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  1. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1412: Gods and Their Omnipresence

    We know the Gods are very powerful and advanced beings. I also understand from this forum that they are not omnipresent (or omnipotent for that matter). They must be very very busy managing their interstellar empire, probably fighting wars on other planets. Even on Earth alone they probably...
  2. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1411: Do I have a Guardian Demon immediately after dedicating myself?

    How do I find who they are? If not then how do I get one?
  3. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1410: Can I perform RTR off-schedule

    I just dedicated myself today, despite knowing Satan's truth for months. It was an amazing experience. Due to my living situation with family, it was hard to get the privacy I needed. I am glad to contribute to the growing numbers of hell's army. Unfortunately I don't think I can do RTRs at 8...
  4. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1409: Munyaka while Im drunk

    I know JoS is against drunk tards But after a hard days works i go to the bar and drink and i had to do my munyaka working now and Im a bit drunk becsuse i didn't do it between lunch this afternoon. Is ths fine will does it still work or did i fuck up all my previous days?
  5. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1408: Can you get a donation tier in a fair way??

    here what i want to say is that if an US citizen donates 50 usd maybe it s an moderate amount. because salaries are high in US. but if Somalia citizen donets 50usd maybe its a half of his salary or maybe the whole amount of the salary. The same amounts donated from different countries should...
  6. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1407: Becoming a Satanist

    Hi, I tried doing the ritual to become a Satanist, but everything feels the same and nothing's changed even slightly. It's been almost a week now. Also I didn't bleed when I pricked my finger, so do I have to do the ritual again?
  7. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1406: hurt men

    I constantly feel like hurting men. Not physically, but psychologically, to make them sad and cry and miss me and want me even if I hurt them. Is this trauma? it has happened to me in the past, so I think it has settled in me wanting a kind of "revenge". I know it's not nice, but it's on my mind.
  8. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1405: Someone Is Using Magick To Ruin My Relationship

    I know who it is, how can I break the spell?
  9. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1404: For JOS

    In the darkest hour they attack, But the light within us illuminates, A new moon comes, Stronger we will grow in the light. A test for our strength, More proof we are a threat to them, Warriors defending us, We continue to build with no hope shattered, Discipline and focus, our goals must...
  10. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1402: Several Xians Are Sending Me Prayers!!!

    A few days ago I asked if we are being cursed when Xians pray for us. The response was helpful, but I have another problem. Well I was venting about personal life problems on another forum completely unrelated to SS. This one member on said forum replied to my thread and expressed sincerity as...
  11. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1403: so Joy of Satan has now become a Pay-to-Advance service?

    I never read the donations tier article until now and I cant believe the bullshit that I'm reading. What has become of JoS? am I supposed to pay to get life changing occult info now? with bitcoin? I dont even know how or where to begin with bitcoin and crypto currency. I have never dabbled with...
  12. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1401: Does it matter when i begin meditation?

    Does it matter aside from void moon when i begin a new meditation? Should I aim for a power date or a waxing moon?
  13. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1400: knot at the throat chakra.

    So I have been experiencing that the energy just stops at my throat chakra and i have to push it hard to actually get through my throat. It happens when I do all chakra meditation, even if I start from the top, It happens every time. As I know that if the energy stops at my throat than my 6th...
  14. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1399: began hatha yoga on a VoC

    Hello. I began my hatha routine again after a break due to recovering from an injury, but didn't check the calendar until today, and realised that it was during a VoC. What do I do? Thank you.
  15. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1398: Perfect age for children?

    When is it recommended to have children? It's sensible to first gain the resources like shelter and income, which may take going in your 30s, I imagine this is how the Ancients did it. On the other hand, if you attract a worthy partner in your early 20s, you can have the kids independent...
  16. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1397: please add other stuff here if i'm missing something

    Usually spiritual satanists are "strange" ( in this case different, but I am putting strange because that is how other people see us ) I've seen them born with different birthmarks, certain things happened as children, they act and think totally different. That's because most of them are...
  17. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1396: What do this Forum Think about this Channel?.

    Know that Jews and Khazars are the worst Elite,and that Tall Whites,the Seventh Pleiadian Family,contacted via Maria Orsic Hitler,and created The VRIL Society. Jews are the Worst Elite Faction,Aryan Faction,more positive Faction. https://www.youtube.com/@yegae2/videos...
  18. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1395: Under the protection of the gods?

    how do your sites keep getting hacked if your under the protection of the gods?
  19. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1394: Soul vs. Aura. vs. Mind

    Which is the most powerful in magick and influencing the material realm? Since the aura is the outward manifestation of the soul, would not it make more sense and be more powerful to vibrate mantras and runes in the soul instead of the aura? In meditation, the mind influences all external...
  20. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1393: Stephen the "martyr"

    Which ancient Satanic soul did the enemy blaspheme to create this character?
  21. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1392: Хайль Сатана! [Hail Satan!]

    Это анонимное сообщение для тебя Сатана. я очень благодарен что меня возвысят в россии и у меня есть все необходимые ресурсы и твое руководство. Я горд тем что могу выполнять твою волю возрождения Сатанинской империи в России. Спасибо тебе что у меня нет и никогда не будет проблем, страхов и...
  22. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1391: Negative affirmations

    Sometimes when I am dedicating I accidentally affirm negatively like "I'm getting cancer" etc and visualize myself getting cancer, things going wrong etc. Afterwards I do aura cleaning and aura empowering to get rid of this mistake with "all energies harmful to me are gotten rid of in the...
  23. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1390: Proving the existence of demons

    Hello. I am some one who's thinking of joining here, however, I'm not, and never will be a man of faith, I need concrete evidence before jumping into anything. Would it be okay to summon a demon under the pretense of them doing something? Such as them moving a specified object, in a controlled...
  24. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1389: What do you think about Sadhguru?

    Hi everyone! I'm very interested in your opinion about Sadhguru. After watching his videos, I feel joy and lightness. His advice helps me a lot in the social sphere. His mantras, Vastu Shuddhi, Nirvana Shatakam, etc are very helpful. What does Satanism think about Sadhguru?
  25. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1388: Havamal and Satan

    Satan has revealed himself in texts such as the Al-Jilwah and the Bhagavad Gita. What about the Havamal? I haven't seen any mention of it on this website. What Satanic teachings can we extract from it?
  26. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1387: transit Pluto tightly conjunct Venus: what else do I need to do

    I’ve been very aware of it as I had problems in love. Now it comes to tight aspect. For protection, I use Berkano to protect myself from negative transit influences. But I also wonder, what else do I need to be cautious about and can this time be used to lead a positive working?
  27. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1386: Should I get political

    There is this wrong thing in the world I need too shoot my shot against I need too speak up and make things right for us and it's not Satanism I wouldn't publicly announce this site but I just don't know when where or how or if it's worth it i fear embarrassment and being looked at badly
  28. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1385: Darkness Is Light Turned Inside Out

    I feel EXTREMELY stupid for asking this, like I'm illiterate What does this quote mean? It's been sitting in my head for months, it's indeed very thoughtful and deep, but I don't know how to interpret it. My understanding is that the duality of light and darkness is not all that, and that they...
  29. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1384: What Are Your Daily Meditation Routines?

    Hi, today is my first day beginning daily spiritual practice, inspite of reading this site for months. I did some basic yogic breathing and chanted Satanama mantra. I'm not sure how to advance. I read the majority of the site materials and it is a huge overload for my brain I just don't know...
  30. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1383: Are Xians Harming Us when They "Pray for Us"

    Had an Xian family member at Easter say a few weeks ago that he would pray for me, knowing that I am SS. Is this a form of cursing? Or is it just some harmless religious psycho behaviour. Do I need to cleanse myself afterwards? I know he means no harm, and like all other brainwashed gentiles I...
  31. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1382: Transmute Myself in Fully Aryan.

    Kundalini is Semen Upwards.Kundalini is Sexual Transmutation,Kundalini Simply Works,because one stimulated the organ above the mouth,and when those fluids are activated,one can see the Astral Plane. My Father haved Mental Issues,but this nose was Aryan,Tall,spanish type,round Head. My Mother...
  32. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1381: Why do Jews hate themselves so much?

    The Old Testament is just Jews writing fantasizing about Yahweh killing other Jews. Is there a reason for that?
  33. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1356: how can I make sure my bf never cheats on me

    https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=85770 In reply to original post. Not sure if this is how you do it. We broke up today but for other reasons, he just kept treating me like an option at the end of the day. I made the decision. We're both probably better off without each other. It's...
  34. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1379: missing

    hellooo so, ever since i can remember i constantly have this weird feeling of deeply missing someone, but i absolutely can’t grasp who i might be missing… i constantly have this weird feeling of longing for someone very specific and it constantly hurts really deeply, yet i don’t know who that...
  35. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1378: How do you start the alchemical process?

    I want to start the process but I don't know where to begin. I listen to lectures but they don't really explain what actually is the process , what you need to do. What are the steps?
  36. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1377: Should I give up being famous? neptune, hollywood...

    I was watching a video of how the Hollywood and music industry ( fame in general ) has destroyed many artists, many became drug addicts and lost everything, were arrested..etc and to this day suffer from it. I always wanted to be very famous ( like them, internationally known ) but simply by...
  37. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1376: Getting rid of fear

    My question is if we join satanism can we get rid of ghost fears?
  38. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1375: 5 planets transiting in one house, a karmic pattern and extras

    Hello Family, it’s quite unfortunate that when you think you finally have a drop of hope and a chance to build everything you've ever wanted, life ends up showing you it’s not yet done messing with you. How I wish I was strong enough to control my own fate and not be moved. Apologies this will...
  39. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1374: Do I have to be baptized to become a follower of Satan?

    Do I have to be baptized to become a follower of Satan? If yes how can i do this i came from Germany
  40. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1373: Rituals and Contact with ENKI / Satan for BEGINNERS

    Hello iam from Germany and dont speak much English but its ok for understanding but please try to explain it easy for me... I want to start some Contact Ritual but i don't know where to start and there so much SHIT on the internet... so I ask here because you guys believe in Enki/Satan and...
  41. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1372: Gods and their Zodiacs

    Hi, I asked a question two weeks ago about reincarnation and astrology, but the second half was unanswered, so I will write it here in a separate post: This website lists zodiacs for all of the Gods, how exactly does that work in relation to their divinity? How exactly did they attain their...
  42. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1371: Vibrating AUM & other mantras

    I don’t know if there has been other post about this before but I was wondering what power does vibrating AUM have during meditation? Last time I was meditating something told me to vibrate AUM when cleaning my aura and it seems be positive. Can any SS tell me more information on AUM, I search...
  43. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1369: How to make sure I don't get too prideful and blinded?

    Hi, so lately I've been gaining more confidence in myself and I sometimes feel/see like perhaps my confidence is hurting others to where I might not be considerate of their feelings. How do I make sure I don't get over my head? Having finally my confidence bloom and start to form is freeing...
  44. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1370: CRY FOR HELP

    I have tears running down my face as I write this. There is someone in my life who is in urgent need of help, but she is unwilling to help herself, so it's entirely on me to do so. I don't want to go into to many personal details, I will write a new post if I have to. This person is convinced...
  45. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1368: the love life, times and other...

    Sometimes when I remember that I didn't have a romantic life it makes me sad, I wish I had had a cute teenage romance, I don't know if this is just my illusion. I didn't enjoy my life like other teenagers. Today I am afraid of relationships and love, not to mention that I live a lot in illusion...
  46. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1367: Why can't I astral project?

    For a year I tried to do it and after that I took a break. Now I am trying again. Every day I work on my soul and chakras. What am I doing wrong?
  47. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1366: Prof about satan

    I do believe in the Jewish conspiracy they do run the world, how does that tie in to Satanism? The Jewish conspiracy and national socialism I understand however how does that connect to Satanism? Aren't they two distinct subjects that to me seem to have been pulled together to make this religion...
  48. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1365: Contradiction or misinterpretation?

    Hi, I remember a lot of you saying satan doesn't punish the people that stray away from him but after some study I found this AL jilwha I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely. Qu'ret al-Yezid And in the secret cave of my...
  49. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1364: thought form question

    Can I create a thought form for emotional support? I have not had any thought form experience before, but I am strong enough to do so. The person in question is my mother. I know she's at the bottom and she needs a favor before she dies. She is a Muslim, she does not worship and does not...
  50. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1363: yep or no

    do father satan/gods have favorites? or just people they have more intimacy and closeness with
  51. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1362: Multiplayer Lucid Dreams

    Is it possible to have a lucid dream with other people? How do I do it?
  52. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1361: Spinning third eye

    İs spinning third eye Okay for empowering it?
  53. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1360: Satan and white race

    Hi a have a few questions, 1 is satan and the gods immortal, they won't die and aren't subjected to the cycles of creation and destruction in the cosmos? 2 Is preserving the white race more important than any other races? It seems if someone is mixed you guys allways recommend the he/she...
  54. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1330: My solar return has a saturn thing happening

    That would be my natal midheaven at 28 aquarius
  55. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1358: Heavy heart

    I was listening to JoS: Experiences Freeing Demons on YouTube. I was in the car driving to pick up my son, but I was listening the best I could. I only got about half way through the video when my heart, my whole chest, started to feel exceptionally heavy. It was almost as if I was dealing with...
  56. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1357: About donations

    Sorry if my question sounds stupid, but I really don't understand how donations work. Let's take an example: if I have the opportunity to donate once a month (unfortunately I get little in salary), every time I donate, I have to send proof to jos.donation... Is this true? Or can I send proof...
  57. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1356: how can I make sure my bf never cheats on me

    So my bf is Libra and I'm cancer. We have exact aspect of his sun conjunct my mars. He loves checking out other women I think that's a Libra thing. He's Venus in Virgo and Mars Aries btw. I'm Venus Leo and Mars Libra. We have the exact degree. He's getting a little better tho. It's almost two...
  58. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1355: About Brother Egon's race post

    After a post by Brother Egon about the races, some questions came to me. I was embarrassed to send it in the post itself and didn't want to expose it.... I am a woman, and maybe I may be too worried for nonsense, but I need to ask and understand. I am Brazilian, and definitely, here it is very...
  59. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1354: Metadata of uploaded files

    I have a feeling, that recently we have spam of recently created accounts, many posting in really similar writing style. Therefore I have a question. Is it possible that they can be infiltrators who would like to try to harvest metadata from uploaded files to identify author? I don't know if...
  60. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1353: Enns

    Can i use Enns to talk to demons?
  61. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1352: some music and negativity

    Their is some music I listen to that is just plain Asian music but I get some negativity that usually causes problems for me I don't know why it happens
  62. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1351: ur

    Their was a meditation were it replenished energy was this true can ur really be used to replenish energy
  63. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1350: black mirror spell and tarot

    Their was a spell or meditation that was in the black mirror section and I was wondering if it was possible to do the same spell or meditation with a tarot deck or anything really for divination Cause some people aren't advanced enough to contact the Gods telepathically yet
  64. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1345: Weaknesses I noticed about white people

    A side question : why do Jews choose to live in a tourist place of host country ????? ——————————————————- Things I noticed about white British people. 1. They are not united in unity and they don’t even know their own neighbour. 2. They are air head. They live in a whole different world...
  65. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1344: What happens to those who leave?

    What I want to know is, having known SS who've decided this path wasn't for them for one reason or another, are they punished by this by the gods, should they never come back after dedicating? Are they welcome back should they decide to come back?
  66. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1349: What is your opinion

    hello, i want to be a police officer in my country. I will be a boarder for two years, during which time I will not be able to do my meditations and other work. I can only do little things. What should I do to stay away from satanism in this process, is this a great loss for me? What do you...
  67. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1337: Ilse hirsch

    She was so beautiful I'm I'm the same age she was during ww2 I'm glad I wasn't in that but I fantasize over her I know it's weird but is there anyway I could contact her spiritually would that bother her
  68. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1347: How to talk with satan

    Hail Satan! I'm new one I join SS to inspired my partner. But before SS I was connected with Lord shiva that time i didn't know that shiva is a Satan. After joining SS I read a site or do mediation. But still in my life everything is unbalanced. My partner is upset every time his works not...
  69. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1343: frequently seeing 2:22 or 22

    Is it synchronicity? Does it carry any spiritual meaning?
  70. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1342: Sanskrit planetary mantras

    Does anyone have the mantras written in Sanskrit I need to show them so a Hindu friend I know
  71. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1340: Specific Love Spell

    I want to attract a Bisexual Woman as my long term partner, which would allow both of us to have intimate relations with other women sometimes. What would be the Affirmations and Mantras related to this ?
  72. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1339: Found a power tool to do magick

    I take a Florescent lamp light. I lay it on a chakra and close my eyes and keep repeating about 3 time per 1 and half mintute interval and say "the light is a powerful magnet pulling out all negative energy ect out of my soul and directing it back to my whomever and while i do this one can see...
  73. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1318: I found this and then remembered i also found something similar can JoS ministry defend her on this?

    ? I wanted to reply to Blitskreig on the slandering HPS Maxine topic. No my intentions was not to attack her at all. Infact i wanted the ministry to defend her because i love her a lot more than anyone. When i stumbled apon that website it just reminded me on someting that i found and made...
  74. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1336: I come to thank and honor Eligor, Father Satan and the Gods for a victory

    I want to thank Eligor, Father Satan and the Gods for a judicial victory. I have a lawsuit that was in court for a few years and on May ***, the judge gave me a favorable decision and the defendant agreed to pay the amount stipulated by the judge. I'm sure my victory was thanks to Eligor...
  75. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1333: Career and Planetary Squares

    So should we use a spiritual square to strengthen our 10th house with whatever planet that rules our personal 10th house or should we use the Sun's energy to empower our 10th house? I was asking because I wanted to start a planetary square for my 10th house to increase and improve my social...
  76. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1332: What do you Think?

    There was this girl I was in love with. She never really considered me, and she never really respected my feelings and attention. At one time she even made me have suicidal thoughts and made me suffer so much. Later I discovered his nature as a psychic vampire. I always wanted revenge, and I...
  77. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1330: My solar return has a saturn thing happening

    On my birthday this year saturn will be retrograde and conjunct my midheaven by a couple degrees. My midheaven is 28' aquarius, but my saturn will be about 1 or 2' into pisces. I know that's not taking the whole chart into consideration, but would that be enough to predict something? also, I...
  78. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1328: New and lost.

    I have read almost all the main things shown on your website. In my excitement of the new information I've received and the possibility of there actually being a god who I could worship and aid me instead of my meaningless agnostic way of interpreting the world, I dedicated my soul to Satan...
  79. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1327: my houses

    Sun in the 12th House, Moon in the 9th House, Mercury in the 11th House, Venus in the 10th House, Mars in the 5th House, Jupiter in the 11th House, Saturn in the 11th House, Uranus in the 7th House, Neptune in the 6th House, Pluto in the 5th House. so what job i should get? the other houses are...
  80. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1326: I need help with my spiritual routine

    Next week I'm going to start a new job. It so happens that I go to work from 09:00h to 19:00h. The time to go to work is more or less 01:30 and to return home is more or less the same time. From 21:00h to 00:00h I will study for public tender. So I'll have to wake up around 04:00 so I can...
  81. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1325: What happens to pedophiles and rapists when they die.

    What happens to pedophiles and rapists when they die? What is their fate?? Finally in death are they really punished for all the evil they've done?
  82. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1324: objects

    can we have dreamcatchers?
  83. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1323: hate women ? and men two

    I have started to feel angry with women ( I am a woman ) because they are desired and I am not, things that they have and I don't ( body ) and I get very nervous about it all. It's embarrassing to say this because I don't want to be like this.
  84. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1322: I don't know what put here

    Why don't I attract men? is it something in the birth chart or appearance?
  85. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1321: bad situation at home

    Hello! I need help, I live with my mother and her partner (parents are divorced) in a nutshell, I hate her partner, and it's not like I didn't give him a chance. at first I was nice to him and put up with his not funny humiliating jokes. I've been living with him for over 4 years, we've been...
  86. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1320: Hey ..

    So I just got an ouija board to talk to Satan because my pendulum doesn't work very well where should I start
  87. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1319: Hello

    So if I wanted to harm an enemy using satanic energy how would i
  88. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1317: Doxxing With Astral Projection

    I have been making a lot of progress recently with attempting to astrally project, I believe I am very close. A question that has come to me is, are we really safe online if there are people capable of astral projection? Conventional means of doxxing and leaking information involve intense...
  89. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1316: Do the Gods frown on people who cheat on their partners?

    I found out that cheating on my boyfriend and having a girlfriend at the same time is exciting. I have one girlfriend and one boyfriend but 5 different sercet sexual relationships with 2 men and 3 women. They don't know about each other. I don't feel this is wrong in my heart. It is what...
  90. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1315: This upcoming capricorn esbat

    1. Is it okay to do anything ruled by saturn during that time since saturn will be retrograde? 2. The sign of Capricorn is halfway into my 7th and 8th houses natally. I also have a natal saturn retrograde; I would like to fix those houses a bit by doing something saturn related, i'm not sure if...
  91. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1318: I found this and then remembered i also found something similar can JoS ministry defend her on this?

    This comes from the book a treatise on astral projection "A trance feels like: Everything gets quieter and you feel like you are in a much bigger place. There is a very slight humming feeling in your body. Everything feels different. It feels a bit like putting a cardboard box over your head...
  92. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1314: Politics, shouldn't every Satanist try to get into them?!

    Hello, this may sound stupid but I feel so worthless now, it's not because meditation or the Gods but it's because how little I can do in this world, we have the literal cheats of life yet we do so little in the real world... Yes I am aware of the fact that it's very dangerous now but look at...
  93. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1313: Reincarnating after magnum opus

    So, I am a mixed race individual. If I get to the point of third level of magnum opus, will I be able to be aryan again? Maybe Reincarnate to a pure blooded baby? Or maybe even change races? Will I be able to reincarnate to any family of my choosing from the world?
  94. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1312: Fate

    Can I control my fate? Can I control the outcome of my life? I want to control my destiny, but I don't know if I can do it. Can I with enough willpower and effort? Where do I have a say in my destiny and fate?
  95. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1311: burnt out question

    Why are we not allowed to know what happened to HP Maxine? If she passed away during the pandemic. Her last post was warning us to stock up in case shit got really bad then that's it . Never hear from again. I just hope nothing bad happened to her.
  96. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1310: Reimcarnation

    I'm afraid my soul will be too weak too reincarnate and will fade away I know meditation and our spiritual stuff helps but what are the. Odds of this and. What increases that risk
  97. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1309: Feeling lethargic/sluggish very quickly. Saturn Return effect?

    I've been feeling very sluggish and mentally tired without changing much from previous years. My diet is mostly the same, I've just allowed myself to indulge in sweets a bit more which doesn't seem like that'd cause such a major change. My first thoughts are this being a result of Saturn...
  98. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1308: and I have 2 personalities and we are in conflict

    since birth, I have opposite desires and interests, I argue with myself what is best for me, but I'm not good at being decisive. Lately I've been beating gambling addiction and porn, but at the same time I don't do enough meditations and classes to respect myself. sometimes I want to fuck a...
  99. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1307: Did the enemies betray Satan and the demons? When did the conflict begin?

    Was there ever a time before our Gods and their Gods were at war? Were they ever originally united but then went to war (saw this claimed somewhere), the (((bible))) says Satan rebeled against Jehovah which according to it means there was a time where they were together.
  100. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1306: Was Beelzebub Worshipped More Than Satan?

    I ask this because in Indo European pantheons, most of the time the thundered is the chief God. Odin, Enki, Shiva, are exceptions. But where is Satan among Greece, Rome, Celts. etc? Obviously these people worshipped Satan, but he is not immediately identifiable for some reason, was he not the...
  101. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1305: I want to fuck jehovah's witnesses

    my friend is very sexy I want to fuck her but she is a Jehovah's witness and I understand that this is a betrayal and I do not know what to do I would really like to have sex with her. When I think about her, I get sexually excited. I need help, I don't want to be with the wrong person (I...
  102. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1304: Skills

    Why is it that spiritual advancement reverts after not enough practice? Would just one session of kundalini yoga and hatha yoga daily advance me? Why is it harder to regain spiritual advancement after we lost it?
  103. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1303: Riches and Solar Return

    In this solar return, there are some placements about riches. One, in particular says there's the possibility for sudden wealth. How can I know when this will happen? What kind of transits should I look for? How could this manifest? Could this be the manifestation of my hard, and suddenly have...
  104. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1302: Body feels close to actually levitating

    Hello. I wanted to write this post here for the obvious reasons that posting this with my regular account is a bit of a risk. I have been experiencing strong energetic sensations where my body seems to want to lift off of the ground into the air. It's not the lightness that comes with...
  105. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1301: Questions about the natal chart

    Greetings! I don't know much about astrology, I'm looking to study it, but I noticed something about myself and I'm relating it. I realized that most of the time I have a spike of energy, but it soon drains away. When I start something, withdrawal is always knocking at the door, as if I have no...
  106. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1300: Why Do Our Gods Fight Each Other In Mythology?

    In Indo European Paganism there are many myths about our Gods fighting each other. Aesir vs Vanir, Zeus vs Prometheus, Perun vs Veles, etc. But why would we worship multiple Gods who hate each other? Why would one God tolerate someone giving an offering to an opposing God? Many more mainstream...
  107. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1299: Chakras wont open?

    How can we tell if our chakras are open or not? someone said before that our psychic abilities and chakras both need to be worked on but how do I know if I opened my third eye or 6th chakra? Also what other type of workings could I do with my chakras in order to fully open them and get them...
  108. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1298: I'm not good at astrology and I'm trying to understand the basics.

    I would like to know which planet or sign rules me, I'm not good at astrology and I'm trying to understand the basics. Sun sign is not important, ok My moon is in libra, ok (the planet is venus) But in my chart is AC pisces Uranus, would that be the planet and sign that governs me? or it would...
  109. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1297: Afterall is there a probability that Iam a jew?

    So I am dedicated for like half and a year now, and my life did not get worse that I dedicated myself. In case if I have jewish soul Satan migh destroyed my life if i dedicated myself. I also opened the gentile chakras, and I feel like I have gentile chakras. It was tough to open them but I can...
  110. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1296: About suicide

    After we die (through suicide), how long does it take for our souls to reincarnate into another body? And will we reincarnate on Earth or on another planet?
  111. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1295: Cousins that are Jews

    How do you tell your cousins, Who almost got drafted to the [BASEBALL TEAM], about the after life, when there half Jew, by uncle by marage
  112. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1294: FUCK MY LIFE I WANT TO DIE

    I dont care what you guys say about suicide. THERE IS NOTHING MORE in this life to fight for. People are fucking unjust and there is NOTHING i can do about it. EVERYONE turns againts me ALWAYS for speaking the truth and for fighting for what us right. TRUTH IS A TABOO IN THIS WORLD. I DONT...
  113. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1293: I want to give my soul to HPHC or HPS Maxine

    I have nothing more left of my life the enemy took everything. I dont want to serve the enemy and their agenda anymore against my will. I wish to give my soul and my life and be a servant to HC or Maxine. You can come get me and i will serve you in anyway you want. When i die may Father Satan...
  114. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1292: Period start time affected by meditation

    After meditating for a while, I notice that my period time changed, it would start around full moon or new moon. Is it coincidence or ?
  115. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1291: ty, and reply

    hey, im the the depressed, fast money question guy here. thank you for the answers, but i think u misunderstood my question. so im here to explaine it. my depression is coming from the background that i do not have time and tools for myself. see i spent a lot of time in choosen solitude when i...
  116. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1290: God’s emotions

    Do Gods feel ‘negative’ emotions? I understand that they feel sadness and so on, but what is exactly different about it? Is it the way they manage emotions? Or is the feeling altogether completely different? Sometimes I feel emotions in too depth and I’m not sure what to do with them.
  117. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1289: Uranus and Karma

    Can transit Uranus clear negative karma when conjunct our Natal Saturn? Do we need a special work to clear negative karma or can we get rid of karma in the long term with general cleansing, yoga and chakra works? Thank you for your answers.
  118. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1288: Is Shin stolen from Shen

    We use the Shen Protection Ring in those new rituals. Is the hebrew letter Shin stolen from that? It looks kinda like an algiz, which we also use for protection. And they sound so similar, how do we avoid reversing our own Shen Protection when we do Shin in reverse on the final RTR?
  119. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1287: Weapons designer

    I find that I may be able to design mil-spec (military specifications) weapons but Satan probably won't approve of my career choice because of the very thought of designing literal killing machines. But on the other hand, I will show you a reported quote from a well known weapons designer from...
  120. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1286: psycho dad

    My father is a complete psychopath. She doesn't love my sister at all, she beats her at the smallest thing, she just strangled her, I saved her by force. My mom doesn't even care. I'm really scared. In a few months I will be out of town and not at home. what should I do?
  121. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1285: Difficulty meditating because of attacks or laziness?

    Hi, so lately I've been feeling a little drained/tired, my sleep schedule might be the culprit (I just feel more active during the night). I do 6 meditations for myself and 2 for loved ones (pets), FRTR and currently now Lord Janus ritual. I complete everything, but I just seem to take an...
  122. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1284: muscle girl fetish

    so i asked about the fat fetish but what do you think about the muscle girl fetish (but still with tits and ass)?
  123. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1282: Incest Intercourse

    Hello, I am a young. I was learning things about sexuality 2-3 years ago, I was a small kid and I was going to be a teen. I saw my first sexual dream and it was with my "Mother". I started thinking that Incest Intercourse is normal after all of these. But I was knowing that is disgusting for all...
  124. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1281: Thanks to Vapula and the Gods

    I come here to thank and honor Vapula and the Gods, because thanks to Vapula and the Gods I was blessed with a job.
  125. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1280: Reincarnation and Astrology

    Are our natal charts eternally tied to our souls, or are they only tied to our current lifetime? If not the latter, is there any correlation between our past lives and our natal chart, or is it random (as in the chart is unpredictable as if the soul decides when to reincarnate for their next...
  126. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1279: kinda a cry for help, now that i can go anon...

    Hey there, my question would be: is there a fast&simple method to become rich? ..like i don't want a better job, a raise or a better position. more like a lottery win or finding a suitcase full of $$ by the riverside type of $hit. and i know you don't do the devil's deal kinda stuff, not that i...
  127. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1278: Postings and replies

    Does one individual or a group of people decide if a posting or reply is put on the forum.
  128. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1277: incubus

    Is it possible for me to lose my virginity to them? would it take the time it takes for those who want to date them?
  129. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1276: contact with demons and spirits

    Certain colors of candles and incense attract demons and spirits. But how would that be? EX: if I light this candle or incense, then the environment is more open for them to come into contact with me or for me to come into contact with them?
  130. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1275: Three things father Satan hates.

    In the al-jilwah it states Satan hates the books of the Jews (Tanaka), Christian's (bible), and Islam's(Koran). This infers he hates the religions of judism, Christianity, and Islam and their false gods. It also must mean he hates the spiritual leaders of each religion and their clergy who teach...
  131. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1274: About Lydia's Saturn Return and Transits Topic

    I'm about to have my first saturn return but I dont see any way for me to make it into something positive. I have natal saturn in my 8th house. I grew up in unbearable poverty and sexual restriction and these problems are still present in my life to the point where I would rather suicide than to...
  132. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1273: On workout and yoga

    i've read that man can't combine workout and yoga, other words, you should do workout in certain times, when you don't do yoga, and vice versa. is it right? should i do so?
  133. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1272: Afraid of death

    Smetimes it happens to me to think when the time will come for the death of our parents or brothers/sisters; grandparents; friends or pets.. and I feel bad and extremely sad. I don't want to lose them and I'm afraid we will never see each other again. It's a thought that doesn't leave me and...
  134. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1270: im stuck

    still from question 915 I'm feeling stuck because being a subhuman trying to get over porn has been difficult and every time I get back to certain types of porn somthing bad happens I'm a horny subhuman who doesnt know what to do because I cant return to certain types of porn without bad...
  135. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1269: I'm starting to train a trance, but I don't know what to do in it for a beginner

    I started the program for 6 months and I have absolutely no idea what to do when I find myself in a trance and how to do it sitting, I could only do it lying down and with my eyes closed. I want to get into it and do useful things with my body I have 3 hours a day. advise things for a beginner...
  136. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1268: В каком возрасте существуешь в загробном мире. [At what age do you exist in the afterlife.]

    Скажем если я умру в 30 лет, я буду как 30 летний по внешности и тд, а если я умру в 103 года? [Deepl:Say if I die at 30, I will be like a 30 year old in appearance, etc., but if I die at 103?]
  137. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1267: A relationship between 369 666 54 and 108

    Tesla said something about the significance 369 to understand the universe Well i found that by adding 3 +6+9 =18 and 666 which is the manifestation of the the physical universe,and by adding 6+6+6 =18 I found this piece on line but added 369 and 666 to their formula and found that both make...
  138. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1266: Anal sex healthy or not?

    Is it healthily for a man? And is it wrong?When my dad found out i was having a sexual relationship with my nephew when i was about 5 he whipped me and made me feel very shamefull about this.So im kind of experimenting with my sexuality lately. I think I'm bisexual and had anal sex with a man...
  139. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1265: Ritual links

    Satan ritual Andras ritual
  140. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1263: fat fetish

    what do y'all think about fat fetish
  141. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1261: "disrespecting" Christian things

    (It has been a while and I decided to ask here anonymously because it makes me embarrassed, I am a woman). I have a fetish that I am repressing because I don't know if this is acceptable. I don't think it exists in English, so there is no way to translate it. It is two "paraphilias", one is the...
  142. AskSatanOperator


    I can count without a rosary, but few people can do it. I want to teach you how to do it, but I don't know how, I've always been able to do it.
  143. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1256: Question about beliefs

    Hi, I find your belief system quite interesting, regarding my own I believe in primal forces that stand above all even the gods, first and foremost darkness the mother of all the woomb principle,it existed before all things known and unknown the woomb of all existance the great unknowable...
  144. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1255: ethnic

    Are plastic surgeries and other body changes there to make people lose their ethnic traits?I have seen many people talking about this and it made me think, I have always really wanted to have plastic surgery but I heard many people saying that it is traces of our ancestors and our ethnic...
  145. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1254: It was my fault?

    I suffered many traumas as a child/early adolescence and my mind simply hid many responses to certain actions of mine (because of the traumas). An example was that I was always very afraid of kissing and that hindered me in starting my love life, and I remembered that when I was a child/early...
  146. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1264: Why Give Energy to the Gods?

    If Satan and the Demons are so powerful, why would they possible benefit from the small amounts of energy we can give them? Other than just showing our appreciation, why would they need that? Why wouldn't they ask us to show our appreciation ONLY by activism, doing RTRs, etc? Why give energy...
  147. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1262: Soul fading

    So in some of 2021 and 2022 I struggled with depersonalization and while this is considered a minor mental illness it is still frightening I was told by many it's part of the "awakening" process but it feels like while it is kind of awakening too existentialism it's frightening because it feels...
  148. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1259: am i the bad person?

    I have often said that we gain things when we do something for others, have I misunderstood? I think this is true when we do it with the will to really do it and not to do it to gain something. I live with a person who constantly treats me badly, and does everything for others ( but no for me...
  149. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1257: Concerning birth chart

    I have mercury and venus in scorpio Mars in aquarius Wondering if these mean anything concerning my past life as a son of the devil?
  150. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1253: white people.

    I am a mixed race person ( and one of my parents is mixed race too ), but the only trait I have is my curly hair ( I am not talking about black power or hair that normally black people have, which are much curlier ), my features are thin, and my skin is fair, but I am a little tan in certain...
  151. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1252: Aura of Protection Repetitions

    Astrologically dangerous times are coming for me. That's why I want to increase the number of repetitions of my Aura of Protections. I do 111 repetitions AoP twice a day, can I increase these reps to 222? Is this a positive number (111×2)? Thanks for your answers.
  152. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1243: or do i have to ask them directly

    So, I wasn't talking about "gender theory", I just would like to change certain parts of my body because I don't like it, an example is: increase my hips, or increase my breasts. I am a woman and I recognize that, and I like that, but I don't like my body because I think it is ugly and not...
  153. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1250: Can you do Tarot reading while Moon Void?

    Can you do Tarot reading while Moon Void? What about other divinations?
  154. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1249: isnt this considered something?

    my natal sun is (sesi-square? it has the 30degree angle inside a square icon) my natal saturn and uranus and my saturn is square my uranus, so they form a triangle. Isn't that a vertex or something? If so, then what does that mean?
  155. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1248: Why think of deceased people?

    Hi. I lost my father a few years ago, and after some time (months), I had this sudden thought that my father had reincarnated. I tried talking to him like I had done a little after he left, but could no longer feel his presence like before. My question is, what is the point of talking to...
  156. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1247: I broke up with someone, I'm desperate

    I ended a relationship with someone I loved very, very much, but since the beginning of it there were many fights, arguments, problems that we didn't know how to solve. We made a lot of mistakes, but we loved each other. Both she and I had anxiety and depression, and none of the past traumas...
  157. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1246: Working magic

    I have a problem and I know the demons too talk too about it but I'm wondering if I should wait til I'm done with my obliterate my Saturn or do it now I should be done with that on the 9th or 10th of this month
  158. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1245: How do I deal with my dad?

    To start off, I am an adult, unemployed due to medical issues that require healing and rehabilitation, so until I can fully heal, I can't get a job just yet. Another issue is that housing and apartments are very expensive here. The jobs that I can do, like say if I earn from that job 400, the...
  159. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1244: Cure for insomnia?

    I’m too embarrassed to post this on my main account but i have been struggling with sleep disturbances like not staying asleep through out the whole night and not getting enough sleep and just not feeling rested in the morning, and I don’t know why. I been exercising and started to eat healthy...
  160. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1243: or do i have to ask them directly

    Would any God/Father Satan accept my request to change my body? Some parts of my body are a bit impossible to obtain except with surgery, because of my genetics that don't allow it.
  161. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1241: Far right advocacy

    I dedicated myself to father Satan because he is our true God, creator, allows people to follow their own nature,provides a path to godhead, and to return earth to the golden years when he and the gods lead mankind. Seems to me from reading the forum it moves away from what it means to be a...
  162. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1239: Jupiter Retrograde Transits

    So if Jupiter goes retrograde and transits over one of our Natal chart angles like the IC or MC does this have positive effects for us? Is it similar to Jupiter retrograding over our personal planets?
  163. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1238: Natal Saturn Conjunct to Other Peoples Planets & Cursing

    So we all know that if our saturn is conjunct to someones chart ruler or if someones saturn is conjunct to our chart ruler that we can cause problems for that person or other people can cause problems for us. So I was wondering if we have our Natal saturn conjunct to another persons planets...
  164. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1237: friendship with other Races

    Is it true that you cant even be friends, but friendly with other Races? So can't a genuine soul to soul friendship exist? Not even when the person is mixed, so they resemble one's Race? The place where I live has many mixed people, it's harder to not get attached especially when you crave deep...
  165. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1236: mix

    I've been having affairs for a short time with a mixed girl. I know it's not okay and I should quit, but how do I explain to her that it's unhealthy, now that I gave her expectations, without telling her it's about SS? One side of me though wants to keep damaging my Soul because she is the only...
  166. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1235: Help me

    I need your help.I am not a new member.I have been meditating, working on the chakras, participating in the spiritual warfare with the rtr and so on, however, I am not dedicated.Why? Because if rationally I have accepted Satanism, unconsciously I keep having nightmares, since years, about...
  167. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1232: Freeing soul munka working

    Is 111 repetitions a correct number for this kind of working? And should I do it for 80 or 90 days straight or just 40?
  168. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1231: researching demons

    does anyone have some solid sources where I can read up on demons? i mean like actual individual information of demons and that sort of thing
  169. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1230: Saturn square

    Do any of you practice saturn square? What kind of reactions did you encounter? Do you have any affirmation suggestions for saturn square?
  170. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1227: ok so I will tell you why

    same guy from question 915 the reason why I choose to use porn is because I'm literally subhuman, I dont know what happened to my genes but even though I'm subhuman my family has been so kind to me I'm so ugly that i should NOT reproduce at all and having a girlfriend would be a sin for me...
  171. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1226: I'm a man who wants to look more like a woman

    Since I was little I had this desire. My mom also always said I wish you were a girl. So sometimes I want to put makeup on and wear a dress and have my nails done.Lol Why is this is this normal?
  172. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1224: Total bad luck with a computer since forever and sometimes with technology

    Computers always breaking down with me, and all kinds of improbability happen to me very often, the only thing in astrology that I see of negative karma is my neptune in aquarius How do i solve this? If that is the root, it is a transcendental planet, and the worst thing is my neptune is in...
  173. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1223: Doubt about tarot deck

    Hi, I bought a new tarot deck called ''Universal celtic tarot'', it doesn't have the corrupted card ''the devil'' and it seems to be ok, it has many ''fantasy'' images inspired by the celtic world.The only thing I was wondering, it contains symbols such as the Celtic cross, as I have never...
  174. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1221: Need help choosing a partner

    Hello I have a problem, I'm very interested in spiritual Satanism, however I'm what some people call mestiço half blood mix blood what have you, my mother is south African and my father from the Netherlands, I'm mildly light brown, what race should I choose for my partner and subsequently my...
  175. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1220: Why is so difficult for me to get girlfriend

    Why is so difficult for me to get girlfriend
  176. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1219: Porn damaged psyche

    Help, I have been watching netorare and cuckold porn for a time and it's damaged my psyche very much. I currently cut off porn and am a non-user currently. It got me an inferiority complex. Will this heal with time and what can I do about it?
  177. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1218: is he attracting me or what? Am I the obsessed one?

    I was interested in a person a little while ago but I found out that he is a Christian (not practicing because he doesn't go to church, but I always see in his posts something about "god" or prayers) At first when I didn't know anything I really wanted to have his attention but for some reason...
  178. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1216: Another Reptilian spectacle?

    Hello. What is this? Another Reptilian spectacle? Global Crisis. There is a Way Out | International Online Forum. April 22, 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKMIjALqMQ4&list=PLQjmTExNUXyOj2ftjiY7LJFDX6lX8ZhEV
  179. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1215: Mixed

    I have a half white half black friend. People my age kiss each other and have casual sex with their friends without romantic appeal. Is it allowed? Because I'm treating him as I'd any of my friends but maybe it counts as a mix of energies, even if it's friendly?
  180. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1214: Satan is?

    I found this site from a comment on YouTube. I’m atheist myself but I thought I’d check you out. Your version of Satan sounds very much like that of bible god. I had already decided if any of it was true, then god would have to be Satan. Reading here, it makes me think, if real, they would be...
  181. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1182: Zombies are real entities

    I think real living zombies can exist. I have seen enough to have proof. I one well kind of. The soul would leave the body for a long time and maybe be disconnected or die. Or the soul exists in the body but is not consciously aware of in control. The person I have been with for 7 years is...
  182. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1213: sell my soul to the devil

    how to do a simple ritual at home? how to sell my soul with the devil san make a contract agreement where I get wealth in the world
  183. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1212: I don't know my birthday.

    My parents told me the ID wasn't right. They also don't remember the exact day I was born.
  184. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1211: A question

    What is your people's take on Jewish people who came under the influence of our pagan gods... I am referring to that Jewish Jeffery Kegan who is now known as Krishna Das who has sung many pagan songs... Mainly the vedic bhajans like Hanuman Chalisa, om namah shivay??? Howcome this guy became a...
  185. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1210: Asia

    I am not Asian and I don't have any Asian relatives either. But I have some connection with Asia and Asian people, I miss the place, I hope one day I can visit certain Asian countries and absorb their culture because they are very beautiful and rich cultures. This has to do with past lives...
  186. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1209: Mars

    What are the effects of Mars transiting the 8th house?
  187. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1208: nazism

    i see many really pro-nazi germany things on this forum, like dedication posts to hitler and such. am I allowed to practice satanism/be a part of the joy of satan community if I don't want to support hitler?
  188. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1207: Aura cleaning

    How to see the light during an aura cleaning?
  189. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1206: 8th house stellium

    What is the significance and meaning of an 8th house stellium? (Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter)
  190. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1205: I know it's something we ( women ) decided. but...

    Some days ago I heard a man saying that he should also be part of his wife's abortion decision ( if she does it or not ) because it also affects him like where ? which parts ? because the woman does all the work alone for 9 months. ( I realized that many men share this same opinion) I am not...
  191. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1204: When can I do Magnum Opus?

    I'm 18 y.o. now. I started meditation practices a week ago. so when can I have done Magnum Opus? p.s. sorry for my English, I'm not fluent speaker
  192. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1203: Advertisement permission on twitter without getting banned lol

    In the coming years I will obtain a great following of occult minded people that want to learn. I’m educated in numerology but I want to share some basic information and meditations on twitter to help bring people to spiritual satanism.Not about money I want to do my part to give back to jos...
  193. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1202: Hitler denounced himmler

    Hello I have a doubt, first I saw cobra commanders video of himmler the aryan knight with him being portrayed as Hitlers right arm, and then I saw a documentary from one of your websites holocaust exposed the video was called "Hitler the greatest story never told" and near the end says that...
  194. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1198: Does my energy go to Satan/the demon's guardian?

    I have been feeling different for a few days now, and I don't feel like masturbating. before that, I asked Satan and the guardian demon to take my sexual energy all the time. Did it work for me?
  195. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1196: Routine meditation after 40 power days

    How can i set new meditation routine now? Thanks!
  196. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1192: Jews roam in tourist place..

    Why do I frequently see Jews in this UK tourist small town ? Yesterday I saw a young lizard roaming on footpath it was inspecting everything looking here and there like a newbie thief.. I think it tried to open one car lock door but couldn’t it was raining…
  197. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1200: Please check my telegram id ***********

    Hello, i registered forum joy of satan, i need information talk with satanist way. *************** my telegram is. Please teach me produce / burning 2 of type. Spell(prayer), mantra, meditation for repeat everytime! And shop adress i need.(world-wide) give me Write word on note, please. And I...
  198. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1182: Zombies are real entities

    I saw a very disturbing looking entity. It looked 100% like a dead person with rotting flesh like it just came out of the grave. I did the death spell and took dirt from a grave. Could this be linked?
  199. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1193: OCD (Anxiety desturb)

    About to solve this problem, It's a wrong thinking attitude began few years ago for "defense strategy". Psichiatry tried to kill me and stole a lot of money with their shitty pills.. THANKS BROTHERS HS for ever!
  200. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1201: Munka working and repressed anger

    On April 11, I started a work with the Munka mantra. I vibrate the word 7 times for each chakra for a total of 49 vibrations. But despite the low number of repetitions and soul cleansing each time I work with Munka, I am experiencing several negative effects. My emotions sometimes get almost...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
