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  1. Z

    Friends of Demons-Attacks of the Enemy

    My friend is visited by demons almost every day, Vassago, Azazel, Astarot, Lilith and many others. She persistently has a blockade and fear. She experiments with enemy entities such as Nemiah, etc. her astral hearing is not developed, she does not hear completely. I feel, like her, that there...
  2. Z

    friends Demons and the Jewish Attempt to Deceive

    My friend is visited by demons almost every day, Vassago, Azazel, Astarot, Lilith and many others. She persistently has a blockade and fear. She experiments with enemy entities such as Nemiah, etc. her astral hearing is not developed, she does not hear completely. I feel, like her, that there...
  3. Z

    Selling my soul

    how do you think you gave your soul for small winnings in games ????
  4. Z

    help !!!

    Hvala pokusat cu
  5. Z

    help !!!

    There is a woman mother of a child who goes to class with my little girl. She is very jealous and uses every opportunity to humiliate my child and to belittle and isolate her from children in every way, the woman is very evil. I don't know what to do anymore, I am so unhappy. If someone was...
  6. Z

    why do i always fall asleep?!?!?!?

    Na ledjima lezim dok meditiram,
  7. Z

    why do i always fall asleep?!?!?!?

    Maybe some advice, I feel frustrated. I would also ask HP HC to give me some advice. Every time I go to meditate I fall asleep, so sometimes I wonder if anyone experiences the same thing at all, if we all fall asleep or I'm just stupid and I don't know how to do it. That's what bothers me a...
  8. Z

    I am a new member of the group

    Prije svega dobrodosao. Ja sam takodjer nova kao i ti,da nema JOS-a nikad ne bih znala istinu i nikad ne bih shvatila neke stvari,jako sam sretna od kad sam se posvetila,svaki dan ucim .Sto i tebi preporucam,kreni odmah sa meditacijama moci i nemoj sumnjati.Ako ocekujes da ce ti se demon...
  9. Z

    I ask to be verified as Astrologer

    Postoji li mogucnoat da procitate moju,nisam nikad to radila i nemam pojma nista o tome.Ako moze napisite mi mail pa vam posaljem sliku.
  10. Z

    please a couple of interpretations

    Please someone explain to me if they can, a couple of opinions would be ideal. I recently dedicated myself 5 day ago, but for 1 month since I accidentally found JOS I still read everything evryday. before the dedication I had a strange dream that was so real. I'm walking down the street with a...
  11. Z

    Serbo-Croatian Translation Thread

    Ako imas pdf od meditacije moci na nasem jeziku bilo bi idealno.Ili moze neke upute kako raditi pravilno
  12. Z

    SS Testimonials

    I have always belonged to Father Satan, I have never been a xian, and I could not even force myself. Only recently did I discover that I still read everything carefully every day.I dedicate my soul yestrday,and aftet I meditate, I got a picture of my father coming with demons accompanied...
  13. Z

    Becoming a Satanist Has Ruined My Life, PLease Ban My Account

    Here if you know something about the sign, I care about you, And I don't accuse you of anything, And I believe you, but please you listen to me now. I don't want to convince you. I just want to point out some things, I see you had very difficult life, that you did not have protection from your...
  14. Z

    Serbo-Croatian Translation Thread

    Pozdrav SVIMA, nova sam o Sotonizmu,ali zelim brzo uciti,citam puno JOS,ali ipak bi mi trebao neko malo pomoci,ako je netko voljan neka mi se javi ,hvala puno HAIL SATAN
  15. Z

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    hello everyone, I am brand new to this, I am happy to have finally found what I was looking for, I need some instructions I read Joy Satan regularly, but a lot of things are not clear to me, I don't know how to start. Could someone introduce me a little and help. I'm from Croatia. I'm eagerly...
  16. Z

    Rune Isa to stop an addiction.

    Lijep pozdrav svima,tek sam pocela istrazivati vas forum,iskustva nemam,a privlaci me,nikad nisam vjerovala u cekvu i nimalo mi to nije privlacno.Citajuci vas forum,naisla sam na ovu temu,meni jako bitnu,ako bi netko bio voljan da mi malo pokaze da li i za mene ima mjesta i kako,bila bih...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
