escrito por Hitler ou é uma farsa?
  35. H

    Mein Kampf

    The book Mein Kampf is true, written by Hitler? Or is it a scam?
  36. H

    Horario de verao

    O horário de verão começa sábado, aqui no Brasil, que vai atrasar os relógios em uma hora. Se eu faço uma meditação as 14:00 eu devo fazer as 15:00? Ou se fizer alguma magia para sexta (exemplo) e a meia noite ainda será considerado o mesmo dia (seria 23:00)?
  37. H

    Affirmations need to be told?‏

    Affirmations need to be counted or only the runes?
  38. H

    Online PDF Manual for Sex Magick (Detailed)

    I clicked on the link "Online PDF Manual for Fri Magick (Detailed)" (http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... magick.pdf), but does not load the page (gives 404 error), then searched the internet and I came this...
  39. H

    One solution to the groups?

    There may be a solution, not yet tested, but there are Google Groups: groups.google.com
  40. H

    Outro sucesso!!!!

    Morre o influente rabino sefardi Ovadia Yosef, aos 93 anos "O rabino Ovadia Yosef, que contribuiu para dar força política à comunidade dos judeus sefarditas de Israel, morreu nesta segunda-feira, aos 93 anos, causando consternação à sua multidão de seguidores....."...
  41. H

    Acumulando energia.

    Posso acumular energia para usar depois? Por exemplo, faço uma meditação, vibro somente a runa ou algo que junte energia em mim, mas não uso. Logo após quando puder eu entro em transe e uso a energia com as afirmações.
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    Igreja e Ditadura no Cone Sul

    Alguém sabe a história sobre a participação da igreja católica nas ditaduras do Cone Sul da América?
  43. H

    Tradução: As três etapas da Bruxaria

    Tradução: As três etapas da Bruxaria (Erros ortográficos ou partes incompreensíveis foi devido ao google tradutor :D, mas está compreensível) Este artigo é, basicamente, para novas pessoas ou para ou voltar ao básico. Embora não exista uma "lei tríplice", (Clique aqui para ler sobre a "Lei...
  44. H

    Perseguicao contra os ciganos

    Onde posso achar informações sobre as perseguições contra os ciganos na segunda guerra? Eles são judeus?
  45. H

    Iniciando programa de 6 meses....

    1 - O programa de treinamento já começa treinando o transe, bom, quando fui fazer a magia para amor/sexo eu usei a energia orgásmica e me desviei do objetivo um pouco e acredito que entrei em transe pois comecei a me imaginar caminhando e de repente tropecei e senti como se tivesse caindo de...
  46. H

    kill insects

    Kill insects like ants, gnats, little not venomous spiders that appear here at home. Got a problem? This disrupts the relationship with the gods and / or Satan?
  47. H


    In section JOS sex magic says: "the sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and menstrual blood also has the power of life force." I can use my esperna for any purpose for migia sexual or something else involving Satanism?
  48. H

    Problemas com ritual de sexta feira 13.

    O Principal problema está no ritual padrão. Não tenho incenso; na ultima vez que usei uma vela (para o ritual de dedicação) o pessoal de casa perceberam e fizeram muitas perguntas; nas horas de Marte e Saturno (a noite) todos estão aqui em casa; não tenho cálice.
  49. H

    Magia para amor

    Tem como alguém me passar uma magia/feitiço para conquistar um coração (:D), de uma maneira simples e rápida. Estou tentando usando a runa GEBO, mas não consigo vibra-la e também fico confuso, pois no Jos tem duas página sobre magia sexual, mas em uma fala para eu visualizar minha aura enquanto...
  50. H

    Usando sigilos e outros simbolos

    Com exceção dos rituais, em que momento do dia a dia ou em que local posso colocar um sigilo qualquer, ou algo simbólico do satanismo? Carrega-los comigo trará algum efeito?
  51. H

    Pendulo e Vibrando Giof

    Vi no Jos como se faz um pendulo, mas usei o google tradutor, e pelo menos pra mim, ficou um pouco confusa a tradução, então tem como me falar como faço um pendulo e como descubro meu guardião com ele? Falando nisso, sou homem, então meu guardião será uma mulher? Sobre a runa Giof, não sei se...
  52. H

    Pensamentos Involuntários / Indesejados

    Estou com medo do que eu penso... Bom, não é pensamento do estilo de um pesadelo e sim pensamentos comuns, mas que vem até mim do nada e não são dos agradáveis. Por exemplo, eu estou fazendo alguma coisa, normal, e de repente vem um desses pensamentos, mas para ficar pior são pensamentos de...
  53. H

    Ritual de destruição 24-08-2013‏

    Bom, esse vai ser um ritual que pretendo fazer e será o segundo (depois do de dedicação), mas sou novato e podemos dizer que é muita coisa pra mim e, pelo menos na minha opinião, é muito complicado, então será que poderia anotar os passos em um papel e fazer o ritual lendo? E como invoco os 4...
  54. H

    Yoga and meditation

    1 - If I do Yoga to replace a meditation? 2 - If I do some meditation, yoga can do to compensate?
  55. H

    Greek Gods

    The Greek gods are gods satanic too?
  56. H

    Quantidade de bioeletricidade

    Tem alguma maneira de saber a quantidade de bioeletricidade que tenho?
  57. H

    Programming aura

    The aura can be programmed more than once? For example: if I make meditção protection, in which I schedule my aura to protect me, and soon after a spell or do another meditation you need to program the aura that other meditation or spell will replace the previous program?
  58. H

    A energia tem peso?

    Estava fazendo a meditação Directing Energy. Mas senti a energia como se tivesse peso. É como se a energia se tivesse peso e se concentrasse apenas nas partes de baixo (principalmente da cintura pra baixo e nas mãos, pois os braços ficam abaixado) e quando tentava levantá-la da cintura para sima...
  59. H

    Power to weight

    When I went to meditation Directing Energy I felt a bit of energy, but it felt heavy. When asked to climb it, raising the bottom I felt as if she had weight and was having trouble lifting her as if she was consentrado only in parts of the lower body (feet, legs, hands, since the arms are...
  60. H


    A curiosity: If I am 100% in all ... All chakras open, all meditations complete, everything you do .... If I am 100%, which will be able to do? What will change from spiritually and physically (if possible)?
  61. H


    What meditation or some style of yoga is good for you do not be lazy?
  62. H

    Reliable companies

    I've seen a few emails and even a site that talks about the companies controlled by Jews and that can hurt us. If I start asking these companies to list the list is too big, so I think it would be easier if I ask: Which companies are NOT controlled by the Jews.
  63. H

    O surgimento!

    Estou lendo o livro perdido de Enki e, enquanto estava lendo, me veio uma duvida: Como surgiu todos (não os da terra)? Como surgiu os primeiro moradores de Nibiru (foi o que li :D) ou Duat?
  64. H


    Does anyone have any link audio as GIOF vibrates? Just to check if I'm vibrating right :)
  65. H

    My third eye is opening?

    When I know my third eye is beginning to open or open? What I see now in the beginning? For I am newbie Since I started meditation to open the third eye, I'm feeling dizzy. A mixture of sleeping with a feeling of dizziness usual. This is normal happens? is a good sign?
  66. H


    Tell me I'm a polytheist or a pagan is the same as Satanism?
  67. H

    Food and products

    Can someone pass me a list of food and everyday products that may harm or disrupt the development Chakras?
  68. H

    I'm doing the right spell?‏

    Well, I have many months of experience and I'm trying to do the spell of love, the best I can, but do not know if I'm doing it right. I am using two. This is one I'm not sure, so I have read and understood the JOS: I masturbate, and when I get in ecstasy, sometimes I say while I visualize a...
  69. H

    Distraction in thought

    Every time I meditate and visualize when you need something, I thought diversion. For example, when you need to visualize the third eye, the inico okay, but then I start to see things that happened at school, people face, the things I saw and so on. Anyone have any tips?
  70. H


    The ancient Egyptians were Satanists? Satanists have religious friends? Such as Christianity, Judaism, evangelism studies and worship the false rotten Jehova ...
  71. H

    About the Third Eye

    1 - When I open my third eye, it can be closed again? 2 - I meditate almost a week to the opening of the third eye, but do not know if it opened, how do I know if it is open?
  72. H

    The Lost Book of Enki

    This book, The Lost Book of Enki, has true information?
  73. H

    Request for a guardian

    How should I write the request for a guardian? I have to sign in blood or just write and burn?
  74. H

    Xians in life

    Folks, I'm reading some sermons, Keeping the faith, and it says: I remembered that Father Satan mentioned in Al Jilwah about not allowing their friendly association with Xians and people who are against him.Well, in my school and in my city are almost all Xians, how do? I'll have to let people...
  75. H

    south of the equator

    Page of Satanic Holidays says: NOTE: DATES listed here are for people in the northern hemisphere. IF YOU ARE IN AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AFRICA, south of the equator, please CLICK HERE. I live south of the equator (Brazil), but the link does not work.
  76. H

    Yoga xbox

    I have a xbox game of physical exercises and the latest options in a game called zen yoga. If I do the yoga exercises in the game, will have the same results yoga website?
  77. H

    Invocation of late

    I have only condition to invoke demons afternoon, got a problem?
  78. H


    Personally, I'm very shy and not because of that I'm not brave, strong, courageous ... Decepsionando'm Satan? Its reverse it or continue so no problem?
  79. H

    Third Eye, dreams and feelings when I meditate

    Third Eye: When it opens the third eye, you dream better? I started to open my third eye and on the first day, when I was sleeping, I dreamed clearest images in my mind until I felt because I had a part in the dream where I hugged a girl and started acordadar and when I started to wake up I...
  80. H

    Help demons

    How can I get help from a demon ? Only invoking? I dedicated recently and wanted help from a demon, how do?
  81. H

    What does that feel?

    What does that feel like now that my chakras lined up, every time he thought of a chakra and turned it into position I felt like fossa a feeling of nervousness mixed with that tingly inside, but in a way lighter. What is this?
  82. H

    Doing the meditations

    Guys, if I do a meditation that is in Jos and another site with the way we do different, but with the same goal (eg closing the Chakras). Got a problem?
  83. H

    Opening Chakras

    Do you recommend some exercise before opening the Chakras? I am a newbie and this is one of the first that I do not know if I'm being too hasty or longer can I do? What is most recommended, close or open the Chakras?
  84. H


    What are the ways to thank, but not through the ritual of thanks (someone can pass me the link?)?
  85. H

    Feel the energy

    How do I know that I have power? I have done meditations power, but never feel the energy, and I felt and not realized. How do I know if I have the energy, or how can I feel it?
  86. H


    When is the page of Jos in Portuguese?
  87. H

    Do you think I made the right compromise, and did it work?

    Well, I started taking bath, finished, came to my room and started to mount the altar, it had a red candle, a plate to burn the paper, an image of a pentagram (I know it is not required). Dressed and rode a black blouse and black pants too (do not know if it was nescessario, but was improvised)...
  88. H

    Quadrille (Dance)

    Personally, I offered voluntarily (had not thought very good order) to square dance at my school (for the feast of St. John), would have a problem or just dancing ploblema not have any?
  89. H

    Vestments and hours

    To make the machine specific have any commitment to use or may be any? And the hours? It can be any time? Well I can only morning (sometimes) and the afternoon.
  90. H

    Prayer ritual

    The prayer ritual use google translator and some words are "shuffled" or out of context, can write prayer anyway or have to be 100% correct? The ritual prayer is written before and only the signature and the burning of paper is made ​​on time or write the prayer must also be done on time?
  91. H

    Dan Brown

    What do you think of his books? In his books he talks about the reality of Christianity, such as they stole Christmas which was a worship of the sun in pagan religions, but he also speaks good things of Christianity (unfortunately). Do you think his books is a good read, say, to learn a little more?
  92. H

    Blood and place in / on commitment

    blood: It can be anywhere the blood (from head to toe) or can only be finger? And the way to get him? Only fuanto or so can be taken away (from a knife to own hand if possible)? location: The place where you made ​​the commitment must be kept "intact" or you can unmount it then?
  93. H

    Blood and place in / on commitment

    blood: It can be anywhere the blood (from head to toe) or can only be finger? And the way to get him? Only fuanto or so can be taken away (from a knife to own hand if possible)? location: The place where you made ​​the commitment must be kept "intact" or you can unmount it then?
  94. H

    Exercise Candle (Training program of spiritual warfare)

    In exercise of the candle, I use two different candles for two days and I can use it again? If it has not all been burned, I can reuse it? May be red?
  95. H

    São João

    Here in Brazil from June 24 happens the feast of St. John (São João) (traditional Catholic feast celebrated in the month of June, in honor of the saints Peter, St. Anthony, and especially St. John), ai here at home my father makes a barbecue, light a fire (do not know this year) and we loose...
  96. H

    Guardians 2

    People wanted a guardian, I have some names in mind and would like to know how to have one, but I doubt if I can get one. 1 - I wanted a guardian to help me meditate or give tips (or something), because I'm newbie and expect him to help me in the spiritual field. Ai this problem, I'm not very...
  97. H

    Holidays! EH!

    What satanic holidays and what to do about them? Seen in Jos but for me was a little confused, is someone explain to me and tell me what they are and the days (can be put in Portuguese posivel: D)?
  98. H

    Trance, what do you think? Continued ...

    I forgot to add that at the time of waking trance I can open my garlic quickly, my body seemed ams is being pulled backwards when I tried to get up, and this is normal?
  99. H

    Trance, what do you think?

    Today (01) made ​​my first attempt at a trance and do not know if I entered (kkkk), I tried to do good for the training program of spiritual warfare! I did normal breathing, and did not feel my legs and my brations and went imagine the ladder, but every time I was breathing to feel up the stairs...
  100. H

    Minutes of meditation

    How many minutes a day meditating meditation is any good. For me, I am beginner to advanced?
  101. H

    Minutes of meditation

    How many minutes a day meditating meditation is any good. For me, I am beginner to advanced?
  102. H


    I wonder that serves a demon guardian, I looked at the site and did not find information on how to have one or what it is for them. Can anyone explain to me or pass me the link to let me know?
  103. H


    1 - If I do a prayer to Lucifer, what are the chances of him answer me? 2 - Prayers are efficient? 3 - What are the best ways to communicate with Lucifer? 4 - Information from wikipedia and sigils of the Goetia Demons are correct (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Goetic_demons)? I evokes...
  104. H

    Music, food and popular expressions.

    Personally, I like some songs, but they say things like music Fatima: And the threat of nuclear attack Neutron bombs was not God who did. And the music citizen: It was there that Christ said Boy let foolishness Do not be frightened It was I who made ​​the earth I filled the river I saw...
  105. H


    Does anyone know any meditation to improve the means of reaching a trance, because I want to join the Hell's Army.
  106. H

    Training program First Month

    I will start my training soon and I'll take my duvidasd the first month: 1 - The number two said I have this relaxed enough not to feel my body. To with a pain in the neck and has day and day it hurts not, if you have aching day of meditation has some problem or I will not feel it? 2 - Does...
  107. H

    gospel Music

    In my school is playing gospel music and I think it may attract negative energy. What to do?
  108. H


    We Satanists are for or against science? Such as the theory of evolution. Which "sectors" are against and in favor (if any)
  109. H


    Guys, Satan protects my family even though they are not Satanists? Look. My hand goes to church, I think evangelical rarely on weekdays and on Sundays whenever he can. My father will not only believe in God and some saints (I think). My sister's only with her friends to church, I think too...
  110. H

    Moment of reflection

    At my school began this moment of reflection, ie, when school starts all go to the yard, forming rows of boys and girls and the director begins to pray to the false god and begins to put the songs gospeis assholes. What should I do in those moments? Because you can not escape it.
  111. H

    Prayers, spells and affirmations

    What is best to do, prayers, spells or affirmations? You can create a spell, for example: if I do not find something on the site and I really want it, I can create one? How? Any meditation serves to make statements or specify each meditation is a statement? What are the moments that is...
  112. H

    Masturbation and Love Spell

    To make the spell Love Spell, read that has to reach orgasm (?) "The sexual orgasm is equivalent in power to the life force. Using sexual orgasm in ritual and magic in their work can give a lot of power added to its result. Fri Magick is ancient, extremely powerful and is the creative...
  113. H


    1 - What are the spells of love and how to make them? 2 - I saw that in some spells you say some words that can not memorize eg SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA can do the spell by reading the written word on paper? And in case of meditation as I do? 3 - Spells in asking for the moon must be...
  114. H


    How to make my spirit strong enough to perform a spell? I saw what it takes relaizar the feitoço according to schedules: Jupiter, moon, sun (for now without problems), but then I saw that the moon must be ocm signs: Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. As I see it? You have to...
  115. H


    1 - In case statements, that is, to achieve, for example, money, is replaced with something that requires diheiro? For example, instead of stating money can I say a shirt or clock (example), which are things that need money? 2 - When I go into a trance, I will be conscious to make the...
  116. H


    I saw the page on the colors (http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html) and would like to know how to use them. If green is the color of the candle or something that I use the color green? That was a bit confusing to me. And when and how should I use them?
  117. H


    Wanted to know how to become irresistible to women or only for the person I want. I saw on the website that uses energy to 'attract' the person. Is there other methods?
  118. H


    Wanted to know how to become irresistible to women or only for the person I want. I saw on the website that uses energy to 'attract' the person. Is there other methods?
  119. H

    How to please Lucifer and his Demons?

    Well, I'm underage and have not yet made ​​the commitment and I do not know how to please (read on the website that he understands, but I wanted to show my appreciation for him) or Demons Lucifer, I only meditate for long while, but it has something else I can show love for the father? For now I...
  120. H

    Rules / laws

    Is there any rule / law on Satanism eg smoke, and everything is permitted?
  121. H


    1 - You need to do some specific pose or the traditional (at least for me), one leg over the other and sitting? 2 - Breathing exercises help to gain energy. All methods of meditation helps to gain power? 3 - It takes candles? 4 - It is necessary to do each exercise as many times to move...
  122. H

    summon demons

    1 - Need to have done the dedication? 2 - Need energy (through meditation)? 3 - Can invoke it without equipment, ie, only oral? How?
  123. H


    Through breathing exercises can get energy?
  124. H

    catholic symbol

    Can I wear a necklace with a cross for a school play?
  125. H


    Lucifer and / or his demons can help me have money? How?
  126. H

    Symbols of Christianity

    Personally, I do a little play at school and I have to wear a necklace with a cross, can you?
  127. H

    Prayers and rituals oral

    You can make prayers to Lucifer and his demons? And the rituals? Everyone needs equipametos or have some that just prescisa speak (orally)?
  128. H

    candles and incense

    Guys, just thought white candles, they can replace the other colors? I do not think conceguir incense, can make the rituals without them?
  129. H

    Problems in life

    Guys, I'm going through emotional problems in my life and I need help, is Lucifer or one of the Demons help me? 'Cause I'm not giving account alone. Yet made ​​the commitment and no ritual and have no equipment for it (for now).
  130. H


    I need to know something about my sign is necessary or not?
  131. H

    About blood (again)

    And had already messaged before about putting blood without pain, I received response that the blood was just a formality, so if I do not put my blood has a problem or is it mandatory?
  132. H


    You can make prayers to Lucifer and his demons, or only rituals?
  133. H

    Demons, girlfriend and marriage

    1 - You can choose a demon to guide us, ie our second god (after Satan, of course)? 2 - Its Lucifer or some (s) demon help me dating a girl or help me build up the courage or lose shyness (this was one of the reasons I came to Satanism and thanks to that I identified with religion, the...
  134. H

    Blood commitment

    (if English is bad is because I'm using google) 1 - When faser commitment can write prayer quanquer language or in English (my native language is portuguese) 2 - In my attempt to make the commitment I can not put the blood because it hurt when I pricked my finger, and put the blood without...
  135. H

    Blood commitment/sangue no compromisso

    Português Fui tentar fazer um compromisso, mas quando fui colocar o sangue não conseguir, pois doía e eu minha mão recuava, como colocar o sangue sem sentir dor ou uma maneira diferente (sem sentir dor também). English I was trying to make an appointment, but when I went to put the blood...
  136. H


    Ola, estou com um problema quando vou limpar minha Aura, pois não consigo ver essa Luz brilhante, tem alguma dica e como eu entro em transe, mas não o profundo, para ganhar energia?
  137. H


    Onde eu acho informações sobre o pacto com satanás?
  138. H


    Tentei fazer um compromisso com satanas, mas não consegui tirar o sangue com a agulha (pois doia), tem uma maneira diferente para se fazer o compromisso? I tried to make a compromise with Satan, but I could not get the blood with the needle (because it hurt), has a different way to make the...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
