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  1. Lovethetruthofsatan

    my Christian (step) mother did the unthinkable to my dad

    okie thank you for the advice
  2. Lovethetruthofsatan

    What are JOS's Views on Odinism, and what are Odinisms view on JOS

    i have been wandering this question for a long time, any (true) answer will be great Thank you brothers and sisters HAIL SATAN PRAISE THE GODS
  3. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Protector of our freedom, All Father Satan

    its awesome... great job :)
  4. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Is polyandry normal?

    do you mean, "polyamory" if so i pretty sure yes since satan has multiple wives
  5. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    so does this mean less enemy attacks (spiritually) on SS
  6. Lovethetruthofsatan

    is it bad to wear sports paraphernalia (like a jersey) with a players last name on the back when the player is a devote Christian

    so i like watching american football and i have a jersey of someone who is a devout Christian, like EXTREMELY devout, is it a bad thing if i wear it (even though i havnt wore it in a while since the season is over.) any input would be great, Thank you Brothers and Sisters HAIL SATAN PRAISE THE...
  7. Lovethetruthofsatan


    i'm pretty sure it was the norse pagans, since the days of the week are named after the norse gods.
  8. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Why have people betrayed JOS, what drove them to do this

    sorry for being nosy but i have seen some old posts about former high priests that has betrayed JOS, why would they even do something like this
  9. Lovethetruthofsatan

    a dream i had literally 2 days after my dedication (and some other problems)

    so 2 days after my dedication, i had a dream that some asian guy told me that my dedication didnt work (i described by dedication experience in another post btw), and i think it might have possibly been a reptillian because, if my memory is correct the dude had a lizard like tail.... but the...
  10. Lovethetruthofsatan

    how to stop the bad habit of saying "oh my god".

    i cant stop saying it and i need help
  11. Lovethetruthofsatan

    my Christian (step) mother did the unthinkable to my dad

    ok so in late October of 2022 my mom cheated on my dad, my dad found out and almost killed himself, he was really heartbroken, she didnt care though and continued her relationships with the dude.. very very recently we found out though that the dude she fucked was a convicted rapist and child...
  12. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Using Pagan Dating Sites and Anonymity

    ok so i plan on using a pagan dating site (since i recently turned 18) and i am curious about somethings before i start: Since its a pagan dating site, should i: 1) say im with JOS, 2) dont mention JOS but say im a SS. 3) just say im pagan and only mention that im with JOS once the relationship...
  13. Lovethetruthofsatan


    ok heres how it went, i got scared to prick my self (because i got a low pain tolerance) for an hour and a half so then i said fuck it it jabbed my finger with a knife and started gushing blood, but still got my signature, unforntuanly as soon as i put the paper in the candle the candle went...
  14. Lovethetruthofsatan


    ok im doing my dedication, im scared it wont work because the jos site said only mentioned a blue black or red candle, and im using a white candle, i'm also using a blade that is very effective but is used for cutting carpets (i think i can find an unused one though), im terrified it wont work...
  15. Lovethetruthofsatan

    quick question

    is it against the gods and satan to have long hair as a male, tbh i have been terrified to ask this question because my long hair boosts my self esteem tenfold
  16. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Was Emperor Nero Really Serious When he said the Christians Burned Down Rome??

    TBH this is a topic i have been wondering. i have read books from fiction (specifically a book series called Trials of Apollo) to non fiction.. but all of them all in common said, "Emperor Nero Blamed the burning of rome on christians even though it was him itself" but did he really do it? or...
  17. Lovethetruthofsatan

    a few questions about the metal implants the greys have put in some people

    1) are these claims real (i watch a lot of ancient aliens and from what i saw the proof people presented kinda of convinced me it was real) 2) if it is real why would the greys chose their specific people in particular 3) some people who said they got these implants said that it improved their...
  18. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Could I pray or meditate to get rid of an upper respiratory virus?

    I feel terrible and I want to feel better Anywho PRAISE THE GODS
  19. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Pictures of the Northern Lights

    I live in south eastern America ( SC) and I kinda saw them not that well tho
  20. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Planning on doing something but asking before I do incase it’s against anonymity rule

    So I plan I hiring a jeweler to make a pendant for a necklace that represents the Baphomet Sigil, but would this be against and anonymity rule? Also If it’s not I also plan on putting my blood in it (because I also heard people even do that with regular jewelry as well) but Would this be a Good...
  21. Lovethetruthofsatan

    personal message for hp hooded cobra

    i just want to say i am extremely sorry if i offended you, you are someone that i extremely look up to and admire for your hard work within JOS, i feel so shitty and terrible right now for upsetting you im sorry, i dont want to have any conflict with you, i am fairly new to JOS and so i dont...
  22. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Satanist militant group in the future ?

    i feel so shitty right now i am so sorry
  23. Lovethetruthofsatan

    i want to apologize to everyone for the post i made

    I was 100% wrong its just i have so much trauma and hatred for the enemy it just extremely fuels my anger to an extreme, i dont want to have any beef with any fellow satanists because you guys are my family now and you are people i feel like i can connect with may the gods be with everyone...
  24. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Satanist militant group in the future ?

    im sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone
  25. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Satanist militant group in the future ?

    Will there be a satanist militant group in the future to fight for what’s right? Does JOS have any plans for this?
  26. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Relationship question (also sorry if it seems like I’m spamming posts I’m just full of questions)

    So the relationship question I have is finding a partner who is also apart of JOS, I dont want to get into a relationship with someone who doesn’t support my beliefs and I would like someone who I can do rituals with and stuff
  27. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Body modification while being an ss

    Is satan against this?? I’m thinking of getting a few facial piercings and getting my entire body tattooed from my neck down and also I want to get my teeth sharpened
  28. Lovethetruthofsatan

    band names?

    Thinking of starting an atmospheric black metal band and I need some suggestions for some band names and I need some suggestions on what about JOS I should specifically sing about. any answers will help thank you PRAISE SATAN AND THE GODS
  29. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Being an SS and voting in political elections

    So I was wandering if voting for a president or other leaders when they are Christian is against Satan, in plan on voting for a certain candidate not because I agree with their beliefs but because I just want to live in a better economy. But is this still against Satan?
  30. Lovethetruthofsatan

    Is this a sign

    So about 2 months ago I had a dream that my sister went to jail and now within the past month my sister got arrested twice and is currently possibly facing a long time in jail. But do you think it was the gods warning me for what’s ahead Any answers will be good HAIL SATAN AND PRAISE THE GODS
  31. Lovethetruthofsatan

    a few questions

    My mom is hiding printed out bible verses in my room (like behind pictures) and before she goes to work early in the morning, she prays in front of my door "i deliver this sinful foolish child into the hands of the vengeful lord." should i be worried, I also want to do my dedication to satan but...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
