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  1. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    Listen cupcake, last time I checked "don't turn the other cheek". If people are nice to me, i'm be nice back. If theyre rude, imma make sure I piss them off and soak up all the negative energy they throw at me and turn it into power. Simple as that. If being liked by people in this forum means...
  2. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    this place is literally horrific ur doing a terrible job of making this forum appealing to new satanists. I literally hate most people my age/my peers but the way people act in this forum towards me and others, i literally rather shit and watch these mind controlled zombies in my age croup sip...
  3. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    ur really cool i like you and love your posts, but this forum is full of psychopaths and I go through enough as it is, so its terrible to be attacked by people and accused of being a jew when first of all, if any accusations should be thrown around i should be accused of witchcraft and voudon...
  4. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    being in this forum, makes me feel the way i did when I went to church. its not a projection either of my past. people have been cold, hostile, harsh, and mean. i feel oppressed. You are a hgh priest here and also shamed me for a pic that was a joke first of all, but who teaches sexual...
  5. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    Also please dont join in on them and send false propaganda. The other post I made was a troll post since people love calling me a troll. It wasn't posted as intent for me to masturabte , I sent a link to my nudes so and said in a trolling manner "here you can masturabte to this, dont say I never...
  6. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    I understand basic communication. See how i'm respecting you? If people don't want me to be mean back to them, stop being mean? Stop ganging up on me and scapegoating me. It's that simple. im a very kind person until someone gives me a reason otherwise. iI came here with the intent to get...
  7. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    I read my first topic, I was asking for help how to ___ psychic vampires. I had no clue that such a topic was against the rules, and I apologized for that and said it wouldn't happen again. Secondly, last time I checked i dont have to take shit from anyone. I am extremely sensitive to energy...
  8. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    Actually hooded cobra its not deserved whatsoever. You and I both know energy is very real and speaks louder than words. They were hostile, belittled me, were condescending, called me a federal agent, a rat, and were RUDE trying to make me feel crazy and stupid for asking for help. instead of...
  9. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    "doo y even know what spiritual warefare entails" 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 look at this meanie meanie being belittling and condescending to try to feel superior for a few minutes. Do you feel good about yourself now meanie meanie?
  10. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    Let me get this straight, they can be hostile, belittle me, and be rude asf and have stank assk condescenidng energy towards me but god forbid me to stand up for myself.
  11. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    dude are you for real now, you're gunna fall under pressure of these bullies so they dont attack you too? Be stronger than that. I was defending myself in my other posts because off the bat people were being hostile to me, calling me a drug addict, a federal agent, and a rat for asking for help...
  12. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    I am nice to people are are nice to me. If ur a big ol meanie meanie bullly then I stand up for myself. How arrogant these people are!! think they cant disrespect people but if people return your stank ass energy theyre disrespectful and rude. lol the pick says haters kiss my ass. Doesn't high...
  13. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    actually, I was nice to those who were nice to me :) i thanked them several times actually. All I did was return peoples energy. If you were mean, bullied me, gaslighted me, or bullied me/belittled me I was mean back and stood up for myself. If you were kind, I was kind back .If you helped me...
  14. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    1. they're not satanic symbols specifically, they're occult symbols and I rarely wear that shirt or anything occult related unless you count crystal jewelry. 2. I'm not ashamed of being a satanist and will not tolerate bullying or hide who I am or my relationship with Father Satan. High...
  15. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    *DJ Khaled voice* ANOTHA ONE teheheh https://energyiseverythingeie.com/articles-gage/long-hair-the-spiritual-benefits Durrrr don’t mind me I’m a 25 year old woman who ppl think is a retarded bimbo durrrrr durrr surrrr 😂😂😂 LMAOOO DJ Khalid another one This one is my MIDDLE FINGER to you...
  16. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    Teheheheh I love this article 💞💞💞 http://keepersoftheword.org/traditions/native-americans-long-hair/ “ In many countries around the World, Holy men and Holy women are recognized by the length and glory of their hair. The cutting of hair by oppressors has long represented the submission and...
  17. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    My post history goes like this: - Me begging for help because upstairs neighbours are psychic vampires - people ganging up on me, bullying me, calling me a Jew, troll, a federal agent rat, and drug addict instead of being compassionate and helping me and also saying in a polite manner posts...
  18. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    Hey I just wanted to thank you for the advice and being fair and kind to me despite before. I followed your advice and I’m trying to contact the hospital I was born at. I might just fly to the Caribbean and get it physically, I feel more centred in tropical climates anyways. I also started...
  19. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    Ong this proves my point further!! They are saying I’m delusional and none of this happens but high priestess shares this is happening to someone else and everyone worships her ?&??! This is genuinely in insidious and evil. It’s a good thing I’m strong asf , their goal to scare me away from...
  20. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    Thank you for helping me and not bullying me like these people are. I’m not on drugs either like gaslighting means for example say someone punches you, and when you ask them why they call you crazy and delusional and say they never touched you. That’s gaslighting These people are gaslighting...
  21. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    to gaslight strangers on the internet and try to make them feel delusional and crazy off a situation you're not experiencing or seeing your self, is childish and arrogant 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 if a man or a older member made this post, ya'll wouldn't be speaking this way to them or invalidating...
  22. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    How arrogant to think you know so much about a stranger's life who you don't even know the name of. Have a great rest of your day sweetheart <3 I can't take people like you seriously xoxoxo
  23. B

    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    My mom refuses to tell me my time of birth so I can't get an accurate birth chart. My birth certificate is very sketchy too doesn't have a time of birth either, idk if thats because it's one from a third world country/the carribean. sorry not sorry, but i'm mostly black not sure why people...
  24. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    can you please send me a link for the Vinasa and AoP workings please? I'm not sure where to find these. Thank you! also I started doing what you suggested, its best I do one person at a time because this chick desperately doesn't want to let go. she's a narcissistic sociopath obsessed with me...
  25. B

    Be Aware of Gang Stalking, Brainwashing, and Mind Control

    Hey the same thing has been happening to me too. I have been getting gang stalked since I was a kid but didn't notice it until i became a satanist in 2015 when I found JoS. I did my first occult ritual when I was 13 years old, i just fucked around with some spells and they happened to work. Was...
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    Gangstalking by evil christians, jews, and muslims.

    So I've been experiencing something called gangstalking intensely for a few years now, It turns out its been happening to me since I was a kid but I didn't know until it got bad a few years ago after I joined JoS and dedicated my soul to Father Satan. thousands and thousands of people have been...
  27. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    im very confused and don't feel like u answered my question. what does one at a time mean? like do the working for one person, then next person a separate working? of a working every moon cycle?
  28. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Thanks it was the full moon on the 26, so friday the 29th im beginning cord cutting. only thing i'm confused about, it says one person at a time? Does this mean like when im doing the working, i have to perform one working at a time for each person, or does it mean one person every 3 days after...
  29. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    here we go with the gaslighting AGAIN. I was desperate for help, and they bullied me. i was only defending myself so honestly fuck off and leave me alone you people literally worsened my symptoms of c-ptsd to the point ive been crying lmost everyday and feel under morbid amount of attack despite...
  30. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    High Priestess wrote this on the page to detach people from your aura: "There is another kind of attachment and that is what is called "psychic vampirism." Psychic vampirism occurs when an individual attaches him/herself astrally to another's soul. He/she usually attaches at one or more of the...
  31. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    It’s not a delusion though!! This needs to stop! Stop gaslighting me please the woman who made the website said psychic vampires are real and linked a book about it and blood sucking ones too! But I never said I came Across blood suckers! I asked how to ___ a psychic vampire !! They are real so...
  32. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    do you people not see what this perosn has in their bio "-some sexless grey alien, probably." but u attack me
  33. B

    Feminism: The (((Commandments))) For Feminist Women

    yes i have complex-ptsd it's really hard to live with. I've been using subliminals and meditation to try to heal it.
  34. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Actually they are bullying me and harassing me for begging people for help, but making the mistake of posting something I didn't realize was against the rules. However you are correct, thank you. I'm taking this as an opportunity to get stronger and evolve, work through triggers and not let...
  35. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    you people.. attacked. my first.. for making.. this fucking post, begging people for help, where i asked people DONT GASLIGHT ME OR BULLY ME AND YOU FUCKING DID ANYWAYS OVER A FUCKING POST I WAS BEGGING PEOPLE DESPERATELY FOR HELP I AM ALREAYD GOING THROUGH FUCKING HELL AND YOU ARE MAKING ME...
  36. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    I did not leave an ausive christian home to come here and be treated like this. like i said if you dont like people disrespecting you, then dont disrespect them. I'm literally crying and having a mental break down and a panic attack after reading these comments. if that was your goal, congrats...
  37. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    so you get to be disrespectul off the bat but if someone onyl returns the same energy and stands up for themselves theyre the bad guy? so u can be a bully off the bat but people arent allowed to stand up for themselves?
  38. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    wtf? why would i even ake a stupid username like that, im not that person and complely against durg abuse. Most people my age abuse drugs heavily due to hip hop culture and I have lost a lot of friends for refusing to go to nightclubs and participate seen as "boring"
  39. B

    Feminism: The (((Commandments))) For Feminist Women

    Hey can you please go look at my post about psychic vampires? Just want you to see a good example of what I spoke about, men hating woman. this is uncalled for.
  40. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    did I say im better than you? also me saying im sensitive to energy isnt bragging, i used to point out how you and others were hostile rather than helpful and quikc to attack when I was looking for help against psychic vampires. Other people came on this thread and corrected me without calling...
  41. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    also im against chakra removal and refused to remove them despite someone trying to shame me into doing so, so stop making up fake stories, and i said ive never done ayuhasca . I AM NOT drug addict. I'm 25 most people my age are and are alcoholics. i am SOBER. STOP spreading lies about me you...
  42. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Why are you attacking me, being hostile, and bullying me once again out of nowhere when I have said nothing rude to you? You literally just apologized under another thread for being hostile towards me and that it was unprofessional, only to do it again? I was even nice and commented where you...
  43. B

    Goddesses; Lies; Feminism

    lmao i'm sorry but I laughed a little bit too much watching that video. I'm trying to escape north america. its ghetto her. 1 out of 5 star rating. don't recommend. Rather live in europe or a tropical country lmao.
  44. B

    Goddesses; Lies; Feminism

    Thanks for posting this Lydia! I was touching on some of what you posted her under his thread. Thanks for backing me up on these things. Since I was a teenager I always thought it was weird there was an overemphasis on God being a man, back then I was forced to be christian (wasn't a very good...
  45. B

    Feminism: The (((Commandments))) For Feminist Women

    Do you remember what documentary this is that you have watched? I have been really drawn to the culture and art of kungfoo lately! Would love to watch that. Also where are you from? It’s really sad they are jamming everyone together. Lol stupid people need to stop reproducing 😂 jk but we have...
  46. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    Thanks for the advice, i'll add it to my folder of my daily meditations and rituals. I've been going extra hard lately and more than happy to go the extra mile.
  47. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    I can smell them a mile away too. I was targeted for a while by people in the new age communities and it was gross. They like to gaslight people and practice A LOT of spiritual bypassing. So many scammers too using spirituality to prey on people sexually and financially but then paint...
  48. B

    How To Deprogram From Christianity (Guide)

    You''re amazing. Thank you for your compassion and empathy. I'm going to check these out. I'm committed to this path 110%. Growing up in that home was past the point of traumatic. It felt like my soul ws being tortured severely. I got physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexually abused and...
  49. B

    Dumping Friends not committed to a spiritual path/growing

    Hey everyone, I'm sorry for making so many posts lately but I it's nice to get peoples input that are on a more similar wavelength. Recently I blocked and cut out a couple of people in my life and for 2 of them I feel really bad about it. The 3rd one, not so much. He admitted to me a few weeks...
  50. B

    How To Deprogram From Christianity (Guide)

    OH my gosh, I was literally just asking father satan how to fully deprogram from christianity. I think i've dont pretty well so far, considering I cut my entire family off. My family are all christians, very abusive. I've always been the "devil child" and black sheep of the family. Went no...
  51. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    you know what, when I came across his channel other day my first thought was "this dude and his friends are being deceived, I don't think they realize they are worshipping the false gods and greys pretending to be Satan" just looked like you told me to and other people were saying the same...
  52. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    Looking at the state of the auras of people on his channel, and how gross he looks, looks like that isn't too far from now. He doesn't look healthy whatsoever.
  53. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    The new age community is the retard community, they been pushing this bullshit too and heavy drug use. I met this crazy idiot a few years ago who did ayahuasca almost everyday while fasting and smoking weed excessively saying he "reached spiritual enlightenment", and tried to get me to do that...
  54. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    You need to stop jumping to conclusions and assuming I claim this. Someone literally tried getting me to remove my chakras in 2017 and I refused, so cut the bullying and false accusations. I dont even pay attention to stupid holidays like "april fools" easter, blah blah blah. Its just a...
  55. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    I already commented this, but someone I was friends with a while back tried getting me to remove my chakras in 2017. Very mentally ill, believed himself to be satan at one point too and we are no longer friends because I refused to. Even back that that made no logical sense to me. So many...
  56. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    yoooo I recently been going down the rabbit hole of the jews.. lmao I went to every major record producing company like columbia, def jam, sony and every CEO, executive, etc is jew or christian and look so fucking ugly and nasty. Someone tried getting me to remove my chakras in 2017 and...
  57. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    man thank you everyone for commenting! I was thinking the same thing and just really couldn't believe my eyes.
  58. B

    Satanists on youtube are encouraging Chakra Removal - What are your thoughts?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL8upuPqoAg Just noticed this. Wanted to leave this here and get opinions from more advanced members on the forum if they're open to speaking on it. I noticed this group has been encouraging people to remove their chakra system saying it hinders spiritual growth.
  59. B

    Feminism: The (((Commandments))) For Feminist Women

    I'm so grateful for you and the opportunity to have this conversation! Thank you. For the past year I have actually been mentioning that to these zombies. I keep saying, you realize that high heels and wigs were male inventions, right? For some time, only men were allowed to wear make up, wigs...
  60. B

    Feminism: The (((Commandments))) For Feminist Women

    omg I hate wiccans. fairy tale glitter unicorn watered down religion!
  61. B

    Feminism: The (((Commandments))) For Feminist Women

    I'm a 25 year old woman. Never labelled myself as a feminist, even when I was younger. I get a lot of hate for it so obviously don't go preaching it to the world, but they love lecturing me and shaming me saying "oh so you rather get oppressed and be a stay at home mom that cleans the house...
  62. B

    About JoSMarket

    Here we go with the gaslighting again :( you love being a bully huh? does it make you feel powerful :( I was tame towards everyone who ws tame towards me, like Blitzkreig. Also, I THANKED the people who were genuine towards me and didnt gaslight and bully me. go bully someone else, it's weird.
  63. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Yeah I been preparing binding rituals, only problem is i don't have personal belongings for many of them. what do I do about this? also im not responding to the guy that asked if I done drugs. That's gaslighting and once again bullying. You take care sir. I hope you go through the shit I go...
  64. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    The targeting and spiritual warefare i am going through is distressing to say the least. i am under so much pressure and to come on this forum to get help only to be bullied, mocked, belittled, galighted, called a rat, fed, scizo is evil and wrong. I hope no one has to go through what ive been...
  65. B

    About JoSMarket

    I'm very senstive to energy. so i can tell the difference between someone being genuinely helpful, and someone who's goal is to gaslight me, attack me, bully me, and belittle me. To prove my point, when Blitzkreig commented under my post they were very compassionate, gentle towards me, and...
  66. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    I can't emphasize how much I am grateful for you. I definitely look at the forum a lot, especially for hooded cobra posts and stuff that are helpful. I have been going a lot harder with meditations and advancing lately because I cant lean on others clearly. i'm still remaining strong and not...
  67. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Thank you for writing this compassionately. I can 100% see where you are coming from, but please understand I am coming from a place of extreme distress because of how much I am being attacked and the level of spiritual warefare I am going through. The website said don't turn the other cheek...
  68. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Hoodedcobra, I can assure you right now when I confronted them I didn't accuse them of being vampires or anything. I simply asked that the harassment stop, and they threatened my life. ok. I am not crazy, these people are indeed what I say they are. No tricks on my mind. You even posted...
  69. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    To be treated this way when I've been fighting for Satan, fighting for this cause, even before i fucking came across this website is just insidious to say the least. You guys revealed yourselves. Clearly not as powerful as u make urselves seem because you lack empathy, calling someone a fed who...
  70. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    you know what, it has gotten to this point this is past evil and insidious what people are doing to me on this forum who are SUPPOSED TO BE MY FUCKING COMMUNITY. they threatened to KILL ME!? THE WEBSITE SAID NOT TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK TOO. Seriously, go fuck yourself. I have been fighting for...
  71. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    you know what, it has gotten to this point this is past evil and insidious what people are doing to me on this forum who are SUPPOSED TO BE MY FUCKING COMMUNITY. they threatened to KILL ME!? THE WEBSITE SAID NOT TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK TOO. Seriously, go fuck yourself. I have been fighting for...
  72. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Again, despite the trolls im so thankful for the people who are empathic towards my situation and give me legitimate advice without bullying me and belittling me. Now im being called a fed? my nigga what ? I'm never posting on this forum again its full of trolls and evil ass infiltrators that...
  73. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    omg here we go with more bullying, gaslighting, and trolling. i'm not a FED, im someone who has been put through literal hell and asked a fucking genuine question because of the amount of attacks I have to go thru. Stop bullying me and harassing me. Bullying others doesn't make you more...
  74. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    You're on to something! I like you. thanks for the tip. I'll definitely have fun with this one. I have a couple enemies that need to be taught a lesson that have purposely targeted me and tried to deter me from my spiritual growth, my path, threatened my livelihood, make it hard to survive and...
  75. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    The way you worded it was very belittling and rude, I don't appreciate the way people come on this forum to attack me, its not right. First one guy tries to gaslight me and say vampires are real when literally the person who created the JOS website and this forum SAID THEY ARE, and linked a book...
  76. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    I said in my post don't gaslight me. Did you not read? After they called me delusional and crazy they threatened to kill me with an evil grin on their face. If I were you, I would apologize.
  77. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Thank you Crystal Lake of reminding me of this. We do not turn the other cheek. I'm thoroughly going to enjoy what comes next. Also, you can kill in very mysterious ways. Aint nobody going to jail or leaving any footprints ya dig.
  78. B

    How do you kill a psychic vampire?

    Hey everyone, First of all I would appreciate it if trolls and agents don't comment and leave me alone, I won't even respond to you. I know i'm not crazy, delusional, or paranoid and won't tolerate gaslighting or bullying. Especially considering this topic is on the joy of satan website. Now...
  79. B


    So I have been slowly waking up to what is going on and realized recently that what I have been experiencing is directly tied to my belief system and allegiance to Satan. For the past couple of years I have been experiencing what people know to be called "gangstalked", and a "targeted...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
