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  1. U

    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    is the "T" in Satan's name vibrated like THHHH? or just making a T sound
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    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    I got chills just reading this Satan stands immortal against all lies!!!
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    Joy of Satan GERMANY is NOW LIVE!

    Big thanks to all the contributors.
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    Does Kundalini reverse male pattern balding?

    Thanks for your great responses. Henu is being overly simplistic and immature; a basic health working will not radically alter gene expression (at least not without exceptional power) I guess when my serpent raises I will see for myself... until then I will abstain from anything doctor prescribed.
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    Does Kundalini reverse male pattern balding?

    I mean, it's genetic. And I doubt all that about over-masturbation being a factor. Thanks for the feedback
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    Does Kundalini reverse male pattern balding?

    Just wondering if Kundalini and spirituality can reverse male pattern balding and hair thinning. Also, has anyone had any success with any treatments such as caffeine shampoo etc?
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    Predictive Programming & Movies

    The Gods came here about 30-40,000 years ago, then the flood happened and civilisation got wiped mostly, then the Indo Europeans from the East (siberia, india, china) restarted it all?
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    Is Ether/Akasha the same thing as Chi/Life force?

    That webpage doesn't confirm whether it is the same thing as Chi
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    Is Ether/Akasha the same thing as Chi/Life force?

    As above :roll:
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    A quick question for our High Priest?

    If your time permits sir, I would love it if you could answer this: How much truth is present in the Kybalion? Namely the 'Seven Hermetic Principals' and the Kybalion's conception of "God/The All". I find it an interesting read but I would love for an authority on spiritual matters such as...
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    Satan On The Creation Of Man, Immortality And The "Transhumanist" Agenda

    In Plato's account of Atlantis he specifically states that the immortal Atlanteans lost their immortality by "breeding with mortals" and "diluting their immortal admixture", which caused them to "grow visibly debased". This could imply some form of race mixing with archaic hominids, either...
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    What makes a spiritual astrology chart?

    Thank you for this thought provoking response, it's really great. Any more information on the Yod and what it can signify?
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    What makes a spiritual astrology chart?

    Like how many placements/aspects are needed for one to be considered spiritually gifted or capable. Sure, there is Scorpio stelliums and stuff, but Hitler himself only had about 3-4 strong placements + a few supporting aspects and he achieved divinity, the same to a lesser extent can be said of...
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    Kundalini Syndrome - help wanted

    Thanks for taking the time to write that
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    Kundalini Syndrome - help wanted

    Yeah I've read every article on the Joyofsatan probably multiple times. I just wasn't expecting this intensity and was looking for some advice from someone with a risen serpent (very difficult to find, I know) as to whether I should back off or persevere. It's very bareable, just unpleasant.
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    Kundalini Syndrome - help wanted

    Please do not feel like I am demanding you to read this High Priest, I am only hoping for a short response if that was possible. I just wanted to relate my recent experiences in the hopes that others could maybe relate and guide me on what is normal, how long this will last, what to do and etc...
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    The Gods Live In The Children

    Many children love reading books on Egypt, Greece, mythology, monsters and so forth. No child has ever willingly engrossed themselves in the new testament! :lol:
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    In Britain they are also going to add fluoride to the tap water next year on a national scale to counter "tooth decay". Of course there will be no referendum or public opinion poll of any kind; the jew simply commands and expects no opposition. He simply tells you how it is going to be.
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    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    Im not entirely show exactly how to do this mantra. Is it drawn out like AHHHHH-UUUUUU-MMMMM or quicker, like simply speaking the word? I'm unsure how to vibrate the P and T. Do we basically just say it as very short syllables or try to drag it out? This is what I have done (and I did notice a...
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    New Meditations, Knowledge And New Consensus

    Count me excited! Hail Satan! Hail the High Priest! Hail Kalki!
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    About Weather, Recent Flooding and Environmental Disasters in Europe And Worldwide - Climate Change Conspiracy

    There is also a biblical curse in Genesis against the environment and specifically losing the climate of the Anti Deluvian-era Genesis 3: 17-19
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    Your Personal Liberty And Hating "Me"

    It may be natural but this doesn't necessarily make it normal or good. Personal flaws should always be worked on, even if they are astrologically determined.
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    Lunar Eclipse RTR Ritual: Shattering Enemy Defenses

    Is there a way you could give us a reference to some of these texts so we can see for ourselves? Hail Satan!
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    quick report - new logos dont work

    I tried another browser. It just displays this image where the logo should be...
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    quick report - new logos dont work

    I tried another browser. It just displays this image where the logo should be...
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    quick report - new logos dont work

    on the forums I have the new updated JoS logo but on the SatanisGod portal and the JoS it does not display and only has a missing image icon
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    Vortexes soul meditation

    I do the twin serpent meditation every day, is this not advised?
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    Spiritual Warfare Schedule Concluded And Rest

    Anyone who decides to continue doing FRTR+Tetra once a day will be joined by me. I hope there is a good amount of us continuing the work while those who need rest, rest.
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    Happy And Mighty Beltane To All Of Our SS

    Hail the great Gods Hail Satan Hail Baalzebul
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    Has lucid dreaming been proven by science yet?Yes or no?

    It has, one google search will tell you this. It was done by coordinating eye movement. For instance the researcher would ask these people to move their eyes in a certain way in a lucid dream and they did it
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    I read somewhere here that Hitler has ascended to godhood. Is this true?

    The HP has already said he believes that to be the case
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    Communicating The Truth To "Normal" People, Like Uncle Chuck

    High Priest you have such a way with words, always an inspiration. Hail Victory!!!!!
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    HP HoodedCobra please?

    Thank you sir. It is the biggest aspect of spiritual confusion in my life as of right now. Your opinion means a lot to me
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    HP HoodedCobra please?

    Can you PLEASE briefly comment on semen retention for men. There is a very strong case for it from a mythological standpoint. Surely since you are so intelligent you have considered this too so I was wondering what your thoughts were :D
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    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    I have Saturn in the *** house and it sucks. What can I do with this? How can I apply this knowledge to improve myself?
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    Why is it called enlightenment?

    Kundalini is a powerhouse of Prana, and since Prana is spiritual light, your soul will resonate at a higher frequency and brightness.
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    A question on eugenics and the Magnum Opus

    So I am wondering how eugenics and the purifying of the race fits in with the Magnum Opus. Of course after achieving immortality, your incarnation will remain the same and therefore your phenotype will be largely the same as it was on earth. That being said, in HP HoodedCobra's sermons "Magnum...
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    Raising the serpent

    Thanks very much, sorry I got unnecessarily hostile.
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    Raising the serpent

    Thank you, I appreciate this advice.
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    Raising the serpent

    There's no need to assume I'm an idiot. I am aware of all you said in the first paragraph and I never stated what level of advancement I'm at. I've been meditating for about five years daily and practising yoga for almost two. My chakras are mostly entirely open (although I think I may have...
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    Raising the serpent

    I have every single Kundalini symptom and it is getting quite intense, even frightening at times but this is only a phase. One time while spinning the shushumna I was almost certain I was having the experience and I was so frightened I leapt out of bed. That sounds retarded (it is) but when you...
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    Raising the serpent

    Hi. I was hoping some experienced members could provide tips of how best to raise the serpent? What meditations and such are ideal. I do the twin serpent meditation and chakra breathing on a daily basis sometimes twice. I am pretty much unable to do mantras due to lack of privacy. How much will...
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    uh yes, significant amounts. Read the book the day after Roswell or just google "pentagon UFO video"
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    Theory on the origin of the human races (Feedback requested)

    I do not believe in the PC interperation of the bible in which Noah had a son of every race. Hamites are berber and Basque people who are white and have the highest concentration of RH- blood (Aryan) And it is as you say, semites have not been white for some time... Jews stole the term, it does...
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    Theory on the origin of the human races (Feedback requested)

    I disagree with you on many points but there is no point in arguing. However, I was wondering if you could send me information on Phaeton? If it truly is an aquatic planet that would be very revealing on the true backstory behind the "aquatic ape theory". Also if you had any information...
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    Theory on the origin of the human races (Feedback requested)

    Semites were aryan, so were Hamites. Jews came out of nowhere from reptilians breeding with Europeans
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    Theory on the origin of the human races (Feedback requested)

    Blacks and Asians both contain the genes of the Nordic Gods, dating back a very long time. The question is why and was this intentional.
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    Theory on the origin of the human races (Feedback requested)

    I appreciate this a lot, actually. The only thing that is wrong (someone else got this wrong too) is that the great flood actually did happen, flooding Atlantis etc 11,600 years ago. Sea levels are 400 feet higher than they were at the end of the last ice age. Look up the younger dryas event...
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    Theory on the origin of the human races (Feedback requested)

    1) Yeah my bad for calling reptillians Annunaki, but I am not technically wrong since Annunaki means "those who came from the heavens to earth", in other words any alien species. 2) "You do not need to have sex in order to create a hybrid species when you are as advanced as the Gods" That's...
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    Theory on the origin of the human races (Feedback requested)

    Thanks for your response and I agree. I just can not see the Gods having sex with neanderthals to create us, at least not intentionally, that would be the epitome of race mixing! I think aryans are aliens and there is little to no distinction.
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    Theory on the origin of the human races (Feedback requested)

    I have been working on a theory for the creation of the human races. It is extremely un-politically correct, and non-white Satanists may not want to read. I was hoping for some feedback. I will start by saying that non-white Satanists have my full respect as any other Satanist does, and I...
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    Yod configuration in the charts of SS

    "The yod configuration is found in the charts of those who are here for a purpose. This is not to say that everyone who has a yod is here for a purpose, but everyone who IS here for a purpose has the yod... Now, what the yod means is at some point in the person‟s life, an adjustment will be...
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    War For Our Civilization - Ritual Schedule - 15th January To 30th January [IMPORTANT]

    Thank you for this High Priest However, I did notice that you forgot to provide a link for the FRTR and the tetragramatton ritual F-RTR + Tertragrammaton paintable: https://web.archive.org/web/20201212181746id_/https://eager-meninsky-9ce80b.netlify.app/ F-RTR...
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    Warning-A picture of a rabbi in the following list of satanic_truth Instagram account

    I created "anon_account" to try and keep anonymity in my response but this schizo decided to expose me anyway lol :roll:
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    Warning-A picture of a rabbi in the following list of satanic_truth Instagram account

    If you can't tell shynelord is a troll by looking at his posts you might actually be clinically retarded. :D
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    Fixed Stars

    I appreciate your responses! Thank you
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    Warning-A picture of a rabbi in the following list of satanic_truth Instagram account

    I follow this guy. His account is good and as far as I know he's never claimed to be official? Maybe I'm wrong
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    Solar return

    In my solar return chart I have THREE planets at 0 degrees. Two of which are fixed signs, one is the SR chart ruler. 0-1 degrees signifies beginnings and the fixed signs are permanence. How can I use this knowledge to my advantage? Is it that every major project I undertake will be long...
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    Fixed Stars

    Hello, quick question When a fixed star is conjunct or opposite an angle like the AC or MC, is it significant like it is with a planet? HS
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    Our Websites Are Back Up!

    I cannot wait for content updates, please notify us when they go live!
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    The World Is Going To Change - Why The Rush?

    Hail Victory Hail High Priest HoodedCobra
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    Paintable Tetragrammaton Final RTR

    This is really appreciated thank you
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    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Frivolous question but what is the impact if any of listening to music while participating in spiritual warfare? Is it better to do it without? I feel it helps me focus slightly
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    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Crazy, recently I have been intensely researching the tetragrammaton and Jewish magick systems and it has given me knowledge and understanding which will help me perform this ritual. The Gods are very much looking down on us and helping us every step of the way. Thank you HP HoodedCobra666...
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    Relationships can carry on through lifetimes. The idea of a soulmate as a perfectly compatible lover that everyone has is wrong, however passionate and long-lasting relationships may be carried into this life. This includes many of the flaws of the relationship as no lover is perfect and you...
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    The 4 Fundamental Achievements In Satanic Life

    Your sermons are always much appreciated. Thank you, HP HC!
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    Predicting Kundalini/spiritual awakenings

    Hi everyone, does anyone know any signs in predictive astrology that indicate a spiritual opening or even a kundalini awakening? For instance in a solar return chart if Pluto had conjunctions to mercury and the sun/SR ruler? Thanks
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    Signs of Satan

    What placements, if any, indicate one has been with Satan in past lives? I have seen Uranus in the 12th house of many many gifted psychics such as Hitler, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, etc. I have Uranus in the 12th, the moon in the 1st/Aries, Neptune in the 12th or 11th (time is not perfectly...
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    Wicker man and other pagan sacrifices

    I know this question has been asked before, but what is the JoyofSatan's response to mass human sacrifice performed by pagans? Indeed much can be blamed on the jews, such as Moloch worship, but how can the wicker men of the Celtic druids be explained? If it was only Julius Ceasar who wrote of...
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    I was just wondering what the general opinion here is of schizophrenia? Is it real or a lie designed to institutionalise the psychically gifted? Things like numerology and synchronicities for example are textbook signs of schizophrenia and I feel like if most of us here were analysed by a...
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    RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 2]

    These are highly appreciated, thank you!
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    Astrology question

    How much influence do the weak aspects have? For instance I have a Uranus/Mercury aspect, but it is only semi-sextile, is it even worth noting down?
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    Robert Sepehr

    Does anyone here watch the youtube channel Robert Sepehr or own his books? What do you think of him? Just looking for some opinions here on his accuracy, I myself have noted a few incongruencies with the truth but he's fantastic
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    Dopamine Detoxing: My Amazing Experience

    I mean I'm very productive and I'm not a slave to my addictions so I feel this isn't totally necessary since I'm naturally disciplined but if I ever slip into bad habits too much I'll keep this in mind. Thanks
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    Hollow earth, why the Gods left?

    I mean it's taken out of the Necronomicon and its pretty vague. Ursula Major hangs low every November so I'm guessing it will be more so than usual but I can't find any information online
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    Hollow earth, why the Gods left?

    Actually I remember reading on the "Spiritual Satanism" page on JoS that the Gods will return "When the great bear[ursula major] hangs low in the sky" This is because certain planetary placements facilitate space travel. This means that they are probably unable to reach our planet
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    Hollow earth, why the Gods left?

    Hi there could you please point me to the location of where exactly the HP's have confirmed this? I can't find anything on Satan's library Also you most likely could never enter the earth so long as the jews are in power. The only entrances to my knowledge are Antarctica and the great pyramid...
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    Hollow earth, why the Gods left?

    " Some 10,000 years ago, the Gods left us. This article is not to go into the details as to how or why. This will be covered in a separate article." - HPS Maxine, origins of Satanism Part 1 Does anyone know why the Gods left us? To my knowledge she has never revealed this information. I will...
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    Coronavirus/Covid - Phase 2 - Wintertime

    Hail Satan and Hail Commander Cobra who does so much for this community
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    Protesting in NS Germany

    Look up German Labour Front. You would be surprised at how much legitimate information on Hitler that you can find from mainstream sources, just make sure to use your intuition and read between the lines as usual. The documentary "Europa the last battle" has pretty detailed and unbiased accounts...
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    Protesting in NS Germany

    NS Germany was an 'enlightened dictatorship' for instance, they destroyed trade unions, but provided the German Labour Front for the workers. No opposition, but a genuinely honest and caring government. Hitler knew how important it was to succeed, and he would achieve success by any means...
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    Question about yoga

    I don't have the time nor the discipline to have two separate yoga sessions per day for both Hatha and kundalini yoga, I was wondering if it was fine that I mix the two together? So in between Hatha yoga asanas I will switch to kundalini and then back etc Is this effective or am I wasting my...
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    List of demons

    It isn't exactly difficult to find https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HELP.html
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    Age of Aquarius

    The reason for 2024 being the beggining of the age of Aquarius is because Pluto enters Aquarius and Neptune enters Aries. It is based in astrology
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    Studying alchemy is just about the most convoluted process in the world. Does anyone have any good resources they can share? Books, websites, etc? As far as I know there isn't a great deal of solid information on the JOS, it's likewise quite convoluted. For instance, google tells me there are 4...
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    Thank you pal, your response makes a lot of sense.
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    Can I get an answer once and for all on the nature of this hexagram? I've seen Maxine state it's in sync with Saturnine energies, but Mageson say that it's an important alchemical symbol in the east. My gut instinct is that it's a symbol of Saturn since it's insidiously inserted into occultism...
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    Quick question I was under the impression that Zeus was Satan, but on the JOS it states that Zeus is a separate God who also goes by the name mammon. Am I correct in saying that Satan is Dionysus, Osiris, Melek Taus, Shiva, Enki, Odin, Zeus? Correct me where I'm wrong please
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    From which sins am i supposed to repent?

    Learn from your mistakes and grow from them. Repent to those you have wronged if you feel It is necessary, but Satan demands no slavish repentance. Only personal growth
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    Cold Exposure

    Thanks for the replies, guys. I've honestly found that with a strong mind (and experience with water invocation) the water barely affects me but once I get out I feel amazing. To each their own I was just wondering what my fellow SS thought. It definitely does build willpower also
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    Cold Exposure

    Does anyone here have any information or experience with cold therapy? It dates back to ancient Rome and I think even ancient Egypt but didn't return to the public conscience until Wim Hof started talking about it. I've started taking cold showers every day and I feel an amazing endorphin rush...
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    Need guidance, premature kundalini

    You're irrational fears indicate that you are very very far away from a kundalini awakening :lol: sorry. People dedicate their lives to this, it isn't just going to happen out of the blue
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    android vs apple

    1) It doesn't really matter. Apple products are good but they just seem a bit overpriced. You could get a similar quality or even better product for a lesser price with Andriod 2) yes
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    What race does my soul belong to? Discussion on reincarnation and race.

    I'm afraid I can't answer this question, but I wanted to say not to get too worked up over this... It is nice to have racial history and understanding, but as a mixed race individual that is a difficulty you will face. You are still gentile, and so therefore still one of Satan's children. Don't...
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    Ted Kaczynski

    Industrial society and its future is actually an excellent read. Theodore Kaczynski was an incredibly intelligent man. it's important to remember, though, that things like microchipping and surveillance states are byproducts of THE JEW and a lack of spiritual awareness which leaves us totally...
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    What's the deal with Trump?

    Of course he is a tool for the jews. What do you expect? But he will delay white genocide for maybe five years longer than the opposition would, so it's the best you guys have got over there in the USA.
  97. U

    RTR Offensive Co-Ordinator - New Era For Spiritual Warfare [Apps Updated]

    Wow, this community is so amazing and it fills me with hope! HP Hoodedcobra, thank you for everything that you do! It is greatly appreciated by all of us. You are certainly the backbone of this community and the bringer of so much wisdom. I'll see you all on evilgoy.com in an hour! Hail Satan...
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    Urgent help, please.

    I'm sorry to hear that life has lead you down such an awful path. The only thing I can say is that you are doing the right thing. Do what you can with what you have. Keep up the power meditations daily. This may take only about fifteen minutes and you can do it before you go to sleep if you need...
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    Astrological timing and some questions

    1) https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Timing.html - check this out. Find out what moon sign suits your needs best and make sure the moon is not void of course (you can find this out with a simple google search). You can also find out what zodiac the moon Is...
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    Some questions about yoga

    Just do the poses you can do without pain. When I started doing yoga I was so incredibly inflexible I could barely cross my legs. The most important thing is consistency. Do it every single day without fail and meditate on the energy afterwards. after a few weeks to a month you should start...
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    Tai Chi

    I've been getting into the practice of Tai Chi recently as a means of raising energy and I was wondering if anyone had any good sources of information or tips for beginners? So far I'm just looking at step-by-step's on youtube and following along but does anyone know any good...
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    States can ’absolutely’ mandate vaccinations, says Alan Dershowitz

    how do you explain the eradication of smallpox and Polio?
  103. U

    Love affirmation and venus retrograde

    Check the Satanic calendar of 2020. Venus retrograde is the worst possible time for love spells. Relationships that are already established will also suffer
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Quick astrology question. My first house contains an intercepted sign. Maxine stated that this means I have another co-ruler, but I fail to see how. Can someone explain this? Also, when Saturn transits the first house, will its negative effect be lessened due to the house interception? Thanks!
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    Negative energy that causes heavy and serious depression

    It isn't necessarily an enemy attack, so don't go overboard in paranoia. Look within and be honest with yourself on why you feel the way you do, then assess all the ways you could act to change that. If you feel there is no external reason at all for your sadness, then it is either psychic...
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    Bear in mind all the replies to this thread are personal opinions. This is a personal issue/debate. We have not been given any particular viewpoints by the Gods so just do the research and form your own conclusion. I personally think that before the age of about two weeks it is perfectly fine...
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    Love affirmation and venus retrograde

    You should not perform this working while Venus is retrograde. I guess you could start beforehand but it's probably safer to just begin the working when Venus is direct again.
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    Fears of Saturn

    Saturn has just gone retrograde over my chart ruler as of today and I'm legitimately scared. Any advice for how I can get through this...? "When it [Saturn] goes retrograde is to beware of hard times coming if it is retro on the chart ruler this will also be one of the worst times in your life"
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    Dreams + sleep

    Thank you so much Ghost in the Machine! I could not have asked for a better response. It makes complete sense, too. :D
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    A Jewish woman talks on YouTube

    They are known as the eternal victims for a reason... there is literally mountains of evidence disproving the holocaust
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    Dreams + sleep

    What happens during sleep? I read somewhere that dreaming is literally a form of astral projection. Also, can demons and other spirits commune with you during your sleep and if dreaming is a form of astral projection then are all characters in your dreams spirits?? Any knowledge would be much...
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    I do put too much emphasis on others' opinions to be honest, mainly because I want to show others the truth so much it is upsetting when they so harshly reject it despite my years of research. Oh well, I know you're right
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    I appreciate the support from you all. I'm going to keep up the account as I know it has been effective in showing more than a few people the truth :) I'm gonna block some of these retards though, it is getting ridiculous
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    I own an instagram account called @satanic_truth I get constantly raided by Christians. They tell me to kill myself and that I should be tortured, mutilated etc. How do I deal with this
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    Carl Jung

    Out of interest: what are your opinions (if any) on the psychologist Carl Jung. I think he is one of the greatest minds in history along with Nikola Tesla, Hitler and Nietzsche but have never seen him mentioned on the forums or website like the others I named. He expertly blended the occult and...
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    THOTH's PROPHECY read from the Hermetic Texts

    I came across a video on youtube called "THOTH's PROPHECY read from the Hermetic Texts by Graham Hancock" and I HIGHLY recommend viewing it. It's genuinely quite mind-blowing as to how accurate it is. I was just wondering if any other Satanists have come across this gem as it isn't referenced on...
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    Phenotype and Soul

    My understanding is that the soul is like a liquid in that it always fits its container
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    astrology query

    Also it would be appreciated if I could have some tips on surviving the next two years whilst Saturn is retrograde over my chart ruler
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    astrology query

    So I've been going deep into astrology recently and I've come across something interesting that I hope someone here may be able to help me interpret. Essentially my 11th house is currently being transited by Pluto and Saturn and are both in conjunction with my natal sun and mercury which are...
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    Period Problems

    I admit I'm not a female but I think the best thing for you do to is see a GP.
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    A question about my girlfriend and spiritual warfare

    Thank you so much mate this is an amazing response and I really appreciate the detail and will take your advice to heart. Hail Satan!
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    A question about my girlfriend and spiritual warfare

    Hi everyone, I'm at an extremely uncertain time in my life at the moment and would really appreciate any advice as it is directly related to spiritual warfare. I would greatly appreciate if you read this post in full. SO, a couple of months ago I began dating this xian girl (I know, a mistake...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hey guys so I found that since I have been doing the rtr's daily I've been experiencing a complete transformation in my life and many barriers in my mind have been knocked down and I feel like I finally, after two or so years of being a satanist, see the REAl truth. These walls being knocked...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
