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  1. N


    In conversation with the author of "Predictive Astrology", he sent me an e-mail showing me a simplified explanation of the true astrological house system, the topocentric house system.  IT IS BASED ON A CONE, JUST LIKE THE SHAPE OF THE CHAKRAS!!! THIS STRUCK SO MANY CHORDS WITHIN ME! I have an...
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    Rectification of Heinrich Himmlers birth time with Topocentric Prima

    Wholly individuated is the mundane conjunction of Mars with the Descendant, I think it was 12' or arc or something. Another fortunate thing is the mundane conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus with an orb of ~54'. These aren't regular ecliptic aspects, they are aspects in Right Ascension and...
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    Tips on electional astrology

    *rule no 13 I don't agree with Morin as much, even though the moon is waxing it shouldn't be configured with Saturn. This is a chapter taken from the book “Notas de un Astrologo” by Juan Estadella, available for free from his website: juanestadella.com “I thought it appropriate to include in...
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    Events and Directions in the Life of Erwin Rommel

    *Reference: “Field Marshal, The Life and Death of Erwin Rommel” by Daniel Allen Butler.*The Key for reading the abbreviations is at the end.*It's important to notice how aspects mature: When his Sun by regression conjoined Mars, his sun was born.When Jupiter by regression opposed his VIII cusp...
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    Why the Solar arc method doesn't exist.

    Issac Starkman is a Jew based in Israel Starkman was the disciple of Alexander Marr, though Marr was a German and had nothing to do with Jews (?)
  6. N

    How to interpret/use Secondary Directions.

    Here are some basic rules and established orbs. -Use the pure symbolism of the planets and the exact meaning of the houses involved.-Use the topocentric house system.-The charts used need to be rectified to +/- 4 seconds or else the aspects would be out of orb or simply disappear.-An inharmonic...
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    Why the Solar arc method doesn't exist.

    In “Prediction II”, on page 60, Alexander Marr states:“The SA (solar arc) in RA should not be confused with the Solar Arc in the ecliptic. The latter has been found to be purely fictitious both in theory, (with unacceptable orbs, too many factors and no astronomical base) and practice. Tests...
  8. N

    Confirmation of a Rectification with PSSR

    PSSR is basically the progression (or regression) of a solar return with precession taken into account (progressed sidereal solar return) This technique was discovered by Cyril Fagan and it belongs to the Egyptian Zodiac. (See "Primer of Sidereal Astrology") It is astonishing what people back...
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    Hesim's Stolen HP Maxine's Writing and Making Money out of It

    Rofl, you can only imagine what Satan and the Gods would do to someone trying to misuse or sell THEIR spiritual knowledge and teachings.
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    The most powerful modern predictive system

    The book by Juan Estadella titled "Predictive Astrology" is the epitome of an extremely powerful and successful predictive astrological practice in our day and age. and it's available for free on his website www.juanestadella.com Juan Estadella is an seasoned professional holding many awards in...
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    The Principles of Astrology Paperback – June 1, 2009by Charles E.O. Carter (Author) https://www.amazon.com/Principles-Astro ... +astrology
  12. N

    Aspect Maturation

    The progression of the outer planets that complete loose radical aspects can contain significant and explosive events. Jupiter and Saturn have a maximum orb of 8 minutes of arc.Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Lunar Node have an orb of 2 or 3 minutes of arc.  Here are some examples: Diana...
  13. N

    Topocentric Primary Directions and the Topocentric House System.

    The Topocentric House System, discovered in the middle of the XX century by A.P Nelson Page and Vendel Polich has brought predictive astrology to a whole new level, many predictive techniques have reached their full potential with this house system, like exact transits (transiting planets...
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    Satan is Victorious!

    Hail the most awesome and beautiful god in the entire universe!
  15. N

    2/23/14 - News: Claims of 'Anti-Semitism' Bring Call for Internet Ce

    Hello High Preistess Dietrich, I honestly believe godaddy.com is a pseudonym for "goydaddy," just like how tumblr is sometimes referred to as "Jumblr," in many Jewish circles.  Also note "godaddys" character (on their official logo) that features a almost "sheet" white skin complexion, green...
  16. N

    2/04/14 - The Truth About the Bible

    Where will these Group Rituals be held at High Priestess Dietrich? Online or Geographically somewhere specific? And while am at it, I've recently investigated the Egyptian based religion of Thelema, to see their "grand cause." What is your perception of "Thelemites," in general? To me they look...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
