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  1. C. Kret

    They Observe Us: Our Eternal Gods

    Thank you commander, for your words. I like to think I feel that I understabd what you explain here. Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.
  2. C. Kret

    https://www.facebook.com/share/r/169LwqZBZR/ This commercial was allegedly banned in the U.S. ...

    https://www.facebook.com/share/r/169LwqZBZR/ This commercial was allegedly banned in the U.S. , the name "Billy" caused me to think of the post regarding "21 predictions" & "New World Order"...
  3. C. Kret

    Must share with me siblings. Happily!

    Must share with me siblings. Happily!
  4. C. Kret

    https://www.gaia.com/share/cm6ymj8aj000n014u979o0q97?rfd=V8fMKb&language[]=en Can share for...

    https://www.gaia.com/share/cm6ymj8aj000n014u979o0q97?rfd=V8fMKb&language[]=en Can share for free 🥴 please consider the content, he has resourceful information. (:
  5. C. Kret

    This is my favorite book. It contains a weath of knowledge. I wish to share, and I earnestly...

    This is my favorite book. It contains a weath of knowledge. I wish to share, and I earnestly hope that it will be understandable to all my siblings in Satan.
  6. C. Kret

    She's likely to dedicate sometime this year. I love her dearly. 🩷 Thank you for responding &...

    She's likely to dedicate sometime this year. I love her dearly. 🩷 Thank you for responding & helping me High Priestess. I appreciate you taking time.
  7. C. Kret

    I would like to know if I can teach Complete yogic breath & AoP to my mother & brother. My mom...

    I would like to know if I can teach Complete yogic breath & AoP to my mother & brother. My mom doesn't actively practice xtianity, but does identify as one :( my brother is atheist. My little sister is also SS but just starting, only 14. I encourage and remind her to cleanse her aura. Should I...
  8. C. Kret

    The RTR Schedule is Concluded Early

    I feel the same way 🙂
  9. C. Kret

    I want to share this video from Gaia, it says there a seven day free trial. You can cancel it...

    I want to share this video from Gaia, it says there a seven day free trial. You can cancel it before the trial ends. If you listen to Dr. Joe Dispenza, he has great information to help reprogram oneself in healthy manners. My intention is to share the knowledge. But Gaia kind of sucks in that...
  10. C. Kret

    Schedule, January 21-29. F-RTR: GO HARD!

    Yes High Priestess. Thank you for helping me. I am truly grateful. 🤍
  11. C. Kret

    Schedule, January 21-29. F-RTR: GO HARD!

    Oops I didn't see that there were replies to your request. Kindly discard my response. I mean well! I really do have appreciation for all of my siblings in Satan. I thank the Gods!!!!
  12. C. Kret

    Thank you SO MUCH!! When I got to the audio of J.S.S. a murder of crows cawed outside my window...

    Thank you SO MUCH!! When I got to the audio of J.S.S. a murder of crows cawed outside my window. I take it as a good sign. Thank you sincerely 🙏🙂
  13. C. Kret

    Schedule, January 21-29. F-RTR: GO HARD!

    The top row you say all of the announcations 3x, for each letter of their alephbet, left to right. The second row left to right 6x each, the third row 9x for both and the last one is 12x each announciation for that particular letter. I struggled at first but it's okay, we're here to help one...
  14. C. Kret

    Schedule, January 21-29. F-RTR: GO HARD!

    May I ask if you have any advice regarding the RTR's I've selected to do? I plan to adhere to the schedule, need to improve on Soul Shattering (mp3 + writing the ritual spelling down is how I've learned the other ones, but there's no mp3 for JSS that I'm aware of at this time.) I welcome...
  15. C. Kret

    Schedule, January 21-29. F-RTR: GO HARD!

    That's fair. I usually do those daily & wasn't aware about Mars in retrograde affecting. When it comes to RTR's I'm determined. I usually do the following: Raise energy, FinalRTR+K.T., raise energy, cursing Israel, Reverse Blood sacrifice, raise energy, destroying Jewish rule & domination...
  16. C. Kret

    Schedule, January 21-29. F-RTR: GO HARD!

    "Because I know members will ask about Mars being retrograde: it will not affect us. Mars Rx is bad for cursing, we are undoing curses. In fact this is a good time for us to go hard with this schedule because the enemy won't be able to curse us as much, and their curses will backfire onto them."...
  17. C. Kret

    Wondering if anyone has mp3 for Jewish soul shattering. Uncertainty about proper annunciation...

    Wondering if anyone has mp3 for Jewish soul shattering. Uncertainty about proper annunciation has previously deterred me from this ritual. If you have one, please share ! 🙏 Remember to cleanse your aura after attacking. 🤍✨
  18. C. Kret

    #157 Are Jews a race or a religion?

    I clicked the last link but it's gone. That domain is inactive.🙂 O no, such loss. 😌
  19. C. Kret

    My brother has done something unspeakable

    The link goes to 404 :( Different link?
  20. C. Kret

    Of course, dear sibling. I am truly pleased to share. 🙂☺️

    Of course, dear sibling. I am truly pleased to share. 🙂☺️
  21. C. Kret

    Was reading about Azazel on the JoS, went to click the links on Azazel's Psalm & both links...

    Was reading about Azazel on the JoS, went to click the links on Azazel's Psalm & both links state that the information is no longer available, am curious if anyone knows what's up with that? Web link: https://satanisgod.org/AzazelHC.html If one clicks on the psalms, it says 404. What's going...
  22. C. Kret

    Update isn't updating?

    Update isn't updating?
  23. C. Kret

    http://universalspirituallaws.blogspot.com/p/universal-spiritual-laws.html?m=1 These "Universal...

    http://universalspirituallaws.blogspot.com/p/universal-spiritual-laws.html?m=1 These "Universal Spiritual Laws" have been helpful for my spiritual growth, putting things into perspective. If the content is helpful for you, you are welcome to pass it on. Be sure to read with the Satanic Eye.
  24. C. Kret

    Is there an mp3 available for Shattering Jewish Soul Protection ritual? I would like to add this...

    Is there an mp3 available for Shattering Jewish Soul Protection ritual? I would like to add this but want to have the proper announciation.
  25. C. Kret

    I very much enjoy rituals to honor our Gods. I enjoy FRTR+KT together, I would appreciate an...

    I very much enjoy rituals to honor our Gods. I enjoy FRTR+KT together, I would appreciate an mp3 for the Soul Shattering to aid in proper pronunciation/announcing.
  26. C. Kret

    No active schedule, but I feel it would be beneficial to have a cursing schedule. Like final...

    No active schedule, but I feel it would be beneficial to have a cursing schedule. Like final RTR, Cursing Israel, or others from the RTR list (this time of year). Also the theurgy.
  27. C. Kret

    https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/s/zfFYVe8v9B Goebbels propaganda film on Jews. Still...

    https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/s/zfFYVe8v9B Goebbels propaganda film on Jews. Still accurate decades later..
  28. C. Kret

    I was looking at the schedule & it reads "no active schedule", I am curious if for the Gods, how...

    I was looking at the schedule & it reads "no active schedule", I am curious if for the Gods, how each God has certain days/time of year, should we do rituals for them? Like Dec. 17th is for Murmur, but when I looked to see if there's a ritual for him, I didn't find one. Should every God have a...
  29. C. Kret

    I'll stick to how I've been going about things for now. Thank you Hellenic SS for your helpful...

    I'll stick to how I've been going about things for now. Thank you Hellenic SS for your helpful feedback. :)
  30. C. Kret

    What program do I use for what?

    What program do I use for what?
  31. C. Kret

    [MEDIA] A wonderful educational video about the Gods & Magick. Would recommend, wanted to share...

    A wonderful educational video about the Gods & Magick. Would recommend, wanted to share with my Satanic siblings. 🤍 Stay blessed & remember to cleanse your aura!
  32. C. Kret

    Thank You Satan

    I wanted to share this song titled "Thank You Satan" by Wednesday 13. I listened to it for the first time today and it caused me to feel 😃😄😁☺️💥😍 I hope that you enjoy it also.
  33. C. Kret

    I was watching YouTube & this video presented itself. The "See U In History" channel was...

    I was watching YouTube & this video presented itself. The "See U In History" channel was enjoyable educational videos about Mythology. The video o watched was about Janus. I liked it & wanted to share. Would recommend that particular YouTube handle for educational content about Our Original...
  34. C. Kret

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024)

    A wonderfully productive & enjoyable Samhain to all of my siblings in Satan.
  35. C. Kret

    Idea! 💡 To help with my progress I have a recordings of "Things I am Truly Grateful For" & my...

    Idea! 💡 To help with my progress I have a recordings of "Things I am Truly Grateful For" & my "Positive Affirmations" which I (try to) listen to daily. It's been very helpful & beneficial for my Spiritual progress. Now, regarding spiritual warfare, what if I made a recording of me doing...
  36. C. Kret

    It will be figured out. :)

    It will be figured out. :)
  37. C. Kret

    Energies, Serpent, Blockages [Personal Experience]

    From what I read it sounds like your practices with focusing energy are giving you new experiences & results, which is good. Be mindful to listen to your body & your intuition. Avoid overdoing too much at once, so your nervous system has time to adjust. Too many practices at once could...
  38. C. Kret

    Feeling "Yes/No" During Astral Communication (Method)

    Thank you so much for sharing!
  39. C. Kret

    I would like for our websites: 1) translation button with drop down menu for language options...

    I would like for our websites: 1) translation button with drop down menu for language options. All I've thought of for now!
  40. C. Kret


    "Since this is a very fake account"... Is this a typo?
  41. C. Kret

    I've been dealing with people telling me that my beliefs are Neo-Nazi. I say if you do your...

    I've been dealing with people telling me that my beliefs are Neo-Nazi. I say if you do your research and take time to educate yourself you'll see how messed up the ways of this world are. I love my God and am happily dedicated my soul and would like it if others would take the time to question...
  42. C. Kret

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    I appreciate the analogies. Thank you HP for sharing. Synchronized timing for me in my life.
  43. C. Kret

    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In

    I long for the same for my family unit. My little girl is SS, not yet dedicated, my boys are atheist. But my mother is deluded xtian. Very lazy, very frustrating.
  44. C. Kret

    About yoga

    I thank you kindly for sharing the pdf. Was looking for this.
  45. C. Kret

    Exposingchristianity.com page issue

    The web page www.exposingchristianity.com is currently invalid and redirects one to an Indonesian gambling page. I also cannot find the web link from JoS to "the Fatima incident". Any helpful information is welcome regarding these web things and how to properly access them.
  46. C. Kret

    I have cried during & after ritual this night. I understand I shouldn't feel sorrowful, my tears...

    I have cried during & after ritual this night. I understand I shouldn't feel sorrowful, my tears are a mixture of immense gratitude & slight sorrow. I understand if anything I should be strong emotionally, because that's what Maxine would want for us, to be strong in ourselves, The Gods &...
  47. C. Kret

    I dislike my Catholic neighbors. To the Christian hell with them. To Satan's hell with me.

    I dislike my Catholic neighbors. To the Christian hell with them. To Satan's hell with me.
  48. C. Kret

    Can the Gods Rituals cause one to do things?

    I'll be honest I skimmed this but please be aware the Gods are omnipresent, they can affect us in multiple manners. Some times just enough to make their presence known. To aid the children of the Gods in improving ourselves, no matter how seemingly trivial. They are *very* aware, telepathic, and...
  49. C. Kret

    Am I doing the raising energy rituals right?

    When I was preparing to do a series of RTR ( Cursing Israel. Reversing Blood Sacrifice, Restoring Justice, Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination) I first do SATANAS to raise my energy. Opinions, should one do SATANAS before each RTR or is the intensity of the initial raising & enthusiasm of RTR...
  50. C. Kret

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    We never proselytize, but rather be encouraging & lead by example of personal conduct. Ones self conduct can speak amply about their personal self & life path.
  51. C. Kret

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

  52. C. Kret

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    I've included RTR: ENDING CONFUSION & RTR: RESTORING COMMUNICATIONS. My intention is to be helpful. Of course save the rituals if you'd like to.
  53. C. Kret

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    I have Final RTR copies I can share. I reason if one clicks the photo attachment, one can print them off & still participate. The instructions are there, along with the annunciation. Apologies for the small font. The "double click" or "zoom button/enlarge" should be helpful. If you are new &...
  54. C. Kret

    Painting of Father's name, sigil & oroboros

    I think I figured it out, sort of. I click "attach files" & select the photo out of my gallery. I tried that yesterday to no avail. I guess the timing was off. Here is my painting. Thank you :) 🙏
  55. C. Kret

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    For whatever reason the web page will not load for this or any of the rituals other than The Grand Ritual, which I have completed. I have the others written down except for Balzebul's Ritual. Still fighting ! They won't slow me down. 🙂🌈⚡
  56. C. Kret

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    I'm having issues with accessing the webpage. Anyone else?
  57. C. Kret

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Issues with accessing webpage for rituals. 🤬 I have some written down. And printed out copies of the final RTR, just in case. Dirty pool. They're so weak. I passionately loathe the Jesuits & their cohorts. We'll still eradicate their veils of deceit & anathematize them. THEY KNOW THEY'RE...
  58. C. Kret

    Painting of Father's name, sigil & oroboros

    Experiencing issues with attach files button 😞
  59. C. Kret

    Painting of Father's name, sigil & oroboros

    I want to share :) painted a while back. I might touch up in the future, make bolder. Blessed be the powers of Hell. 💙😃
  60. C. Kret

    Crowned sigils painting 🖌️

    I thank you sincerely 🙂
  61. C. Kret

    Joy of Satan lyrics - rough draft

    I thank you kindly, I am to be concise. 😊
  62. C. Kret

    Crowned sigils painting

    I painted this last year but I want to share it.  I share now. It causes me to feel joyful & delighted that there is the art forum. The Gods are like a heartfelt hug for the soul. If you like it, you may save the image for your personal use. So long as respectful to the Gods. N/A for trollers...
  63. C. Kret

    Crowned sigils painting 🖌️

    I painted this last year but I want share.  I share now. It causes me to feel joyful & delighted that there is the art forum. The Gods are like a heartfelt hug for the soul. I
  64. C. Kret

    My drawing thread

    I looked at my hand from different angles, I don't think the thumb looks bad, it could be from a lower angle. It you move thumb & pinky near each other & look, you'd see what I mean. Perspective. 🙂 I think your art is wonderful. I very much enjoy your peacock drawing. 🦚
  65. C. Kret

    Satanic magic and partner find

    Sincere best wishes to you. 🙏
  66. C. Kret

    Question #3900: Please help me out during this crisis (I am a teenager) (emergency)

    1111 isn't necessary an enemy number as far as I'm aware, it could be Spirit communicating with you with what is known as numerology. Repeating numbers can have positive & negative meaning. I invite you to educate yourself about numerology. Then in the future if you encounter a repeating number...
  67. C. Kret

    Question #4349: Please help me, brothers and sisters

    I sincerely wish you the most positive outcome possible in your favor, Stolas216.
  68. C. Kret

    Something is off

    The Gods are beautiful, wise & kind hearted. And wish to help humans, not cause any suffering or harm. I am not white, I feel your perspective regarding Spiritual Satanism is tainted & distorted. Color doesn't matter to Satan or the Gods. If you read through the Demons, there are some that...
  69. C. Kret

    Question to HPS Lydia

    Some of the descriptions of the Gods/Demons (in where it's alphabetical on the JoS) HPSMaxine describes their appearances, what/how some of them look & dress like. They are centuries older than we are, from what I understand the way they choose to dress & present themselves vary, as clothing...
  70. C. Kret

    Carpe diem :)

    Carpe diem :)
  71. C. Kret

    Satanic magic and partner find

    I think I understand. Due to...issues, whatever the issue(s), the timing wouldn't be right. I had an experience like that. I had asked someone to be my mate. I thought we were taking time to build. But the timing wasn't right, other factors involved. It did not work out. Some days I would wake...
  72. C. Kret

    Satanic magic and partner find

    May I ask what you mean by meeting "too early?"
  73. C. Kret

    Joy of Satan lyrics - rough draft

    Hello to my Siblings in Satan :) I came up with these lyrics & wanted to share them. If you like them, you may have permission to use them as you please, so long as being respectful to Enki & the Powers of Satan's Hell. Untitled: Blessed be, ye You & me & Joy of Satan Ministries Satan...
  74. C. Kret

    Satan And The Gods Can Heal You, But You Must Let Them

    A heartfelt "thank you" for this sermon. I feel it strongly speaks to me. Thank you for all you do High Priest Hooded Cobra. Your work is most appreciated.
  75. C. Kret

    Poem of hearing a goddess voice

    "In silence, my spirit weeps, confined" I feel I can identify with that line in my own way. I thank you for sharing this.
  76. C. Kret

    Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

    I appreciate your dedication to the Gods & hard work. Thank you for all you do, have done & continue to share.
  77. C. Kret

    Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

    I appreciate your dedication to the Gods & hard work. Thank you for all you do, have done & continue to share.
  78. C. Kret


    Here's a giggle. :) ©2010, Www.Hipsterhitler.com
  79. C. Kret

    “But What Does Yoga Actually Do?”

    I appreciate the information! :) Thank you High Priestess Lydia.
  80. C. Kret

    A Message To Those Who Give Us Courage: Keep Blossoming!

    I appreciate this. I am currently feeling frustrated with myself. The mental battle never ceases, sometimes it lessens but it's constant. My want to imbibe in intoxicants clashed with "When temptation comes, I give my covenant to those who trust in me. " Like HPHC said about seeds & trees, I...
  81. C. Kret

    Could I have finally found my Guardian Demon?

    This causes me to feel pleased on your behalf. I enjoy your phrase: " I did it with glee." Caused me to "hehe" to myself. ^.^ Congratulations on your successful communication dear sibling in Father.
  82. C. Kret

    Question #2104: I really feel suicidal -Please help

    Positive affirmations could be beneficial for you. Stating things in the present tense: "My mind is free of intrusive thoughts.", "I SUCCESSFULLY SHIELD MYSELF FROM ANY & ALL INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS, THOUGHT FORMS, ENERGIES, ENTITIES & BEINGS. " , "MY ASTRAL SHIELD IS IMPENETRABLE" It's said it...
  83. C. Kret

    What's Currently Still Being Fixed After Migration

    I enjoy the new layout & thank you for your help. :)
  84. C. Kret

    I am a joyful creature. :D

    I am a joyful creature. :D
  85. C. Kret

    Keeping A Mouth Shut: A Practical View On The Satanic Adage

    When I was new to Spiritual Satanism, I came to understand I am free to take things that are healthy & logical & add them to my arsenal of self-improving things. (please bare with me here) Things such as "The Eleven Satanic Commandments of The Earth." which stem from Anton LaVey. **I...
  86. C. Kret

    What Will The Gods Think?

    They know what is in our hearts. <3 Our intentions, they can see, sense, feel, better than we can, better than we will ever be able to. I don't mean my words as in putting ourselves down, I mean this as in they are advanced & are here to help us make something great out of ourselves. They are...
  87. C. Kret

    Happy New Year - 2024!

    Thank you High Priestess! I personally feel a change, perhaps its psychosomatic, but I am more active now than previously. Maybe its something to do with Mercury almost out of Retrograde(?) but I am moving forward, setting goals & achieving. I have been writing, pushing, setting & re-setting...
  88. C. Kret

    Ask The Gods: "But I Cannot"

    I am curious about perceived delusional behavior in relation to communicating with the Gods, would you please elaborate more to help me to better understand what it is you mean? Do you mean that sometimes people tune into the astral or communicate with an entity that claims to be one thing but...
  89. C. Kret

    Ask The Gods: "But I Cannot"

    To Oculus666 (& other siblings in Satan): I feel I can identify with the message of this sermon. I have been on the left hand path literally half of my lifetime, firstly finding comfort in the fact that I exercise free will in coming to Satan, freely, unlike the burdens suffered by the RHP...
  90. C. Kret

    Request for Musical Talent

    Id like to share with my brothers & sisters this song. My experience with listening: It stirs the serpent within. https://youtu.be/tNanp6lKm2E?si=GNUMdzfIkMoL1rEW Together we have already won.
  91. C. Kret

    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    = D The new JoS website layout is AMAZING 😍 Truly a step ahead from previously. I was able to discover a new page about yoga. Looking forward to looking around. This (website) is a great example of advancing over time. Look at how far we've come as a family & as children of the Gods...
  92. C. Kret

    Humanity Will Understand: But We Know Now

    Beautifully written, I found this to be moving & insightful. It is as if the words were flowing. I am so grateful for this forum, to be connected to other like-hearted siblings.
  93. C. Kret

    Daily growth with Meditation mindset

    Feeling goes hand-in-hand with intention, the stronger the feeling, the more it will aid intention so long as the feeling/emotion being raised or focused upon does not conflict with the initial thought or intention. The law of attraction states "like attracts like"; if while practicing you...
  94. C. Kret

    Humanity Will Understand: But We Know Now

    This post has caused me to feel good, connected more to myself & my siblings in Satan. I am grateful & thankful for Father's presence in my life. May he continue to shine upon all of his dedicated followers. I appreciate being connected to others who seek truth. A family, we are. It feels a...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
